Simplistic vim plugin to keep repetitive movement motions centralized on the home row.
Space on the keyboard is valuable, there is only a limited amount of keys available for custom mappings. Particulary movement commands tend to be called more than once in a row - when such a command is triggered by two-or-more-key combo it quickly gets cumbersome.
vim-hopper temporarily empowers your home-row keys with more complex commands to allow you to move around more efficiently.
This is done through submodes, provided by the vim-submode plugin, which
you have to install in order to get vim-hopper running. (check :h submode
for more information)
All submodes are triggered through the combination of the
and one additional key.
The prefix defaults to <esc>
(for those who have remapped their
key probably a good choice) and can be customized through the variable g:hopper_prefix
Most of these hoppers are wrappers around other plugins - they are only initiated when the respective plugin is installed.
- Enable visual mode for the movement hoppers