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# AbstractPlutoDingetjes.jl
-An abstract package to be implemented by packages/people who create widgets (or other [*dingetjes*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dingetjes#Dutch)) for Pluto. If you are just happy using Pluto to make cool stuff, you probably don't want to use this package directly. This package is not *necessary* to create widgets in Pluto, but it can add more advanced functionality to your widgets. See the Interactivity sample notebook inside Pluto's main menu to learn more!
+An abstract package to be implemented by packages/people who create widgets (or other [*dingetjes*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dingetjes#Dutch)) for Pluto. If you are just happy using Pluto to make cool stuff, you probably don't want to use this package directly. This package is not *necessary* to create widgets in Pluto, but it can add more advanced functionality to your widgets.
-## What is it
-> **[FULL DOCUMENTATION HERE](https://docs.juliahub.com/AbstractPlutoDingetjes/UHbnu/)**
-### `Bonds.initial_value`
-The initial value of a bond. In a notebook containing `@bind x my_widget`, this will be used in two cases:
-1. The value of `x` will be set to `x = AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Bonds.initial_value(my_widget)` during the `@bind` call. This initial value will be used in cells that use `x`, until the widget is rendered in the browser and the first value is received.
-2. When running a notebook file without Pluto, e.g. `shell> julia my_notebook.jl`, this value will be used for `x`.
-When not overloaded for your widget, it defaults to returning `missing`.
-#### Example
-struct MySlider
- range::AbstractRange{<:Real}
-Base.show(io::IO, m::MIME"text/html", s::MySlider) = show(io, m, HTML(""))
-AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Bonds.initial_value(s::MySlider) = first(s.range)
-# Add the following for the same functionality on Pluto versions TODO and below. Will be ignored in newer Pluto versions. See the compat info below.
-Base.get(s::MySlider) = first(s.range)
-### `Bonds.transform_value`
-Transform a value received from the browser before assigning it to the bound julia variable. In a notebook containing `@bind x my_widget`, Pluto will run `x = AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Bonds.transform_value(my_widget, \$value_from_javascript)`. Without this hook, widgets in JavaScript can only return simple types (numbers, dictionaries, vectors) into bound variables.
-When not overloaded for your widget, it defaults to returning the value unchanged, i.e. `x = \$value_from_javascript`.
-#### Example
-struct MyVectorSlider
- values::Vector{<:Any} # note! a vector of arbitrary objects, not just numbers
-Base.show(io::IO, m::MIME"text/html", s::MyVectorSlider) = show(io, m, HTML(""))
-AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Bonds.transform_value(s::MySlider, value_from_javascript::Int) = s.values[value_from_javascript]
-See https://github.com/JuliaPluto/PlutoUI.jl/issues/3#issuecomment-629724036
-> ***For more features, see the [DOCUMENTATION](https://docs.juliahub.com/AbstractPlutoDingetjes/UHbnu/)***
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+# **[FULL DOCUMENTATION HERE](https://plutojl.org/docs/abstractplutodingetjes/)**
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-using Documenter, AbstractPlutoDingetjes
-sitename = "AbstractPlutoDingetjes",
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-# AbstractPlutoDingetjes.jl
-An abstract package to be implemented by packages/people who create widgets (or other [*dingetjes*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dingetjes#Dutch)) for Pluto. If you are just happy using Pluto to make cool stuff, you probably don't want to use this package directly. This package is not *necessary* to create widgets in Pluto, but it can add more advanced functionality to your widgets. See the Interactivity sample notebook inside Pluto's main menu to learn more!
-# Bonds
-Modules = [AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Bonds]
-Order = [:function, :type]
-# Display
-Modules = [AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Display]
-Order = [:function]
-# Extras
-Modules = [AbstractPlutoDingetjes]
-Order = [:function, :type]