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v10.0.0 Migration Guide

This version contains the following breaking changes:

  1. All inputs, except for CheckboxGroup and RadioGroup, are now wrapped in a div
  2. The LabeledField component is now rendered as a div by default and accepts an optional prop as that can overwrite the HTML element
  3. The DropdownCheckboxGroup component is now CheckboxGroup with prop dropdown=true
  4. The labels are now rendered correctly when dropdown options are selected for the CheckboxGroup component and they are sorted from oldest (left) to newest (right)
  5. The CheckboxGroup and RadioGroup legends now rely on visually-hidden class styles to hide the label from the view

Further explanation of each item is detailed below.

1. All inputs, except for CheckboxGroup and RadioGroup, are now wrapped in a 'div'

fieldset no longer wraps each input unless when grouping related form controls (i.e., CheckboxGroup and RadioGroup). This affects base styles in _forms.scss and any custom rules your code might have that rely on the outdated structure.

<!-- Input HTML Before -->
<fieldset class="custom-class-name">
        <label for="person.firstName" class="">First Name</label>
    <div class="input-wrapper">
        <input id="person.firstName" name="person.firstName" type="text" value="">

<!-- Input HTML After -->
<div class="field-wrapper custom-class-name">
        <label for="person.firstName" class="">First Name</label>
    <div class="input-wrapper">
        <input id="person.firstName" name="person.firstName" type="text" value="">

2. The LabeledField component is now rendered as a div by default and accepts an optional prop as that can overwrite the HTML element

If you are not using LabeledField with a group of inputs, do not overwrite the wrapper's element, as it should not be fieldset. You may need to update your code that relies on the outdated structure. If you are using LabeledField with a group of inputs, pass in 'fieldset' for the as prop and make sure the custom label component has legend as its first child (source)- you can reference the CheckboxGroup or RadioGroup component as an example. The only valid options for the as prop are 'div' and 'fieldset'.

3. The DropdownCheckboxGroup component is now CheckboxGroup with prop dropdown=true

Due to high functionality overlap between the two components, DropdownCheckboxGroup has been removed and instead CheckboxGroup now accepts the optional dropdown prop that defaults to false. When the prop's value is set to true, the checkbox options appear in a dropdown container, just like it did in DropdownCheckboxGroup.

const inputProps = {
  name: 'person.checkboxOptions',
  value: '',
  onChange: action('field changed'),
const options = [
  { key: 'First Option', value: '1' },
  { key: 'Second Option', value: '2' },
  { key: 'Third Option', value: '3' },

// Before:
import { DropdownCheckboxGroup } from 'lp-components'

<DropdownCheckboxGroup input={inputProps} meta={{}} options={options} />

// After:
import { CheckboxGroup } from 'lp-components'

<CheckboxGroup input={inputProps} meta={{}} options={options} dropdown={true} />

4. The labels are now rendered correctly when dropdown options are selected for the CheckboxGroup component and they are sorted from oldest (left) to newest (right)

Previously, the DropdownCheckboxGroup component displayed the value of the selected option rather than the key which corresponds to its label. Additionally, the selected options appeared from newest to oldest, contrary to the typical expected behavior. If you've implemented workarounds, please remove them.

5. The CheckboxGroup and RadioGroup legends now rely on visually-hidden class styles to hide the label from the view

To follow the accessibility guideline of fieldset having one legend as its direct child, changes have been made in CheckboxGroup and RadioGroup to always render the legend and if label=false is passed into the components, the class name "visually-hidden" is added to the legend in order to visually hide it. Please make sure the following class styles are included in your project's root stylesheet:

.visually-hidden:not(:focus):not(:active) {
  clip: rect(0 0 0 0) !important;
  clip-path: inset(50%) !important;
  height: 1px !important;
  width: 1px !important;
  overflow: hidden !important;
  position: absolute !important;
  white-space: nowrap !important;
  border: 0 !important;
  padding: 0 !important;