Containerized chrome for testing with video recording - Because headless tests aren't enough
Didn't get how to use this image? If your front-end tests are written with TestCafe you can run them with remote browsers... Got it?
Let's try an example (Container Manual Start)
git clone
cd testcafe/examples/basic
testcafe remote test.js #TESTCAFE_URL
#Manually spawn a container
docker run -it -p 5900:5900 \
-v $(pwd):/data \
martinsthiago/chrome \
google-chrome [TESTCAFE_URL]
Advanced example (Automatically Start Chrome Container)
git clone
cd testcafe/examples/basic
tail -F /tmp/testcafe | grep -o --line-buffered http.* |
xargs -n 1 -I % docker run --rm \
--name potato \
-v "`pwd`/record:/session" \
martinsthiago/chrome:58.0.3029.96 google-chrome % >& /dev/null &
testcafe --ports 9505,9506 remote:1 test.js |& tee /tmp/testcafe /tmp/stdout; kill $(jobs -p); sleep 10 && docker kill potato; rm /tmp/testcafe
sudo chown -R $USER ./record
Setup your server to watch chrome-releases with this script
git clone &&
cd chrome && chmod +x ./ &&