这个视频是哈佛大学 CS50 课程的入门讲座,主要围绕计算机科学的基础概念和编程入门展开。以下是视频的主题内容、框架与主要知识点:
- 计算机科学入门介绍: 包括课程概述、讲师个人经历分享、课程目标和学习方法。
- 计算机科学基础概念: 讲解计算机如何表示信息(数字、字符、颜色、图像、视频、声音),以及算法和编程的基本原理。
- 编程语言入门 (Scratch): 通过图形化编程语言 Scratch 介绍编程的基本概念,例如函数、循环、条件语句、变量、事件等。
- 通过项目实例学习编程: 使用 Oscartime 和 Ivy's Hardest Game 两个游戏项目实例,讲解如何将编程概念应用于实际项目中,并强调逐步迭代开发的重要性。
- 引言 (Introduction): 课程介绍和激励。
- 计算机科学基础 (Computer Science Fundamentals):
- 问题解决 (Problem Solving)
- 信息表示 (Representation of Information)
- 算法 (Algorithms)
- 编程入门 (Programming Introduction):
- 伪代码 (Pseudocode)
- Scratch 编程语言
- 项目实例分析 (Project Examples)
- 总结 (Conclusion): 课程展望和鼓励。
- 问题解决: 计算机科学的核心是问题解决,将问题转化为输入,通过算法处理,产生输出(解决方案)。
- 信息表示:
- 一进制 (Unary): 使用单个符号(如手指)进行计数,基数为 1。
- 二进制 (Binary): 计算机内部使用二进制(基数为 2),只有 0 和 1 两个数字,通过晶体管的开关状态来表示。
- 位 (Bit) 和 字节 (Byte): 位是最小的二进制单位,一个字节通常包含 8 个比特。
- ASCII: 美国信息交换标准代码,使用 7 或 8 位二进制数表示英文字母、数字和标点符号。
- Unicode: 一种更全面的字符编码标准,可以使用多个字节表示更多语言的字符和表情符号。
- RGB: 红绿蓝颜色模型,通过三种颜色的不同强度组合来表示各种颜色,通常每个颜色分量使用一个字节。
- 图像、视频和声音的表示: 图像由像素组成,每个像素的颜色可以用 RGB 表示;视频是一系列静态图像(帧)的快速播放;声音可以通过频率、音量和持续时间等参数来表示。
- 算法: 解决问题的步骤说明,强调精确性和步骤性。
- 伪代码: 用自然语言描述算法步骤,不需要严格遵循特定编程语言的语法。
- 编程概念:
- 函数 (Functions): 执行特定任务的代码块,可以接受输入(参数)并产生输出(返回值或副作用)。
- 条件语句 (Conditionals): 根据布尔表达式(真/假)的结果来决定执行不同的代码分支 (if, else if, else)。
- 循环 (Loops): 重复执行一段代码,直到满足特定条件 (forever, repeat)。
- 变量 (Variables): 存储数据的容器,可以在程序中多次使用。
- 事件 (Events): 程序中发生的动作或事件,例如鼠标点击、键盘按键等,可以触发特定的代码执行。
- 抽象 (Abstraction): 隐藏复杂性,将复杂的细节封装在简单的接口后面,例如自定义函数。
- Scratch 编程:
- 图形化编程界面: 通过拖放拼图块来编写代码,避免了复杂的语法。
- 精灵 (Sprites): 程序中的角色或对象。
- 脚本 (Scripts): 控制精灵行为的代码块序列。
- 舞台 (Stage): 程序运行的可视化区域。
- 项目开发:
- 迭代开发: 从小处着手,逐步添加功能,不断测试和改进。
- 代码复用: 通过创建自定义函数来避免重复代码,提高效率和可维护性。
CS50 课程旨在介绍计算机科学的基本原理和编程的艺术,强调问题解决能力和计算思维的培养。通过 Scratch 这种图形化编程语言,即使没有编程经验的学生也能快速入门,并逐步过渡到更高级的编程语言。课程通过实际项目案例,帮助学生理解编程概念的应用,并鼓励学生进行创造性探索。
00:00:00 - 开场
[音乐播放中] 这里是 CS50
00:01:15 - 这里是 CS50
DAVID MALAN: 好的。这里是 CS50,哈佛大学计算机科学与编程艺术导论课程。我叫 David Malan,几年前我自己也上过这门课,但我差点就没上。那是我大学的第一年,我和我的室友们住在马修斯大厅,对这里熟悉的人可能知道。
[欢呼声] 好的,马修斯。实际上,当时我们值得一提的是,我们的房间恰好是马特·达蒙三年前住的。就从那说起。但在我的第一年,我真的没有勇气踏入这个教室,更不用说计算机科学了。事实上,对我来说,计算机科学,特别是 CS50,是一门让人望而却步的课程。我算是比较熟悉电脑的,但我肯定算不上那些对电脑特别精通的人。
好吧,没有马瑟楼的。当我住在马瑟楼的时候,我记得大概是那年九月开学的第一周,我和几个朋友一起去上了一门叫做 CS50 的课。老实说,当我踏进那个教室的那一刻,当时的教授是一位著名的计算机科学家,名叫 Brian Kernighan,现在在普林斯顿大学。我当时就被迷住了。实际上,之后每周五晚上,当发布习题集的时候,我都会在晚上 7:00、8:00 坐下来开始做作业。
这并不是我们特别推荐的做法。但对我来说,这就像一个信号,哇,我好像找到了我的使命。我在校园里找到了我的同学。当然,并不是每个人都会这样。我们当然不期望你在上了一门计算机科学课后就一定会或可能会想上其他的计算机科学课。但是计算机科学,特别是 CS50,最强大的地方在于它与更广阔的世界息息相关,无论你是在艺术、人文、社会科学、自然科学还是其他领域,这些概念和实用的编程技能都非常适用,你将带着这些技能从这门课毕业。
不过,请放心,大多数 CS50 学生以前从未上过 CS 课程,事实上,根据教学大纲,这门课最终重要的不是你相对于同学的最终水平,而是你相对于开始时的自己的最终水平。而你的开始就是今天。所以,考虑一下你对计算的熟悉程度或不熟悉程度,更不用说计算机科学和编程了,特别是如果你以前从未在课堂上探索过这两者,并考虑一下几个月后你的变化,这将真正描述你走了多远。
这才是最重要的,而不是你现在左右、前后方的同学知道多少。话虽如此,请允许我再补充一些灵感。这是我 1996 年 CS50 第一次作业的照片,我想提请大家注意的是,尽管这是一个我们下周将要学习的所谓的“hello world”程序,它几乎是你用 C 语言编写的最短、最简单的程序。但我的第一次作业还是被扣了两分,也就是说,我们都会在前进的道路上犯错。但目标将是学习并享受这个过程。
最后,像我一样,你也将自豪地拿着你的 CS50 T恤毕业,这也是我们的传统。说到这里,CS50 还有很多其他的传统,无论是在校内还是校外。特别是,我们在 CS50 中不仅努力提供你可能需要的学术支持结构,而且还提供集体共享的社区体验。也就是说,在几天后,我们将正式开始 CS50 益智日,这不仅是一个与朋友们聚会、享用披萨、赢取奖品和解决各种逻辑谜题的机会,更是为了传达一个信息,即计算机科学本身不是关于编程,不是关于 C,不是关于 Python,不是关于编程语言本身,而是关于问题解决,更重要的是与你在这门课或其他地方身边的其他聪明人合作解决问题。
事实上,在学期快结束的时候,我们会通过 CS50 黑客马拉松来巩固这一点,这将是一个通宵的机会,让你深入研究你自己的最终项目,这是本课程的顶点,之后是 CS50 展览会,这将是一个面向全校学生、教职员工的展览,展示你自己的最终项目,无论你决定在本学期结束前创建的是你自己的网络应用程序、移动应用程序还是其他任何东西。事实上,最终的目标,特别是最终项目,是为你自己、为你的同学、为参观者创造一些我们甚至没有教你如何做的东西。这实际上将表明你已经走在正确的道路上并且准备好了。为此,我们想通过这个简短的视频让你了解 CS50 的过去,如果可以调暗灯光的话,它描绘了这里和未来的所有等待。
[视频回放] [音乐播放中]
[结束回放] DAVID MALAN: 好的,欢迎加入 CS50 和计算机科学本身。
00:08:35 - 计算机科学
00:09:44 - 一进制
例如,如果我要用老式的方法点名,也许在一个较小的房间里,我可能会用 1、2、3、4、5、6、7 等等,只用我的手指来数人数。这实际上被称为一进制记数法,在数学上也被称为以一为基数,因为在这个模型中,你实际上是用手指作为数字。
所以如果你只使用一进制并只数 1、2、3、4、5,那显然是正确的。但我敢说我可以用我的手想出更多的模式,这使我能够不用第二只手或一双脚就能数到比 5 更高的数字。
事实上,也许对于那些更熟悉的人来说,你实际上可以用一只手数到多高呢?所以 31,信不信由你,实际上是正确的答案。但为什么呢?嗯,在这里,我最初很简单地开始了。1、2、3、4、5。我只是把所有的手指加起来,数了总数。
也许我们同意这是经常冒犯性的,只竖起一个中指,但这将是四。这可能是五。这可能是六。这可能是七。如果我继续以这种方式排列我的手指——请允许我剧透一下——这实际上将是 31。但再说一遍,为什么呢?但这里的区别在于,我们不再使用一进制或
00:11:28 - 二进制
而且很可能,即使你根本不是计算机科学专业的人,你可能也普遍知道计算机只能理解或说出什么字母表呢?所以是一和零,零和一,也就是所谓的二进制系统。实际上,这里有一个值得注意的术语。当你使用零和一,当然,总共是两个数字,你有所谓的二进制数字——bi 暗示二,这意味着有两种可能性,零或一。
如果我们去掉其中一些字母,然后把这两个短语连在一起,这里就有一个技术术语,那就是比特。一个比特就是一个二进制数字,也就是说它是一个零或一。当然,这与你和我所知的十进制系统形成对比。Dec 暗示 10,因为在现实世界中,你和我每天都使用零到九,这是 10 种可能性。
也许我有一个灯泡,它通过一个开关来控制它的熄灭或点亮。所以你可以把一个二进制数字零想象成一个熄灭的灯泡。相比之下,如果你把数字世界中的一想象成是两种可能性中的第二种,你可以在人类或模拟世界,物理世界中,把它想象成一个点亮的灯泡。事实上,你的 Mac、PC、安卓手机、iPhone 的内部都有数百万个被称为晶体管的微小光开关,它们可以被打开或关闭,打开或关闭。
在后面?是的。所以这里的答案是七。如果你也在想,人们是如何算出 31 和 7 的?这就是我们这里的目标。所以让我这样做。让我把所有这些都再次关掉,这样我的三个灯泡或开关就又表示零了。第一个很简单。这就是计算机表示数字一的方式。
换句话说,010 将是在数字上发音的方式。如果我想表示三呢?这就是我在手指上用两个手指做到的。嗯,我要把这个打开。这是三。现在,对于那些不太熟悉的人来说,这将是不明显的。现在这就是我表示数字四的方式。
所以在人类世界中,你和我非常习惯于使用以 10 为基数,从零到九,也就是十进制。那么,作为人类,我们是如何本能地使用它的呢?嗯,屏幕上这个明显的数字是什么?123。但为什么是 123 呢?多年来,你并没有真正思考过为什么屏幕上的这个符号或数字模式,一,二,三,在数学上表示这个你显然知道是 123 的数字。
但如果你倒带到小学,很可能,像我一样,你被教导最右边的数字是个位,第二个数字是十位,这个数字是百位,等等。所以即使我们没有人必须明确地做这个数学运算,你所做的就是 100 乘以 1 加上 10 乘以 2 加上 1 乘以 3,这给你 100 加 20 加 3。哦,这就是为什么它是 123,因为这些数字按这个顺序具有这种意义。左边的数字比右边的数字具有更大的权重。
那么我们能从中得到什么呢?嗯,让我们首先把它概括为任意的三位数。所以数字,数字,数字。个位,十位,百位。但其中有一些数学运算,而且它并不是特别复杂。这些实际上是 10 的幂。所以 10 的 0 次方,10 的 1 次方,10 的 2 次方,这就是你的十进制系统。
因为这个值中的基数是 10,这是因为每个占位符都有 10 种可能性,从零到九。但在二进制世界中,在计算机的世界中,它们只有零和一,为什么呢?因为它们在物理上只有晶体管。非常非常小的灯泡,可以关闭或打开。如果你只有两个数字可以使用,那么 10 进制当然应该变成 2 进制。
现在如果我们在这里做一些数学运算,2 的 0 次方,2 的 1 次方,2 的 2 次方,你就得到了个位,二位,四位。如果我们继续 8,16,32,64,128 等等,它是 2 的幂而不是 10 的幂。但这意味着计算机以与你和我从小到大完全相同的方式表示信息,但它们可用的数字更少,所以这些列需要以不同的方式加权。
所以我们仍然可以从零一直数到无穷大。那么这意味着什么呢?嗯,这里我们在屏幕上有三个比特,000。如果我们现在要在心理上或在纸上把它转换成十进制,我们该怎么做呢?嗯,4 乘以 0 加上 2 乘以 0 加上 1 乘以 0。这给了我们你和我所知的数学数字零。
那是三个灯泡。关,关,关。好吧,如果我们在最右边打开一个灯泡呢?这个二进制数 001 表示什么十进制数呢?只是一,因为它是 4 乘以 0,2 乘以 0,1 乘以 1。这就是事情变得更有趣的地方,即使在灯泡形式或甚至物理手形式中不明显。二进制中的 010 在十进制中是什么?
二,因为它是 2 乘以 1,就是这样。二进制中的 011 当然现在是三。这现在是四。这现在是五。这现在是六和七。开,开,开或 111 是我们可以用这三个比特数的最高值。好的。那么计算机如何直观地计数到八呢?你可能需要做什么呢?
你需要添加一个比特。所以你需要另一个灯泡,另一个开关。你需要更多的内存,可以说,使用你可能熟悉的术语。所以事实上,如果我们把所有这些都改成零,但我们给自己增加一个比特,总共四个,那一定是第八位,因为这里只是 2 的又一个幂。所以 1000 是十进制数八。
在二进制中你不说 1,000。你实际上说 1000。但这就是你和我所知的数字八。你可以不断地向上,向上,向上。那么计算机如何使用 Excel 或任何类型的数字处理软件计数到非常高的数字并跟踪非常大的数字呢?计算机只是向它投入越来越多的晶体管,越来越多的比特来计数到越来越高。然而,事实证明,一个比特,三个比特,甚至四个比特在实践中并不是那么有用,因为你只能数到七,或者可能是 15 或 31。
所以更常见的是,众所周知,使用一个字节的比特。对于那些熟悉的人来说,一个字节中有多少个比特?所以它只是八个。为什么是八个?它只是比一个或两个或三个或其他数字更有用。顺便说一句,它恰好是 2 的幂,这在电子学上也很有用。所以一个字节就是 8 个比特。
这里是我刚才脱口而出的那些列。这是计算机在十进制中表示零的方式,但使用八个二进制数字或比特。小知识。再说一遍,这不是计算机科学的重点,但它有助于了解这些值的下限和上限。如果这是零,那么用 8 个比特或 1 个字节你能数到多高?
是的。所以它实际上是 255。所以如果我把所有这些零都改成一,然后做一些快速的心算或计算器数学运算,128 加上 64 加上 32,16,8,4,2 和 1 实际上会给我总共 255。再加上 0,这给了我总共 256 种可能性。所以这只是为了说明——这也不是我们会经常做的数学运算,但你会经常在计算机世界和编程世界中看到 2 的幂,像 255,256 这样的数字。为什么呢?因为这些是系统倾向于使用的常见度量单位。
所以让我在这里暂停一下,看看在二进制、零和一、晶体管等方面,有什么问题或困惑我们可以澄清的吗?哦,非常好的问题。为什么比特只是开或关,而不是通过调整电压来实现 0%、50%、100% 呢?所以你对电压的推断实际上是正确的。这通常是计算机所做的。
也许它们使用接近 0 伏的电压来表示 0,也许使用接近 5 伏的电压来表示 1。事实证明,在计算机中做极端的事情真的很容易。如果你开始分割电压范围,对于那些还记得任何电力知识的人来说,要精确就变得越来越难。如果你把事情弄得有点模糊,你可能会把零误认为是一或二或三。所以事实证明,使用二进制系统更简单。
00:23:58 - ASCII
我们可以表示从零开始的任何数字,让我建议我们用我们的电脑、口袋里的设备、台式机和笔记本电脑做一些更有用的事情,比如表示字母,为了谷歌文档、微软 Word 或我们可能想写的任何类型的文本。所以现在知道计算机只包含或只使用零和一,因此只包含像晶体管这样的硬件,你如何在计算机内部表示像英语中的大写字母 A 这样的东西呢?当然,它不再是一个数字了。
我们能做什么呢?是的?观众:我们可以使用字母表,然后使用数字。DAVID MALAN:好的,是的。所以我们可以取英语中的字母 A 到 Z,我们可以给每个字母分配一个数字。老实说,这不仅是正确的答案,而且实际上是唯一的答案。
因为归根结底,如果你只有零和一可用,这就是解决这个问题的全部潜在方案。所以事实证明,是的,大写字母 A,几年前,一群人决定用这种零和一的模式来表示。01000001。
现在,经过训练,你可以做一些快速的二进制数学运算,哪个十进制数显然是用来表示大写字母 A 的?所以是 65,因为那是 64 加 1 再加 1 乘以 1 等于 65。B 是什么?事实证明是 66。C 是什么?67。所以他们从那以后就保持简单了。
如果 A 是零或者 A 是一,那可能会很好。但不,我们只能用 65 代替。但之后的一切都是非常可预测的。事实上,对于小写字母,还有一整套其他的数字,比如小写字母 A 恰好是 97,小写字母 B 恰好是 98,等等。但再说一遍,这就像是 CS 的冷知识。但这里重要的是,从 65 到 66 到 67 等等,它们确实是连续的。这是我们将能够利用的东西,不仅仅是字母 A。
这是什么系统?这是你自己提出的什么映射?它是 ASCII,美国信息交换标准代码。事实上,几年前是一群美国人提出了这个系统。不幸的是,当时,他们只分配了 7 个比特,最终总共 8 个比特来表示字母,包括大写和小写,键盘上的数字,以及标点符号。
所以根据我们刚才的对话,如果这个房间里的美国人,可以说,总共只使用了 8 个比特,那么在这个故事中,我们能用计算机表示多少个不同的字符呢?所以只有 255 个,如果我们再次从零开始计数,技术上是 256 个。这还不足以表示所有的人类语言,但至少足以表示英语,以及其他一些语言。
所以这里,例如,是一个 ASCII 映射表。果然,如果我们放大这一列,65 是大写字母 A,66 是大写字母 B,点点点,72 是 H,73 是 I,等等。所以至少所有这些英文字母都有一个标准化的映射。好吧,假设你收到一封电子邮件或一条短信,或者像一个包含这种零和一模式的谷歌文档。所以 01001000 等等等等。
所以 3 个字节。三组 8 个比特。也就是说 3 个字节,每个字节在 ASCII 中表示一个字母。你收到了什么信息?好吧,这次我来做数学运算,这样我们就不用做了。假设你真正收到的是十进制的 72、73、33。
你刚刚收到了什么信息?如果你还记得前面的图表的话。事实上,答案是“嗨”。为什么呢?因为 H 是 72,I 是 73。等等,33。
所以这是 H。这是 I。33,如果我们突出显示它,恰好是一个感叹号。所以这就是底层发生的事情,可以说,当你今天收到一条短信,上面真的用大写字母和一个感叹号写着“嗨!”时,你的手机至少收到了三个字节,每个字节表示字母表中的一个字母。你的电脑正在快速地进行心算,以找出这些数字到底是什么,然后在某种意义上,在它的记忆中查找所谓的 ASCII 表,你应该在屏幕上实际看到哪个字母。
八怎么样?上来吧。为我们的志愿者鼓掌。是的。[掌声] 好的。所以我要让你们每个人做的就是按特定的顺序表示一个比特。所以如果你们想,按任何顺序,在这里排成一排,面向观众。过来吧。好的。
三。四位。八位。16、32、64 和 128。如果可以的话,请你们稍微压缩一下。所以这些人中的每一个都代表一个特定位置的比特。
观众:嗨。我叫布鲁克。我来自印第安纳州,我正在学习生物学和计算机科学。DAVID MALAN:好的。欢迎。观众:嗨,我是贝卡。我来自马里兰州,华盛顿特区附近,我正在学习电气工程。
DAVID MALAN:欢迎。观众:嗨,我是艾迪生。我来自马里兰州。我正在学习工程学。观众:嗨。我是莎伦。我来自卢旺达,我正在学习 CS 和数学。DAVID MALAN:欢迎。观众:嗨,我是格蕾丝。
我来自阿拉巴马州,我正在学习电气工程。DAVID MALAN:欢迎。观众:嗨,我是安吉丽娜。我来自马里兰州。而且,我住在马修斯。DAVID MALAN:好的。马修斯。好的。[掌声]
观众:我是欧文·贝尔斯,我来自弗吉尼亚州的农村,我正在学习 CS。
DAVID MALAN:好的,欢迎。还有?
DAVID MALAN:也欢迎你。如果你也想知道为什么我在开始时戴着这些眼镜——现在在互联网上非常常见的是这些 POV 视频。所以事实证明,这些雷朋眼镜实际上可以录制视频片段,我们有几个,我们想把它们提供给几个志愿者。如果有人想为这里的每个人记录他们的观点。弗拉德会在这里帮助确保它们正在录制。
DAVID MALAN:66,因为我们有一个 64 加一个 2。那它映射到哪个 ASCII 字母呢?
DAVID MALAN:B 是第一个字母。好的,放下手。第二轮,开始。难一点了。现在代表什么?观众:79。
DAVID MALAN:我开始听到了。79 实际上是正确的。79,因为我们有一个 64 和一个 8 和 4 和 2 和一个 1。所以如果是 79,我们就有了 ASCII 字母 O。所以我们得到了 BO,最后,第三轮。
开始。我们有 01010111。这是什么数字?
DAVID MALAN:87。它拼出了哪个字母?
DAVID MALAN:W。它拼出了哪个单词?
DAVID MALAN:不是“bow”。如果可以的话,鞠个躬。好的。为我们的志愿者鼓掌。[掌声] 从这边下来,拿一个 CS50 压力球。
谢谢我们的志愿者。所以这只是为了说明我们现在已经同意了如何表示从零开始的数字。我们已经同意了如何表示字母。但至少是用 ASCII 表示字母,事实上,这些不仅仅是装饰。实际上,这是课程结束时的一个小知识。如果你上来领取你自己的 CS50 压力球,事实证明这里有 64 个灯泡在舞台的底部。如果你把它们分成 8 个字节或单个——
00:33:42 - Unicode
8 个比特或单个字节块,有一个由 8 个字母组成的单词,今天恰好是用这个 ASCII 图表拼出来的。所以今天的谜题是,这个单词到底是什么。但是,当然,如果你只有 8 个比特,你只能表示 256 个字符,这听起来对英语来说已经足够了,而且确实如此。零到九,A 到 B,大写和小写,大写和小写,以及标点符号。但是世界上还有很多其他的人类语言,它们有其他的字符。
例如,我们不仅有我们在美国英语键盘上看到的英文字母表。我们还有重音字符,我们还有各种亚洲语言,它们有更多的字形。我们需要超过 256 个可能的字符。所以现在计算机不仅仅使用 7 个甚至 8 个比特。它们可能对某些字母使用 8 个比特,比如所有的英文字母。它们可能对某些其他语言使用 16 个比特。
甚至可能是 24 或 32 个比特。有趣的是,如果你有 32 个比特——我们在舞台上有更多的比特。如果你有 32 个比特,你实际上可以表示多达 40 亿个可能的字符,这是相当多的。没有双关的意思。那么我们还能表示什么呢?嗯,这个系统的目标,不仅仅是 ASCII,还有一种叫做 Unicode 的更新的标准,是为了向后兼容 ASCII。所以人们保留了所有其他的数字,65、66、67 等等,但他们添加了一个表示的超集,可能是 16、24 或 32 个比特。
你可能需要按一个特殊的按钮来调出那种形式的键盘,但这些只是这里的字符。所以这些表情符号之所以大受欢迎,有很多原因,其中之一就是,天哪,我们要用 40 亿个可能的零和一的模式做什么呢?我们可以开始玩得开心,并表示英语和人类语言之外的东西。现在,顺便说一句,当涉及到 Unicode 时,事实证明 Unicode 几年前标准化了这个 32 个零和一的模式来表示其中一个表情符号。所以表情符号倾向于使用更多的比特。
有人知道这是什么十进制数吗?这不是一个有趣的数学练习。剧透是 4,036,991,106 是实际上表示目前世界上最受欢迎的表情符号的十进制数。有人想猜猜这个数字代表什么表情符号吗?
DAVID MALAN:心?心?不,但它实际上是这个所谓的“喜极而泣的脸”。所以也许想想你发送这个表情符号的频率。即使它显然是屏幕上的一张图片,当然,它实际上更像是一种字体,因为在底层,它实际上只是计算机存储的零和一的模式或十进制数。但是计算机,无论是 Mac OS 还是 Windows 还是 iOS 还是 Android,都知道将该模式显示为这里的这张图片。但是图片可能会因硬件而异。
为什么呢?因为像谷歌、微软、Meta 和其他公司都有自己的艺术家作为员工,这些艺术家对“喜极而泣的脸”等描述的解释不同。所以你们中那些使用安卓手机的人实际上看到的“喜极而泣的脸”看起来有点像这样。例如,如果你在手机上安装了 Telegram,它甚至比那更有动画效果。这是使用相同零和一模式的表情符号。所以不同的艺术家以不同的方式呈现这些表情符号,但它们都只是模式。现在,对于所有其他的答案,除了刚才喊出的一个答案之外,这是根据 Unicode 的几年前最受欢迎的表情符号的云图,其中表情符号的大小表示它的相对受欢迎程度。所以心,我确实在这里听到了,它确实也是最受欢迎的表情符号之一。
观众:为什么某些表情符号会显示 [听不清]?
DAVID MALAN:哦,非常好的问题。为什么某些表情符号不能在一个设备或另一个设备上显示呢?这取决于软件的更新程度。
几乎每年,Unicode 联盟背后的人类都会发布新的表情符号。也就是说,他们决定这个其他的模式将代表这个新的表情符号,这个其他的模式将代表这个新的表情符号。除非你把你的手机、笔记本电脑更新到最新的软件,并且该设备或软件的制造商也通过聘请艺术家以他们自己的字体、他们自己的风格绘制这些图片来进行更新,否则你通常只会看到一个空的黑色方块,或者可能只是一个黑白的心形,而不是更丰富多彩的东西。实际上只是占位符,因为,这就像你没有安装正确的字体,或者实际上,你安装了该字体的旧版本。但它已经成为一种年度传统,每年都会发布新的和更多的表情符号,
00:38:45 - 颜色
DAVID MALAN:这是一个很好的引子。你如何在字节中表示颜色呢?嗯,你使用 RGB,这恰好是,巧合的是,下一张幻灯片。
所以让我们再次回顾一下。我们知道如何表示字母。我们知道如何表示数字。我们甚至可以表示表情符号。但从技术上讲,这些表情符号在屏幕上当然是由颜色组成的,比如那个笑脸上的大量黄色?那么,计算机如何只使用零和一来表示颜色呢?嗯,按照惯例,它们通常使用一个缩写为 RGB 的系统。红色、绿色、蓝色。这就是说,计算机,为了在屏幕上表示一个点——
也就是说每个像素 24 个比特。他们这样做。如果你要使用这三个数字在屏幕上表示一个点,这里只是为了说明,这是 72、73、33,在短信、电子邮件、谷歌文档的上下文中,当然,它在文本上表示“嗨”。如果计算机使用相同的零和一模式,即相同的十进制数字模式来表示屏幕上的颜色呢?如果你正在使用 Photoshop 打开图像,这是相关的。因此,使用了解颜色、图像而不仅仅是文本的不同软件。好吧,这意味着您希望屏幕上的那个点具有中等量的红色、中等量的绿色和少量蓝色。为什么我说中等和小量?
好吧,再说一遍,如果这些数字中的每一个都使用 8 位或 1 个字节,正如我们发现的那样,我们可以计算的最高值是 255。所以我在做平均。所以 255 中的 72 对我来说感觉像是中等量的红色。33 感觉是相对较少的蓝色。但是,如果现在计算机将这些波长的光组合起来,即中等量的红色、中等量的绿色、少量蓝色,您将获得单个点的颜色代码。
DAVID MALAN:不是白色,不是紫色。
DAVID MALAN:实际上,答案是黄色。
因此,它在一个像素中大致表示这种黄色阴影。也就是说,如果我们回顾一下任何这些表情符号,它们同样由零和一的模式表示,但是您和我作为人类将它们视为屏幕上的图像——让我实际上继续放大并进一步放大到一个这样的样本表情符号。当您放大到足够大或将手机靠近您的脸时,您实际上可以看到所有这些被称为像素的小点,所有的小方块。鉴于这么多像素是黄色的,也就是说三个字节的模式 72、73、33 用于表示此像素。
另外 3 个相同的字节用于表示此像素、此像素、此像素等等。所以现在,如果您在手机或相机上拍摄了数码照片,您可能通常从今天的互联网和硬件中了解到一张照片是 1 兆字节、10 兆字节,具体取决于它的分辨率?
00:42:27 - 表示
它可能是每秒 30 帧或图像,可能是每秒 24 帧或图像。也就是说,我们知道如何表示数字,我们知道如何表示字母,我们知道如何表示颜色,从而表示图像。现在我们免费获得了视频,因为它们只是更多相同的东西。使用越来越多的那些模式。
为什么视频这么大?为什么它们要下载千兆字节,数十亿字节?因为有太多该死的图像。在这些类型的视频中,每秒有 30 多张图像。也许最后,只是为了完善我们的多媒体,您如何表示声音?也许是房间里的音乐家。如何仅使用零和一,就能表示像音乐一样悦耳的东西呢?像数字一样模拟的东西。是的?
DAVID MALAN:是的。因此,我们存储在计算机中的每个数字都可以对应某个频率,这与声音或音符的音高有直接关系。例如,在钢琴和许多其他乐器的世界中,您有 A、B、C,也许您还有升号和降号。我们可以像几年前的 ASCII 人一样同意,为了表示音符 A,让我们使用这种模式,音符 A 升,让我们使用这种模式等等。
但也许仅音高或仅频率是不够的。也许我们需要那个数字,但也许需要第二个数字来表示音量,这是您敲击钢琴键的数字等效值。也许第三个数字表示您按住琴键的时间。所以也许是音高、音量和持续时间,有点像 RGB,我们可以使用三个字节来表示某个片段中的每个音符。
我们有我们的数字,我们有我们的字母,我们有我们的颜色和图像,我们的视频,现在还有声音。关于计算机如何仅使用零和一表示那些输入和输出,还有什么问题吗?是的,在中间。观众:计算机将其作为输入。DAVID MALAN:正确。所以计算机在最后将零和一作为输入,并输出零和一。然而,正如我们将在这门课中学到的,通过编写软件,通过编写理解那些零和一的代码,我们将享受到的不仅仅是字面上的零和一,我们将看到 A、B、C,我们将看到颜色,我们将看到视频,我们将听到声音,只要我们编写代码来解释那些零和一。事实上,值得注意的是,我现在一直用于示例的相同模式,72、73、33,计算机如何知道?
那是消息“嗨”吗?那是黄色吗?它是单独视频中的一个点吗?这取决于上下文。简而言之,如果您使用 Excel 或计算器程序打开零和一的模式,那么该软件很可能会将这三个字节解释为数字,当然。
但是,如果您在短信程序、谷歌文档、微软 Word 中打开相同的模式,相同的模式将被解释为字母序列。相反,如果您打开 Photoshop,相同的模式,您可能会看到一个恰好是黄色的点。相反,一旦您自己成为一名程序员或更优秀的程序员,您将能够用代码编写您希望计算机如何处理这些零和一的模式。
00:47:20 - 算法
是解决问题的秘诀,它将这些输入转换为输出,将这些问题转换为解决方案。那么什么是算法呢?它实际上只是解决某些问题的分步说明。事实上,我想起了我在 CS50 中第一次从 Brian Kernighan 教授那里学到这一点。
幸运的是,我刚刚参加了我的 25 周年同学聚会,在那里我们提取了 1996 年的一些视频片段。所以我们实际上很幸运地拥有了 25 年前我自己参加 CS50 的前几分钟。但那时和今天的教训从根本上来说是相同的。事实上,重要的是不仅要正确地表达自己,而且要精确地表达自己,正如我们今天将要探讨的那样。这就是 Brian Kernighan 教授,他在多年前通过在课堂上刮胡子,非常难忘地向我们和我的同学们介绍了算法。
如果我们可以为 Brian 调暗灯光。[视频回放] - 我们将在这门课中讨论的另一件事是算法的概念。算法是如何做某事的非常精确的描述。这里的关键词是精确。
我带来了各种各样的东西,人们可以用它们来修剪胡子。[笑声] [掌声]
[结束回放] DAVID MALAN:可以说,我没有多少胡子。但我确实有这项被称为电话簿的其他技术。当然,这些电话簿中有很多信息。碰巧特别存储了数字和字母。
对于那些不熟悉的人来说,它们存储了从 A 到 Z 的人名(英文),并且每个人的名字都与一个数字相关联。所以即使你从来没有机会实际使用这种设备,事实证明它几乎等同于你的 iOS 手机或你的安卓手机上的通讯录或地址簿应用程序。为什么呢?因为如果你打开你的通讯录,当然,你会看到一些熟悉的名字,按名字或姓氏的字母顺序排列。
如果你点击其中任何一个名字,你就会联系到你可能想打电话或发短信的人。这里显示的是约翰·哈佛的电话号码,加 1-949-468-2750,你可以在闲暇时拨打或发短信。但这是约翰·哈佛,他在数字电话簿中途。好吧,事实证明,在物理电话簿中,我们可能会使用一种算法,即逐步说明,以查找约翰·哈佛,这与 iOS、Android、Mac OS、Windows 或其他操作系统本身使用的方式几乎相同。所以,当我在寻找约翰·哈佛时,名字以 J 开头,我可以从电话簿的开头开始,逐页地寻找约翰·哈佛。
所以是的,如果约翰·哈佛在这里,一旦我到达 J 部分,我最终会找到他。现在,这有点乏味。这将需要一段时间。几十页,几百页。所以也许我可以做一些更聪明的事情,就像小学时那样,2、4、6、50:55 8、10、12、14、16 等等,速度快一倍。这个算法正确吗?
DAVID MALAN:我可能会错过他,对吧?我可能会不走运,真的,有 50/50 的概率,因为约翰·哈佛可能被夹在两页之间。现在,这个算法并不是完全失败的。
也许我能做的就是,如果我过了 J 区到了 K 区,我可以至少回过头来看一页,以确保我没有错过约翰·哈佛。所以我仍然可以以两倍的速度前进,再加上一个额外的步骤,以确保我没有搞砸。所以第一个算法可能需要与电话簿中的页数一样多的步骤。所以如果这本电话簿有 1000 页,在最坏的情况下,如果我不是在找约翰·哈佛,而是在找一个名字以 Z 开头的人,可能需要我 1000 页才能到达那里。第二个算法,快一倍。实际上,它可能需要我 500 加一步才能到达那里,因为我一次翻两页,所以只要我确实修复了那个错误。但是我们过去所做的,以及你的手机现在正在做的,尽管是数字化的,是大致翻到电话簿的中间,向下看并意识到,哦,我不小心翻到了 M 区,所以是电话簿的一半。但是我现在对约翰·哈佛了解了什么呢?
他在左边还是右边?所以他显然在左边,因为 J 在 M 之前。所以我可以做的,以及你的电脑在比喻上所做的,就是把问题分成两半,把一半的问题扔掉,现在我们仍然面临着同样的基本问题,但它只有一半大。
所以我突然从 1000 页变成了 500 页。将此与其他两个进行比较,1000 页,999,998,与 1000 页,998,996,994。那仍然很慢。我只用这个算法的一步就从 1000 页变成了 500 页。我下一步该怎么做?我大致翻到这里的中间。哦,我翻得有点太远了。我现在在 E 区。
不是一千。它甚至不是 500 或 501。你能把一千页分成两半多少次,一次又一次,大致是多少次?观众:我想说九次。
DAVID MALAN:所以是 9 次,10 次。
所以通常是 10 次左右。这里有一点四舍五入,因为它不是 2 的完美幂,但大约是 10 次。这从根本上来说比这两种算法都好,因为我从一千页到 500 页到 250 页到 125 页等等,实际上把问题一次又一次地减半。所以我们实际上可以更直观地欣赏和看到这一点。
所以如果我们在这里有一个简单的 xy 图,在 y 轴或垂直轴上是以任何度量单位(秒、页数,无论你想怎么计算)表示的解决时间。在水平轴或 x 轴上是以例如页数表示的问题大小。所以这将意味着电话簿中有零页。这将意味着电话簿中有很多页。这将意味着没有解决时间。这将意味着大量的解决时间。那么,这三种算法之间的关系是什么呢?
嗯,第一个基本上是一条直线,斜率为 1。如果电话簿中有 n 页,我们将这里的斜率描述为第一个算法的斜率基本上是 1 比 1,逐页逐页地翻。也就是说,如果明年我们要在电话簿中再增加一页,第一个算法将多花一步。但第二个算法肯定更好。它肯定更快,但它仍然是一条直线。
所以它平均需要大约 n 除以 2 步,因为你只需要翻阅一半的电话簿,因为你一次翻两页,而不是在最坏的情况下翻阅整本电话簿,如果某人的名字是 Z,则需要翻阅每一页。所以如果我们实际比较这些——让我画一些虚线。假设电话簿中有这么多页。如果你只是画这条垂直的白线,使用第一个算法将花费这么多时间(红色),但使用第二个算法将花费一半的时间(黄色),因为你实际上一次翻两页。
但它作为电话簿大小的函数增长得慢得多。对于那些还记得对数的人来说,这将被描述为以 2 为底的 n 的对数。事实上,这就是数学的来源。以 2 为底的 1000 的对数总共大约是 10,即使你需要一个计算器来确认。但这种形状是根本不同的。
为什么呢?好吧,假设我们所在的剑桥和街对面的奥尔斯顿镇明年将他们的两本电话簿合并。他们从每本 1000 页变成了一本 2000 页的电话簿。第一个算法实际上将花费两倍的步骤或页数。第二个算法将花费一半或多 50%,因为你一次翻两页。但第三个算法几乎不会错过任何一个节拍。为什么呢?因为如果这里是 1000 页,那里是 2000 页,从绿线的形状推断,它在垂直轴上不会比其他两个高多少。
所以更具体地说,如果明年你有一本 2000 页的电话簿,使用第三个也是最后一个算法,你需要多走几步呢?只需一步,因为你将把一本 2000 页的电话簿分成一本 1000 页的电话簿,然后你就回到了原来的故事。这就是学习算法的力量。这就是学习计算机科学和学习如何编程的力量,能够驾驭大数据。
00:57:34 - 伪代码
作为计算机科学家,您真正要做的就是采用这些算法,这些算法可以用英语概念性地表达,就像我们刚才所做的那样,但实际上只是将它们转换为代码,无论是 C 还是 C++ 还是 Python 还是 R 还是 Ruby 还是世界上存在的任何其他语言。但是现在,让我们考虑如何使用仍然是字面上的英语但伪代码的东西来实现该算法。
根据 Kernighan 教授的建议,某些内容仍然是正确的,但精确且有限,也就是说,使用您自己的英语方言,并简洁地说出您的意思。编写伪代码没有一种方法。它不是某种正式的语言。我只是要将我直观地执行的步骤转换为如下所示的分步说明。
这里有这些东西。If else if else if else。这些是我们将开始称为条件语句的示例。这些是众所周知的道路上的岔路口,也许你走这条路,也许你走那条路,但你要根据一个问题来决定走哪条路。
回到。回到,这实际上让我回到第三行,可能会一次又一次地回去,从而创建某种循环或我们将通常称为循环的东西。因此,即使在这个相对简单的现实世界算法中,我们也拥有我们将要在这门课中编写的大多数计算机程序的这四个基本特征,并且您可能会在这门课之外编写,我们现在有一些技术术语来描述它们。但需要注意的是,第 8 行和第 11 行,尽管它们说回到第三行,回到第三行,你可能会认为你有冒着我们所说的无限循环的风险,你实际上永远陷入了一个循环,如果在某个时候你想关掉你的电脑,即使它仍在工作,这听起来并不像一件好事。但这些不会导致无限循环。
DAVID MALAN:完全正确。如果这个人在页面上,我们将打电话给他们,或者我们将退出。
01:03:32 - 人工智能
人工智能,这也是我们将在课程结束时回到的一个话题,让您了解每个人都在谈论的人工智能世界与我们将要通过编写代码在接下来的几周内构建的内容之间的联系。例如,如果您尝试实现一个聊天机器人,它只是回答问题并与您进行对话,您可以使用伪代码来做到这一点,正如我们很快将看到的那样,您也可以使用 C、Python 和许多其他语言。在实现聊天机器人时,该伪代码可能如下所示。您可以告诉聊天机器人,如果学生对您说“你好”,则回复“你好”。正如前面所述,缩进意味着这是有条件的。
否则,如果学生对您说“再见”,则对学生说“再见”。否则,如果学生问您“你好吗”,则说“我很好”。因此,您可以枚举一个又一个问题,并处理所有这些条件可能性。但是事情很快就会升级,尤其是使用当今的工具,例如 ChatGPT。作为程序员,我们真的有能力编写另一个条件语句,例如“否则如果学生问为什么二进制中的 111 是十进制中的 7”——这有点暗示了,天哪,这个人可以向聊天机器人提出无数个问题。我们真的必须编写无数个条件语句吗?
然后,根据这里这个单一的最终神经元,这个神经网络的目标是产生一个问题的答案。也许很简单,比如“是”、“否”,或者可能是 111 问题或“你好吗”或“再见”或“你好”之类的答案。这些神经网络所做的就是使用统计和概率,并尝试输出对所提出的这个问题的最有可能的答案,并且真的希望它是正确的。OpenAI 或谷歌或微软的程序员并没有试图预测我们可能提出的每一个问题,不仅是用英语,而且是用其他语言。
所以你可能想知道为什么舞台上有一只 8 英尺高的鸭子。所以 CS50 自己的人工智能所扮演的角色实际上是一只橡皮鸭,因为事实证明,在编程圈子里——这在 CS50 很久以前就是如此——人们经常建议学生和有抱负的程序员在你的桌子上放一只真正的橡皮鸭。这个想法是,在没有朋友、家人、同事、可以回答你的技术问题的助教的情况下,如果你在晚上独自一人在马瑟的房间里,你可以和鸭子说话,也许关上门,向鸭子提出你的问题,或者更重要的是,向鸭子解释你遇到的困惑。
仅仅是谈论问题,从逻辑上解释你正在尝试做什么,你实际上在做什么,以及错误实际上是什么,总是会产生那种众所周知的灵光一现,你会意识到,哦,我是个白痴。我从自己的话中听到了我哪里出错了。即使这只鸭子永远不会对你说任何话,但仅此而已,橡皮鸭调试或橡皮鸭往往是一种有价值的编程技术,信不信由你。但多亏了这些大型语言模型,我们不仅拥有了实体的鸭子,还拥有了虚拟的鸭子。因此,您将在本课程中可以使用像 ChatGPT 之类的工具,这些工具根据政策是不允许的。使用 ChatGPT 之类的工具是不合理的。
但您被允许并鼓励使用 CS50 自己的人工智能工具,这些工具类似于那些工具,但了解 CS50 的一些知识,并渴望表现得像一个好的助教,引导您找到解决方案,而不是直接向您提供某些内容。因此,这是一个将在整个课程中通过此 URL 提供的工具。CS50.ai。它还将嵌入到您即将遇到的编程环境中,该环境称为 Visual Studio Code,它是基于云的版本。鸭子也将生活在该环境中,并会不时出现在舞台上,也就是说,我们将不仅讨论,而且将在整个课程中使用这种被称为人工智能的东西。
但这是我们下周将开始编写的代码。不幸的是,这里的这段代码是用一种叫做 C 的语言编写的。这本质上就是我在 25 年前丢了两分的程序。不可否认,它看起来确实很神秘。这就是为什么我们今天将重点关注的不是这段代码的样子,也不是这段代码被转换成的零和一,以便您的计算机可以理解您希望它执行的操作的输入。我们将专注于一个更直观的化身。
01:09:21 - Scratch
让我们从这个细节中抽象出来,专注于比零和一更高级别的语言,即像这样的语言。所以这是我当年学习的第一个编程语言的一个例子,根据那个家庭作业,它是一种叫做 C 的语言。它是一种较旧的语言,但它仍然是当今最流行、无处不在的语言之一,因为它速度非常快,并且特别擅长使设备快速运行。对于我们的教学而言,C 的价值不在于您可能在硅谷和其他此类工作中会大量使用 C,而在于它将提供一个概念基础,在此基础上我们将介绍其他语言,例如 Python,可以说,它是更新和改进的,它通过抽象掉我们将在未来几天首先关注的一些内容,为您提供了更多免费的开箱即用功能。
因此,最终,您应该更好地理解像 Python、JavaScript 和 SQL 这样的语言,因为您对像 C 这样的语言有基本的了解。但这对于第一天来说太多了。你们中的许多人会认为这对于第二周来说也太多了。但实际上,C 只是看起来有点吓人,因为所有这些该死的标点符号和语法,分号、括号、双引号、大括号等等。
你们中的一些人可能在这里感到很自在,因为如果您在初中时玩过一种叫做 Scratch 的编程语言,您当时可能只是为了在课堂上或课外玩得开心,制作游戏、动画、互动艺术。至少在初中时,您可能没有用它来考虑和探索编程语言本身。但是 Scratch 的美妙之处在于,它是麻省理工学院几年前发明的图形化编程语言,您可以通过拖放拼图块(也称为块)来编程,而不是使用键盘,如果这样做在逻辑上是合理的,这些块将卡在一起。您不必处理括号、双引号、分号和所有这些,至少在下周之前是这样。但是 Scratch 的好处在于,在本周之后,以及在所谓的习题集零(您将使用 Scratch 的第一个作业)之后,您将拥有一个思维模型,通过该模型,您也将更容易掌握所有后续的语法。所以让我们看看如何通过首先制作最简单的程序来开始用 Scratch 编程。您可以在 scratch.mit.edu 上执行此操作。
您现在不必这样做。习题集零将引导您完成所有这些步骤。但是我在 scratch.mit.edu 上所做的正是其中的默认网页。这是在单击 Scratch 中的“创建”按钮之后,它将允许我创建我的第一个程序。但首先,介绍一下用户界面,以及最终可用的内容。好吧,在 Scratch 环境中,我们将看到屏幕的几个不同区域。一,我们在左侧有这个拼图块的调色板。
这是我将拖放这些拼图块、将它们锁在一起并实际编写代码的地方。我要编码什么呢?嗯,我将控制一个或多个精灵。就像在熟悉的游戏世界中一样,精灵就像您可能在屏幕上看到的角色。Scratch 世界中的默认角色实际上是一只看起来像这样的猫。
如果 Scratch 现在在屏幕中间,猫在 0, 0 处,如果您考虑 x, y 坐标或经度纬度。如果您将猫一直向上移动,这仍然是 x 等于 0,但它将是 y 180。180 是什么?垂直方向上 180 个像素或屏幕上的点。这是底部屏幕上的负 180 个像素。相比之下,如果您向左和向右移动,您的 x 值可能会改变。
负 240,但 y 是 0,或者正 240,y 也是 0。但在大多数情况下,您不需要知道或关心猫的像素坐标是什么。作为程序员,您通常最关心的只是您是否希望猫相对向上、向下、向左或向右移动,并让麻省理工学院在大多数情况下计算出移动这个东西的数学原理。好的。
所以让我们继续介绍这些程序中的第一个,通过做一些非常简单的事情,就像我们在 C 中所做的那样,但是通过如下编写代码来更简单一些。我要回到 scratch.mit.edu。按照之前的说明,我已经点击了“创建”按钮。如果我点击左侧这里的黄色块类别——我将放大——我们将看到一大堆黄色的拼图块。
01:16:15 - 你好,世界
也许你将在 Scratch 中编写代码时最常用的一个,仅仅是第一周,实际上是当点击绿色标志时。为什么?好吧,如果我们回到右上角的猫的世界,请注意,在猫的矩形世界上方,不仅有一个用于开始的绿色标志,还有一个用于停止的红色停止标志。所以让我们这样做。让我继续点击并拖动。
当点击绿色标志时,将其拖动到中间的任何位置并松开。现在我要转到外观,看起来这里有一大堆紫色的拼图块。我要选择一些简单的东西,比如“说‘你好’” ,拖动它。请注意,如果我靠得足够近,它会想要磁性地卡在一起。所以我就这样做,它就完成了。
这个带有文本的白色椭圆形表示这是“说”拼图块的输入。如果我想更常规地说“你好,世界”,我实际上可以手动更改输入的内容。事实上,根据传说,这是用 C 语言编写的第一个程序,现在在大多数语言中都是如此,包括在 Brian Kernighan 的书中。“你好,世界”通常是大多数程序员编写的第一个程序。所以这就是程序的内容。
它是我们之前伪代码中思想的一个化身。上次在我的伪代码中,我们如何称呼那些动作和动词?观众:[听不清]。DAVID MALAN:函数。没错。所以这些紫色的拼图块实际上是函数,正如我们所看到的,一些函数接受输入,比如“你好,世界”。毕竟,Scratch 如何知道该说什么呢?
那么这个特定程序的输入是什么呢?嗯,这个白色的椭圆形,“你好,世界”是我的输入。算法,解决某个问题的分步说明,是用代码实现的,这种语言叫做 Scratch,通过这个紫色的拼图块。根据此输入,该函数的输出是副作用,即猫确实在屏幕上的语音泡泡中直观地说出了“你好,世界”。
01:19:00 - 你好,你
让我实际上使用一种不同类型的拼图块,另一个函数做一些不同的事情。首先,我要去掉“说”块。所以我不仅要把它拉开,我还要把它拖到左边的任何地方,然后放手,它会自动删除自己。或者我可以右键单击或按住 Control 键单击,然后从一个小菜单中,我也可以明确地说删除。我现在要做的是在“侦测”下,这是一个浅蓝色的拼图块——这里有一大堆,但我将专注于这个。“询问某事并等待”。默认文本是“你叫什么名字?”
但这将是我有意或无意中犯的许多错误中的第一个。让我点击绿色标志。Scratch 现在就像在 Web 浏览器中一样,提示我输入一些内容。所以让我继续输入我的名字。
因此,回传值是被虚拟地传递给您的东西,您可以将其存储在称为变量的东西中,例如数学中的 x、y 和 z,并且您通常可以重用它一次或多次。所以让我实际提请大家注意,在左侧,不仅有蓝色的拼图块,“询问‘你叫什么名字?’并等待”,而且请注意,它下面有一个特殊的拼图块,这个蓝色的椭圆形叫做“答案”,它代表了计算机科学家所说的回传值。
现在,请注意它的大小不同,但形状正确,所以没关系。Scratch 会增大或缩小东西以适应。但这也不太正确。让我继续这样做。让我继续停止,点击绿色标志。我将再次输入我的名字。D-A-V-I-D。回车。这有点奇怪或粗鲁。
所以目前它看起来像我想要的,我想要一个“你好,”,然后根据人类输入的任何内容打印出回传值。所以让我缩小。让我点击绿色标志。再说一遍,“你叫什么名字?” D-A-V-I-D。并观察猫的副作用。
DAVID MALAN:是的。在这种情况下,它只是太快地过去了“说”命令或“说”函数。我的 Mac、你的 PC、你的手机,它就是这么快。两者都在发生,但对我的人眼来说太快了,甚至没有注意到。
DAVID MALAN:是的。所以这将是“答案”回传值——回传值。所以让我再次转到“侦测”。让我再拖动它的一个副本。
此示例的算法、输出和输入如下。“说”块的输入是“你叫什么名字?”当然,用代码实现该算法的函数是“询问并等待”块。然而,“询问”块的输出不是一些视觉上的副作用。它是一个名为“答案”的回传值,就像一个变量,一个像数学中的 x、y 和 z 一样的特殊变量。
01:27:02 - 喵
让我扔掉所有的“说”块,然后放手。让我在左下角介绍一个 Scratch 的不错的功能,其中还有这些扩展,它们倾向于使用云,互联网,为你提供更多功能。事实上,我要点击这里这个扩展,文本转语音。如果我点击它,我突然在底部获得了一个全新的块类别。文本转语音。它们恰好是绿色的。但这里的好处是我现在实际上可以让猫说一些可听见的东西。所以让我把“朗读”块拖到这里,而不是“说”块。
DAVID MALAN:好的。它不完全像猫,但它是合成的。
所以似乎无论我输入什么都无关紧要。那么“DAVID MALAN”怎么样?电脑:喵,喵,喵。
DAVID MALAN:所以它似乎会根据我输入的短语的长度按比例发出喵叫声。如果我把“小猫”改成“巨人”,它很快就会变得有点令人毛骨悚然。让我继续并点击播放。D-A-V-I-D。回车。
DAVID MALAN:所以你可以以非常非学术的方式开始享受其中的乐趣,但只是玩弄这些不同的输入和输出。但让我们实际上让猫做一些更像猫的事情,实际上是喵叫,而不是说任何话。所以让我把所有这些都扔掉。现在让我转到“声音”。让我拖动“播放声音直到结束”。
DAVID MALAN:好的。所以猫叫了一声。如果我想让猫再叫一声,我可以这样做。
DAVID MALAN:如果我想让猫叫第三声,我可以再次点击播放。
DAVID MALAN:所以这有点乏味,如果玩这个游戏,我必须不断点击按钮,不断点击按钮,才能让猫以这种方式保持虚拟的活力。
所以也许我希望这种情况一次又一次地发生。好吧,让我这样做。让我拖放。或者我可以右键单击或按住 Control 键单击,然后一个小菜单会让我复制粘贴或复制块。但我会继续拖放。让我们这样做。电脑:喵。喵。喵。
DAVID MALAN:猫有点饿了,不开心。
DAVID MALAN:更可爱了。不那么饿了。
DAVID MALAN:所以使用循环。为什么呢?既然它能正常工作,你为什么鼓励我使用循环呢?
DAVID MALAN:是的。总而言之,使用循环更容易,因为我可以在一个地方明确指定我希望它循环多少次。此外,坦率地说,任何时候你在代码中复制和粘贴某些东西,或者一遍又一遍地拖动相同的东西,你很可能在做一些愚蠢的事情。为什么呢?因为你在不必要地重复自己。这有点极端,但假设我想稍后更改此程序,以便猫在两次喵叫之间暂停两秒钟。好吧,显然我可以在这里输入 2。
但是如果我忘记了呢?假设这个程序不是五个或六个拼图块。假设它是 50 或 60 或 500 或 600。最终,我或与我一起工作的同事会搞砸。他们会在一个地方更改一个值,忘记在另一个地方更改它。
然后让我把它重新连接到这里。让我把默认的 10 改成 3。现在我想我已经完全按照你所鼓励的那样做了,那就是简化。我现在点击播放。
DAVID MALAN:是的。所以仍然是正确的,但可以说是设计得更好。我现在可以保持简单,只在一个地方更改内容,它将继续工作。但我认为这现在变得有点乏味了。
01:32:21 - 抽象
就像,我为什么要实现喵叫的想法呢?麻省理工学院如果只为我们实现一个喵叫的拼图块不是更好吗?因为整个主题都是围绕一只猫展开的。为什么没有喵叫的拼图块呢?为什么我需要经历所有这些复杂性来构建该功能呢?好吧,Scratch 的好处以及编程语言的普遍好处在于,你通常可以发明你自己的拼图块,你自己的函数,然后使用和重用它们。所以让我继续这样做。我将转到这里粉红色的“我的块”。
DAVID MALAN:好的,所以是完全相同的代码,但可以说设计得更好,因为我现在给自己提供了可重用的代码,这样我就不必复制粘贴那几个块了。我可以一次又一次地使用“喵”。但让我们做一个改进。
让我实际上向下滚动到我确实实现了这个的地方。让我按住 Control 键单击或右键单击它,让我编辑我刚才创建的粉红色块,因为我想练习我一直在宣扬的关于输入的内容。所以我不希望这个函数只被称为“喵”。我希望这个函数也接受一个输入,为了与我们之前使用的 n 保持一致,n 在计算机科学中通常表示数字,让我喵叫 n 次。
只是为了让这个拼图块对程序员更友好,让我添加一个文本标签,除了使这个函数从左到右以更友好的英语方式阅读之外,它没有任何技术意义。“喵叫 n 次”。让我点击“确定”。现在请注意,底部的东西已经改变了,它不仅被称为“喵”,还明确提到了 n,这是一个圆圈,这正是我们在它被称为“答案”时看到的变量形状。
但这并不是一个回传值。这又是我们将要称之为参数的东西,即函数的输入。所以让我这样做。我要把它移回顶部,这样我就可以在一个地方看到所有东西,我要做一个修改,因为我现在 的目标是制作一个经过改进的喵叫版本,它实际上考虑了我希望猫喵叫多少次。因此,我不会在“当点击绿色标志时”下的我自己的程序中使用循环,我要暂时分离它。我要把它移开。我要把这段代码移到这里,然后我要把它重新连接到这里。
因为我刚才自己创建了这个“喵”函数的输入,所以我实际上可以把它的一个副本拖到右边,也就是把三改成一般的 n。所以现在我有一个叫做“喵”的函数,它会喵叫任意次数。现在的好处是,我的实际程序是由那个绿色标志控制的,我可以输入三,我可以输入 10,我可以输入 100,它都会工作。从今以后,我可以再次戏剧性地向下滚动它,这样我们就不再知道或关心它了。现在我的程序是一行代码,其中喵叫的概念已经通过定义我自己的函数或自定义块被抽象掉了。那么,关于这个想法,这个创建你自己的函数来隐藏实现细节的原则,一旦你解决了问题,有什么问题吗?因此,你不想再考虑同样的问题了。这就是编程的美妙之处,通常情况下。
01:37:23 - 条件语句
“说”等等是函数。我们使用的另一个关键术语是什么?所以是一个布尔表达式。我们需要在这里放置一个“是”、“否”或“真”、“假”的问题。那么这些是什么呢?好吧,我已经使用 Scratch 多年了,所以在“侦测”下,这里有一个这样的形状。“碰到鼠标指针?”,问号。
DAVID MALAN:但我没有碰到猫。所以如果我把鼠标指针移到猫身上。
DAVID MALAN:这有点像是在实现抚摸猫的想法,如果你愿意的话,因为我一直在等待、等待、等待。鼠标指针是否接触到那个精灵,接触到那只猫?
通过反复试验,我发现 50 往往效果很好。让我走出画面,在旁边编程。如果我去“播放声音喵直到结束”,请注意,这是使用“当点击绿色标志时”的替代方案。
DAVID MALAN:开始了。好的。50 显然有点太高了。所以让我们把它调低一点。10.
DAVID MALAN:好的,所以我们现在更实际地实现了抚摸猫的想法。
DAVID MALAN:哦,该死的。好的。
DAVID MALAN:好的。所以这是一个错误。现在——这是麻省理工学院的错。所以它没有响应红色的停止标志而停止。所以在有疑问时你会怎么做呢?最极端的情况,你重新启动。现在,我只是要关闭窗口。
01:41:14 - 奥斯卡时间
所以事实上,我想,本着回顾过去的精神,我想打开我实际上学习时写的第一个程序——我交叉注册了麻省理工学院的一门课程,并参加了一门向有抱负的教师介绍 Scratch 的课程。我实现了这个名为“奥斯卡时间”的程序,这是一个使用我小时候喜欢的歌曲的游戏,它允许你把垃圾拖到垃圾桶里。但是为了让它栩栩如生,也许是为了换取一个压力球,我能找一个勇敢的志愿者上来控制这个键盘吗?我看到你最热情地举手了。是的,下来吧。
非常高兴。[掌声] 过一会儿,我们确实要休会了。但现在的目标是要通过一个比上一个稍微困难一点的迷宫,不过,我们先让你向你前面的同学们介绍一下你自己。
DAVID MALAN:只有一个人来自霍利斯。好的。欢迎。好的。埃里克,请到这里来拿键盘。
一旦你点击绿色标志,它也将是关于上、下、左、右的。如果我们可以调大音乐的话。[MC Hammer 的“U Can't Touch This”] 你不能碰这个
DAVID MALAN:所以请注意,黑色的墙壁比上次复杂了一点。但目标是到达最右边的精灵并触摸它,这时你将进入下一个级别。
是的!恭喜。[掌声] 谢谢。好的。那么,这就是 CS50。欢迎加入。现在供应蛋糕。
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:15 - This is CS50
DAVID MALAN: All right. This is CS50, Harvard University's Introduction to the Intellectual Enterprises of Computer Science and the Art of Programming. My name is David Malan, and I actually took this class myself some years ago, but I almost didn't. It was my first year in college and my roommates and I were living in Matthews Hall, for those familiar.
[CHEERING] Nice, Matthews. Our claim to fame, actually, at the time was that our room was literally Matt Damon's just three years' prior. So onward from that. But my first year, I didn't really have the nerves to set foot in this classroom, let alone computer science. In fact, for me, computer science, and CS50 in particular, was very much this class to beware. Like, I was kind of comfortable with computers, but I certainly wasn't among those more comfortable with computers.
And so I shied away my first year. Instead, I actually took a whole lot of classes in government. In fact, in high school, I was really enjoying history. I loved this constitutional law class that I took my senior year of high school. And so I figured, OK, if that's what I liked in high school and if that's where my comfort zone was, that's probably what I should be doing in college. And so I essentially declared as my concentration or major government for the first year, year and a half of school. But my sophomore year when I was living actually in Mather House instead.
OK, no one from Mather. In Mather House instead, it was-- I sort of followed some friends, I think the first week of class in September of that year to a class called CS50. And honestly, once I stepped foot in that classroom, the professor at the time was a famous computer scientist by the name of Brian Kernighan, now at Princeton. Like, I was hooked. And literally would I go back thereafter on Friday evenings when, at the time, problem sets were released and sit down at 7:00, 8:00 PM on Friday nights and dive into homework.
Which isn't necessarily something we recommend, per se. But for me, it was like this sign that, wow, I've sort of found my calling. I found my classmates here on campus. And that's not going to be the case for everyone. Certainly, we have no expectations that after taking one computer science class that you will or might want to take others. But what's so empowering about computer science and CS50 in particular is it's so applicable to the broader world, whether you're in the arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, or beyond, it's just so applicable the concepts and the practical programming skills with which you will exit a class like this.
Now it's going to be challenging along the way, and indeed, I put in my time back in the day, and even I did find it challenging. And here, for instance, is a photograph of a very famous MIT hack, so to speak, from down the road, whereby it communicates that getting an education from MIT is like trying to drink from a fire hose. Which is to say there's going to be so much information, like so much new stuff that certainly on any given day of the week, you're not going to be able to absorb all of it that first time around.
But at the end of the day, it's through that challenge, putting the time in, that the returns are therefore just so much higher at the end of the course. And indeed, will you walk out of the course with a much better understanding, not only of computer science and programming, but ultimately how to teach yourself new technologies and beyond. For the next three plus months, will we have teaching fellows, teaching assistants, course assistants, and myself by your side guiding you through the course's material. But the goal by term's end is to take those and leave those training wheels off so that you're well-equipped to go teach yourself new ideas beyond the class itself.
Take comfort, though, in knowing that most CS50 students have never taken a CS course before, and indeed, as per the syllabus, what ultimately matters in this course is not so much where you end up relative to your classmates but where you end up relative to yourself when you began. And when you began is thus today. And so consider just how comfortable or uncomfortable you are with computing, let alone computer science and programming, particularly if you've never explored either in a classroom before, and consider the delta just a few months from now that will really describe how far you have come.
And that is all that matters, not how much the student to the left or the right, in front or behind you right now, knows. With that said, let me add some additional inspiration, if I may. Here's a photograph of my own very first homework assignment in CS50 from 1996, and I will draw your attention to the fact that even though this is a so-called hello world program that we'll play with ourselves next week, it is pretty much literally the shortest, easiest program you can write in a programming language called C. I still somehow got minus 2 on my very first homework assignment, which is to say, we're all going to make mistakes along the way. But the goal will be to learn and enjoy that process here on out.
At the end of the day, too, like me, you'll exit with your own proudly held high took CS50 t-shirt as is our tradition too. With that said, there are so many other traditions within CS50, both on campus and off. And in particular, do we try in CS50 to provide not only the academic support structure that you might want going through the class, but also a collective shared community experience. Which is to say in just a few days we'll start off the term formally with CS50 Puzzle Day, which is not only an opportunity to get together with friends, with pizza and prizes and also logic puzzles of sorts, but really to send the message that computer science itself is not about programming, it's not about C, it's not about Python, it's not about programming languages per se, but about problem solving, ever more so collaboratively with other smart people by your side in this class or beyond.
And indeed, are there, toward the end of the semester, reinforcements of the same by way of a little something that we call the CS50 Hackathon, which will be an opportunity overnight to dive into your own final projects, the capstone of this course, thereafter followed by the CS50 fair, which will be a campus wide exhibition for students, faculty, and staff across campus of your very own final projects, be it your very own web app or mobile app or anything else you decide to create by term's end. And indeed, the objective at the end of the day, truly with that final project in particular, is going to be to create for yourselves, for your classmates, for attendees, something that we didn't even teach you how to do. And indeed, that will signal ultimately that you're indeed on your way and ready. Toward that end, thought we would give you a sense of CS50's past by way of this short video, if we could dim the lights, that paints a picture of all that awaits here and beyond.
[END PLAYBACK] DAVID MALAN: All right, so welcome aboard to CS50 and computer science itself.
00:08:35 - Computer Science
So what is computer science? Well, put simply, it's the study of information. Like, how do you represent it and how do you process it. But more fundamentally, what we'll teach you in this class is computational thinking. That is to say, the application of ideas from computer science to problems of interest to us within the class and problems of interest to you after the class.
And so at the end of the day, what computer science really is is about problem solving, ergo that sort of global applicability. And by problem solving, we mean something quite simple. In fact, we can distill it as follows with this mental image. This is problem solving. You've got some problem to solve, thus known as the input that you want to solve. And the goal, of course, to problem solving is to actually produce a solution. So the output in this model would be the solution.
The interesting part ultimately is going to be in how you process that input and turn it into that output, ergo solving problems. But before we can do that, we all kind of have to agree how to represent sent these inputs and outputs, especially if we want to do it in a standardized global way using literally computers, be them laptops, desktops, phones, or most any other kind of electronic device nowadays. So how can we do that? Well, there's different ways to represent information in the world.
00:09:44 - Unary
For instance, if I were to take attendance old school style, maybe in a smaller room, I might do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and so forth and just count people on my human hands. That's actually known as unary notation, otherwise mathematically known as base one, because you're using your fingers literally in this model as digits.
But a little quick question. How high can you count with one human hand? Five is incorrect if you use a different base system than one.
So it's obviously correct if you're just using unary and just counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. But I dare say I can come up with more patterns in my human hand alone that would enable me, without a second hand or a couple of feet, to count higher than five.
In fact, maybe for those more comfortable, how high could you actually count on a single human hand, perhaps? So 31, believe it or not, is, in fact, the correct answer. But why? Well, here I initially started pretty naively. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. And I just combined all of my fingers and counted the collective total.
But what if I'm a little more clever and take into account the pattern of fingers that go up. So maybe this is still zero. This is one. But now maybe we just agree universally that this is two. Even though it's just my single pointer finger. Maybe we all just agree that this is three with two fingers up.
Maybe we agree that this is often offensive with just one middle finger up, but this would then be four. This could then be five. This could then be six. This could be seven. And if I keep permuting my fingers in this way-- allow me to spoil it-- this would be, in fact, 31. But again, why? But the difference here is that we're no longer using unary or base
00:11:28 - Binary
one as a mathematician would say, but rather base two. Because if we take into account not just the total number of fingers that I'm using, but whether each finger is down or up being therefore in two potential states. Down, up, A, B, black, white, however you want to distinguish those two states of the world, you're now operating what's called base two, and perhaps more familiarly, even if you're not a computer person per se, this is the so-called binary system.
And odds are, even if you're not a computer science person at all, you probably generally know that computers only understand or speak what alphabet, so to speak? So ones and zeros, zeros and ones, otherwise known as the binary system. And in fact, there's a term of art here that's worth noting. When you're using zeros and ones, which, of course, are a total of two digits, you have binary digits, so to speak-- bi implying two, which means there's two possibilities, zero or one.
If we actually get rid of some of these letters and then join these two phrases, here you have a technical term that is a bit. A bit is just a binary digit, which is to say it's a zero or one. And this is in contrast, of course, with the system you and I know as the decimal system. Dec implying 10, because in the real world you and I daily use zero through nine, which is 10 possibilities.
Computers only use zero and one, that is to say two bits, to represent information instead. So how do we represent this information, especially when at the end of the day what we're using are indeed computers and electronic devices? Well, if I want to represent zero, I can actually think of this as analogous to the physical world.
Maybe I have a light bulb that's off or on controlled by a switch that turns it off or on. So you can think of a binary digit that is a zero as really just being a light bulb that is off. By contrast, if you think of a one in the digital world as, of course, being the second of two possibilities, you can think of that in the human or analog world, the physical world, as being a light bulb that is on. And in fact, what's inside of your Mac, your PC, your Android phone, your iPhone are millions of tiny little light switches known as transistors that just can be turned on or off, on or off.
And essentially, you can use those transistors to store information because if you want to store a zero, you turn one of those switches off. If you want to store a one, you turn one of those switches on. Of course, that sort of invites the question, well, how do we count higher than zero or one? Well, we would seem to need to use more than just maybe a single bit, a single light bulb. So if we wanted to count higher than, for instance, zero or one, why don't we go ahead and maybe do this? So just so I have some place to put these, let me borrow some of our actual physical light bulbs here from the stage. And let me propose that now, with three bits on the stage, three light switches, three transistors, whatever metaphor you're most comfortable with, this is how a computer would represent a zero, because all of them are off.
So it's off, off, off. But if a computer wanted to count to one, we could do naively this. We could turn this on. If the computer wanted to turn represent two, we could do this. And if a computer wanted to represent three, we could do this. But I'm kind of painting myself into a corner and not using these light bulbs as cleverly as I could, because at the moment I've only counted as high as three. So if I want to count to four, to five, to six, I'm going to need more and more light bulbs.
Can we be a little more clever? Well, again, someone else who's among those more comfortable, what's the spoiler here? How high using binary zeros and ones could I count with three light bulbs total?
In back? Yeah. So seven here is the answer. And if that, too, you're sort of wondering, how are people figuring out 31 and 7? That's the goal at hand here. So let me do this. Let me turn all of these off again so that my three light bulbs or switches again represent zero. And the first one's easy. This is how a computer would represent the number one.
It would be on, off, off. How, though, is a computer going to represent two? Well, just like my proposed finger example. Let's do this. Let's turn this one off and this one on. That is how a computer would represent two. By saying off, on, off.
In other words, 010 would be the way to pronounce it digitally. What if I instead want to represent three? That's how on my finger I did this, with two fingers. Well, I'm going to turn this one on. This is three. Now, this will, for those less comfortable, be non-obvious. This now is how I would represent the number four.
This is how I would represent five. This is how I would represent six. And this, as per the spoiler, is how I would represent seven. So perhaps very non-obvious what it was I just did or why I chose those patterns. But I dare say if you rewind in your mind's eye or literally later on video, you'll find that I actually did show you eight distinct patterns of light bulbs.
The first one was off, off, off. The last one was, on, on, on. And there were another six total in between then. Well, wait, why seven? Well, if you start counting at zero and I claim there's eight possibilities, you can only count from zero to seven, as we will soon see. So how are these patterns coming about and what is it that our computers are actually doing? Well, it's actually doing something a little like this, quite like in decimal.
So in the human world, you and I are very much in the habit of using base 10, zero through nine, a.k.a. Decimal. Well, how do we use it instinctively as humans? Well, what's this number obviously on the screen? 123. But why is it 123? Like, for years you haven't really thought about why this pattern of symbols or digits on the screen, one, two, three, represents mathematically this number that you know obviously as 123.
But if you rewind to grade school, odds are, like me, you were taught that the rightmost digit is in the ones column, this second digit is in the tens column, this digit is in the hundreds column, and so forth. So even though none of us have to do this math explicitly, what you're instantly doing is 100 times 1 plus 10 times 2 plus 1 times 3, which gives you 100 plus 20 plus 3. Oh, that's why it is 123, because these digits in this order have that significance. The digits to the left have more weight, so to speak, than the digits to the right.
So what can we take away from this? Well, let's generalize it first as just any three digit number. So number, number, number. The ones column, the tens column, the hundreds column. But there's some math going on there, and it's not particularly sophisticated. Those are actually powers of 10. So 10 to the 0, 10 to the 1, 10 to the 2, and there's your decimal system.
Because the base in this value is a 10, that's because there's 10 possibilities for each of those placeholders, zero through nine. But in the binary world, in the world of computers where all they have are zeros and ones, why? Because all they have physically is transistors. Tiny, tiny, tiny light bulbs that can be off or on. If you only have two digits to play with, the 10 base should, of course, become a two base.
And now if we do some math here, 2 to the 0, 2 to the 1, and 2 to the 2, you get the ones column, the twos column, the fours column. And if we keep going 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and so forth, its powers of 2 instead of powers of 10. But this is to say computers represent information in exactly the same way you and I have since childhood, but they have fewer digits at their disposal, so these columns need to be weighted differently.
So we can still count from zero all the way up toward infinity. So what does this mean? Well, here we have three bits on the screen, 000. If we were to convert this now mentally or on paper pencil to decimal, how do we do it? Well, 4 times 0 plus 2 times 0 plus 1 times 0. That gives us the mathematical number you and I know as zero.
That was three light bulbs. Off, off, off. Well, what if we turn on one light bulb all the way on the right? What decimal number does this binary number, 001 represent? Just one, because it's 4 times 0, 2 times 0, 1 times 1. Here's where things got more interesting, even if non-obvious in light bulb form or even physical hand form. 010 in binary is what in decimal?
Two, because it's 2 times 1 and that's it. 011 in binary is, of course now three. This is now four. This is now five. This is now six and seven. On, on, on or 111 is the highest we can count with these three bits. All right. So how might a computer intuitively count as high as eight? What do you need to do, presumably?
You're going to need to add a bit. So you need another light bulb, another switch. You need more memory, so to speak, to use nomenclature with which you're probably familiar. So in fact, if we change all of those to zero but we give ourself one more bit for a total of four, that's got to be the eighth place because there's just another power of two. So 1000 is the decimal number eight.
You don't say 1,000 in binary. You literally say 1000. But that is the number you and I know as eight. And you can keep going up and up and up. And how then computers with Excel or any kind of number crunching software count really high and keep track of really big numbers? The computer just throws more and more transistors at it, more and more bits to count higher and higher and higher than this. It turns out, though, one bit, three bits, even four bits aren't that useful in practice because literally you can count as high as seven or maybe 15 or 31.
So more commonly, as is commonly known, is to use a byte of bits instead. How many bits is in a byte, for those familiar? So it's just eight. Why eight? It's just more useful than one or two or three or some other number. And as an aside, it happens to be a power of two, which is just useful electronically as well. So a byte then is just 8 bits.
And here are those columns I rattled off off the top of my head. Here is how a computer would represent zero in decimal, but using eight binary digits or bits. Little trivia. And again, this is not what computer science is about, but it helps to know the lower bounds and the upper bounds of these kinds of values. How high can you count with 8 bits or 1 byte if this is zero?
Yeah. So it's actually 255. So if I were to change all of these zeros to ones and then do some quick mental or calculator math, 128 plus 64 plus 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and 1 would actually give me 255 total. Plus 0, which gives me 256 total possibilities. So this is only to say-- this is not, again, the kind of math will frequently do, but you'll commonly see in the computer world and programming world powers of two, numbers like 255, 256. Why? Because these are the common units of measures that systems tend to use.
So let me pause here and see, with respect to binary, zeros, and ones, transistors and the like, any questions or confusion we can clear up? Oh, really good question. Why are bits just on or off instead of maybe sort of 0%, 50%, 100% by playing with voltages? So the voltage inference of yours is actually correct. That's what computers typically do.
Maybe they use 0-ish volts to represent 0, maybe 5-ish volts to represent 1. It turns out it's just really easy to do extremes in computers. If you start to split that range of voltage levels, for those who remember any of their electricity, it just gets harder and harder to be exact. And if you get things a little too murky, you might mistake a zero for a one or a two or a three. So it turns out it's just simpler to use the binary system.
But there do exist computers known as ternary computers that actually use three values, zero, one, and two, which is somewhere, of course, between binary and decimal. But you can do different things. It's just simple on and off. In case in point, I don't want to really be dramatic and turn off my computer, but if I pulled out the power plug, that could be off, literally, a.k.a. zero. Plug it back in, that's a one.
There's just a cleanliness and simplicity to that. Other questions or confusion that we can clear up? No? OK. So if you're in agreement for the moment that, OK, using just zeros and ones,
00:23:58 - ASCII
we can represent any number we want from zero on up, let me propose that we do more useful things with our computers and our pockets and desktops and laps like represent letters, for the sake of Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or any kind of text that we might want to write. So knowing now that computers only contain or only use zeros and ones, and therefore only contain hardware like transistors, how could you represent something like a capital letter A in English inside of a computer? Which, of course, is not a number anymore.
Like, what could we do? Yeah? AUDIENCE: We could use the alphabet and then use numbers. DAVID MALAN: OK, yeah. So we could take the alphabet A through Z in English and we could just assign each letter A number. And honestly, that is not only the correct answer, it's really the only answer.
Because at the end of the day, if all you have are zeros and ones available to you, that is the entirety of the potential solution to this problem. So it turns out that, yes, capital letter A, some years ago, was decided by a bunch of people in a room shall be represented with this pattern of zeros and ones. 01000001.
And now, trained as you are to do a bit of quick binary math, what decimal number is used to represent apparently capital A? So 65, because that's 64 plus 1 plus 1 times 1 is 65. What is B? Turns out it's 66. What is C? 67. So they kept things simple there on out.
Might have been nice if A were zero or maybe a were one. But nope, we're stuck with 65 instead. But everything after that is very much predictable. And in fact, for lowercase letters, there's a whole other set of numbers such as lowercase A happens to be 97, lowercase B happens to be 98, and so forth. But again, this is like CS trivia. But what's important here is that there are indeed contiguous from 65 to 66 to 67 on up. That's something we're going to be able to leverage beyond the letter A alone.
What is this system? What is this mapping that you yourself propose? It's ASCII, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange. And indeed, it was a bunch of Americans years ago who came up with this system. Unfortunately, at the time, they only allocated 7 and eventually 8 bits total for representing letters, both uppercase and lowercase, numbers on the keyboard as well, punctuation symbols as well.
And so per our conversation a moment ago, if the Americans in this room, so to speak, only used 8 bits total, how many different characters can we represent with a computer in this story? So only 255, technically 256 if we, again, start counting from zero. So that's not nearly enough to represent all human languages, but it is enough to represent at least English, among some others.
So here, for instance, is a chart of the ASCII mapping. And sure enough, if we zoom in on this column here, 65 is capital A, 66 is capital B, dot, dot, dot 72 is H, 73 is I, and so forth. So there is a standardized mapping for at least all of these English letters. Well, suppose you were to receive an email or a text message or like a Google Doc containing this pattern of zeros and ones. So 01001000 and so forth and so forth.
So 3 bytes worth. Three sets of 8 bits. That is to say 3 bytes, each of which represents a single letter in ASCII. What message have you received? Well, I'll do the math this time so we don't have to. Suppose what you really received was decimal 72, 73, 33.
What message did you just receive? If you recall the previous chart. Hi was in fact correct. Why? Because H is 72, I is 73. And wait a minute, 33.
So here's H. Here's I. 33, if we highlight it instead, happens to be an exclamation point. So that is literally what is going on underneath the hood, so to speak, when you get a text message today that literally says in all caps and an exclamation point, HI! Your phone has received at least three bytes, each of which represents a letter of the alphabet. Your computer is quickly doing the mental math to figure out exactly what numbers those are and then looking up in the so-called ASCII chart in its memories, in some sense, what letter should you actually see on the screen there.
And so if you were to then display that message, you would see it indeed in English as opposed to those numeric equivalents. How else might we use this then? Well, here again is that chart. And maybe just to vary things, maybe take a little pressure off of me here, why don't we try spelling something else? This time a different three letter word, but maybe eight volunteers.
Could we get a bytes' worth of volunteers? And I can sweeten the deal with some stress balls in exchange. You just have to be comfortable coming up on stage and being on the internet. So yes. One, two. How about three, four. How about five, six, seven.
And how about eight. Come on up. A round of applause for our volunteers. Yep. [APPLAUSE] All right. So what I'm going to have each of you do is represent a bit in a particular order. So if you want to just, in any order, line yourselves up here facing the audience. Come on over. All right.
And we will have you represent-- well, we got to see who ends up where. Scooch this way a little bit. This way, this way. All right. So you shall be the ones place and just hold that in front of you. Twos place.
Threes. Fours place. Eights place. 16, 32, 64, and 128. And just compress yourselves a little bit if you could. So each of these folks represents a bit in a particular place.
And let's say this. If you're just standing there uncomfortably without any hand raise, we'll assume that you're representing a zero, quite simply. If your hand goes up, though, the audience should assume that you're representing a one. And therefore, what we'll do is spell out a three letter word, and on each round of this, you'll either stay, stay like this, or you'll raise your hand. But first, let's actually meet some of our volunteers here, starting with position number one, if you'd like to say your name, perhaps where you're from and/or studying.
AUDIENCE: Hi. My name is Brooke. I'm from Indiana, and I'm studying biology and computer science. DAVID MALAN: Nice. Welcome. AUDIENCE: Hi, I'm Becca. I'm from, like, Maryland, DC area, and I'm studying electrical engineering.
DAVID MALAN: Welcome. AUDIENCE: Hi, I'm Addison. I'm from Maryland. I'm studying engineering. AUDIENCE: Hi. I'm Sharon. I'm from Rwanda and I'm studying CS and math. DAVID MALAN: Welcome. AUDIENCE: Hi, I'm Grace.
I'm from Alabama and I'm studying electrical engineering. DAVID MALAN: Welcome. AUDIENCE: Hi, I'm Angelina. I'm from Maryland. And also, I stay in Matthews. DAVID MALAN: Nice. Matthews. Nice. [APPLAUSE]
AUDIENCE: And I'm studying applied math and econ, as well as environmental science and public policy. DAVID MALAN: Welcome. AUDIENCE: I'm Owen Bells and I'm from rural Virginia and I'm studying CS. DAVID MALAN: Nice, welcome. And?
AUDIENCE: My name is Max. I'm from London. I'm also staying in Matthews and I'm studying computer science and neuroscience. Thank you. DAVID MALAN: Welcome aboard as well. If you're wondering, too, why I was wearing these glasses at the start-- so very common on the internet nowadays as these POV videos. So it turns out these Ray-Bans actually record video footage, and we have a couple of them, and we'd thought we would offer them to a couple of volunteers. If anyone wants to record their point of view for everyone here. And Vlad here is going to help make sure they're recording.
Second volunteer. Yes, number two. All right. So as Vlad gets those set, on the backs of your pieces of paper you have instructions for the following three rounds. Each round represents a letter. The audience participation part of this is to actually do the mental math to figure out what number these volunteers are representing.
So go ahead and execute round one, either keeping your hand down or raising it appropriately. OK. What number are our volunteers here representing? AUDIENCE: 66. DAVID MALAN: 66, because we have a 64 plus a 2. That then maps to what ASCII letter?
AUDIENCE: B. DAVID MALAN: B was the first letter. OK, hands down. Round two, go. A little harder. What's now being represented? AUDIENCE: 79.
DAVID MALAN: I'm starting to hear it. 79 is in fact correct. 79, because we have a 64 and an 8 and 4 and 2 and a 1. So if it's a 79, we have the ASCII letter O. So we've got BO, and then lastly, third round.
Go. We have 01010111. What number is this? AUDIENCE: 87. DAVID MALAN: 87. Which spells the letter? AUDIENCE: W.
DAVID MALAN: W. Which spells the word? AUDIENCE: Bow. DAVID MALAN: Not bow. Take a bow if you could. All right. A round of applause for our volunteers here. [APPLAUSE] And come on off this way and help yourself to a CS50 stress ball.
Thank you to our volunteers. So this is only to say we've now agreed on how we can represent numbers from zero on up. We've agreed on how we can represent letters. But at least letters using ASCII, and in fact, these are more than just decoration. In fact, it's a little bit of trivia by lecture's end. If you to come up for your very own CS50 stress ball, turns out there are 64 light bulbs at the foot of the stage here. If you break them down into 8 byte or single--
00:33:42 - Unicode
8 bit or single byte chunks, there's an eight letter word that happens to be spelled out today using this here ASCII chart. So today's mystery is what exactly is that there word. But of course, if you have only 8 bits, you can only represent, like, 256 characters, which sounds like plenty for English, and indeed, it is. Zero through nine, A through B, capital and lowercase, uppercase and lowercase, as well as punctuation. But there's so many other human languages in the world that have other characters.
For instance, we have not just the English alphabet we might see here on a US English keyboard. We have accented characters, we have various Asian languages have even many more glyphs. We need more than 256 possible characters. And so nowadays computers do not just use 7 or even 8 bits. They might use 8 bits for some letters, like all of the English letters. They might use 16 bits for certain other languages.
Maybe even 24 or 32 bits. And fun fact, if you have 32 bits-- and we have more than that on the stage. If you've got 32 bits, you can actually represent as many as 4 billion possible characters, which is quite a bit. No pun intended. So what else can we represent? Well, the goal of this system, not just ASCII, but something known as Unicode, which is a newer standard, is to be backwards compatible with ASCII. So humans left all of those other numbers alone, 65, 66, 67 and so forth, but they added to it a super set of representations that maybe are 16, 24, or 32 bits.
The goal being to be able digitally to represent all human languages, past, present, and future, and even through pictograms, things like smiley faces and the like, even people, places, things and emotions that transcend human language. And in fact, odds are within the past few minutes or hours, most of you have used one or more of these here emoji, these pictograms, which it turns out are just characters on a keyboard.
You might have to hit a special button to pull up that form of the keyboard, but these are just here characters. And so these emoji have exploded in popularity for a number of reasons, one of which is, my God, what are we going to do with 4 billion possible patterns of zeros and ones? We can start to have some fun with it and represent things beyond English and human languages alone. Now, as an aside, when it comes to Unicode, it turns out Unicode, years ago, standardized this pattern of 32 zeros and ones to represent just one of those emoji. So emoji tend to use even more bits here.
Anyone know what decimal number this is? This is not a fun mathematical exercise. The spoiler is 4,036,991,106 is the decimal number that actually represents, as of present, the most popular emoji in the world. Does anyone want to hazard a guess what emoji this here number represents?
AUDIENCE: Heart. DAVID MALAN: Heart? Hearts? No, but it's actually this so-called face with tears of joy. So perhaps think about the frequency with which you send that one. And even though it's obviously a picture on the screen, sure, it actually is more like a font, because underneath the hood, it's indeed just a pattern of zeros and ones or a decimal number that the computer is storing. But the computer, be it Mac OS or Windows or iOS or Android, know to display that pattern as this here picture. But the pictures might look different depending on the hardware.
Why? Because there's companies like Google and Microsoft and Meta and others that have their own artists on staff as employees, and those artists interpret the descriptions like face with tears of joy differently. So those of you with an Android phone actually see face with tears of joy looking a little something like this. And if you have Telegram, for instance, installed on your phone, it's even more animated than that. It's this here emoji using the same pattern of zeros and ones. So different artists render these here emoji in different ways, but all they are here are patterns. Now, for all of the other answers, save one that was shouted out a moment ago, this is a sort of cloud diagram of the most popular emoji as of a couple of years ago per Unicode, whereby the size of the emoji indicates its relative popularity. So heart, I did here over here, is indeed one of the most popular ones as well.
Question? AUDIENCE: Why do certain emojis show up [INAUDIBLE]? DAVID MALAN: Oh, really good question. Why do certain emoji not show up on one device or another? It depends on how recent the software is.
Pretty much every year the humans behind the Unicode consortium release new emoji. Which is to say they decide that this other pattern will represent this new emoji, this other pattern will represent this new emoji. And unless you update your phone, your laptop, your desktop to the very latest software and the manufacturer of that device or software also updates by hiring an artist to draw those pictures in their own fonts, in their own style, you're going to see usually just an empty black square or maybe just a black and white heart instead of something more colorful. Really just placeholders, because, it's as though you don't have the right font installed or really, you have an older version of that same font installed. But it's become sort of an annual tradition that new and more emoji
00:38:45 - Color
are released every year, which is among the reasons why these updates contain more and more. Yeah? AUDIENCE: How do you represent color in bytes? DAVID MALAN: That is an amazing segue. How do you represent color in bytes? Well, you use RGB, which happens to be, by coincidence, the next slide.
So let's again, recap. We know how to represent letters. We know how to represent numbers. We can even represent emoji. But those emoji technically on the screen are, of course, composed of colors, like a whole bunch of yellow for that there smiley face? How do computers, then, using only zeros and ones, represent colors? Well, by convention, they typically use a system that, by an acronym, is called RGB. Red, green, blue. And this is to say that a computer, to represent a single dot on the screen--
maybe this one, this one, this one-- will allocate some number of bits or some number of bytes to represent the color of just that, their dot, otherwise known as a pixel. You can actually see pixels on your phone or even on your TV or monitor. If you go really close, especially if it's an older monitor, you can see the tiny little squares. Each of those has some number of bits telling the device what color to use. In particular, these devices typically use three numbers in total, three bytes.
So that is to say 24 bits per pixel. And they do this. If you were to represent a single dot on the screen using these three numbers, just by intent here, this is 72, 73, 33, which in the context of a text message, an email, a Google Doc represents, of course, hi, textually. What if a computer uses that same pattern of zeros and ones, that is the same pattern of decimal digits, to represent the color on a screen? Which is germane if you're opening an image using Photoshop. So using a different piece of software that knows about colors and images and not just text. Well, this would imply that you want that dot on the screen to have a medium amount of red, a medium amount of green, and a little bit of blue. Why do I say medium and little?
Well, again, if each of these numbers is using 8 bits or 1 byte, the highest we can count, as we discovered, was 255. So I'm kind of averaging here. So 72 at a 255 feels to me like a medium amount of red. 33 feels relatively little blue. But if now the computer combines those wavelengths of light, so to speak, a medium amount of red, medium amount of green, a little bit of blue, what you get is the color code for a single dot.
And does anyone want to guess what color roughly this represents, these three bytes? AUDIENCE: White. AUDIENCE: Purple. DAVID MALAN: Not white, not purple. AUDIENCE: Brown. DAVID MALAN: Not brown. AUDIENCE: Yellow. DAVID MALAN: Yellow, in fact, is the answer.
So it represents in a single pixel roughly this shade here of yellow. Which is to say, if we look back at any of those emoji, which, again, are represented by patterns of zeros and ones, but you and I as humans perceive them as images on the screen-- let me actually go ahead and zoom and zoom in further to one such sample emoji. And when you zoom in far enough or you put the phone close enough to your face, you can actually see all of those little dots known as pixels, all of the little squares. And given that so many of these pixels are yellow, that is to say that that pattern of three bytes, 72, 73, 33, is used to represent this pixel.
Another 3 identical bytes are used to represent this pixel, this one, this one, and so forth. So now if you've taken digital photos on your phone or a camera, you're probably generally familiar from the internet and hardware today that a photograph is, what, 1 megabyte, 10 megabytes depending on the resolution of it? Well, megabyte means millions of bytes. Where are all of these bytes inside of these photographs or these images you're taking or downloading? They correspond to every one of the single pixels on the screen.
00:42:27 - Representation
There's at least three bytes being used to represent every one of those dots. As an aside, bit of a white lie because nowadays there's fancy compression software that can use fewer than that many bytes. But in general, that's where all of those bytes, those millions of bytes are coming from. So how is that for an answer to how do we represent colors? Thank you. So if we agreed now that there's this way and perhaps others to represent colors, well, how do we represent not just images, but videos?
Well, videos once upon a time, or movies, were called motion pictures. So motion pictures with motion. Why is that? Well, it's analogous to growing up. If you ever played with one of these picture books-- and in fact, there's memes nowadays that have made these popular again, whereby why you have a whole bunch of images on individual sheets of paper.
And if you flip through them fast enough, your human mind and eyes perceive it as actual motion, even though you're just seeing image, image, image, image, image, image. But it's so fast, it looks like motion. That's all a video is on your screen. That's all a film is on your TV. It is not in fact, continuous motion.
It's maybe 30 frames or images per second, maybe 24 frames or images per second. Which is to say, we know how to represent numbers, we know how to represent letters, we know how to represent colors and thus images. Now we kind of get videos for free because it's just more of the same. Use more and more of those patterns.
Why are videos so darn large? Why are they gigabytes to download, billions of bytes? Because there's so many darn images. 30 some odd images per second in those kinds of videos. And maybe lastly, just to top off our multimedia, how could you represent sound? Maybe musicians in the room. How, using only zeros and ones, could you represent something as sonorous as music? Something analog as digital. Yeah?
AUDIENCE: So each number corresponds to a frequency. DAVID MALAN: Yeah. So each number that we store in the computer could correspond to a certain frequency, which has a direct relationship to the sound or the pitch of a note. For instance, in the world of piano and many other instruments, you've got like your A, your B, your C, maybe you have sharps and flats as well. We could just agree, like the ASCII people did years ago, to represent the musical note A, let's use this pattern, musical note A-sharp, let's use this pattern and so forth.
But maybe pitch alone or frequency alone is not enough. Maybe we need that number, but maybe a second number for the volume, the sort of digital equivalent of how hard are you hitting the key on the piano. Maybe a third number for how long are you holding the key down. So maybe the pitch and the volume and the duration, kind of like RGB, we could use three bytes to represent every musical note in some piece.
And if we wanted to keep track of what instrument should be played by the computer to sound that music, well, maybe that's just a fourth byte or something else as well. Which is to say, at the end of the day, all we have are these zeros and ones to throw at the problem. So for now, that's it for representing information. We've got our numbers, we've got our letters, we've got our colors and images, our videos, and now sound.
Any questions on how computers, then, are representing, as promised, those inputs and outputs using just zeros and ones? Yeah, in the middle. AUDIENCE: The computer is taking it as input. DAVID MALAN: Correct. So the computer is taking as input at the end of the day, zeros and ones and is outputting zeros and ones. However, as we'll learn in this class, by writing software, by writing code that understands those zeros and ones we will enjoy not just literally seeing zeros and ones, we will see A, B, C, we will see colors, we will see video, we will hear sounds so long as we write the code to interpret those zeros and ones. And indeed, it's worth noting now that same pattern I keep using for an example, 72, 73, 33, how does a computer know?
Is that the message hi? Is that the color yellow? Is it a dot in a video alone? Just depends on the context. Simply put, if you're opening that pattern of zeros and ones with Excel or a calculator program, odds are the software will interpret those three bytes as numbers, of course.
If, though, you open that same pattern in a text messaging program, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, that same pattern will be interpreted as a sequence of letters. Instead, if you open Photoshop, that same pattern, you'll probably see a single dot that happens to be yellow. Conversely, once you yourself are a programmer or even better programmer, you will be able to write in code how you want the computer to treat these patterns of zeros and ones.
You can essentially tell the computer, use this to store a number or a letter or a color or something else. That's the power the programmer themselves have at the end of the day. Other questions on representing things with bits? No? All right. So lastly, then, in this middle of this black box, so to speak,
00:47:20 - Algorithms
is the sort of secret sauce that solves problems, that converts those inputs to outputs, those problems to solutions. So what is an algorithm? It's really just step by step instructions for solving some problem. And indeed, I think back to my own first time in CS50 where we learned the same from Professor Brian Kernighan.
And as luck would have it, just had my 25th reunion where we pulled some video footage from 1996. And so we're actually fortunate to have the very first few minutes of CS50 over 25 years ago when I myself took it. But the lessons back then, as today, are fundamentally the same. And what's important, indeed, is to not only express yourself correctly, but precisely, as we'll explore today. This then is Professor Brian Kernighan, who, years ago, very memorably introduced us and my classmates to algorithms by actually, in class, shaving his beard.
If we could dim the lights here for Brian. [VIDEO PLAYBACK] - The other thing that we're going to talk about in this class is the notion of an algorithm. An algorithm is a very precise description of how to do something. And the operative word there is precise.
It has to be very, very, very, very precise. And the task that I'm going to do is that I'm going to trim my beard, which has gotten out of whack. [APPLAUSE]
And I brought a variety of things which one might use to trim beards with. [LAUGHTER] [APPLAUSE]
[END PLAYBACK] DAVID MALAN: So suffice it to say, I don't have much of a beard. But I do have this here other technology known once upon a time as a phone book. And these phone books, of course, have lots of information in them. Happen to be storing numbers and letters in particular.
For those unfamiliar, they are storing human's names from A to Z here in English and associated with everyone's name is a number. So even if you've never had occasion to physically use this kind of device, turns out it's pretty much equivalent to the contacts or the address book app on your iOS phone or your Android phone as well. Why? Because if you pull up your contacts, of course, you see some familiar names here alphabetized by first name or last name.
And if you click on any of those names, you reach the person you're presumably trying to call or text. Pictured here then is John Harvard's, whose number here is plus 1-949-468-2750, which you're welcome to call or text at your leisure. But here is John Harvard that's partway through the phone book digitally. Well, it turns out that physically in the phone book, we might use an algorithm, step by step instructions, for finding John Harvard in pretty much the same way as iOS, Android, Mac OS, Windows, or other operating systems themselves use. So I could, when looking for John Harvard, first name, starting with J, I could start at the beginning of the phone book and start looking page by page by page for John Harvard.
And if he's there, I can call. This is an algorithm. It's indeed step by step, but that was a bug. A few pages turned. But is this algorithm correct? Step by step, assuming I'm paying attention.
So yes, if John Harvard is in here, I will eventually find him once I get to the J section. Now, this is a little tedious. It's going to take a while. A few dozen, a few hundred pages. So maybe I could do things a little smarter from grade school, like 2, 4, 6, 50:55 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and so forth, going twice as fast. Is that algorithm correct?
So no, but why? AUDIENCE: You could miss it. DAVID MALAN: I could miss him, right? I could just get unlucky, really, with 50/50 probability, because John Harvard could be sandwiched between two pages. Now, this isn't a complete loss, this algorithm.
Maybe what I could do is if I get past the J section to K, I could double back at least one page just to make sure I didn't miss John Harvard. So I can still go twice as fast plus an extra step just to make sure I didn't mess up. So the first algorithm might take as many pages as there are in the phone book. So if this phone book has a thousand pages, in the worst case, if I'm not looking for John Harvard, but someone whose name starts with Z, might take me a thousand pages to actually get there. Second algorithm, twice as fast. Literally, it might take me 500 plus one step to get there because I'm going two at a time, so as long as I indeed fix that bug. But what we used to do back in the day and what your phone is doing today, albeit digitally, is going roughly to the middle of the phone book, looking down and realizing, oh, I'm accidentally in the M section, so halfway through the phone book. But what do I now know about John Harvard?
Is he to the left or to the right? So he's obviously to the left, because J comes before M. So what I can do literally and what your computer does figuratively is tear the problem in half, throw half of the problem away, leaving us now with the same fundamental problem, but it's half as big.
So I've gone from a thousand pages suddenly to 500 pages. And compare this to the other two, 1,000 pages, 999, 998, versus 1,000 pages, 998, 996, 994. That's still slow. I went from 1,000 to 500 in just one step of this algorithm. What do I do next? I go roughly to the middle here. Oh, I went a little too far. I'm in the E section now.
So is John Harvard to the left or right now? So he's to the right. So I can again tear the problem in half, throw the left half away, knowing now that John Harvard must alphabetically be in here. And I can divide and divide and divide and conquer this problem again and again by using that heuristic of going left or going right. And I dare say, if I do this correctly, I'll eventually be left with one single page on which John Harvard's number actually is. Or maybe he's not in the phone book at all. So how many steps maximally might that third and final algorithm take?
It's not a thousand. It's not even 500 or 501. How many times can you divide a thousand pages in half again and again and again, roughly? AUDIENCE: I want to say nine. DAVID MALAN: So 9, 10.
So typically 10 times, give or take. There's a bit of rounding there because it's not a perfect power of two, but roughly 10 times. Like, that is fundamentally better than both of the two algorithms because I go from a thousand pages to 500 to 250 to 125 and so forth, literally halving the problem again and again. So we can actually appreciate and see this even more so graphically.
And this is among the things we'll do later in the term when we speak to not only writing correct code, but is your code well designed? Is it better than your previous code? Is it better than someone else's code? Is it better than some other product? If you have given more thought to the algorithms and the quality thereof, you can perhaps minimize the time required to solve problems but no less correctly.
So if we have a simple xy plot here, on the y-axis or vertical is the amount of time to solve in whatever unit of measure, seconds, pages, however you want to count. On the horizontal or x-axis is the size of the problem measured in, for instance, numbers of pages. So this would mean zero pages in the phone book. This would mean a lot of pages in the phone book. This would mean no time to solve. This would mean a lot of time to solve. What's the relationship then, among those three algorithms?
Well, the first one is essentially a straight line, a slope of one. And if the phone book has n pages in it, we'll describe the slope here as essentially 1 over 1 for the algorithm with the first algorithm, turning page by page by page. Which is to say, if we were to add one more page to the phone book next year, first algorithm is going to take one more step. But the second algorithm is definitely better. It's definitely faster, but it's still a straight line.
So it's going to take roughly n over 2 steps on average, because you only have to go through half of the phone book because you're going two pages at a time, instead of the whole phone book in the worst case, if someone's name is Z, to go through every page in total. So if we actually compare these-- let me just draw some dashed lines. Suppose that you have this many pages in the phone book. If you just draw this vertical white line here, it's going to take this much time in red using the first algorithm, but it's going to literally take half as much time in yellow for the second algorithm because you're literally going two pages at once.
But the third and final algorithm is a fundamentally different shape. It instead looks a little something like this. It looks like it's flatter and flatter and flatter. It's always increasing. It never gets perfectly flat. But it grows so much more slowly as a function of phone book size.
And for those who recall their logarithms, this would be described as log base 2 of n. And in fact, that's where the math came from. Log base 2 of 1,000 is roughly 10 in total, even if you need a calculator to confirm as much. But this shape is fundamentally different. Why? Well, suppose that Cambridge, where we are, and Allston, the town across the street next year, combine their two phone books.
And they go from a thousand pages each to one phone book with 2,000 pages. The first algorithm is going to literally take twice as many steps or pages. Second algorithm is going to take half as many or 50% more because you're going two at a time. But the third algorithm is going to barely miss a beat. Why? Because if this is a thousand pages here and 2,000 pages is over there, just inferring from the shape of the green line, it's not going to be much higher on the vertical axis than the other two were.
So more specifically, if you have a 2,000 page phone book next year, how many more steps will it take you using that third and final algorithm? Just one, because you'll divide and conquer a 2,000 page phone book into a 1,000 page phone book, and then you're back at the original story. And that's the sort of power of learning algorithms. That's the power of learning computer science and learning how to program is to be able to navigate big data, so to speak.
Things the size of google, things the size of artificial intelligence training data sets using better and better, more clever algorithms that perform faster, and therefore not only make the software more competitive, but also make it more usable and more favorable for people like you and me when using that software. So when it comes to implementing algorithms as programmers,
00:57:34 - Pseudocode
as computer scientists, what you're really doing is taking these algorithms, which might be expressed in English conceptually as we just did, but really just translating them to code, be it C or C++ or Python or R or Ruby or any number of other languages that exist in the world. But for now, let's consider how we might implement that algorithm using something that's literally still English, but pseudocode.
Something that is still correct, but precise and finite, as per Professor Kernighan's advice, which is to say use your own vernacular of English and just say what you mean but very succinctly. There's no one way to write pseudocode. It's not some formal language. I'm just going to convert the steps I did intuitively to step by step instructions as follows.
Step one, what I did was pretty much pick up the phone book. Step two, what I did was pretty much open to middle of phone book for the third algorithm. Step three, look at page. Step four, if person is on page, then, step five, call person.
If that does not prove to be the case, step six, else if the person is earlier in the book, then open to the middle of the left half of the book and then go back to line three. Then, else if the person is later in the book, open to the middle of the right half of the book and, again, go to line three. Else, there's a fourth and final case. If the person like John Harvard is not on the page, is not earlier, is not later, what's the fourth scenario we'd best consider? He's just not there.
Else we should do something specific like quit. Now, as an aside, everyone in this room has probably had one of these stupid technical support issues where your phone or your laptop or your desktop computer just freeze all of a sudden, or maybe it spontaneously reboots for no reason. Odds are that's because not you but some other human made a mistake. They probably wrote code working at Microsoft or Apple or Google or somewhere else, and they didn't actually anticipate that, oh, there could be a fourth scenario that could happen in the real world. But if there's no code that tells the computer what to do in that fourth and final scenario, who knows what the computer is going to do? It might, by default, reboot. It might, by default, freeze. That's just a hint of the bugs, the mistakes in software to come.
But even though this is just one way to write this code, a.k.a. pseudocode, there are some salient characteristics that we'll use throughout today. One, there are these verbs, these actions. And henceforth, as aspiring computer scientists or programmers, we're going to start to call these by what a more and more technical audience would. These are functions.
A function is an action or a verb. It's like a bite-sized task that a computer can do for you. Those then are functions in this here pseudocode. But there's other types of code in here.
There are these things here. If else if else if else. Those are examples of what we're going to start calling conditionals. These are sort of proverbial forks in the road where maybe you go this way, maybe you go this way, but you decide which way to go based on a question.
The questions that you ask are what we'll technically call Boolean expressions named after mathematician Boole. A Boolean expression is a question with a yes or no answer, a true or false answer, a black or white answer, a one or zero answer. There's two possibilities, and there's a hint of the binary underneath. A Boolean expression is going to tell you yes or no, you should go down that fork in the road. Notice what's important here is that indentation mattered as a result.
Notice that on line four when I first asked if the person is on page question mark, so to speak, I should only do line five per its indentation if the answer is yes or true, I should only open to the middle of the left half of the book and go back to line three if person is instead earlier in the book. So indentation in pseudocode and in many programming languages has logical significance. It tells you whether to do things or not. But there's another construct in here.
Go back to. Go back to, which literally makes me go back to line three, potentially again and again and again, creating some kind of cycle or what we'll typically call a loop instead. So even in this relatively simple real world algorithm, we have these four fundamental characteristics of most computer programs that we will write in this class, and you might write beyond this class, that we have some technical jargon now to describe them. But what's important to note is that line 8 and line 11, even though they're saying go back to line three, go back to line three, you might think you're running the risk of what we'll call an infinite loop where you literally get stuck in a loop forever, which doesn't sound like a good thing if, at some point, you want to turn your computer off, even though it's still working. But these will not induce infinite loops.
Why? What is happening in this particular algorithm every time we go back to line three that guarantees eventually we will stop going back to line three? AUDIENCE: The person is on the page, you call it. DAVID MALAN: Exactly. If the person is on the page, we will call them or we will quit.
But more importantly, because we keep dividing and conquering the problem, in this case, having the phone book, having the phone book, eventually we're going to run out of phone book, in which case, indeed, John Harvard is either on that page or not And we will call or we will quit instead. So we'll see in time. And in fact, allow me to promise. Odds are at some point you will write code that seems to take control over the computer for you, where it's doing something, doing something, doing something, and it literally won't respond to you anymore. That's just going to be because of a mistake, a so-called bug that you yourself will invariably have added to your code accidentally.
But we'll show you ways for terminating it or breaking out of those conditions. And indeed, what we'll do in just a little bit after a break for today's lecture is explore not just these concepts, but some of the ways you can use them to solve real and very visual and audio problems. But for now, let's at least connect it to something that's been all too germane in recent months, the past few years, namely
01:03:32 - Artificial Intelligence
artificial intelligence, which is a topic we'll come back to at the end of the course, too, to give you a sense of what the connection is with what everyone's been talking about in the world of AI and what it is we're going to spend the next few weeks building up to by writing code. If you were to try to implement something like a chat bot, for instance, that just answers questions and has a conversation with you, you could do that using pseudocode, and as we'll soon see, you can use C, Python, any number of other languages too. That pseudocode might look like this when implementing a chat bot. You could tell the chat bot, if the student says hello to you, then say hello back. And the indentation, as per earlier, implies this is conditional.
Else if the student says goodbye to you, say goodbye to the student. Else if the student asks you how you are, say you are well. So you can just enumerate question after question after question and just handle all of these conditional possibilities. But things kind of escalate quickly, especially with the tools of today like ChatGPT. Are we really going to have the wherewithal as programmers to write another conditional like else if the student asks why 111 in binary is 7 in decimal-- like, this kind of hints at, oh my God, there's an infinite number of things this human could ask the chat bot. Do we really have to write an infinite number of conditionals?
That's just not possible. Like, there's not enough time in the day, there's not enough lines of code available. Artificial intelligence surely needs to be able to figure some of this out instead. And so indeed, this is not how you implement AI, but rather how you implement an AI like a chat bot is you typically train it based on lots and lots of data.
You give it lots of inputs, lots of inputs, training data, and let it figure out what it should say in response to certain questions. And it boils down to a lot of probability, a lot of statistics, otherwise known now as large language models, which, if we really peek under the hood, are actually typically implemented with what are called neural networks inspired by the world of biology, whereby we humans have all of these neurons that transmit electrical signals such that my brain tells my hand to move this way, this way, and this other way. And so what computer scientists have been doing over the past many years is implementing in software using literally zeros and ones, graphs or networks, neural networks, that look a little something like this, where each of the circles represents a neuron, each of the arrows represents a pathway between them, and provides as input to these networks huge amounts of data like all of the internet, all of Wikipedia, all of the books that it might consume as input.
And then the goal of this neural network, as per this single final neuron right here, is to produce an answer to a question. Maybe it's simple like, yes, no, or maybe it's something like the answer to the 111 question or how are you or goodbye or hello or the like. And what these neural networks do is use statistics and probability and try to output the most probabilistically likely answer to this question that's been asked and really just hope that it is correct. There is no programmer at OpenAI or Google or Microsoft that's trying to anticipate every one of these questions we might ask, not only in English but in other languages as well.
So you might be wondering why there's this 8 foot duck on the stage. So the persona that CS50's own AI takes is in fact that of a rubber duck, because it turns out in programming circles-- and this is true long before CS50-- it has often been recommended to students and aspiring programmers that you keep literally a physical rubber duck on your desk. The idea being, in the absence of a friend, family member, colleague, TA who could answer technical questions for you, if you're alone in your room in Mather at night, you can talk to the duck, maybe door closed, and ask the duck your questions, or, more importantly, talk the duck through what confusion you're having.
And the mere act of talking through the problem, explaining logically what you're trying to do, what you're actually doing, and what the error actually is, invariably, that sort of proverbial light bulb goes off and you realize, oh, I'm an idiot. I hear in my own words where I've gone awry. And even though this duck will never say anything back to you, that alone, rubber duck debugging or rubber ducking, tends to be a valuable programming technique, believe it or not. But thanks to these large language models, we have not only physical but virtual ducks as well. And so available to you will be in this class not tools like ChatGPT and the like, which are, through policy, disallowed. It is not reasonable to use ChatGPT and the like.
But you are allowed and encouraged to use CS50's own AI based tools, which resemble those same tools but know something about CS50 and aspire to behave akin to a good teaching fellow guiding you to solutions as opposed to handing you something outright. So this is a tool that will be available at literally this URL throughout the course. CS50.ai. It will also be embedded in the programming environment you'll soon meet, which is called Visual Studio Code, a cloud based version thereof. The duck will live in that environment as well, as well as on stage from time to time, which is to say we'll not only talk about, but use throughout the course this thing known as AI.
But this is ultimately code that we're going to start writing next week. And unfortunately, this code here is written in a language called C. This is essentially the program that I lost two points on some 25 plus years ago. It does look admittedly cryptic. That's why today what we'll focus on is not what this code looks like, nor the zeros and ones that that code gets converted to so your computer can understand as input what you want it to do. We're going to focus on a much more visual incarnation of this.
But I know thus far this has been a lot. So let's go ahead and take a five minute break here, and when we come back in five, we'll do some actual programming. So see you in five. All right. So it's now time to solve with actual code some actual problems,
01:09:21 - Scratch
albeit in a fun and visual and audio way. But recall that where we left off was this. Starting next week, you'll be writing code that ultimately looks like this, but thankfully, you will not be writing zeros and ones, and no normal person, myself included, can understand what all of these zeros and ones are at a glance.
We could take out some paper, pencil, and probably figure it out very tediously. But this is exactly the point. Computers only understand this stuff, but what we as programmers will start writing today and beyond is code at a higher level. And indeed, this is going to be-- this is going to be frequent within computer science where there's different levels of abstraction that we operate at.
And the lowest level, the nittiest gritty, is like the zeros and ones that computer understand. That's it in this class for zeros and ones. Hopefully you at least have wrapped your mind around why zeros and ones can be used in triples and as bytes to represent higher and higher numbers. But let's just now agree that computers can do that.
Let's abstract away from that detail and focus on higher level languages than zeros and ones, namely a language like this. So this is an example of the very first programming language I learned back in the day as per that homework in a language called C. It's an older language, but it remains one of the most popular languages in omnipresent languages nowadays because it's incredibly fast and it's particularly good at making devices operate quickly. For us pedagogically, the value of C is not that you're probably in Silicon Valley and other such jobs going to be using C yourself that much, but because it's going to provide a conceptual foundation on top of which we introduce other languages, like Python, which is newer and improved, so to speak, that gives you more and more functionality for free out of the box by abstracting away some of the stuff we'll focus on in the coming days first.
So at the end of the day, you should better understand languages like Python and JavaScript and SQL because of your underlying understanding of a language like C. But this is too much for the first day. Many of you will think that this is too much for the second week. But in fact, C is really only sort of scary looking because all of this darn punctuation and syntax, the semicolon, the parentheses, the double quotes, the curly braces, and the like.
And I concur. This is intellectually uninteresting, and a lot of the challenges early on when learning programming is you just don't have the muscle memory that I or some of the teaching fellows might for knowing what symbol should be where. But that's going to come with time and practice, I guarantee it. What we'll do for today, though, is just throw away all of that intellectually uninteresting detail and focus really on ideas.
And some of you might be in your comfort zone here because if back in middle school you were playing with a programming language called Scratch, you were probably using at the time just to have fun in class or out of class, making games, animations, interactive art. What you probably didn't use it for, at least in middle school, was to consider and explore programming languages themselves. But what's wonderful about Scratch, which is this graphical programming language from down the street at MIT, where it was invented some years ago, is you can program not by using your keyboard per se, but by dragging and dropping puzzle pieces, otherwise known as blocks, that will snap together if it makes logical sense to do so. And what you won't have to deal with is parentheses and double quotes and semicolons and all of that, at least until next week. But the nice thing about Scratch is that after this week and after the so-called problem set zero, the first assignment in which you'll use Scratch, you'll have a mental model via which it will be easier to pick up all of the subsequent syntax as well. So let's see how we can start programming in Scratch by making the simplest of programs first. You can do this at scratch.mit.edu.
You needn't do this now in the moment. Problem set zero will walk you through all of these steps. But what I've done here is opened up at scratch.mit.edu, precisely the default web page therein. This is after having clicked the Create button in Scratch, which is going to allow me to create my first program. But first, a tour of the user interface here, and what is ultimately available to you. Well, within the Scratch environment, we'll see a few different regions of the screen. One, we have this palette of puzzle pieces at left.
The blue ones relate to motion, the purple ones relate to looks, the pink ones relate to sound, and so forth. So the color of the blocks just roughly categorizes what that block's purpose in life is. We're going to be able to use those puzzle pieces by dragging and dropping them from left to right. In the right here, in the middle of the screen is where I'm going to write my actual programs.
This is where I'll drag and drop these puzzle pieces, lock them together, and actually write my code. What am I going to be coding? Well, I'm going to be controlling one or more sprites. Much like in the world of games are familiar, a sprite is like a character that you might see on the screen. The default character in the world of Scratch is, in fact, a cat that looks like this.
And if in this case, I have just one cat, I can then make that cat do things in his own little world at top right by making the cat move up, down, left, right, spinning around, or doing other things as well. But if you want to introduce a dog or a bird or any number of other custom characters, you just add more sprites and they get their own place in that same world. As for how to think about movement in this world, it's actually pretty familiar, even though it gets a little numeric for a moment.
If Scratch at the moment is in the middle of the screen, the cat is at 0, 0 if you think about x, y-coordinates or latitude longitude. If you move the cat all the way up, this would still be x equals 0, but it would be y 180. What's the 180? 180 pixels vertically or dots on the screen. This is negative 180 pixels on the screen at the bottom. By contrast, if you go left and right, your x value might change.
Negative 240, but y is 0, or positive 240 and y is 0 as well. But most of the time you won't need to know or care about what the pixel coordinates of the cat are. All you're generally going to care about is the programmer, most likely, is do you want the cat to go relatively up, down, left, or right, and let MIT figure out the mathematics of moving this thing around in most cases. All right.
So let's go ahead and introduce the first of these programs by doing something quite simple, as we did in C there, but a little more simply by writing code as follows. I'm going to go back to scratch.mit.edu. I've already clicked, per before, the Create button. And if I click on the yellow category of blocks here at left-- and I'll zoom in-- we'll see a whole bunch of yellow puzzle pieces.
And probably the most common one you will use to write code in Scratch for just this first week is literally
01:16:15 - Hello, World
when green flag clicked. Why? Well, if we go back over to the cat's world at top right, notice that above the cat's rectangular world, there's not only a green flag for starting, there's a red stop sign for stopping as well. So let's do this. Let me go ahead and click and drag.
When green flag clicked anywhere into the middle and let go. And now I'm going to go to looks, and it looks like there's a whole bunch of purple puzzle pieces here. I'm going to choose something simple like say hello, drag it. And notice if I get just close enough, it's going to want to magnetically snap together. So I'll just do that and it does its thing.
The fact that there's this white oval with text means that is an input to this, say, puzzle piece. I can literally then change what the input is if I want to more conventionally say hello, world. Which in fact, according to lore, was the very first program written in C, and nowadays in most every language, including in Brian Kernighan's book. So hello world is generally the first program that most any programmer first writes. So that's it as programs go.
Let me go ahead and zoom out here. Let me go over to the right and click the green flag, and somewhat excitingly, maybe underwhelmingly, we've now written a program that quite simply says hello world on the screen. Now let's make this a little more technical for just a moment. What is this here puzzle piece, as I keep calling it? It's actually a similar--
it's an incarnation one of the ideas from our pseudocode before. What did we call those actions and verbs last time in my pseudocode? AUDIENCE: [INAUDIBLE]. DAVID MALAN: Functions. That's right. So these purple puzzle pieces here are indeed functions, and some functions, as we can see, take inputs, like hello comma world. After all, how does Scratch know what to say?
You have to provide the cat with input, which is to say functions can indeed take inputs like this. In this case one input, but we'll see opportunities for passing in more input as well. What the cat is doing though, visually on the screen here at top right, is what's generally called a side effect. Sometimes when you call a function, it does something visually.
And in this case, you're seeing literally a cartoon speech bubble, hello world. That is the side effect of this function. So if we now want to map this to our world of inputs and outputs and see where this side effect is, this is the paradigm I proposed at the start of class that is computer science in a nutshell and will be the framework we use literally throughout the class, no matter how-- no matter how the languages in particular evolve.
So what's the input to this particular program? Well, this white oval, hello world is my input. The algorithm, step by step instructions for solving some problem, is implemented in code, this language called Scratch by way of this purple puzzle piece. And the output of that function, given this input, is the side effect whereby the cat indeed says hello world visually on the screen in that speech bubble.
So the exact same paradigm with which we began today governs how exactly this cat here works. Well, let's actually go back to this program and make it a little more interesting than that. Let me go ahead and click the red stop sign.
01:19:00 - Hello, You
And let me actually use a different type of puzzle piece, another function that does something a little different. First, I'm going to get rid of the say block. So I'm going to not only pull it away, I'm going to drag it over anywhere at left and just let go and it will delete itself automatically. Or I could right click or Control click, and from a little menu I could also explicitly say delete. And what I'm going to do now is under sensing, which is a light blue shade of puzzle piece-- there's a whole bunch here, but I'm going to focus on this one. Ask something and wait. And the default text is, what's your name?
And that's fine. But because it's a white oval, that input can be manually changed by me if I wanted to change the question. I'm going to drag it over here. It's going to magnetically snap together. And I'm OK with that question.
But what do I want to say with the answer? Well, let's go ahead and do this. I could go to looks again. I could grab another say block, let it snap in, and I could say something like, hello, David.
But this is going to be the first of many bugs that I make, intentionally or otherwise. Let me click the green flag. Scratch is now, just like in a web browser, prompting me for some input here. So let me go ahead and type in my name.
David. Enter. And voila. It works. Hello, David. I'm kind of cheating, though, right?
Because if I zoom out, stop, and play again. Let me type in Julia's name here, enter, and it still says hello, David. So that didn't really implement the idea that I wanted. All right, so how can I fix this? Well, it seems that this time I want more than a side effect.
I want to use the value that the human types in. And for this, we need another feature of functions, which is that not only can they sometimes have side effects, something visually happens. Some functions can hand you back a value, a so-called return value, that will allow you to actually reuse whatever the human typed in.
So a return value is something that gets virtually handed back to you and you can store it in something called a variable, like x, y, and z in mathematics, and you can generally reuse it one or more times. So let me actually draw our attention then to, at left, not only the blue puzzle piece, ask what's your name and wait, but notice that there's a special puzzle piece below it, this blue oval called answer, and that represents what a computer scientist would call a return value.
So MIT has kind of bundled it together side by side to make clear that one of those pieces relates to the other. What it means is that I can do this. I can drag this oval and use this oval as the input to the save function. Now, notice it's not the same size, but it is the right shape, so that's OK. Scratch will grow or shrink things to fit properly.
But this too isn't quite right. Let me go ahead and do this. Let me go ahead and stop that, click the green flag. I'll type in my name again. D-A-V-I-D. Enter. And it's just kind of weird or rude.
Like, I wanted a hello at least, and it just said David on the screen. OK, so I can fix that. Let me stop with the red stop sign. Let me just separate these temporarily. And I can leave it in the middle there, but they have no logical connection temporarily.
Let me go back up to looks. Let me grab a say block, a second one, and let me go ahead and say, just to be grammatical, hello, space. And then I'll reconnect this here. So at the moment it looks like what I want, I want a hello, comma, and then the return value printed out based on whatever the human typed in.
So let me zoom out. Let me click the green flag. Again, what's your name? D-A-V-I-D. And watch the cat's side effect. Enter. It's still not greeting me properly.
There's no hello. And if in case it was too fast, let's do it again. Green flag. D-A-V-I-D. Enter. It rudely just says my name, which is weird. What's the bug here, though? It's a little more subtle.
Why? Yeah? AUDIENCE: It's just quickly going. DAVID MALAN: Yeah. It's just too quickly going over the say command or the say function, in this case. My Mac, your PC, your phone, it's just so darn fast. Both are happening, but too fast for my human eyes to even notice.
So we can solve this in a number of ways. I could actually use a different puzzle piece altogether. In fact, MIT kind of anticipated this. Notice the first puzzle piece in purple is say hello for a specific number of seconds, and you can specify not just the message, but the number of seconds, ergo two inputs, otherwise now known as arguments to a function.
An input to a function is just an argument now. And that would be a fix here. I could maybe a little more explicitly do this. I could go under events, scroll down a little bit, and-- sorry, under control in orange, I could grab a wait block and I could kind insert it in the middle. And this might actually help. So I could click on the green flag.
D-A-V-I-D. Enter. Hello, David. And I could change the timing to be a little more natural. But what if I want the cat to just say hello, David all in one breath, so to speak. Well, for that I'm going to need to use a slightly different technique as follows. Let me go ahead and get rid of the wait. Let me get rid of the second say block and stop the cat with the stop sign.
Let me go under operators here and let me somewhat cleverly grab this. A join block at the bottom. By default, it's using apple and banana as placeholders, but those are white ovals so I can change those. Let me drag this over the white oval for the save function and let go, and it will snap to fill. Let me go ahead here and type hello, comma, space instead of apple.
And what should I do instead of banana? AUDIENCE: Answer. DAVID MALAN: Yeah. So it'd be answer return value-- the return value. So let me go under sensing again. Let me just drag another copy of it.
And you can use these again and again and again. They don't disappear. I want to drag answer over banana so that the second input to join is actually, if you will, the output of the ask block, like that. And it snaps to fit. So now if I go ahead and click the green flag once more. D-A-V-I-D. Enter. Now we have the behavior aesthetically that I cared about.
But beyond the aesthetics of this, the goal here really was to map it to, again, this same paradigm, which we'll see here. The algorithm and the output and the input for this example are as follows. The input to the say block was, quote, unquote, what's your name? The function, of course, implementing that algorithm in code was the ask and wait block. The output, though, of the ask block recalls not some visual side effect.
It is a return value called answer, like a variable, a special variable like x, y, and z in math. But in this one, we generally in programming describe variables with actual words, not just letters. But this output of the say block, I kind of want to make room for it to pass it into the say block as a second argument.
So let's do this. Let's take one step back and propose that now for the join block that I just used. It takes two inputs hello, space and answer. The function in question is indeed the join block.
The output of this had better be hello, David. What do I want to do with the output of the join block? Well, let me clear the screen. Let me move this over, because now the output of the join block is going to instantly become the input to the say block so that the output now in this multistep process is the side effect of hello, David. So the fact that I nested these blocks on top of one another was very much deliberate. If I zoom in here, notice that hello and answer are on top of join, join is on top of the say block. And if you think back to high school math, this is like when you had parentheses and you had to do the things inside parentheses before the things outside parentheses.
It's the same idea, but I'm just visually stacking them instead. But outputs can become inputs depending on what the function there expects. Let me pause here and see if there's any questions about not so much what the cat is doing, but how the cat is doing this.
Questions at hand? All right. Well, let's make the cat more cat-like and do this.
01:27:02 - Meow
Let me throw away all the say block and just let go there. And let me introduce at bottom left a nice feature of scratch whereby there's also these extensions that tend to use the cloud, the internet, to give you even more functionality. And in fact, I'm going to click on this extension up here, text to speech. And if I click on that, I suddenly get a whole new category of blocks at the bottom. Text to speech. They happen to be green. But what's nice here is that I can actually now have the cat say something audibly. So let me drag the speak block here instead of the say block.
I don't want it to just say hello. Let me stop that. So let me go back under operators. Let me grab another join block, because I threw the other one away. Let me change apple to hello, space again.
Let me go to sensing. Let me drag answer to banana again. And now let me hit the green flag and let me type in my name, D-A-V-I-D. And in a moment I'll hit enter and. COMPUTER: Hello, David. DAVID MALAN: All right. It's not exactly cat-like, but it was synthesized.
But it turns out under these text to speech blocks, there are some others. Set voice to alto, for instance, seems to be the default. But let's change this. So notice that some puzzle pieces don't just take white ovals. They might even have drop downs.
So whoever created that puzzle piece decided in advance what the available choices are for that input per the dropdown. So I'm going to change it to squeak, which sounds-- or actually kitten sounds even more apt. Let me zoom out, click the green flag, type my name. D-A-V-I-D. Enter. COMPUTER: Meow, meow. DAVID MALAN: That's interesting.
So it doesn't seem to matter what I type. So how about David Malan. COMPUTER: Meow, meow, meow. DAVID MALAN: So it seems to meow proportional to how long the phrase is that I typed in. It can get a little creepy quickly.
If I change kitten to giant. Let me go ahead and hit Play. D-A-V-I-D. Enter. COMPUTER: Hello, David. DAVID MALAN: So you can, for very non-academic ways, start to have fun with this, but just playing around with these various inputs and outputs. But let's actually make the cat do something more cat-like and indeed meow instead of saying any words at all. So let me throw all of that away. Let me go now under sound. Let me drag the play sound until done.
And notice in the dropdown here, by default, you just get the cat sound. You can record your own sounds. There's a whole library of dogs and birds and all sorts of sounds you can import into the program. I'll keep it simple with cat. And let me click the green flag.
COMPUTER: Meow. DAVID MALAN: All right. So the cat meowed once. If I want the cat to meow again, I could do this. COMPUTER: Meow. DAVID MALAN: If I want the cat to meow a third time, I could again hit play. COMPUTER: Meow. DAVID MALAN: So this is kind of tedious if to play this game,
I have to keep clicking the button, keep clicking the button to keep the cat alive virtually in this way. So maybe I want this to happen again and again and again. Well, let me just do that. Let me sort of drag and drop.
Or I could right click or Control click and then a little menu would let me Copy-Paste or duplicate blocks. But I'll just keep dragging and dropping. Let's do this. COMPUTER: Meow. Meow. Meow. DAVID MALAN: Cat's kind of hungry, unhappy.
So let's slow things down so it's adorable again. So let me go under control. Let me grab one of those wait one second, and I'll plop this here. Another one. Let me plop it here.
Click play again. COMPUTER: Meow. Meow. DAVID MALAN: Cuter. Less hungry.
Sure. But this program is now, I daresay, correct if my goal is to get the cat's meow three times. But now, even if you've never programmed before, critique this program. It is not well-designed, even though it is correct.
In other words, it could be better. How, might you think? Yeah? AUDIENCE: A loop. DAVID MALAN: So using a loop. And why? Why are you encouraging me to use a loop even though it works as is?
AUDIENCE: It's easier to plot. DAVID MALAN: Yeah. So to summarize, it's just easier to use a loop because I could specify explicitly in one place how many times I want it to loop. And moreover, frankly, any time you are copying and pasting something in code or dragging the same thing again and again, odds are you're doing something foolish. Why? Because you're repeating yourself unnecessarily. And this is a bit extreme, but suppose I want to change this program later so that the cat pauses two seconds in between meows. Well, obviously I can just go in here and do two.
But what if I forget? And suppose this program isn't, like, five or six puzzle pieces. Suppose it's 50 or 60 or 500 or 600. Eventually I or a colleague I'm working with is going to screw up. They're going to change a value in one place, forget to change it in another.
So why are you inviting the probability of making a mistake? Just simplify things so that you only have to change inputs in one place. So how can I do this? Let me zoom out. Let me throw most of this duplication away, leaving me with just the play and the wait function.
Let me now, under control as well, grab one of these. I could, for instance, repeat as follows. Let me grab a repeat. I'm going to have to move these in two parts. So I'm going to move this down. It's too small, but it will grow to fit the right shape.
Then let me reattach it up here. Let me change the default 10 to a 3. And now I think I've done exactly what you were encouraging, which is simplify. And I click play now. COMPUTER: Meow. Meow. DAVID MALAN: Now and.
COMPUTER: Meow. DAVID MALAN: Yeah. So still correct, but arguably better designed as a result. I can keep things simple and change things now in just one place and it will continue to work. But this is getting a little tedious now, I claim.
01:32:21 - Abstractions
Like, why am I implementing the idea of meowing? Wouldn't MIT have been better to have just implemented a meow puzzle piece for us? Because the whole thing is themed around a cat. Why is there not a meow puzzle piece?
Why do I need to go through all of this complexity to build that functionality? Well, what's nice about Scratch and what's nice about programming languages in general is you can generally invent your own puzzle pieces, your own functions, and then use and reuse them. So let me go ahead and do this. I'm going to go under my blocks in pink down here.
I'm going to go ahead and click make a block, and I'm going to be prompted with this interface here. And I'm going to call this block literally meow, because apparently MIT forgot to implement it for us. And I'm just going to go ahead and immediately click OK. And what you'll see now is two things.
One, on the screen, I've been given this placeholder pink piece that says define meow as follows. So anything I attach to the bottom of that define block is going to define the meaning of meowing. And at top left, notice what I have under my blocks. I now have a pink puzzle piece called meow that is a new function that will do whatever that other block of code tells the cat to do.
So what do I want to do here? Well, I'm going to keep it simple for now. I'm going to move the play sound meow until done and wait two seconds. Though let's change it back to one second to move things along. And now let me drag the meow puzzle piece over to my loop such that now, what's it going to do? It's going to meow three times.
And just to be dramatic, out of sight, out of mind. Let me, for no technical reason, just drag this all the way to the bottom of the screen and then scroll back up just to make the point visually that now meowing exists. That is an implementation detail that we can abstract away, not caring how it exists, because I now know at a higher conceptual level, if I want a meow, I just use the meow puzzle piece, and I or someone else dealt with already how to implement meowing.
So now let me go ahead and hit play. COMPUTER: Meow. Meow. Meow. DAVID MALAN: OK, so same exact code, but arguably better design because I've now given myself reusable code so I don't have to Copy-Paste those several blocks. I can just use meow again and again. But let's make one refinement.
Let me actually scroll down to where I did in fact implement this. Let me Control click or right click on it and let me edit the pink block that I created a moment ago, because I want to practice what I've been preaching about inputs. So I don't want this function just to be called meow. I want this function to also take an input, and just for consistency with our use of n earlier, which in computer science generally means number, let me meow n times.
And just so that this puzzle piece is even more programmer friendly, let me add just a textual label that has no technical significance other than to make this function read left to right in a more English friendly way. Meow n times. Let me click OK. And now notice this thing at the bottom has changed such that it's not only called meow, there's explicit mention of n, which is a circle, which is exactly the variable shape that we saw earlier when it was called answer.
This is not a return value, though. This is what, again, we're going to call an argument, an input to a function. So let me do this. I'm going to move this back up to the top so I can see everything in one place, and I'm going to make one modification, because my goal now is to make a new and improved version of meowing that actually takes into account how many times I want the cat to meow. So instead of using a loop in my own program under when green flag clicked, I'm going to detach this temporarily. I'm going to move this away. I'm going to move this code over here, and I'm going to reattach it here.
So focusing for the moment on just the left, meow is now defined as repeating three times the following two functions. Play sound and wait. But that's not quite right. I want to get rid of the three. So what can I do?
Because I created this input to the meow function myself a moment ago, I can actually drag a copy of it over right that is change the three to be generally an n. So now I have a function called meow that will meow any number of times. And what's nice now is my actual program that is governed by that green flag, I can type in three, I can type in 10, I can type in 100, and it will just work. And henceforth, I can, again, dramatically scroll this down so we don't know or care about it anymore. Now my program is a single line whereby this notion of meowing has been abstracted away by just defining my own function or custom block. Questions, then, about just this idea, this principle of creating your own functions to hide implementation details once you've solved a problem? Therefore, you don't want to have to think about that same problem ever again. And that's the beauty of programming, typically.
Questions on what here we just did? No? All right. Well, let's do this. Let's now make this a little more interactive in code.
01:37:23 - Conditionals
Let me go to this green flag. Let me scroll down and just throw all of this hard work away that we have copies on the courses website of all of these programs step by step if you want to review them in slower detail. Let's do this. Under control, turns out there's other ways to loop.
There's this forever block that will just do something forever. So in the forever block, there's some place for some other code. And I'm going to move to the control section here and grab one of these if blocks, so one of these conditionals.
Let's plug that in here. And now notice if, and then there's this sort of trapezoid-like placeholder that's going to probably fit what? The if is a conditional. Forever is a loop.
Say and so forth have been functions. What was the other key term we used? So a Boolean expression. We need to put one of those yes, no or true, false questions here. So what are those? Well, I've been using Scratch for some years, so I under sensing there's one of these shapes here. Touching mouse pointer, question mark.
The question mark literally evokes the whole idea of a Boolean expression being yes, no. It's way too big to fit, but it is the right shape. So let me drag it. Let go. It's going to grow to fill. And now let me go to sound.
Let me grab that play sound, meow until done, and put it inside that conditional such that what kind of program have I just implemented here, arguably? What will this program do when I click the green flag? Well, nothing at the moment.
AUDIENCE: Not touching the cat. DAVID MALAN: But I'm not touching the cat. So if I move the mouse pointer to the cat. COMPUTER: Meow. DAVID MALAN: Again. COMPUTER: Meow. DAVID MALAN: Again. COMPUTER: Meow. DAVID MALAN: It's kind of implementing the idea of petting a cat, if you will, because I'm forever just waiting and waiting and waiting. Is the mouse pointer touching that sprite, touching that cat?
And only if so, go ahead and play that sound meow until done. But now we can make things a little more interesting. Let me stop this and let me do something actually completely different. Let me throw all this hard work away.
Let me go under extensions. Let me go to video sensing, because lots of laptops, my own included, has a little webcam nowadays. Let me approve use of that there. And you can see me in the frame. And let me do this. Let me drag one of these when motion exceeds some measure.
And through trial and error, I figured out that 50 tends to work well. Let me step out of frame here and program off to the side. And if I go to play sound meow until done, notice that this is an alternative to using when green flag clicked. This is a category of block that's constantly waiting for what we'll call an event. An event is just something that can happen on the screen, a click a drag, a mouse movement, and so forth. So let me zoom out here. And now, if I can do this-- here we go. No, too slow. Still too slow. Wait, did I click play? Let's see.
Try again. COMPUTER: Meow. DAVID MALAN: There we go. OK. 50 is a little too high, apparently. So let's make this a little gentler.
- COMPUTER: Meow. DAVID MALAN: OK, well. COMPUTER: Meow. DAVID MALAN: There we go. COMPUTER: Meow. DAVID MALAN: There we go.
COMPUTER: Meow. DAVID MALAN: OK, so we've implemented now more physically the idea of actually responding to petting a cat. COMPUTER: Meow. Meow. DAVID MALAN: Oh, damn it. OK. COMPUTER: Meow. Meow. Meow.
DAVID MALAN: All right. So this is a bug. Like now-- this is MIT's fault. So it's not stopping in response to the red stop sign. So what do you do in doubt? Most extreme, you reboot. For now, I'm just going to close the window.
OK. So now we've seen all of those primitives that we saw in that pseudocode, but incarnated in this graphical programming language, and again, without parentheses and semicolons and double quotes and all that punctuation that we will introduce before long. But for now, we have the mechanisms in place where we can do some really interesting things.
01:41:14 - Oscartime
So in fact, I thought, in the spirit of thinking back on olden times, thought I'd open up the very first program I wrote when I actually took-- I was cross-registered in an MIT class and took a class that introduced aspiring teachers to Scratch. And I implemented this program here called Oscartime, which was a game that used a childhood song that I was a fan of and it allows you to drag trash into a trash can. But to bring this to life and perhaps in exchange for one stress ball, could I get one brave volunteer who wants to come up and control this here keyboard? I saw your hand first. Come on up.
Come on up. And you'll see, thanks to the team, we also have this amazing lamppost here, being on Quincy Street as we are. Do you want to introduce yourself to the group? AUDIENCE: Hi, my name is Anna.
I'm from Richmond, Virginia, and I'm in Weld. DAVID MALAN: Nice. Weld. AUDIENCE: Yes! DAVID MALAN: All right, come on over.
So here, Anna, you'll have a chance to play the very first game I wrote in Scratch, which admittedly is more complicated typically than we would expect of a student doing this for the very first time, as in problem set zero. But what I'm going to do is full screen this here. I'm going to click the green flag, and what you'll see on the screen are these instructions. Drag as much falling trash as you can to Oscar's trashcan before his song ends.
And here we go. [OSCAR THE GROUCH, "I LOVE TRASH"] Oh, I love trash Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Anything ragged or rotten or rusty Yes, I love trash DAVID MALAN: There we go. So as Anna continues to play, let's tease this apart a little bit. So one, there's some costumes on the stage.
Like that lamppost is actually never going to move. But there's a couple of sprites. There's the trash can, which seems to be a character unto itself. There's this piece of trash that keeps coming back and back. That is a sprite. There's now this sneaker, which is another sprite.
And in fact, notice that Oscar, of course, keeps popping up from his sprite once in a while. So Oscar seems to have multiple costumes. So I offer this as an example, as you keep playing, if you would. Very good job so far. The song goes on forever.
This was a nightmare to implement, to listen to this all day long. But how do we implement the rest of this? Well, notice that the trash, every time she throws into the trash can, does reappear somewhere different. So there's some kind of randomness involved. And indeed, Scratch will let you pick random numbers in a range.
So maybe it could be negative 240, maybe it could be positive 240, at the 180 point on the top of the screen. So you can randomly put things on the screen. There's apparently what kind of construct that makes the trash fall again and again. I think no one's listening to me. They're all just watching you. What's making the trash fall from top to bottom?
So it's actually some kind of loop because there's a motion block inside of a forever loop, probably, that just keeps moving the trash one pixel, one pixel, one pixel, one pixel, one pixel, creating the illusion, therefore, of motion. And if we can crank the song a little bit more, you'll see that this is all synchronized now. OSCAR THE GROUCH: (SINGING) Because they're trash Oh, I love trash
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty Anything ragged-- DAVID MALAN: The song keeps going forever, seemingly. And now notice more and more sprites are appearing because they waited for-- here we go. Climax. OSCAR THE GROUCH: (SINGING) I love trash
DAVID MALAN: All right. A big round of applause for Anna. Nicely done. OK, here you go. Here you go. All right. So this is an interminable song. And indeed, I spent hours building that, and just listening to that song on loop was not the best way to program. But the goal here is to really use it as just an intellectual exercise as to how that was implemented. And we won't do the entire thing in detail, because I will say back in the day when I was younger, I didn't necessarily write the cleanest code. And in fact, if we see inside this and we poke around the bottom of the screen here, you can see all of my different sprites. And the code is kind of complex. Like, things just kind of escalated quickly.
But I did not set out and write all of these programs all at once for each sprite. I pretty much took baby steps, so to speak. And so, for instance, let me open up just a few sample building blocks here that speak to this that are written in advance. So here's version zero. Computer scientists typically start counting at zero. And let me show you this example here that only has two sprites on the screen.
We have Oscar the trashcan and we have the piece of trash. And now notice, what does Oscar do? Well, let me go ahead and zoom in on this script, as it's called. A program is a script.
When the green flag is clicked, Oscar switches his costume to Oscar one. That's his default costume where the lid is closed. Then Oscar does this forever. If Oscar is touching the mouse pointer, change the costume to Oscar two, otherwise change it back to Oscar one. So that whole idea of animation where Oscar is popping in and out is just like a quick costume change based on a loop inside of which is a conditional waiting for the cursor, like Anna did, to get near the trash can. Meanwhile, if we look at the piece of trash here, notice that the trash is actually not doing anything in this first version because I didn't even implement falling first.
So let me hit the green flag. Nothing is happening in this very first version. But notice, if I click on the trash and drag as soon as I'm touching Oscar, there comes that trash can lid. And it was just the result of making this one program respond to that input.
All right. What did I do next? Well, next, after taking that single baby step, I added one other feature. Let's see inside this version one. Again, Oscar is behaving the exact same way. But notice this time the trash is designed to do the following.
First, I'm telling the program that the drag mode is draggable. That is, I want the trash to be movable when the user clicks on it. Then I tell the piece of trash to go to a random x location. x is the horizontal, so it's going somewhere between 0 and 240, but all the way at the top of the screen. 180. Then forever, the piece of trash just changes by negative one.
So it just moves down and down and down. And without looking at the second script yet, let me just hit play. And notice, without even doing anything-- and eventually, once there was lots of trash falling, like Anna was struggling to keep up with this. It's just moving one pixel at a time forever until, thankfully, MIT does stop things automatically if they hit the bottom, lest a six-year-old get upset that all of a sudden their sprite is gone forever.
So there is some special casing there. But what else is this trash doing? Let me zoom in here. The piece of trash also, when the green flag is clicked, is forever asking this question.
If you are touching Oscar, then pick a new random location between 0 and 240 at positive 180 and go back to the top. So in other words, as soon as this piece of trash is dragged over to Oscar like this and I let go, it recreates itself at the top. It's just sort of teleporting to the top, and thus was born this feature. And I won't slog through all of the individual features here, but if we do just one more and see inside this one-- so now let me go ahead and hit Play. Notice at the top left of the screen, there's a score.
Currently zero. But now when I click the trash and let go, notice that the score is being incremented by one. And this, in fact, is how, Anna, your score kept going higher and higher and higher. Every time I noticed, oh, the trash is touching Oscar, let's not only teleport, let's also increment a variable. And we didn't see this before, but if I go to this Oscar Scratch now, you'll see that it is exactly the same. But if I now go to the trash piece here and we go to when green flag clicked, you'll see that I'm initializing a variable in orange called score to zero. But if we scroll down to the bottom, Oscar is also doing another thing in parallel at the same time. When the green flag is clicked, Oscar is forever checking, is the piece of trash touching Oscar? If so, change the score by one and then go to top, which is another location on there, that screen. So in other words, even though at a glance something like Oscar time might look very complicated and it did take me hours, the goal, especially with problem set zero, is not going to be to bite off all of that at once, but to take proverbial baby steps.
Implement one tiny feature so that you feel like you're making progress. Add another feature, another. And invariably you might run out of time and not get to the best version of your vision, but hopefully it'll be good. Hopefully it'll be better, but you'll have these sort of mental milestones, hoping that you at least get to that point. Because as you will soon discover, everything in the world of programming unfortunately takes longer than you might expect. That was true for me 25 years ago and is still true today.
01:49:52 - Ivy’s Hardest Game
Well, let me introduce one final set of examples here. This one written by one of your own predecessors, a former student. Let me go ahead and open up three baby steps, if you will, toward an end of implementing a game called Ivy's Hardest Game, whereby it's now more interactive, quite like Oscartime. So at top right here, notice-- and I'll zoom in-- we have this world that's initially very simple. Two black lines, two walls, if you will, and a Harvard sprite in the middle.
But when you click the green flag, notice that nothing happens initially except that the sprite jumps to the middle. But I can hit the up key or the down key or the left key or the right key. But if I try to go too far, even though it's not the edge of the world, it's only touching that there black line, it's still going to stop as well.
So intuitively, how could you implement that type of program? How could you get a sprite from what we've seen to respond to up, down, left, right, but actually move when I touch my arrow keys? Like, what does it mean to move? Yeah? AUDIENCE: Maybe if then. DAVID MALAN: Exactly. So much like with representing information, at the end of the day, all we've got is zeros and ones. When it comes to algorithms, at the moment, all we have are functions and loops and conditionals and Boolean expressions and soon some more things too. But there's not all that much we have at our disposal.
So let me zoom out from this and let me actually show you what the Harvard sprite is doing. It's doing this. When I go up to the green flag here, the Harvard sprite is going to 0, 0. So dead center in the middle.
And then it's forever doing two things, listening for the keyboard and feeling for walls, left and right. Now, those are not puzzle pieces that come with Scratch. I created my own custom blocks, my own functions to implement those ideas. Let's not abstract away for now. Let's actually look at these features. And indeed, to your instincts at left here, what does it mean to listen for the keyboard? Well, if the up arrow key is pressed, change y by one.
Move up. If the down arrow key is pressed, change y by negative one. If the right arrow key is pressed, change x by one. If the left arrow key is pressed, change x by negative one.
So take all the magic out of moving up, down, left, right by just quantizing it as plus, minus, this, and that. It's all numbers, indeed, at the end of the day. But what else is it doing? Notice that it did, indeed, bounce off the wall.
So my other custom function, which I chose, feel for walls to evoke this idea, it's asking two questions. If you're touching the left wall, then change x by one, so bounce in the other direction. Else if you're touching the right wall, bounce in the negative one direction. And so what are left wall and right wall?
I mean, I kind of cheated. I just used two more sprites. These sprites are literally nothing except black lines. But because they exist, I can ask that question in my conditional saying, are you touching those other sprites?
And I could have colored them any way I want, but this is enough, if I zoom in, to implement this idea of going up, down, left, and right, and preventing the sprite from leaving that little world. All right. So if you'll agree that there's a way now to implement motion up, down, left, right, let's go ahead and implement this idea by adding a rival into the mix, like a Yale sprite.
And what the Yale sprite is going to do, if I click the green flag, is this. So Harvard at the moment is still going to be movable with the arrow keys, up, down, left, right. But Yale, for better or for worse, is just going to mindlessly bounce back and forth from left to right forever, it would seem. The operative word being forever. So how is that working? Well, let's look. Here's the Yale sprite at the bottom.
Let's zoom in on its actual code here. The Yale sprite starts at 0, 0. It points in direction 90 degrees, which means left, right, essentially. And then it forever does this.
If touching the left wall or touching the right wall, turn around 180 degrees. So I don't want the Yale sprite to just stop by moving it one pixel to bounce off slightly. I want it to wrap around and just keep going and going and going forever. And that's it. Everything else is the same. So one final flourish. Let's add a more formidable adversary, like MIT here, whereby if I zoom in and hit play, notice that if I move the Harvard sprite, MIT comes chasing me now.
Now, how is this actually working? Yale is just kind of doing its thing, bouncing back and forth. Now MIT has really latched on to me and it's following me up, down, left, right. So how is that logic now working? Well, again, it's probably doing something forever, because that's why it's continually doing it.
Let's click on MIT. This too is pretty simple, even though it's a pretty fancy idea. Initially the MIT sprite goes to a random position, but thereafter, it forever points toward the Harvard logo outline, which is just the long name that your predecessor or former student gave the name for that sprite. And then it moves one step, one step, one step.
So suppose this were an actual game, and in games things get harder and harder, the adversary moves faster and faster. How could we make MIT even faster by changing just one thing here? Like, how do we level up? Change the one to two pixels at a time, two steps at a time.
So let's see that. Let's go ahead and zoom out. Let's hit play. And now notice that MIT is coming in much faster this time. All right. So it wasn't noticeably faster. Let's do this. Let's move 10 steps at a time. So 10 steps faster than originally.
I mean, now-- and now notice it's kind of twitching back and forth in this way. Why? Well, probably, if we worked out the math, probably the MIT sprite is touching the sprite and it's bouncing off of it, but then it's realizing, oh, I went too far. Let me move back. Wait a minute. I'm still touching it. Let me move down. So you can get into these perverse situations where there is actually a bug, be it logical or aesthetical.
But in this case, we probably want to fix that. So 10 is probably too fast for this to work particularly well. But the final flourish here really is to show you the actual version of a game that one of your predecessors, a past classmate, actually implemented. Before, thereafter, we will adjourn for cake in the transept, which is the CS50 tradition. But can we get one more final volunteer to come on up to play Ivy's Hardest Game? I'm seeing your hand most enthusiastically there. Yeah, come on down.
Very happily. [APPLAUSE] In just a moment, we will indeed adjourn. But the goal here now is going to be to navigate a maze that's a little more difficult than the last. Let's have you first, though, introduce yourselves to your classmates in front.
AUDIENCE: Hi, y'all. I'm Eric. I'm from Philadelphia and I'm also from Hollis Hall. [CHEERS] DAVID MALAN: One person from Hollis. Nice. OK. Welcome. All right. Eric, go ahead and take the keyboard here.
It, too, will be all about up, down, left, right as soon as you click the green flag. And if we can crank the music. [MC HAMMER, "U CAN'T TOUCH THIS"] You Can't touch this DAVID MALAN: So notice, the black walls are a little more involved than last time. But the goal is to get to the sprite all the way at right and just touch it, at which point you move to the next level.
The next level, of course, has Yale doing its thing back and forth. You've made it to level three. But now there's two Yale. So another sprite is in the mix that's randomly
moving a little different in terms of direction. Three Yales. Next level.
MIT is in.
The walls are now gone. Princeton's in the mix.
Nice. Two Princetons.
OK. New life.
OK, another life. Nice. Nice. Oh.
Nice. Second to last level. Three Princetons. Last level.
Yeah! Congratulations. [APPLAUSE] Thank you. All right. This, then, was CS50. Welcome aboard. Cake is now served.