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566 lines (547 loc) · 44.4 KB


0.96.7a (2020-09-12)

  • Added: Contact DLC static weapon backpacks to default blacklist.
  • Added: Czech translation. Thanks to MJVEVERUSKA
  • Added: NATO MTP arsenal preset. Thanks to lkvk
  • Added: NATO Pacific arsenal preset. Thanks to lkvk
  • Added: NATO Woodland arsenal preset. Thanks to lkvk
  • Added: CSAT Hex arsenal preset. Thanks to lkvk
  • Added: CSAT Ghex arsenal preset. Thanks to lkvk
  • Added: AAF arsenal preset. Thanks to lkvk
  • Added: LDF arsenal preset. Thanks to lkvk
  • Added: Mission parameter for direct arsenal access without KPLIB Loadout Dialog.
  • Added: Helicopters from GM Update to GM faction presets.
  • Added: ACE, TFAR and ACRE items to GM West and East arsenal presets.
  • Added: Config value for radio tower classnames.
  • Added: Parameter to disable Zeus for commander.
  • Added: Disable respawn on attacked FOBs (adjustable via parameter)
  • Added: Zeus initialization via BIS scripted events. This makes the Eden placed zeus module (zm1) obsolete.
  • Removed: T-14 from RHS AFRF preset.
  • Tweaked: "FOB " removed from resource overlay, so it's just e.g. "ALPHA" again.
  • Fixed: Sector monitor got stuck after sector cap was reached until restarting the server.
  • Fixed: Civilian Informant side mission didn't worked due to script error.
  • Fixed: AI didn't surrender correctly when ACE is loaded.
  • Fixed: The commander couldn't build squads via the build menu.
  • Fixed: Possible "Error: no unit" appearing in permission dialog.
  • Fixed: POWs could get saved when near FOB and still in player group.
  • Fixed: Civilian Reputation penalty got added to ambush chance, even if ambush chance was set to 0 in config.
  • Fixed: When starting with a FOB already built, the FOB actions appeared only after a server restart.
  • Fixed: Zeus available mods initialization (when not limited) wasn't reliable enough.

0.96.7 (2020-05-10)

  • Added: CfgFunctions library created from shared/functions and all of these functions optimized.
  • Added: Mines and explosives will be saved around FOBs.
  • Added: Inheritance support to object inits. (3rd array element, bool)
  • Added: USAF mod support for all US based preset. Thanks to Eogos
  • Added: Save interval setting in config file.
  • Added: Steam UID whitelist in config to grant access to commander actions even if not in that slot.
  • Added: Applied mission parameters are logged in server rpt.
  • Added: Chernarus 2020 basefile. Thanks to Eogos
  • Added: Chernarus 2020 building ignore list. Thanks to Eogos
  • Added: Steam Workshop upload to build tools
  • Added: KP Player Menu as optional (default enabled) replacement for the old GREUH extended options. GREUH still available via parameters or if no CBA loaded.
  • Added: Locality change of slingloaded cargo to heli pilot to avoid breaking ropes while e.g. slingloading the FOB box.
  • Added: Support and utilization of the Discord Rich Presence Mod from ConnorAU.
  • Added: Confirmation dialog for the "Create Clearance" action at the FOB.
  • Added: Parameter (default deactivated) to enable editing of enemy units and vehicles in Zeus.
  • Added: Zeus placed objects are now recognized for kill manager, object init and placed resource crates are also filled with 100 resources.
  • Added: Auto save of the game state on last player disconnect or local hosted host exit.
  • Added: A kind of playerNamespace which sets some widely used variables to the player instead of running same checks in several scripts.
  • Added: KPLIB_fnc_log function to replace the usage of diag_log and apply prefix etc. at one place.
  • Added: Arma 3 High Command for commander, toggleable via parameters.
  • Added: Arma 3 support module (artillery) functionality with parameter settings and vehicle/player whitelist.
  • Added: Visual indicators of the FOB range while in build mode.
  • Added: Parameter to disable weapon sway.
  • Added: Crates which are spawned upon sector activation are now saved near their sector, if the sector is taken by blufor. (Factories/Cities)
  • Added: BWMod arsenal preset.
  • Added: Interactive tutorial for the mission start. Deploying first FOB and conquering a factory with starting production.
  • Added: Vehicle in Vehicle transport actions to Arsenal crate.
  • Removed: action_manager.sqf file was removed, due to new action handling.
  • Updated: Updated CUP presets to be inline with October 2019 stable build of CUP mods. Thanks to Eogos
  • Updated: Turkish translation. Thanks to 654wak654
  • Updated: Russian localization. Thanks to Dj_Haski
  • Updated: Spanish localization. Thanks to amunoz20
  • Updated: Existing arsenal presets updated.
  • Tweaked: Default blacklist now only holds the static and tent backpacks.
  • Tweaked: Scripted server restart now automatically recognizes the OS of the server. More info in the Wiki article
  • Tweaked: Infantry for battlegroup transport vehicles are now spawned closer to the objective.
  • Tweaked: Transport helicopters in battlegroups are now correctly dropping paratroopers.
  • Tweaked: Start vehicle/Potato 01/start resources spawn at mission start optimized.
  • Tweaked: Explanation and formatting of kp_objectInits.sqf.
  • Tweaked: Integer to bool conversion in fetch param macro.
  • Tweaked: ObjectInit is now also called on spawned start vehicles.
  • Tweaked: Usage of structured text for diag_log, so there are no quotes around the messages in the rpt.
  • Tweaked: Collection arrays fetching in init_presets.sqf.
  • Tweaked: Unit/vehicle collecting for adding to editable units in zeus_synchro.sqf.
  • Tweaked: The save data is now stored as string which can result in ten times less space taken in vars file.
  • Tweaked: Actions to deploy/repack a FOB are now bound to the box/truck/building.
  • Tweaked: FOB container/truck/building specific commands are now in objectInits instead of having the same in several scripts.
  • Tweaked: Arsenal initialization on mission start improved.
  • Tweaked: sector_manager.sqf reworked as FSM.
  • Tweaked: Improved handling of captured/seized vehicles. Should also fix the rare issue with vanishing of captured enemy vehicles.
  • Tweaked: Set factory sectors range concerning storage areas to fix 100m instead of scaling with FOB build range.
  • Tweaked: Civilians can now be treated with the elastic, basic, packing or QuickClot bandage instead of just the basic one.
  • Tweaked: Enabled HALO function by default with 5 minutes cooldown and lowered default mobile respawn cooldown from 15 to 10 minutes.
  • Tweaked: Array names for classname collections etc. from init_presets.sqf.
  • Tweaked: kp_objectInits.sqf is now also applied to enemy vehicles.
  • Tweaked: Added a chance that battlegroups are now just contain infantry units which spawn closer to target.
  • Tweaked: Arrays for enemy rotary- or fixed-wings doesn't need to be filled anymore and can be set as empty [].
  • Tweaked: Victory condition parameter by default set to "Capitals and military bases" instead of just capitals.
  • Tweaked: ui_manager script optimizations.
  • Tweaked: HUD Overlay will auto hide in zeus.
  • Tweaked: HUD Overlay with global resources will show on map.
  • Tweaked: Shoot surrendering enemies now cause civilian reputation penalty like killing a civilian.
  • Tweaked: Description.ext got much more comments and settings.
  • Tweaked: Object inits will fire on units not only vehicles.
  • Fixed: Some CUP presets had free buildable arsenals. Thanks to Eogos
  • Fixed: Wrong boat in CUP USMC Woodland preset. Thanks to Eogos
  • Fixed: Objects will be recyclable after being towed with Advanced Towing.
  • Fixed: Flickering/disappearing of mobile respawn.
  • Fixed: Error message when trying to build a sector storage on water didn't vanished.
  • Fixed: RHS CH53 and RHS C130J transport configs after RHS 0.5.0 update. Thanks to FatRefrigerator
  • Fixed: Support for CBA disposable launchers. Thanks to Dahlgren
  • Fixed: ACE medical vehicle variable adjusted in kp_objectInits due to the recent ACE updates. Reference
  • Fixed: Weapons could be shown as blacklisted, if a whitelisted weapon was combined with e.g. a whitelisted grip or other attachments.
  • Fixed: Rare error message in recycle_manager.sqf, if last FOB was repacked to a truck/box.
  • Fixed: Bad conversion: bool rpt messages in client logs at the beginning of the mission.
  • Fixed: Boats weren't recognized for sector activation.

0.96.6 (2019-09-09)

  • Added: Swedish Forces Pack transport configs. Thanks to Dahlgren
  • Added: Parameter to enable/disable the vanilla A3 dynamic fog behavior. Default enabled, so fucking_set_fog.sqf isn't running by default.
  • Added: Parameter to enable/disable limitations on Zeus functionalities. Default enabled to keep old behaviour.
  • Added: Parameter to decide to start the campaign with a FOB container (default, like before) or a FOB truck.
  • Added: Parameter to allow enemies stay in immobile vehicles (default 50% chance).
  • Added: Sector despawn scaling. The longer sector is activated the longer it de-activates. Configurable as parameter, 5min additional delay max by default.
  • Added: Korean localization. Thanks to PanzerKoLee
  • Updated: Russian localization. Thanks to DjHaski
  • Tweaked: Initial FOB box doesn't have equipment in the inventory anymore.
  • Tweaked: Height check for mobile respawn now relies on isTouchingGround instead of z value of position.
  • Tweaked: Transport config heights on M977 vehicles. Thanks to FishAI
  • Tweaked: AI in building now has a dynamic radius to look for enemies until they start moving again depending on blufor/opfor ratio in sector.
  • Fixed: Potato 01 was created after server restart, even if there was one saved.
  • Fixed: Missing variable stats_blufor_teamkills_by_players. Also no separation between by players or not by players for teamkills anymore.
  • Fixed: Factory storages could disappear randomly on save load.
  • Fixed: Some Presets had CUP Towing Tractor in the wrong place or duplicated. Thanks to Eogos
  • Fixed: CUP Presets still had the Nemmera in the support vehicle section. Thanks to Eogos
  • Fixed: FOB resources weren't updated in build dialog, when building infantry units.
  • Fixed: Some missing parameter information in the map screens parameter overview.
  • Fixed: After creating a clearance at a FOB some light sources could remain.

0.96.5 (2019-07-26)

  • Added: Contact DLC LDF preset.
  • Added: Contact DLC transport configs.
  • Added: The Unsung Vietnam War Mod blufor preset.
  • Added: The Unsung Vietnam War Mod opfor preset.
  • Added: The Unsung Vietnam War Mod resistance preset. Thanks to Bunnyhopps
  • Added: The Unsung Vietnam War Mod civilian preset.
  • Added: The Unsung Vietnam War Mod arsenal preset. Thanks to Bunnyhopps
  • Added: The Unsung Vietnam War Mod transport configs.
  • Added: Swedish Forces Pack arsenal preset. Thanks to Dahlgren
  • Added: Swedish Forces Pack Desert blufor preset. Thanks to Dahlgren
  • Added: Swedish Forces Pack Woodland blufor preset. Thanks to Dahlgren
  • Added: Several CUP blufor presets. Thanks to Eogos
  • Added: Several CUP opfor presets. Thanks to Eogos
  • Added: Several CUP resistance presets. Thanks to Eogos
  • Added: Several CUP civilian presets. Thanks to Eogos
  • Added: Several CUP transport configs. Thanks to Eogos
  • Added: Statistic values for destroyed civilian buildings and vehicles.
  • Added: Statistic values for total and friendly resistance kills.
  • Added: Statistic values for spent/produced resources.
  • Added: Statistics will be posted additionally in the server log after winning the campaign.
  • Added: Encore Anti Air static to sensible presets.
  • Added: Additional victory conditions, selectable in the mission parameters.
  • Added: BI garbage collection via description.ext file.
  • Added: Transport configs for the civil transporters (which came with Laws of War).
  • Added: Livonia basefile.
  • Added: Livonia building ignore list.
  • Added: Island Panthera basefile. Thanks to Eogos
  • Added: Island Panthera building ignore list. Thanks to Eogos
  • Added: Song Bin Tanh basefile.
  • Added: Song Bin Tanh building ignore list.
  • Added: "Create Clearance" Action at FOB for Commander or logged in Admin. Clears all terrain objects (no built objects) in FOB radius.
  • Added: FOB templates (FOB hunting) are now choosen in accordance with the selected opfor preset. Currently Unsung, Apex and "everything else" are separated. Thanks to Bunnyhopps
  • Added: 15 new FOB templates for the FOB hunting side mission. Thanks to Bunnyhopps
  • Removed: Vanilla player score saving.
  • Removed: Old garbage collection script, as there are now engine solutions available.
  • Tweaked: Changed default recycle building from carservice building to tanks repair depot building.
  • Tweaked: Changed default air building from small radar dome to encore static radar.
  • Tweaked: Vehicle in Vehicle action on FOB box is not displaying directly anymore when approaching the box.
  • Tweaked: Added elite vehicles to CSAT presets.
  • Tweaked: Formatting/Comments in the preset files.
  • Tweaked: objectInit function and added comments to the array.
  • Tweaked: Some smaller code optimizations in the whole framework.
  • Tweaked: Changes in elite vehicles in presets are now also applied during a running campaign.
  • Tweaked: Player lead squads are now also saved near FOBs. (but still needs to be reassigned via zeus after load, of course)
  • Tweaked: Weather is now only handled by the server.
  • Tweaked: Gear check after leaving the arsenal or load a loadout improved to not strip you completely. Thanks to Zharf
  • Tweaked: Build tool now also adds the correct map name to the mission name, like in the release files.
  • Tweaked: Sector defenders waypoint creation.
  • Tweaked: Daytime parameter values.
  • Tweaked: Shorter nights now multiplies the selected daytime time multiplier by 4 between 20:00 and 04:00. (3x between 21:00 and 03:00 before)
  • Fixed: Intel value could get corrupted if leaving the secondary dialog directly after starting a mission.
  • Fixed: "All is red" for first player after a server restart. (just a visual bug, doesn't affect gameplay)

0.96.4 (2019-05-10)

  • Added: East Germany arsenal preset.
  • Added: West Germany arsenal preset. Thanks to Dahlgren
  • Added: East Germany blufor and opfor preset.
  • Added: East Germany Winter blufor and opfor preset.
  • Added: West Germany blufor and opfor preset.
  • Added: West Germany Winter blufor and opfor preset.
  • Added: Germany (Global Mobilization) resistence preset.
  • Added: Germany (Global Mobilization) civilian preset.
  • Added: CSAT Vanilla blufor preset, CSAT Apex blufor preset and CSAT Arsenal preset. Thanks to zandru
  • Added: AAF and NATO opfor presets. Thanks to zandru
  • Added: Weferlingen Summer basefile.
  • Added: Weferlingen Winter basefile.
  • Added: Chernarus Winter basefile.
  • Added: Weferlingen Summer and Winter building ignore list.
  • Added: Rosche building ignore list. Thanks to madpat3
  • Added: Support for ACE arsenal. Can be enabled via mission parameter.
  • Added: Fog removal script readded, as some people had issues with too much fog after some time.
  • Added: Vehicle in Vehicle transport actions for FOB Box.
  • Added: kp_objectInits.sqf for custom code on a vehicle after it has been loaded or built. No more changes in save_manager.sqf and do_build.sqf needed. Explanation in the Wiki
  • Removed: KP_liberation_guerilla_transports array from resistance presets, as it isn't used in the legacy framework.
  • Updated: Italian localization. Thanks to k4s0
  • Tweaked: Title of the mission to conform the Mission Name Standard from BI Forums
  • Tweaked: Weather module is also loaded, even with ACE running. (ACE doesn't control weather completely anymore)
  • Tweaked: Disabled script that switched locality of all blufor units to the commander machine. (should fix UAV issue)
  • Tweaked: allPlayers replaced with (allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F") for scripts which should pause when no players are online. (logistic, resources, battlegroups)
  • Tweaked: Marker for civilian informant is an area now and not centered on the informants position anymore.
  • Tweaked: Renamed Huron marker.
  • Tweaked: If there isn't enough enemy territory left for a secondary mission to start, the player gets a small hint now.
  • Tweaked: BWMod item classnames in KP_liberation_allowed_items_extension. Thanks to madpat3
  • Tweaked: Equalized all Eden attributes of the mission.sqm files.
  • Tweaked: Replaced deprecated BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect function calls with sensible select statements.
  • Tweaked: Versioning format from e.g. 0.964 to 0.96.4 for a better separation.
  • Tweaked: Arsenal whitelist/blacklist classes are case insensitive.
  • Tweaked: Vehicle permissions now via sensible event handlers instead of loop. Thanks to ColinM9991
  • Tweaked: Objects placed in Eden Editor won't be saved anymore. Fixes possible duplications on save/load.
  • Tweaked: Whole in game date and time is now persistent, not only the daytime.
  • Fixed: Annoying popup since A3 1.90 concerning missing entry for widthRailWay.
  • Fixed: Blufor soldier losses weren't counted in statistics.
  • Fixed: Missing itemRadio in some arsenal presets.

0.963a (2018-04-10)

  • Added: Action to raise/lower object while building. Thanks to darrell-aevum
  • Added: Some classnames to arsenal allowed extension list. Thanks to madpat3
  • Added: Functionality to save/load mission parameters. Thanks to veteran29
  • Added: Presets for: RDS Civilians, Project OPFOR SLA and Project OPFOR RACS. Thanks to PSYKO-nz
  • Added: Automatic mission pbo build tool (available on GitHub). Thanks to Dahlgren and veteran29
  • Added: Tanks DLC classnames for presets.
  • Added: Group diag output for serverlog.
  • Added: Debug output for group count and amount of active scripts. Liberation starts with [13,70,0,1] and may rise to [70,70,0,1].
  • Added: Notification for incoming guerilla forces when attacking a sector.
  • Added: Vehicle chance for guerilla forces who approach a sector.
  • Added: Traditional Chinese localization. Thanks to KOEI5113
  • Added: IDE editorconfig file.
  • Added: Overview of actual applied mission parameters on the map screen as diary record.
  • Removed: Some old scripts which aren't needed anymore.
  • Removed: Always no fog.
  • Tweaked: All spawn compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers replaced with execVM.
  • Tweaked: All createGroup now with activated deleteWhenEmpty.
  • Tweaked: All BIS_fnc_relPos replaced with getPos.
  • Tweaked: Guerilla forces event chances, strength gain values and unit amounts.
  • Tweaked: The Commander / Admin can now change the permissions of offline players.
  • Tweaked: BI Revive is now automatically deactivated if ACE Medical is loaded.
  • Tweaked: FPS map marker is now below the map and also shows count of local groups.
  • Tweaked: Overview picture for loading and mission selection screen.
  • Tweaked: Log output source name is now set at each run.
  • Fixed: Placement of buildings after save/load. Thanks to Cre8or
  • Fixed: Sometimes helicopters exploded when spawning on the deck of the USS Freedom.
  • Fixed: Players couldn't ziptie the civilian informant, if playing with ACE.
  • Fixed: File name instead of mission name in mission selection screen.
  • Fixed: "Taking Command" spam from AI after players death.
  • Fixed: Fixed range for recycling and start of building instead of using FOB range.
  • Fixed: Some vehicles with dynamic loadout support lost their weapons when rearmed by Liberation rearm module.

0.963 (2018-01-05)

  • Added: Some missing RHS vehicles for the ACE medical system.
  • Removed: Provided ACE settings, as they are not used anymore since the last ACE update.
  • Tweaked: Arsenal blacklist for more compatibility with 3cbBAF. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: Some small tweaks for the Lythium basefile.
  • Tweaked: BWMod Classnames due to the last mod update. Thanks to madpat3
  • Fixed: There was a string key twice in the stringtable.
  • Fixed: Lythium basefile was missing mission name and description in the lobby.
  • Fixed: Issue with building premade squads.

0.962 (2017-12-10)

  • Added: ACE carry interaction for resource crates. Thanks to veteran29
  • Added: Some additional debug outputs.
  • Added: RHS AFRF Preset for the player side. Thanks to veteran29
  • Added: Lythium basefile. Thanks to Enigma
  • Added: Portuguese localization. Thanks to NomadRomeo
  • Added: BW Mod Tropentarn preset.
  • Added: Project OPFOR Islamic State enemy preset and Project OPFOR resistance preset. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Updated: RHS transport configs.
  • Updated: RHS vehicles in presets.
  • Updated: Devkit mission.sqm.
  • Tweaked: Wounded civilians event. Thanks to veteran29
  • Tweaked: Extended allowed items extension list with some bwmod classnames. Thanks to madpat3
  • Tweaked: Detection of UAVs. Thanks to veteran29
  • Tweaked: Enemy vehicle crew spawning. Ensure that they'll be on the right side (important for red vs blue). Thanks to veteran29
  • Tweaked: If you enter the arsenal with a packed weapon or UAV backpack, it won't be identified as blacklisted anymore.
  • Tweaked: FOB container mass now scales with the selected spartan helicopter maximum load. Thanks to veteran29
  • Tweaked: Removed clutter and AI from the USS Freedom on all maps.
  • Tweaked: Cleaned all custom placed places on all maps some more and renamed the respawn marker from respawn_west to respawn.
  • Tweaked: Increased the distance of the Little Bird spawnpoints on the USS Freedom and let them facing to the front.
  • Tweaked: Some typos in the german stringtable. Thanks to gqgunhed
  • Tweaked: The US Army woodland troops got the new OCP and were able to throw away their old UCP.
  • Fixed: Wounded civilian animation in dedicated server environment. Thanks to veteran29
  • Fixed: With ACE you could take unconscious AI as POW.
  • Fixed: You couldn't handcuff surrendered AI with ACE zipties.
  • Fixed: Guerilla could spawn as neutral combatants.
  • Fixed: Unloading crates from vehicles could let them sink into the ground since the last ArmA Update.

0.961 (2017-11-06)

  • Added: ACE auto detection. (BI Revive still has to be disabled manually)
  • Added: Parameter to decide if vehicles should have cleared cargo or not. Thanks to veteran29
  • Removed: ACE compatibility parameter.
  • Updated: ACE settings from our community due to the new pylons system in ACE.
  • Updated: Italian localization. Thanks to k4s0
  • Updated: Chinese Simplified localization. Thanks to nercon
  • Updated: List of ignored buildings for the civil reputation.
  • Tweaked: Logistic convoy ambush chance balancing.
  • Fixed: SMAW optic placed in wrong array in RHS presets.

0.96 (2017-10-12)

  • Added: BI Support System functionality. (Currently deactivated, as there are still issues in MP)
    • Added: Parameter for access to the Support System -> Disabled, Commander, Whitelist, Everyone.
    • Added: BI Artillery support for artillery vehicles and mortars (if built manned or AI ordered to get in as crew).
    • Added: Players can request artillery support from players (generates task).
  • Added: Civil Reputation.
    • Added: Config variables in kp_liberation_config.sqf.
    • Added: Reputation penalty for killing civilians.
    • Added: Reputation penalty for killing allied resistance fighters.
    • Added: Reputation penalty for seizing civil vehicles.
    • Added: Reputation penalty for destroyed/damaged civil buildings. (evaluated only on capture a sector event)
    • Added: Mission parameter to choose building penalty for damaged or only destroyed buildings.
    • Added: Reputation gain for liberated sectors.
    • Added: After capturing a sector you might find wounded civilians. You can also gain reputation for offering medical support.
  • Added: Civil informant.
    • Added: If you've a good reputation, a civil informant can rarely spawn at blufor sectors.
    • Added: Intel increase, if you capture the informant and bring him back to a FOB.
    • Added: There is a chance that an informant will reveal a time critical task to kill a HVT.
  • Added: Asymmetric Threats.
    • Added: Possibility of IEDs in blufor sectors, if you have a bad civil reputation.
    • Added: Own logistic convoys can be ambushed by guerilla forces.
    • Added: Value for guerilla strength which will be affected by the events connected to guerilla forces.
    • Added: Guerilla forces presets.
    • Added: Dynamic guerilla forces equipment depending on their strength value.
    • Added: Chance that guerilla forces will join the fight at a sector as friend or foe. (depends on reputation)
    • Added: Possibility of a guerilla ambush in blufor sectors (additional to IEDs).
  • Added: Chinese Simplified localization. Thanks to nercon
  • Added: Automatic server restart script for dedicated servers. Thanks to k4s0
  • Added: Settings in the mission parameters for particular debug messages.
  • Added: Factory map markers now indicate which production facilities are available there.
  • Added: LoW Civilians.
  • Added: LoW UAV backpacks to the default blacklist.
  • Added: LoW AL-6 Pelican UAV.
  • Added: Some of the new RHS vehicles.
  • Added: Turkish localization. Thanks to Carbneth
  • Added: Parameter to set a cooldown for using mobile respawns.
  • Updated: English ingame tutorial texts in stringtable. Thanks to FatRefrigerator
  • Removed: Liberation skill handling of AI units, as BI do this good enough now concerning wounds, etc.
  • Removed: Vehicle explosion chance script for convoy ambush.
  • Removed: Old debug messages.
  • Tweaked: Terrain alignment will be persistent during repeat building of objects (like walls). Thanks to veteran29
  • Tweaked: Some reordering of UI elements.
  • Tweaked: Localization support for the extended options menu. Thanks to nercon
  • Tweaked: Highlight color in production list changed to blue instead of misleading green.
  • Tweaked: Amounts of resources on each FOB and production site is now visible in logistic dropdown menu as (Supplies/Ammo/Fuel).
  • Tweaked: Removed the logistic convoy cap of 26 (which was due to the alphabet).
  • Tweaked: Captured enemy vehicles are now also listed in the commanders zeus interface.
  • Tweaked: Cities won't be able to produce resources anymore.
  • Tweaked: IED count in cities, capitals and factories is now dependend on the civil reputation.
  • Tweaked: Corrected some strings in the stringtable.
  • Tweaked: Factories don't have all facilities from the start anymore. The facility they start with is set at campaign start.
  • Tweaked: Replaced all deprecated BIS_fnc_selectRandom with the engine solution selectRandom.
  • Tweaked: Server log will now contain the [STATS] message of all clients. (players and HCs)
  • Tweaked: Preset system split to select blufor, opfor, resistance and civilians independently. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: Capitals, cities and factories are now basically guarded by "militia" forces. Switching to regular army if the enemy combat readiness is increased.
  • Tweaked: Static weapons array missed some weapons.
  • Tweaked: Civil vehicles are now saved at a FOB after they were seized by players.
  • Tweaked: Some small code optimizations and format corrections.
  • Fixed: Player got custom recoil and aiming coefficients on respawn.
  • Fixed: Rare script error on closing respawn screen directly after joining the mission.
  • Fixed: Players could deploy multiple FOBs when they selected deploy fast enough on the same container.
  • Fixed: It was possible to disassemble a mortar in preview.
  • Fixed: Preview vehicles could get saved if you shut down the mission right after canceling the build process or if you'd still the preview in front you.
  • Fixed: Small issues due to the default "hold fire" combat mode for AI.
  • Fixed: Single Infantry units weren't saved sometimes.
  • Fixed: Paratroopers got sometimes an attack helicopter instead of a transport helicopter.
  • Fixed: Rescue helipad blocked building in their near vicinity.
  • Fixed: MPKill Eventhandler issue when using ACE.
  • Fixed: Function to buy a logistic truck worked but caused an error in dedicated server environment.
  • Fixed: Couldn't build under powerlines.
  • Fixed: Items in backpack weren't checked by arsenal blacklist crawler.

0.955 (2017-06-24)

  • Added: Some small aesthetic things for the buildlist
  • Added: Exception for TFAR items from the 1.0 Beta (it's TFAR_ and not tf_ in the classnames there)
  • Added: Malden missionfile. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Updated: German tutorial texts. Thanks to madpat3
  • Tweaked: Jets removed from battlegroups, so they won't spawn on the ground. But they still appear on high awareness
  • Tweaked: Recycle action code, changed from distance to distance2D to prevent issues with buildings like the airport lamp
  • Tweaked: Helipads are now added to Zeus, so the commander can delete them, as they can't be recycled normally
  • Fixed: Production and Logistic Overview wasn't usable in normal UI scale
  • Fixed: The RHS "Mk.V SOC" boat got no recycle action due to the mounted static weapons

0.954 (2017-06-19)

  • Added: Some small aesthetic things for the buildlist
  • Added: Transport configs for the unarmed Blackfish variants (can hold 5 crates). Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: Production dialog list entries are now color coded depending on the actual production
  • Tweaked: Small changes in the save_manager.sqf concerning object placement
  • Tweaked: Raised the default production interval a little bit
  • Tweaked: Updated ACE serverside settings
  • Fixed: UAVs counted to heli / plane count concerning used slots
  • Fixed: SDV was missing in the boats array to be able to place it on water
  • Fixed: H-Barrier classname changed from the protected to the public one

0.953 (2017-06-12)

  • Added: Action to stack and sort resources in storage areas
  • Updated: Italian localization. Thanks to k4s0
  • Updated: German localization. (umlauts)
  • Tweaked: Statics can now be placed inside buildings
  • Tweaked: Recycle of objects which won't give any resources is now always possible
  • Tweaked: Debug messages
  • Tweaked: Added the blackfish to all presets, as it was already listed to be unlockable
  • Tweaked: Again a small change at the placement of objects from the savegame
  • Fixed: Error in production dialog due to wrong global variable
  • Fixed: Last two supply_vehicle elements weren't shown in the build menu

0.952 (2017-06-04)

  • Added: Action to push resource crates
  • Added: More transport configs for various vehicles. Thanks to ChiefOwens
  • Added: Some more vehicles from RHS to the presets
  • Added: More buildable lights for the FOB. Thanks to Reckulation
  • Added: A devkit mission.sqm for people who want to port Liberation to other maps
  • Added: GitHub Wiki (will be expanded step by step in the future)
  • Removed: Some clutter of the custom enemy bases on each map. Could maybe increase performance a little bit
  • Tweaked: Starting times of the maps were not equal
  • Tweaked: Syncing times for production when resources are stored or unstored in sector storages
  • Tweaked: Moved ACE compatibility and Debug setting from kp_liberation_config.sqf to parameters
  • Fixed: SDV and armed boat recycle caused a script error
  • Fixed: AI Squads weren't saved
  • Fixed: Start vehicles were spawning with items in the inventory
  • Fixed: Sometimes you couldn't slingload crates which were unloaded from a storage

0.951 (2017-05-28)

  • Added: Boats at the stern of the Freedom for amphibious insertion
  • Added: Transport configs for guerilla offroad and van
  • Added: Mission parameter to choose between arsenal with no restrictions at all or using the defined preset from kp_liberation_config.sqf (no restriction not recommended)
  • Added: Al Rayak missionfile
  • Updated: Italian localization. Thanks to k4s0
  • Updated: Russian localization. Thanks to KOC
  • Tweaked: Syncing between server and clients after building a sector storage
  • Tweaked: Debug info output for sector production and logistic management
  • Tweaked: Small things on each mission.sqm. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: Factories will directly start producing supplies, as soon as a storage area is built
  • Tweaked: General syncing of production and logistic data between client and server
  • Tweaked: Resource amount is now also being displayed in the production dialog, not only crates count
  • Tweaked: Production menu is now also available if near a production sector
  • Tweaked: Checking the content of a crate now also checks if ropeAttachEnabled is true and set it to true if not
  • Tweaked: Improved logistics algorithm concerning behaviour of loading resources
  • Tweaked: Removed unarmed vehicles from sector defender vehicles. They are still transports for battlegroups
  • Fixed: Hostile map markers on Sahrani had a little offset from the map grid
  • Fixed: No intelobjects spawned at military bases
  • Fixed: Missing vehicles because of classname changes due to the ArmA 3 update. Thanks to madpat3 for an overview of all changes
  • Fixed: Production menu showed timer even if nothing is produced
  • Fixed: Production timer displayed as float if using a resource multiplier
  • Fixed: Sahrani mission name wasn't displayed in the server browser, even after mission start
  • Fixed: FOB Box won't respawn if fallen into the water
  • Fixed: It was possible to create a logistic mission without defining a A or B destination
  • Fixed: Logistic dialog didn't update when buying or selling a truck
  • Fixed: Error in serverlog concerning loading control CaptureFrames BLUFOR and OPFOR
  • Fixed: Boat recycle caused a script error
  • Fixed: Exploit of build menu if UI was set to show global resources
  • Fixed: Build menu reloads constantly

0.95 (2017-05-22)

  • Added: New resource system
  • Added: Italian localization. Thanks to k4s0
  • Added: Action to change alignment (up or terrain aligned) during placement of buildings
  • Added: Action to reassign the commander to the zeus module (only shows if the commander has no access to zeus)
  • Added: Paradrop of a resource package when first FOB is built
  • Added: Action to switch between displaying global or local FOB resources
  • Added: Air vehicle slot system (need a Flight Control to build helipads, hangars and air vehicles)
  • Added: Blacklist / Whitelist filtering for saved loadouts
  • Added: Recycling of enemy vehicles
  • Added: Recycle value now depends on vehicle damage, remaining ammo and fuel
  • Added: Production system for factories and cities (not capitals). Accessable for the commander if near a FOB
  • Added: Ability to build storage areas at sectors, where produced resources will be stored
  • Added: Ability to unlock resource facilities in cities, so you can produce that resource there
  • Added: RHS transport configs. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Added: Civilian transport configs. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Added: Optional logistics module for smaller groups to enable a automatic logistics system for the commander
  • Added: Mission parameter to enable or disable the logistics system
  • Added: 3cb BAF unit and arsenal preset. Thanks to ChiefOwens
  • Added: DLC Jets to most presets
  • Added: Sahrani missionfile. Thanks to Applejakerie for helping with OPFOR Points
  • Added: Debug messages for the server.rpt. Default disabled and can be enabled in the kp_liberation_config.sqf
  • Removed: Resource caps system
  • Removed: Old vanilla unit preset (custom.sqf already provides a vanilla setting)
  • Removed: Passive Income (due to new resource system)
  • Removed: Ammo Bounties (due to new resource system)
  • Removed: Civilian Penalties (due to new resource system)
  • Removed: Overwrite functionality for classnames.sqf, as it is no longer needed due to the preset system
  • Removed: gameplay_constants.sqf
  • Removed: Crate spawn at military bases
  • Removed: Chimera Base on maps with a suitable amount of ocean for supporting the Freedom
  • Merged: gameplay_constants.sqf settings into kp_liberation_config.sqf and added descriptions to the variables
  • Updated: Spanish localization. Thanks to regiregi22
  • Updated: English InGame Tutorial text with the latest informations for resource, production and logistic system. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Replaced: Manpower icon with supplies icon. Thanks to jus61
  • Replaced: Every deprecated BIS_fnc_MP with remoteExec
  • Replaced: ATLAS LHD with USS Freedom. Thanks to Applejakerie for the immersive clutter on the carrier
  • Tweaked: Arsenal blacklist filtering. Thanks to veteran29
  • Tweaked: Initialization of the arsenal, which should increase the performance for blacklist using
  • Tweaked: Save manager -> helicopters from the Freedom or Chimera won't be saved, as they spawn on every mission start/load
  • Tweaked: Name for savegame namespace -> adapts automaticly to worldName
  • Tweaked: Revive settings: BI Revive is enabled by default. Disable it, when you use ACE
  • Tweaked: Config, as some apex classnames were missing. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: If attacking a sector, a random amount of crates with random resources will spawn once.
  • Tweaked: Better comments in the unit preset files. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: Vehicles with dead crew can now be recycled
  • Tweaked: Altis mission.sqm. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: Chimera bases on Takistan and Taunus. Thanks to Applejakerie
  • Tweaked: Enemy infantry units will now spawn in initial safe state instead of be directly aware
  • Tweaked: Chimera / Carrier spawn markers. Removed any dependency, using only invisible grasscutter objects. Makes porting etc. much easier
  • Fixed: UAV unconnectable after player death. Thanks to veteran29
  • Fixed: Missing batteries with Apex laser designators. Thanks to veteran29
  • Fixed: Enemy weapon dance. Thanks to k4s0
  • Fixed: Non vanilla paratroopers don't have a parachute
  • Fixed: Enemy jets sometimes spawn on the ground instead flying
  • Fixed: ACE medical crate was empty and couldn't be recycled
  • Fixed: Slingloading while transport crates inside a helicopter causes the helicopter to slingload the loaded crates inside
  • Fixed: Some buildable paratroopers from some presets don't had a parachute

0.94 (2017-03-20)

  • Added: Tanoa missionfile and vanilla apex preset
  • Added: Custom made Chimera Base for Tanoa. Thanks to jus61 for building it
  • Added: X-Cam-Taunus missionfile
  • Added: Custom made Chimera Base for X-Cam-Taunus. Thanks to jus61 for building it
  • Added: Custom made Chimera Base for Chernarus. Thanks to Enigma for building it
  • Added: Arsenal whitelist preset system (change via kp_liberation_config.sqf)
    • Use blacklist from unit preset (default)
    • custom whitelist file
    • KP Community Selection
    • RHS USAF
    • RHS USAF with ACE3
    • RHS USAF with ACE3 and ACRE2
  • Removed: Dependencies on Takistan missionfile
  • Removed: Apex dependencies on Chernarus missionfile (custom chimera base had two apex rocks)
  • Removed: Apex dependencies on Taunus missionfile
  • Replaced: Old hostile markers (exclamation marks) with a unit count sensitive area marking system
  • Tweaked: Presets
    • custom.sqf is now default (vanilla is a kind of legacy now)
    • Vehicle ammo prices are raised to make them more valuable
    • Provided custom.sqf now adapt automaticly to installed mods
  • Fixed: Falling Little Birds on LHD
  • Fixed: Custom flag texture not applied after savegame load
  • Fixed: Mapmarker disable won't work

0.931 (2017-03-10)

  • Added: Takistan Missionfile
  • Added: Chernarus Missionfile
  • Added: RHS Takistan Classnames Preset (desert camo)
  • Added: RHS Classnames Preset (woodland camo)
  • Added: RHS / BW Mod Classnames Preset (woodland camo)
  • Fixed: BI Revive Error
  • Fixed: Starting game with a prebuild FOB caused errors on Takistan

0.93 (2017-03-07)

  • Added: kp_liberation_config.sqf with some additional config values
  • Added: ACE support
  • Added: Fuel consumption script
  • Added: Preset system (will grow with more maps) to choose between different classnames_extension presets
  • Added: custom.sqf in the preset system, where you can adjust everything to your liking (like editing the old classnames_extension.sqf)
  • Added: BI Revive System. Activate it via Parameters in the MP Lobby if you don't use ACE
  • Added: Option in the mission parameters to disable the whole mapmarkers and disable the function in the extended options for every player
  • Added: Ability to blacklist arsenal items
  • Removed: Farooq's Revive
  • Tweaked: Player group organisation (group changing via extended options ingame still enabled)
  • Tweaked: File organization (split scriptpart from missionpart, so it's easier to provide different maps)