Plutip tasty
integration provides eDSL for building test suites that are capable to start local private network, run contracts on that network and then make assertions about contract execution result.
Simple test case which starts private network, funds some addresses (or wallets
in eDSL terminology) and runs Contract
's can be described like this:
test :: TestTree
test =
withConfiguredCluster def -- 1
"Basic integration: launch, add wallet, tx from wallet to wallet" -- 2
$ [ assertExecution "Contract 1" -- 3
(initAda [100,200] <> initLovelace 10_000_000) -- 3.1
(withContract $ \[wallet2pkh] -> someContract) -- 3.2
[ shouldSucceed -- 3.3
- Will start the local network with default config (more on configuring below)
- Description of test group that will be run on current instance of the network
- Test scenario that will be performed on the local network with it's description. Scenario includes:
- (3.1.) Initialization of
. In this case two addresses will be funded: first will have 2 UTxOs with 100 and 200 Ada, second - single UTxO with 10 Ada. - (3.2) Execution of "
someContract :: Contract w s e a
of first wallet will be accessible insomeContract
as "own PaymentPubKeyHash". e.g withownFirstPaymentPubKeyHash
of second initiated wallet is brought into scope bywallet2pkh
during pattern match on list (more on that below). - (3.3) List of checks or
which will be performed for the result ofsomeContract
- (3.1.) Initialization of
It is possible to run several scenarios on single network instance - note that withConfiguredCluster
accepts list of assertExecution
It is possible to initialize arbitrary number of wallets
in second argument of assertExecution
. PaymentPubKeyHash
of 1st wallet will always be used as "own" PaymentPubKeyHash
for contract being executed inside withContract
. PaymentPubKeyHash
'es of rest wallets
could be accessed via 1st argument of lambda inside withContract
E.g. if wallets
initialized like
(initAda [100] <> initAda [200] <> initAda [300])
we will get 3 funded addresses represented by 3 corresponding wallets
of walletinitAda [100]
will be "own"PaymentPubKeyHash
for contract executed it test case.PaymentPubKeyHash
initAda [200]
andinitAda [300]
will be available via lambda argument. I.e.:
withContract $ \[pkh1, pkh2] -> someContract
initAda [200]
initAda [300]
of wallet
initAda [100]
is meant to be pkh0
and not presented in the list.
It is possible to run arbitrary number of contracts in 3d argument of assertExecution
using its monadic nature. E.g.:
assertExecution "Some description"
( initAda [100])
( do
void $
withContract $
\pkhs -> contract1
withContractAs 1 $
\pkhs -> contract2
Be aware though, that only result of the last contract (contract2
) will be asserted in shouldSucceed
(note usage of void
for contract1
). This pattern where contract1
is executed before contract2
can be useful if contract2
requires some on-chain initialization before execution.
There is no way to rearrange wallets
after initialization, but test scenario (e.g.) can require running some setup contracts with different wallets. To make it possible withContractAs
can be used instead of withContract
. As first argument withContractAs
accepts index of the wallet
in initial setup, PaymentPubKeyHash
of this wallet will be used as "own" PaymentPubKeyHash
inside the contract.
For example, consider the following scenario:
- initiate 3
- run some setup contract with
- run another setup contract with
- run final contract with
and assert it's result
assertExecution "Some description"
( initAda [100] -- walletA
<> initAda [200] -- walletB
<> initAda [300] -- walletC
( do
void $
withContractAs 1 $ -- running contract with walletB
\[walletA_PKH, walletC_PKH] -> setupContract1
void $
withContractAs 2 $ -- running contract with walletC
\[walletA_PKH, walletB_PKH] -> setupContract2
withContract $
\pkhs -> theContract
Under the hood, test runner builds list of wallets like this [walletA, walletB, walletC]
and by calling withContractAs
we can refer to an index (0 based) of specific wallet in this list. In that case, PaymentPubKeyHash
of referenced wallet
becomes "own" PaymentPubKeyHash
of the contract, and PaymentPubKeyHash
'es in argument of lambda will be rearranged. E.g. in case of withContractAs 1
will become ownPaymentPubKeyHash
- argument of lambada will contain
'es ofwalletA
Actually, withContract
is just shortcut for withContractAs 0
To assert the result of contract execution user specifies list of checks or predicates
as 4th argument of assertExecution
. There are several predicates
provided by the library that could be found in Test.Plutip.Contract
module. Existing predicates
allows to make assertions on Contracts state (w
), error (e
) and result (a
) (consider type Contract w s e a
There are also predicates for making assertions on scripts execution budgets (e.g. budgetsFitUnder
or assertOverallBudget
). But be aware, that budget of script submitted to private network can differ from testnet or mainnet, at least because different amount of input UTxOs could be added during balancing, so this assertions are mostly useful for rough estimation and regression testing.
Users can also define their own predicates by making instances of Predicate
type from Test.Plutip.Contract
Each predicate
will be rendered as separate test case in output log.
To assert the final Value
which wallet
will have after contract execution special syntax for wallet
initialization is required. Currently it is done by group of "init-and-assert" functions from Test.Plutip.Contract
module. E.g.:
initAdaAssertValue [100] 133
- initializewallet
with single UTxO with 100 Ada and check that after contract execution finalValue
of allwallet
's UTxOs is equal to 133 Ada.initAndAssertLovelaceWith [1_000_000] VGt 2_000_000
- initializewallet
with single UTxO with 1000000 Lovelace and check that after contract execution finalValue
of allwallet
's UTxOs is greater than 2000000 Lovelace.
One important note is that Plutip creates dedicated UTxO to be used only as collateral under the hood. This UTxO would normally be created by spending wallets funds, and the transaction fee and Ada amount used for collateral UTxO would mess up balance assertions. So when using any kind of assertions for Value
it is advised to wrap wallets
initialization with withCollateral
function. This simply adds a small UTxO to the wallets
's balance during network setup that is then picked up for collateral instead avoiding the problem. Use it like so:
( withCollateral $
initAndAssertLovelace [111] 555
<> initAndAssertLovelace [222] 666
<> initAndAssertLovelace [333] 777
Plutip test runner has ability to trace contract execution and provide collected information in test logs.
To enable tracing test scenario should start with assertExecutionWith
instead of assertExecution
. As 1st argument assertExecutionWith
accepts list of trace options of type TraceOption
E.g. scenario like this
"Lock then spend contract"
(initAda (replicate 3 300))
(withContract $ const lockThenSpend)
[ shouldSucceed
will log out something like
Lock then spend contract
Contract should succeed: OK
Budget stats: OK
Budget for TxId 8b0182f0d178d1ce2e50d50eeb060e54025d41d52cf879a7b378434a3cedfdd5
Budget for TxId 965a9e2a713c1d9665be1a9e196e8e158a46ce6b3a440d093d762df74f6d0982
TxOutRef dc551ff9b26c4dd5e30e9b608801caa9b6d660d90daac1271aedd9ed754e4374!0
(cpu 406250690 | mem 1016102)
TxOutRef dc551ff9b26c4dd5e30e9b608801caa9b6d660d90daac1271aedd9ed754e4374!1
(cpu 295390828 | mem 659842)
PolicyHash a28a933e16146b7f9acc863e557dc05c9d72e515459a18d7da9a1810
(cpu 405210181 | mem 1019024)
Budget for TxId e949c1965a7d55156b713e1ee5ef55a9d708eaa2d1dfa1abf8b3331b815f334c
has 3 options now:
- collect and show execution budgets
- show all possible logs (including
logs, contract interpretation debug logs, balancing logs, coin selection logs and many more) - configurable option, where log level and type of desired logs can be specified (for more details see
launches single instance of private network which keeps producing blocks till all tests are done. There is no isolation between assertExecution
calls, all contracts run on same network, using same chain of blocks. If several assertExecution
will use exact same script under single withConfiguredCluster
, address of that script won't be "cleared" from UTxOs between assertExecution
calls, no blocks will be "rolled back".
accepts PlutipConfig
as first argument. While some of the options made for Plutip debugging, there are couple of them that can be useful during testing:
relayNodeLogs :: Maybe FilePath
- if set toJust path
will save node logs to specified directory after test run finisheschainIndexPort :: Maybe Natural
- runchain-index
on custom port, default is9083
- by default all network related files (node logs, sockets, databases, genesis files and etc.) are stored in temporary directory which will be wiped out after private network stops. With this option it is possible to set custom directory that won't be cleared after private networks stops (but it still will be cleared on the next launch before network starts)clusterDataDir
- see Tweaking private network section
Plutip uses tasty integration for it's own testing as well, so more examples can be found in Plutip's integration spec.