- contract updates for senderMessage
- removed V2 links support
- removed sepolia, baseGoeli, gnosis and immutableZkevm network support
- senderMessage available for claim links
- added pending data to ClaimLink instance and /fee endpoint
- new escrow address
- update for depositWithAuthorization method (additional params available)
- depositWithAuthorization method support for cbBTC
- package rename to linkdrop-sdk
- immutable-zkevm network support added
- error handling update
- 15 days expiration of link by default
- support for EURC coin (base network)
- support for v3 links
- bug fix for old escrow contract links
- new escrow contract addresses for CBW users
- bug fixes for ERC1155/ERC721
- added signature length query variable for recovered link
- update for getLimits method (usd limits added)
- update for zupla error handling
- added Degen network support
- added Sepolia network support
- removed Mumbai network support
- added machine-readable error handling
- support for new dashboard URL schema
- Escrow contracts update
- added optional "deployment" param to LinkdropP2P constructor
- Added getDepositParams method
- Removed sender address check in generateClaimUrl method
- Dashboard links retrieve and redeem
- Added isDepositWithAuthorizationAvailable method to ClaimLink
- Added error handling for api requests
- operations format changed (snake_case to camelCase)
- Arbitrum, Optimism, Avalanche networks support
- enum ETokenType => type TTokenType
- backward compatibility (v2 => v3)
- ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens support
- updates for limits (moved from createClaimLink to _initializeClaimLink)
- added new escrow address contracts
- updates for README.md
- added ERC20 token support
- updated LinkdropP2P constructor
- updated methods for ClaimLink (deposit, depositWithAuthorization)
- removed token symbol from claim url
- transfer status can be retrieved with transferId (sender not needed)
- updated handling of errors
- added all fee data to endpoints
- removed extra request to get limits
- added error handling to method getVersionFromEscrowContract
- updated README
- method parseVersion renamed to getVersionFromClaimUrl
- added error handling to method getVersionFromClaimUrl
- added method to parse link for version
- added method to define version from escrow contract
- added optional
parameter apiKey
parameter transformed to optional
- added "token" parameter to getSenderHistory method
- bug fix with escrow address for old links
- operations included to ClaimLink
- apiKey hidden from properties of ClaimLink
- expiration type changed to 'number'
- added getSenderHistory method
- removed
return from public methods - added ValidationError
- update for getLimits method. token argumant is not required for NATIVE tokens
- bug fix for escrow address detection
- updated escrow contract definition
- no native token address is needed to create NATIVE link
- added limits (min and max amount that can be used to create link)
- support for native usdc for polygon network
- updated getDepositAuthorization method
- updated babel configuration file
- expiration is now optional for initialization of ClaimLink (default: 30 days)
- added babel loader plugins
- new escrow contract addresses for base, polygon and mumbai networks
- switch ethers method: toQuantity => toBeHex (with bytes length)
- revert
- updated helper to prevent 0x cut in private/public key or signature
- removed async function for TSignTypedData type
- removed console logs
- network tokens support
- link recovery added
- short links available
- new api
- new escrow contracts
- ethers v6 added
- added initialize method to ClaimLink
- fix for baseUrl (should be passed to ClaimLink)
- minor fix with data format
- signer removed
- new methods for modules (ClaimLink, LinkdropPaySDK)
- major updates
- axios removed
- added getRandomBytes
- added signTypedData
- updates for repository name and npm package name
- added apiKey to Zuplo endpoints
- removed getDepositAmount method from Linkdrop module
- updates for getDepositAuthorization method
- new escrow contract addresses
- updates related to Base network
- added Base chain support
- added getLinkStatus method
- big fix for api url suffix
- added new api urls + new jsonrpc urls
- added update for encodeLink/decodeLink methods
- added initialization for get linkdrop method
- update for generate link method return
- update for contract address
- fix for deposit data method
- update for claim link
- polygon support added