Fully Customizable Bat file to Start Minecraft Server with single click. Aikar Flags Support and Auto restart after crash or execution of /restart.
This script is designed to automate the process of starting and maintaining a Minecraft server. It includes features such as automatic downloading of the latest server using MC Utils ServerJars and automatic restarting of the server in the event of a crash or scheduled downtime.
▸ Standalone / Proxies Jar
▸ Auto-Download ServerJar
▸ Customizable Jar Name
▸ Customizable Ram
▸ Toggleable Aikar Flags
▸ Toggleable Advanced Aikar Flags for 12Gb + ram
▸ AutoRestart Toggle
▸ Adjustable Timeouts for restart
▸ Gui Toggle for Consoles
▸ Adjuatable Java Home
▸ Auto Create EULA (need to agree in setup first)
▸ Customizable Title of console
▸ Advance / Custom flags Support
▸ User-Friendly
- A Windows operating system
- Java 8 or later (depending on the server version.)
- A command-line tool such as Command Prompt or PowerShell
- Text editor
- Download the script and save it as a '.bat' file. download latest
- Run the script either by double clicking it or executing using console.
- First run will ask question and generate the config and store it in "AdvanceStartup" directory.
- Edit config in "AdvanceStartup" directory if necessarry.
- Your server is ready.
If any of the configuration is wrong or needs changing then head over to AdvanceStartup directory and edit AdvanceStartup.conf