A skirt piece to replace the lefthand (empty) or righthand fan holder with this. I bought the screen here: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/4001268132948.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.48094c4dXCEnMz I chose the one with the torus because that's the easiest to install one.
Steps to install:
- Disconnect printer from mains
- Connect the screen's wires (L-N and CT). You can also plug in the provided temperature sensor already, just be careful when inserting the screen into the skirt.
- Slide the screen into it, it should be press fit, maybe a bit on the loose side.
- Slide the torus over the mains input, before you split it off to power the PSUs/Bed. This way you measure the entire printer, not just one branch of the split.
- If you didn't do the temperature sensor at 2, now's your moment to do it. I tiewrapped mine to a wire so it measures the electronics compartment.
- Remove the M5 T-nut from the rail and insert two M3 T-nuts to hold the skirtpiece.
- Fasten with 2 M3*8.
- Power up.