Welcome to the FreeTakServer (FTS) git repository.
FTS is a Python3 implementation of the TAK Server for devices like CivTAK , WinTAK and ITAK, it is cross-platform. We use the Flask framework for web services. it's free and open source (released under the Eclipse Public License).
FTS allows you to connect ATAK clients to share geo information, to chat with all the connected clients, exchange files and more. It intends to support all the major use cases of the original TAK server.
This code is currently in Early Production Stage Check out our roadmap @ FreeTakServer#25 to see what is planned If you have any issues don't hesitate to bring it up https://github.com/Tapawingo/FreeTakServer/issues, as TAKFreeServer is in contionous development.
the FTS team is working daily on the development of a open and free solution. We plan to do more that simply replicate the functionalities of the legacy TAK server, our road map includes integration with open source systems like LORA's Meshtastic, porting it to Android, having an open API and much more.
We are doing it for free because we believe that donating personal time to a cause its a endeavour that is worthy per-se, However, a part time, we are also spending our own money to:
- Maintain a Public server and a test server
- Investing in different technologies for R&D
if you feel that FTS is useful to you and you can donate in those challenging times please consider to send you contribution here: DONATE
You can also support the project by buying one of our t-shirts
NOTE: not a big fan of Paypal, but that is the easier way I found for an initial attempt. We may go to some more ethical system in future.
we support a [public instance}(https://www.reddit.com/r/ATAK/wiki/index/freetakserver) of FTS.
- download the configuration {here}(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IK1LfPN13EWikHaMyOuDDwIerNGz-Wl)
- use the Import manager in ATAK to import the configuration
to discuss with the developer team Use the reddit server https://www.reddit.com/r/ATAK/ and the Discord chat https://discordapp.com/invite/XEPyhHA
TAKFreeServer uses a MVC pattern, the concept of a COT is described in a set of Domain classes, generated from the UML model using a Model Driven Architecture approach. YOu can see the complete COT description {here}(https://github.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTakServer/blob/master/docs/FreeTakServer%20specs/COTDomainModel.pdf)
under /docs, you can find various documents including an UML model of the Domain classes involved in a COT event.
- Python 3.6 (or better) following Python libraries are required and will be installed automatically by Pip: flask, lxml, pathlib, tabulate, sqlalchemy, setuptools, Flask-SQLAlchemy
the following are the instructions to install FTS 1.1 or better. Past versions can have different procedures. Important Note: depending from the system you are using, the following commands may be executed using python3, Pip3 or in alternative python, Pip (without the 3).
you will need to install Python 3 and PIP before you can install FTS
- Install Python3 and PIP
sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3 && sudo apt install pip3` (Ubuntu)```
Since version 0.8, FTS supports Pip installation, manual installation can be done with some modifications of the import paths, however we don't support it
sudo python3 -m pip install FreeTAKServer
Optional: check if installation is correctly executed and install any missing packages if prompted
pip check FreeTakServer
if you find a missing package you can install it with Pip. For example
$ sudo pip3 install flask_socketio and
$ sudo pip3 install flask_cors
python3 -m pip show FreeTAKServer
to find the path to FreeTAKServer e.g. under windows it's installed under
if you need, you can install a specific version of FTS by this command
sudo python3 -m pip install FreeTAKServer==xxx
you can see a list of versions here https://pypi.org/project/FreeTAKServer/#history
Information on our official container can be found here https://github.com/FreeTAKTeam/FreeTAKServer-Docker
Please create issues on the FreeTAKServer-Docker regarding inquries regarding the use of docker.
before the first startup go to the installation dir and the FreeTAKServer/controllers/configuration/MainConfig.py here change as follows,
DBFilePath = str(currentPath + r'\FTSDataBase.db')
DBFilePath = str('/a/dir/to/store/the/db/FTSDataBase.db')
sudo python3 -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS -DataPackageIP [YourIP]
this will start the server with Port 8087 and API port 8080 on the IP defined in [yourIP]
other parameters you can use: -AutoStart: (weather the full server start or just the RestAPI, must be True or False) -CoTIP [yourIP] -DataPackageIP[yourIP] : set the IP where CoTs are send -CoTPort [aPort] : the port you want clients to connect to -DataPackagePort [anotherPort]: the port you want datapackages to be sent and received on
if you dont set any of the above, FTS will adopt a "Convention instead of Configuration" approach and try to set all from the configuation file
Open a new console in a separate window run FTS Command Line Interface with
python -m FreeTAKServer.views.CLI
following command are supported: start_all: to begin all services type start_CoT_service: to begin CoT service type start_data_package_service: to begin data package service type stop_all: to terminate all services type stop_CoT_service: to terminate CoT service type stop_data_package_service: to begin data package service type change_connection_info: change the address and port of the server you're connecting to show_users: to show connected user information type kill: to kill the full server type show_DP: to show all DataPackages on the server remove_DP: to remove a DataPackages on the server
to get a list of other supported commands type
use this command in Ubuntu to run FTS independently from your command window.
sudo nohup python3 -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS -DataPackageIP [YourIP] &
go to the start menu and type cmd
to start a command prompt
open a console with admin rights Powershell has issues so do not use it
python3 -m FreeTAKServer.controllers.services.FTS -DataPackageIP [YourIP]
if, trying to start FTS you get an error 'package not found'
'package not found'
navigate to the physical location where the controllers are installed and start the server from there.
You may also check for missing libraries and install then using Pip
if you have issues connecting winTAK to FTS, try to deactivate the TAKChat plugin, under the plugin section
if you already installed FTS with pip you can use
pip install FreeTAKServer --upgrade
subscribe to this feed to be automatically informed about new versions: https://pypi.org/rss/project/freetakserver/releases.xml
If you have issues sending datapackages directly to clients via FTS, make sure -IP you specified can be reached from your device.
A quick way to test if it works is to take a picture with Quick Pic in ATAK and send it to another client. Please also note that for that test ATAK clients needs to be on different network (ie one on mobile and one on wifi), because if you run them in same network (wifi, vpn, etc) they will just use same multicast group, bypassing FTS completely.
When you post package to specific contact in ATAK, following happens:
- Datapackage is uploaded to server, recorded in database and stored in FTS directory
- Client receives payload with URL pointing to datapackage so ATAK can download it
Assuming you want to run open-to-everyone FTS instance, and you have server hosted somewhere, you need to specify public IP address in -IP argument. And just in case, -IP also accepts domain names.
If you run it at home and port forward on router doesn't work, check if you receive actual IP address and not being NATed and ports 8080 and 8087 are not filtered - you can ask your ISP about that.
- TakFreeServer
- Controllers: Contains all the business Logic
- Models: Contains all the COT object model
- TAKLinuxService: a demon for linux OS
- TakWinService: a service for the windows OS
- Docs: Usefull documentation regarding COTS and different logs to understand how those are implemented
- Model: a UML model in Sparx EnterpriseArchitect format (see https://sparxsystems.com/products/ea/trial/request.html).
- Old: Legacy versions