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210 lines (144 loc) · 5 KB

File metadata and controls

210 lines (144 loc) · 5 KB
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English | 中文

Stokado(/stəˈkɑːdoʊ/) is the Esperanto(an international auxiliary language) for storage, meaning that Stokado is also an auxiliary agent for storage.

Stokado uses proxy to better and more conveniently manage storage, enabling features such as syntax sugar, serialization, event listeners, expiration settings, and one-time value.

try it on codesandbox, or check out the test cases in the tests folder.


npm i stokado
// mjs
import { local, session } from 'stokado'
// cjs
const { local, session } = require('stokado')


<script src=""></script>
<!-- or -->
  const { local, session } = window.stokado


1. Syntax sugar

Keep the type of storage value unchanged and change array and object directly.

import { local, session } from 'stokado'

local.test = 'hello stokado' // works
delete local.test // works

// number
local.test = 0
local.test === 0 // true

// boolean
local.test = false
local.test === false // true

// undefined
local.test = undefined
local.test === undefined // true

// null
local.test = null
local.test === null // true

// object
local.test = { hello: 'world' }
local.test.hello = 'stokado' // works

// array
local.test = ['hello']
local.test.push('stokado') // works
local.test.length // 2

// Date
local.test = new Date('2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z')
local.test.getTime() === 946684800000 // true

// RegExp
local.test = /d(b+)d/g
local.test.test('cdbbdbsbz') // true

// function
local.test = function () {
  return 'hello stokado!'
local.test() === 'hello stokado!' // true

test is the key in localStorage. The value is also saved to localStorage. The local, session also have the same methods and properties: key(), getItem(), setItem(), removeItem(), clear() and length.


setItem(key, value, options) supports setting attributes, options configuration fields are as follows:

type effect
expires string | number | Date set the expires for the item
disposable boolean set a one-time value for the item

2. Subscribe

Listen to the changes.

import { local } from 'stokado'

local.on('test', (newVal, oldVal) => {
  console.log('test', newVal, oldVal)
local.on('test.a', (newVal, oldVal) => {
  console.log('test.a', newVal, oldVal)

local.test = {}
// test {} undefined

local.test.a = 1
// test.a 1 undefined

Subscribe to an item.

  • key: the name of the item to subscribe to. Support obj.a for Object and list[0] for Array, and also Array length.
  • callback: the function to call when the item is changed. Includes newValue and oldValue.

Subscribe to an item only once.

  • key: the name of the item to subscribe to. Support obj.a for Object and list[0] for Array.
  • callback: the function to call when the item is changed. Includes newValue and oldValue.

Unsubscribe from an item or all items.

  • key(optional): the name of the item to unsubscribe from. If no key is provided, it unsubscribes you from all items.
  • callback(optional): the function used when binding to the item. If no callback is provided, it unsubscribes you from all functions binding to the item.

3. Expired

Set expires for items.

import { local } from 'stokado'

local.setItem('test', 'hello stokado', { expires: + 10000 })
// local.test = 'hello stokado'
// local.setExpires('test', + 10000)

// within 10's
local.test // 'hello stokado'

// after 10's
local.test // undefined

The expires is saved to localStorage. So no matter how you reload it within 10's, the value still exists. But after 10's, it has been removed.


Set expires for an item.

  • key: the name of the item to set expires.
  • expires: accept stringnumber and Date.

Return the expires(Date) of the item.

  • key: the name of the item that has set expires.

Cancel the expires of the item.

  • key: the name of the item that has set expires.

4. Disposable

Get the value once.

import { local } from 'stokado'

local.setItem('test', 'hello stokado', { disposable: true })
// local.test = 'hello stokado'
// local.setDisposable('test')

local.test // 'hello stokado'
local.test // undefined

Set a one-time value for the item.

  • key:the name of the item to set disposable.