There are many ways to call method
$('.selector').keditor('methodName', param1, param2, ...);
var keditor = $('.selector').keditor(options); // Get KEditor instance when initializing
keditor.methodName(param1, param2, ...);
var keditor = $('.selector').data('keditor'); // Get KEditor instance via `data` attribute
keditor.methodName(param1, param2, ...);
* Log utility of KEditor with `[ KEditor ] ` as prefix. You can see the log when `window.KEDITOR_DEBUG = true`
* @param {*} args Values you want to log
* Throw error with `[ KEditor ] ` as prefix for message
* @param {String} message Error message
* Initialize KEditor instance
* @param {jQuery} target Element which you want to initialize as KEditor
* @param {Object} config Configuration of KEditor instance. See for more details
KEditor.init(target, config);
* Load dynamic content for elements which have `data-dynamic-href` attribute
* @param {jQuery} dynamicElement jQuery object of element(s) which you want to load dynamic content. Element(s) must have `data-dynamic-href` attribute
* @param {Object} options Callbacks include `onSuccess` and `onError` with arguments are `dynamicElement` and `jqXHR`
KEditor.loadDynamicContent(dynamicElement, options);
* Get container which is setting-up
* @return {jQuery}
* Get component which is setting-up
* @return {jQuery}
* Generate a random Id
* @return {String}
* Get list of `data-*` attributes
* @param {jQuery} target jQuery of elements which you want to get list of `data-*` attributes
* @param {Array<String>} ignoreAttributes Array of attributes you want to ignore
* @param {Boolean} isArray Return list as Array or Object
* @return {Array|Object}
KEditor.prototype.getDataAttributes(target, ignoreAttributes, isArray);
* Init iframe cover which avoid iframe's z-index issue in IE browsers
* @param {jQuery} iframe Iframe which you want to add cover for
* @param {jQuery} wrapper Wrapper of iframe
KEditor.prototype.initIframeCover(iframe, wrapper);
* Init KEditor modal
* @param {String} modalId Id of modal
* @param {Boolean} hasFooter Modal has footer or not
* @param {Boolean} disableOriginEvents If you want to handle close button by yourself, just set it as `false`
KEditor.prototype.initModal(modalId, hasFooter, disableOriginEvents);
* Show a KEditor modal
* @param {jQuery} modal Modal you want to show
* Hide a KEditor modal
* @param {jQuery} modal Modal you want to show
* @param {Boolean} inArray Return your content in array format or just plain string
* @return {String|Array<String>}
$('#target1').keditor('getContent'); // For only 1 content-area
$('#target2').keditor('getContent', true); // For more than 1 content-area and you want to get them separately
* @param {String} content HTML content
* @param {String|jQuery} contentArea Can be selector or jQuery object of content area which you want to set new content. If you have only a content area, you can leave it blank
KEditor.prototype.setContent(content, contentArea);
$('#id').keditor('setContent', `
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6" data-type="container-content">
<div data-type="component-text">New content</div>
* Removes the KEditor functionality completely. This will return the element back to its pre-init state with latest content
* Add snippet programmatically
* @param {String} type Type of snippet. Can be `container` or `component-*`
* @param {String} title Text title of snippet
* @param {String} previewUrl Url to preview image of snippet
* @param {String} categories Categories list of snippet, separated by `snippetsCategoriesSeparator` option
* @param {String} content HTML content of snippet
* @param {Array<String>} extraAttrs If you component contains dynamic content, you will need this parameter to add `data-*` attribute to your component
KEditor.prototype.addSnippet(type, title, previewUrl, categories, content, dataAttributes);
* Load dynamic content for elements which have `data-dynamic-href` attribute
* @param {jQuery} dynamicElement jQuery object of element(s) which you want to load dynamic content. Element(s) must have `data-dynamic-href` attribute
* @return {jqXHR}