This CorDapp provides a simple example of Cross-Chain Atomic Swap between Corda and EVM based Blockchain without trusted third party.
Be aware that support of HTTP requests in flows is currently limited:
- The request must be executed in a BLOCKING way. Flows don't currently support suspending to await an HTTP call's response
- The request must be idempotent. If the flow fails and has to restart from a checkpoint, the request will also be replayed
Also, be aware that there is okhttp's dependency conflict between Corda Node v4 and web3j (later than 4.5.12).
docker run --name postgres96 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:9.6
// clean up the container after stop
docker run --rm --name postgres96-rm -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:9.6
ganache-cli is a fast Ethereum RPC client for testing and development.
You can run ganache-cli and deploy Settlement contract by following Atomic Swap Ethereum Environment.
You need to install Web3j CLI first.
Then, you can generate the wrapper class
web3j truffle generate ../atomic-swap-ethereum-env/build/contracts/Settlement.json -o ./src/main/java -p
Use the deployNodes
task and ./build/nodes/runnodes
There are 3 participants.
Party C is an issuer of CorporateBond.
Party A wants to buy 100 amount of corporate bond that is owned by Party B.
- Party A remits by ether to Party B (The unit price is specified with the initial CorporateBond registration)
- Party B transfers 100 amount of corporate bond to Party A
This is expected to happen in an atomic way.
Several processes (nodes) exist in this scenario.
- Party A's Corda Node
- Party B's Corda Node
- Party C's Corda Node
- Corda Notary; run with PostgreSQL
- Ethereum Node; you may easily run by Ganache CLI
Every Data propagation between Corda and Ethereum is executed by Corda Nodes or Notary. Other processes are not required.
flow start name: "LayerX", unitPriceEther: "0.012345678901234567", observer: "O=ParticipantA,L=London,C=GB"
at the same time, CorporateBond state is shared to Party A to notify the unit price of the corporate bond.
Then, get the linearId of CorporateBond
run vaultQuery contractStateType:
flow start linearId: "52a6335d-f71e-43aa-86c4-696afdee0fdd", quantity: 1000, holder: "O=ParticipantB,L=New York,C=US"
Then, you can check issued CorporateBond token by running below from Party B
run vaultQuery contractStateType: com.r3.corda.lib.tokens.contracts.states.FungibleToken
Run ProposeAtomicSwapFlow from ParticipantA with corporateBondLinearId:
flow start corporateBondLinearId: "52a6335d-f71e-43aa-86c4-696afdee0fdd", quantity: 100, swapId: "3", acceptor: "O=ParticipantB,L=New York,C=US", fromEthereumAddress: "0xFFcf8FDEE72ac11b5c542428B35EEF5769C409f0", toEthereumAddress: "0x22d491Bde2303f2f43325b2108D26f1eAbA1e32b", mockLockEtherFlow: null
The acceptor ParticipantB can validate this Proposal with checkTransaction()
in ProposeAtomicSwapFlowResponder
The proposer ParticipantA will lock Ether to Settlement Contract in subflow.
run vaultQuery contractStateType:
You can get linearId of Proposal State by the result.
Go to the CRaSH shell for ParticipantB, and run the StartEventWatchFlow
with proposalStateLinearId
flow start proposalStateLinearId: "c8944c30-3db1-4e76-a0e2-1d06269d6bac"
You can now start monitoring the node's flow activity...
flow watch will see the EventWatch
flow running every 10 seconds until you close the Flow Watch window using ctrl/cmd + c
xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx Event Watch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Event Watched. (fromBlockNumber: x, toBlockNumber: xxxx)
...Or if aimed Ethereum Event was emitted on Ethereum network, EventWatch
flow will end with below log:
xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx Event Watch xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SettleAtomicSwapFlow has executed with xxxx securities.
Run AbortAtomicSwapFlow from Proposer(ParticipantA) with ProposalState's linearId:
flow start proposalStateLinearId: "c8944c30-3db1-4e76-a0e2-1d06269d6bac"
The Notary will unlock Ether to ParticipantA's Ethereum address.