Level - Hard
I love arnimals like frorggies and crarbs and octurpurse
`nc byuctf.xyz 40015`
[frorg] [libc.so.6]
This simple C binary was compiled without PIE and stack canaries, allowing a buffer overflow -> ret2libc to occur. However, due to the weird way it's reading in input, you have to be careful when overwriting the value for i
so your input is contiguous. Because there's no limit on what i
can be, you can overwrite the buffer storing frorgy names. You utilize the overflow to first leak the address of libc using PLT, and loop back to main
to exploit again. The second time, you use the offset of libc to calculate the address of the string "/bin/sh"
and the function system
to pop a shell.
This process is automated in solve.py
Flag - byuctf{fr0rg13s_s4y_rib1t_rib1t}
was compiled with gcc -o frorg -no-pie -fno-stack-protector frorg.c
This challenge should be a Docker container that runs the executable frorg
every time someone connects on port 40015. All the proper files are included in here. The command to build the docker container is (when located inside of this directory):
sudo docker build -t frorg .
sudo docker network create -d bridge frorg
The command to start the challenge is:
sudo docker run -p 40015:40000 --detach --name frorg --network frorg frorg:latest
The command to stop the challenge (since CTRL+C won't work) is:
sudo docker stop frorg