Solve masc- and permchiffres with a genetic algorythm
.pl-files are configuration files for gnuplot. .sh-files contain code for managing the other code.
run ./
and take some time.
I never tried this on a system different then mine, so perhaps some files are missing. If this code doesn't work for you, open an issue send me a mail.
Intersting stuff
- NaturalLanguageModule.hs Tries to rate, how natural a string is.
- Reordering.hs a wrapper for ReorderingCrossOvers.hs and ReorderingMutations.hs, with some small additions
- ReorderingCrossOvers.hs different crossovers are described here
- ReorderingMutations.hs different mutations are described here
- GenMasc.hs runs evolution for decrypting a masc-chiffre and prints the results in a log file
- GenPerm.hs runs evolution for decrypting a permutation-chiffre and prints the results in a log file (to be honest, I concentrated more on masc in the last weeks)
There where simple things that had to be defined and
- MascModule.hs masc chiffres (encryption amd decryption) are defined here
- SnModule.hs permutation chiffres (encryption amd decryption) are defined here
- TypeModule.hs exports importent Types that are used in the other Haskell files.
- BlindtextModule.hs Exports the encrypted text (and some more information about it).
- NormalizeLanguageModule.hs Normalizes a string, so it holds no lowercase letters, spaces etc
I didn't optimize very much of my code, but this was interesting.
- lookuptest.hs analyses the performance of differnt methods of looking up values in a list
These files are just for preparing data that is used elsewhere. They are not interesting, but had to be writen.
- NaturalismHistogram.hs generates data for a histogram
- ShowRandModule.hs lets you print data in the Rand-Monade (which is nontrivial in Haskell)
- convertforBlindTextMonogramAnalysis.hs analyzing logfiles
- convertforMultiplot.hs analyzing logfiles
- convertforMonogramAnalysis.hs analyzing logfiles
- convertforEliteplot.hs analyzing logfiles