If you want to install the whole dotfiles you can use the install_dotfiles script:
bash install_dotfiles.sh
Gives you terminal integration (:terminal
), async linting and truecolor
brew tap neovim/neovim
brew install --HEAD neovim
To get jshint linting to work just install jshint before editing js-files:
npm install -g jshint
Right now you have to use HEAD because truecolor support will only be in tmux with the next version 2.2. 2.1 is the stable version as of writing this and does not support true colors.
brew uninstall tmux
brew install tmux --HEAD
Just to get truecolor support as the 10.11 terminal does not support truecolors.
These dotfiles assume you want to use Oceanic-next as your theme in vim as well as the iterm version.