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NeRF: 3D Reconstruction from 2D Images

KAIST CS479: Machine Learning for 3D Data (Fall 2023)
Programming Assignment 2

Instructor: Minhyuk Sung (mhsung [at]
TA: Seungwoo Yoo (dreamy1534 [at]

Due: October 9, 2023 (Monday) 23:59 KST

Where to Submit: Gradescope


The introduction of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) was a massive milestone in image-based, neural rendering literature. Compared with previous works on novel view synthesis, NeRF is a simple, yet powerful idea that combines recently emerging neural implicit representations with traditional volume rendering techniques. As of today, the follow-up research aiming to scale and extend the idea to various tasks has become one of the most significant streams in the computer vision community thanks to its simplicity and versatility.

In this assignment, we will take a technical deep dive into NeRF to understand this ground-breaking approach which will help us navigate a broader landscape of the field. We strongly recommend you check out the paper, together with our brief summary, before, or while working on this assignment.

⚠️ This assignment involves training a neural network that takes approximately 2 hours. Start as early as possible.

Table of Content


We recommend creating a virtual environment using conda. To create a conda environment, issue the following command:

conda create --name nerf-tutorial python=3.8

This should create a basic environment with Python 3.8 installed. Next, activate the environment and install the dependencies using pip:

conda activate nerf-tutorial
pip install -r requirements.txt

The remaining dependencies are the ones related to PyTorch and they can be installed with the command:

pip install torch==1.10.1+cu113 torchvision==0.11.2+cu113 torchaudio==0.10.1 -f
pip install torchmetrics[image]
pip install tensorboard

Register the project root directory (i.e., torch-NeRF) as an environment variable to help the Python interpreter search our files.


By default, the configuration is set for the lego scene included in the Blender dataset. Refer to the config files under config for more details. Executing the following initiates training:

python torch_nerf/runners/

All by-products produced during each run, including TensorBoard logs, will be saved under an experiment directory under outputs. This is automatically done by Hydra, the library we use for managing our config files. Refer to the official documentation for examples and APIs.

We highly encourage you to try out multiple seeds as the performance of neural networks is often sensitive to the initialization. The function init_torch that sets the random seed for PyTorch is located at torch_nerf/runners/

💡 Each run takes approximately 2 hours on a single NVIDIA RTX 3090 GPU and consumes around 10 GB of VRAM.

After training NeRF, it can be rendered using the script To do so, provide the experiment directory created when running the training script. For instance,

python torch_nerf/runners/ +log_dir=outputs/2023-06-27/00-10-15 +render_test_views=False

The Boolean flag render_test_views determines whether to render the trained scene from the viewpoints held out for testing. We will come back to this when discussing quantitative evaluation.

Code Structure

This codebase is organized as the following directory tree. We only list the core components for brevity:

├── configs             <- Directory containing config files
├── runners
│   ├──     <- Script for quantitative evaluation.
│   ├──       <- Script for rendering (i.e., qualitative evaluation).
│   ├──        <- Script for training.
│   └──        <- A collection of utilities used in the scripts above.
├── src
│   ├── cameras
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   │   
│   ├── network
│   │   └──
│   │
│   ├── renderer
│   │   ├── integrators
│   │   ├── ray_samplers
│   │   └──
│   │
│   ├── scene
│   │
│   ├── signal_encoder
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   │
│   └── utils
│       ├── data
│       │   ├──
│       │   └──
│       │
│       └── metrics
│           └──
├── requirements.txt    <- Dependency configuration file.
└──           <- This file.


Task 0. Download Data

Download the file from here and extract it under directory data/nerf_synthetic. The training script expects the data to be located under data/nerf_synthetic/lego.

💡 scp is a handy tool for transferring files between local and remote servers. Check this link for examples.

Task 1. Implementing MLP

#! files-to-modify
$ torch_nerf/src/network/

Implement the MLP displayed above. The network consists of:

  1. One input fully-connected layer;
  2. Nine fully-connected layers (including the one for skip connection);
  3. One output fully-connected layer.

All hidden layers are followed by ReLU activation, and the density and the RGB head at the output layer are followed by ReLU and sigmoid activations, respectively. For more details, please refer to Sec. A of the paper's supplementary material.

💡 We highly recommend you to look up the official documentation of the layers used in the network.

Task 2. Implementing Ray Sampling

#! files-to-modify
$ torch_nerf/src/cameras/
$ torch_nerf/src/renderer/ray_samplers/

This task consists of two sub-tasks:

  1. Implement the body of function compute_sample_coordinates in torch_nerf/src/cameras/ This function will be used to evaluate the coordinates of points along rays cast from image pixels. For a ray $r$ parameterized by the origin $\mathbf{o}$ and direction $\mathbf{d}$ (not necessarily a unit vector), a point on the ray can be computed by
$$r(t) = \mathbf{o} + t \mathbf{d},$$

where $t \in [t_n, t_f]$ is bounded by the near bound $t_n$ and the far bound $t_f$, respectively.

  1. Implement the body of function sample_along_rays_uniform in torch_nerf/src/renderer/ray_samplers/ The function implements the stratified sampling illustrated in the following equation (Eqn 2. in the paper).
$$t_i \sim \mathcal{U} \left[ t_n + \frac{i-1}{N} \left( t_f - t_n \right), t_n + \frac{i}{N} \left( t_f - t_n \right) \right].$$

💡 Check out the helper functions create_t_bins and map_t_to_euclidean while implementing function sample_along_rays_uniform. Also, you may find torch.rand_like useful when generating random numbers for sampling.

💡 Note that all rays in a ray bundle share the same near and far bounds. Although function map_t_to_euclidean takes only float as its arguments near and far, it is not necessary to loop over all rays individually.

Task 3. Implementing Volume Rendering Equation

#! files-to-modify
$ torch_nerf/src/renderer/integrators/

This task consists of one sub-task:

  1. Implement the body of function integrate_along_rays. The function implements Eqn. 3 in the paper which defines a pixel color as a weighted sum of radiance values collected along a ray:
$$\hat{C} \left( r \right) = \sum_{i=1}^T T_i \left( 1 - \exp \left( -\sigma_i \delta_i \right) \right) \mathbf{c}_i,$$


$$T_i = \exp \left( - \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} \sigma_j \delta_j \right).$$

💡 The PyTorch APIs torch.exp, torch.cumsum, and torch.sum might be useful when implementing the quadrature integration.

Task 4. Qualitative & Quantitative Evaluation

For qualitative evaluation, render the trained scene with the provided script.

python torch_nerf/runners/ +log_dir=${LOG_DIR} +render_test_views=False

This will produce a set of images rendered while orbiting around the upper hemisphere of an object. The rendered images can be compiled into a video using the script scripts/utils/

python scripts/utils/ --img_dir ${RENDERED_IMG_DIR} --vid_title ${VIDEO_TITLE}

For quantitative evaluation, render the trained scene again, but from the test views.

python torch_nerf/runners/ +log_dir=${LOG_DIR} +render_test_views=True

This will produce 200 images (in the case of the synthetic dataset) held out during training. After rendering images from the test view, use the script to compute LPIPS, PSNR, and SSIM. For instance, to evaluate the implementation for the lego scene:

python torch_nerf/runners/ ${RENDERED_IMG_DIR} ./data/nerf_synthetic/lego/test

The metrics measured after training the network for 50k iterations on the lego scene are summarized in the following table.

LPIPS (↓) PSNR (↑) SSIM (↑)
0.0481 28.9258 0.9473

💡 For details on grading, refer to section Evaluation Criteria.

(Optional) Task 5. Train NeRF with Your Own Data

Instead of using the provided dataset, capture your surrounding environment and use the data for training. COLMAP might be useful when computing the relative camera poses.

What to Submit

Compile the following files as a ZIP file named {NAME}_{STUDENT_ID}.zip and submit the file via Gradescope.

  • The folder torch_nerf that contains every source code file;
  • A folder named {NAME}_{STUDENT_ID}_renderings containing the renderings (.png files) from the test views used for computing evaluation metrics;
  • A text file named {NAME}_{STUDENT_ID}.txt containing a comma-separated list of LPIPS, PSNR, and SSIM from quantitative evaluation;
  • The checkpoint file named {NAME}_{STUDENT_ID}.pth used to produce the above metrics.


You will receive a zero score if:

  • you do not submit,
  • your code is not executable in the Python environment we provided, or
  • you modify any code outside of the section marked with TODO.

Plagiarism in any form will also result in a zero score and will be reported to the university.

Your score will incur a 10% deduction for each missing item in the Submission Guidelines section.

Otherwise, you will receive up to 300 points from this assignment that count toward your final grade.

Evaluation Criterion LPIPS (↓) PSNR (↑) SSIM (↑)
Success Condition (100%) 0.06 28.00 0.90
Success Condition (50%) 0.10 20.00 0.60

As shown in the table above, each evaluation metric is assigned up to 100 points. In particular,

    • You will receive 100 points if the reported value is equal to or, smaller than the success condition (100%);
    • Otherwise, you will receive 50 points if the reported value is equal to or, smaller than the success condition (50%).
  • PSNR
    • You will receive 100 points if the reported value is equal to or, greater than the success condition (100%);
    • Otherwise, you will receive 50 points if the reported value is equal to or, greater than the success condition (50%).
  • SSIM
    • You will receive 100 points if the reported value is equal to or, greater than the success condition (100%);
    • Otherwise, you will receive 50 points if the reported value is equal to or, greater than the success condition (50%).

Further Readings

If you are interested in this topic, we encourage you to check out the papers listed below.