All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.13.1 (2022-01-18)
- sync exchange deposit addresses in migration (6e80134)
1.13.0 (2021-12-30)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/config to v1.0.2 (8bf0044)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v5.1.4 (6d704a5)
- deps: update dependency chai to v4.3.4 (4cda837)
- deps: update dependency class-validator to v0.13.2 (684367a)
- deps: update dependency immutable to v4.0.0 (479ae47)
- deps: update dependency immutable to v4.0.0-rc.15 (edb971d)
- deps: update dependency polly-js to v1.8.3 (454be1d)
- deps: update dependency swagger-ui-express to v4.2.0 (aaf518c)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.39 (f872cf4)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.40 (c13fb63)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.41 (ea80dda)
- exchange: add apiproperty decorator for claimData prop to expose it to auto-generated content (12c90ff)
- origin-backend: updated typeorm and fixed issues with it (171e7f4)
- origin-irec-backend-app: fixed event handlers (de56a87)
- exchange-irec: added transfer certificate to irec (eeb73cc)
- exchange: added claim data to claim from exchange (8938424)
- exchange: added endpoint to return claimed certificates (a2cb1e7)
- exchange: extend claim from the exchange to allow optional claimAddress (cf8e2eb)
- issuer-irec-api: mint certificate to exchange address if exists (91f096e)
1.12.0 (2021-12-24)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/config to v1.0.2 (8bf0044)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v5.1.4 (6d704a5)
- deps: update dependency chai to v4.3.4 (4cda837)
- deps: update dependency class-validator to v0.13.2 (684367a)
- deps: update dependency immutable to v4.0.0 (479ae47)
- deps: update dependency immutable to v4.0.0-rc.15 (edb971d)
- deps: update dependency swagger-ui-express to v4.2.0 (aaf518c)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.39 (f872cf4)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.40 (c13fb63)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.41 (ea80dda)
- exchange: add apiproperty decorator for claimData prop to expose it to auto-generated content (12c90ff)
- origin-backend: updated typeorm and fixed issues with it (171e7f4)
- origin-irec-backend-app: fixed event handlers (de56a87)
- exchange-irec: added transfer certificate to irec (eeb73cc)
- exchange: added claim data to claim from exchange (8938424)
- exchange: added endpoint to return claimed certificates (a2cb1e7)
- exchange: extend claim from the exchange to allow optional claimAddress (cf8e2eb)
- issuer-irec-api: mint certificate to exchange address if exists (91f096e)
1.11.0 (2021-09-17)
- exchange: add missing ApiProperty decorators, remove unnecessary logging of trade events (d073f92)
- origin-device-registry-local-irec-api: capacity is string now (d769f4f)
1.10.0 (2021-08-30)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/config to v1 (5226f56)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/config to v1.0.1 (3463c6f)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/passport to v7.1.6 (e6c99f4)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/schedule to v1 (2817ea0)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/schedule to v1.0.1 (43e71b4)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.8.1 (daa023b)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.8.2 (d17e433)
- deps: update dependency ethers to v5.1.3 (e7f4abb)
- deps: update dependency ethers to v5.1.4 (71f379b)
- deps: update dependency immutable to v4.0.0-rc.14 (f5a076c)
- deps: update dependency pg to v8.6.0 (5b16742)
- deps: update dependency pg to v8.7.1 (033293f)
- deps: update dependency polly-js to v1.8.2 (af8a3db)
- deps: update dependency rxjs to v6.6.7 (5adc1e2)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.32 (e2f606e)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.34 (8c6f39c)
- deps: update ethers (785e3ef)
- deps: update ethers (d40f585)
- deps: update ethers to v5.3.0 (72c970e)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v7.6.17 (ecc84c0)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v7.6.18 (6835926)
- exchange: Allow transfers with different directions to have the same txHash (needed for send + deposit) (e22e0cd)
- revert ethers versions to working and disable updates (49753f0)
1.9.0 (2021-03-23)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/schedule to v0.4.3 (c3ade3b)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.7.13 (eba5075)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.7.15 (d58375c)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.7.16 (c240c31)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.8.0 (f3baec9)
- deps: update dependency ethers to v5.0.31 (2c4a3a0)
- deps: update dependency polly-js to v1.8.1 (85e1d14)
- deps: update dependency rxjs to v6.6.6 (8cbb567)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.31 (b2d4b30)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v7.6.12 (bacde48)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v7.6.14 (9b0ca43)
- exchange: removing supply returns 404 error (bd2e14a)
- clear matching engine cache (670ef80)
- exchange: add swagger definitions (cd0faa0)
- exchange: supply settings (4ce37be)
1.8.0 (2021-02-12)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/config to v0.6.3 (4991dfb)
- deps: update dependency ethers to v5.0.29 (149041b)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v7.6.11 (daee156)
- exchange: add request claim feature (048f5cb)
1.7.1 (2020-12-04)
Note: Version bump only for package @energyweb/exchange
1.7.0 (2020-11-30)
- add a body definition to all missing @Body() in requests (6afc5a5)
- exchange: rich Swagger definitions + add prefix to all exchange tables (9c94e46)
- origin-organisation-irec-api: added contact details fields (b0bb283)
1.6.0 (2020-11-20)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.7.2 (1b127f8)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.7.3 (1285463)
- deps: update dependency ethers to v5.0.15 (7205cfd)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.28 (8e9a26c)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.29 (49232fb)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v7.5.2 (adf4996)
- exchange: ask processing throttling (c14e100)
- exchange: block cancellation of bids that are part of the demand (3ad7d22)
- exchange: withdrawal processing (f191d29)
- exchange: added env variable for timezone (5baf939)
- exchange: demand replace (8cc795f)
- exchange: demand summary api (8c7045e)
1.5.4 (2020-10-02)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/schedule to v0.4.1 (7ad7102)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.6.1 (40eb9d1)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/typeorm to v7.1.1 (b2253c3)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/typeorm to v7.1.4 (f0f39d4)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.26 (bf1a256)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v7.4.3 (f141326)
- exchange: bundles volume update, more tests (a07b136)
- exchange: enable setting a custom minimum balance for withdrawal wallet (ad673ca)
- exchange: opt-in use of pipes and interceptors (148df53)
1.5.3 (2020-08-25)
Note: Version bump only for package @energyweb/exchange
1.5.2 (2020-08-12)
Note: Version bump only for package @energyweb/exchange
1.5.1 (2020-08-10)
- deps: update dependency ethers to v5.0.8 (c69bde0)
1.5.0 (2020-08-06)
- deps: update dependency class-transformer to v0.3.1 (e827bbb)
- deps: update dependency rxjs to v6.6.2 (1849e03)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v7.4.2 (241f045)
- exchange: inject ConfigService into validator (864af1e)
- exchange: lint (654c44a)
- exchange: linting (d023034)
- exchange: type bundleItemDTO before validation (9336c69)
- exchange: typify nested objects (83ca5b8)
- exchange: unconfirmed withdrawals processing (86fcf4d)
- exchange: add excludeEnd to CreateDemandDTO (85f97ed)
- exchange: make excludeEnd optional (49f9650)
- exchange: positiveBNStringValidator test (096ac67)
- exchange: validate bundle order demand volume (aca1490)
- origin-ui-core: add intUnitsOfEnergy validator (e6a3cfd)
1.4.0 (2020-07-16)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v7.3.2 (875bb1b)
- origin-ui-core: filter ask by facility (097e9a3)
1.3.0 (2020-07-08)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/passport to v7.1.0 (2ca9c9f)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.5.11 (aa5aa8e)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.5.12 (427973d)
- deps: update dependency rxjs to v6.6.0 (851151d)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v7.3.1 (a7777b8)
- exchange: bundles accounting (e2e3b1c)
- exchange: fix split and buy (2841db1)
- exchange: remove ActiveUserGuard from get account (5883e2b)
- exchange: remove comments (6bf30b9)
- exchange: remove logs (99e3157)
- exchange: remove role checking (2755257)
- exchange: revert fix (b31a318)
- exchange: rounding errors due to too low precision (c0faf5b)
- exchange: simplify available bundle filtering (18f1d0e)
- exchange: update bundle on buy bundle (d82b504)
- exchange: use mod instead of fractional of BN (bdb1e35)
- exchange: validity start/end date as string (662d691)
- origin-backend: change user status to active (6ba9c20)
- exchange: add test (13c07b2)
- exchange: allow to configure matchingengine price picking strategy (e2fbbe0)
- exchange: Bundles possible splits API (1b88519)
1.2.1 (2020-06-16)
Note: Version bump only for package @energyweb/exchange
1.2.0 (2020-06-16)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.5.10 (ed9d45c)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.5.9 (9a40842)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/typeorm to v7.1.0 (960d52b)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.25 (d1ce442)
- exchange: create certificate before withdrawal (220d3f6)
- exchange: do not post for sale when disabled (224ce67)
- exchange: wrapper init order (4413088)
- exchange: wrong TradePersistedEvent type emit (688df0f)
- origin-ui-core: compare _to lowercased (4c63dd8)
- origin-ui-core: move DEFAULT ENERGY to .env (7a15d7f)
- exchange: introduce eventbus for trades events (02fde8b)
- exchange: TradePersistedEvent (67d6bd5)
- oring-ui-core: add withdraw saga (36403c3)
1.1.0 (2020-05-29)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/config to v0.4.2 (2c93aef)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/config to v0.5.0 (e57cb73)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/schedule to v0.4.0 (377e56b)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.5.7 (459d351)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v7.0.13 (ea1133d)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v7.1.0 (78be769)
- exchange: accounting tests (d1a6faa)
- exchange: amount serialization (ed18baa)
- exchange: at least 2 items in bundle, should not be able to buy cancelled bundles (f27ad4e)
- exchange: correct logged in user id. improve tests (37cf9a1)
- exchange: do not return account assets with 0 amount (dabaf30)
- exchange: e2e orders test (c1d5b32)
- exchange: make trade creation deterministic (3dad8fd)
- exchange: missing lint-staged. linter errors (e9087bf)
- exchange: negative locked amounts (715b726)
- exchange: restrict withdrawals to org admin (9045f47)
- exchange: bundles cancellation (0371bae)
- exchange: bundles trading (376b6ba)
- exchange: extended last trade information (c576896)
- exchange: last traded price based on product filter (c24d34b)
- exchange: traded bundles endpoint (140a743)
1.0.0 (2020-05-15)
- fixate tslib version to 1.11.2 to avoid typeorm issue (274d4e9)
- exchange: register correct Account object, rename non-entity Account to AccountDTO (c6ea24e)
- exchange: user ownerId for ownership based queries (28c028b)
- exchange: create ask on deposit when autopostforsale is enabled (bb309ca)
- exchange: provide assetId and product with trade (2854ac2)
- exchange: Since now the ownerId is used to track the ownership of assets in exchange db. Currently ownerId=organizationId which means that organization is mandatory for each user
0.7.0 (2020-04-24)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.5.2 (93e7880)
- deps: update dependency class-validator to v0.12.1 (b5000af)
- deps: update dependency ts-loader to v7 (722101a)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v7.0.8 (67e8239)
- exchange: check dto.generationTo (5f2f0d2)
- exchange: check transaction hash uniqueness (e6b277a)
- exchange: generation times parsing (a1461c7), closes #856
- bin env for migration scripts (aef836e)
- migration catalog (48209a1)
- migrations path fix (54b4c67)
- add support for device grid operator property (f6d77f3)
- exchange: add GET asset/:id endpoint. Add assetId in orderbook dto object (235f94c)
0.6.0 (2020-04-08)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/config to v0.4.0 (e7ac62d)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/passport to v7 (be26821)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.5.1 (79e1290)
- deps: update dependency class-validator to v0.11.1 (5607f1c)
- deps: update dependency ethers to v4.0.46 (f2efe8e)
- deps: update dependency pg to v8 (550201a)
- deps: update dependency rxjs to v6.5.5 (2c19e39)
- deps: update dependency swagger-ui-express to v4.1.4 (ee966d5)
- exchange: better volume validation. better e2e test for directbuys (ef9c3cb)
- exchange: do not mask orders when using for account balance calculation (6230412)
- exchange: dont wait for runner service to start application (05c69cb)
- exchange: fix devicemodule mock (157c38f)
- exchange: public orderbook endpoint (78f9dd2)
- disallow bad user request certs flow (99cec42)
- exchange: fix for example.sql (dee775c)
- exchange: retry truncate after fail (9f8fe50)
- exchange: retry truncate after fail. await for result (787c488)
- exchange: runInBand mode for e2e tests (68b2e9a)
- exchnage: fix external modules resolution. remove app.service (a4c7c42)
- origin-backend-app: fix exchange dependency (7512f5a)
- fix exchange nest build (3234b4f)
- make ContractsLookup part of Configuration (4fe28c4)
- remove MarketUser from UI (9d15489)
- working exchange integration (49ced59)
- exchange: default filters to Filter.All (b3a2084)
- exchange: demand creation (94e6fe5)
- exchange: demand status management (a2dfaed)
- exchange: direct buy api. e2e tests fixes (589580d)
- exchange: grid operator filters and validators (e413171)
- exchange: option to bound the generation time to demand period (119348e)
- exchange: order cancellation api (9768e76)
- exchange: product filter validation, matching engine service init (20c3e97)
- exchange: use device service for device product info (52c6566)
- exchange: use product filter type to provide orderbook searching (6b752f4)
- exchange: using to get generation times and deviceid. integration tests using issuer contract. (b79fb2d)
- add new exchange UI (f0df25c)
- add ORGANIZATION_REMOVED_MEMBER and DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGED email notifications (384f90f)
0.5.0 (2020-03-16)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/config to v0.3.0 (4cdd97b)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/schedule to v0.3.0 (2c0f313)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/swagger to v4.3.2 (c8cf2fe)
- deps: update dependency @nestjs/typeorm to v6.3.4 (f21e526)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v6.11.11 (8d93078)
- exchange: downgrades typeorm to 0.2.22 due to start errors (5322bf7)
- exchange: use ProductDTO for complex searching (1f7a33f)
- exchange: orders endpoint, relations re-design, dtos refactoring (5b3e7ce)
0.4.0 (2020-03-02)
- deps: update dependency typeorm to v0.2.24 (fb6c68b)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v6.11.8 (2934e78)
- exchange: nest swagger compiler plugin for swagger metadata (6742447)
- exchange: return userId as part of orderbookdto (84c3525)
- origin-ui-core: Bids and Asks UI list component (c08a03b)
0.3.1 (2020-02-17)
- exchange: set public access (daab3af)
0.3.0 (2020-02-17)
- exchange: add main section to package.json (25e9bfc)
- exchange: set status as error when no enough funds (0906418)
- exchange: authentication (aaef626)
- exchange: deposit watcher, transfers endpoint (f0f5500)
- exchange: start watcher from last known block, fix e2e test exit (b81ac32)
- exchange: withdrawal e2e tests (84dcdfa)
- exchange: withdrawal processor WIP (e56b1dc)
0.2.0 (2020-02-12)
- deps: pin dependencies (2088944)
- exchange: use confirmed deposits and any withdrawals for accounting (dce8a9c)
- exchange: account info based on trades and deposits (b6f7dbd)
- exchange: forwarded integration. refactoring (b2d8ac0)
- exchange: product service, more accounting, e2e tests (43813a2)
- exchange: transfer and account services (1001b50)
- exchange: withdrawals (d7be8b3)
0.1.1 (2020-02-04)
- deps: update nest monorepo to v6.11.5 (0ddc961)