PCTpred (PTM Cross-Talk predictor) is a computational method that can accurately identify PTM cross-talk pairs in a given protein sequence or structure. To this end, we first design a group of novel residue pair- and residue-based features which effectively show the preferences of cross-talk sites from both the sequence and structural perspectives. Then we construct two component predictors using random forest with finely selected sequence- and structure-based features. Further combining these two predictors, PCTpred takes full advantage of the complementarity between residue pair- and residue-based features and that between sequence and structural information. Using both pair- and protein-based evaluations, PCTpred yields consistently better results than the state-of-the-art methods.
- Perl ( >= 5.0 ) and file::copy, statistics::descriptive, pdl, bioperl, moose modules
- Python ( >= 2.7 ) and scikit-learn, numpy, networkx, biopython modules
- Matlab ( >= R2014a )
- GCC ( >= 5.3.0 )
git clone https://github.com/Liulab-HZAU/PCTpred.git
To install PCTpred, you need to conduct the installation of some third-party software, including BLAST+, EVfold, DisEMBL, HMMER, SIFT, PolyPhen-2, Fpocket2, DSSP, PSAIA, and HBPLUS.
You need to install BLAST+ and add it into the environment variables and download non-redundant database for BLAST searches.
You can run the following shell script to install EVfold, DisEMBL, HMMER, Fpocket2, DSSP, and PSAIA.
sh install_software.sh
- SIFT and PolyPhen-2 depend on several large databases, and you need to install them by yourself.
cd ./software/sift/sift6.2.1/ to install SIFT
cd ./software/polyphen-2/polyphen-2.2.2/ to install PolyPhen-2
- HBPLUS is freely available for academic use. You need to complete the confidentiality agreement and send an email to receive the download instructions. You can install hbplus in
. If you want to skip this step, you may need to modify the path in PCTpred mentioned later.
- You will see a
script in the./bin/
directory, and you need to check and modify the paths related to specific software and databases involved in this script.
- The format of the input file is as follows. You can also check the
file in theexamples
directory. For proteins without structural information, the PDB_ID and PDB_chain information is denoted by NA.
P84243 T 12 K 10 2l43 A
P62805 K 21 K 17 5ja4 B
P37840 K 12 S 129 2n0a B
P46937 S 397 S 400 NA NA
P04637 S 215 S 392 NA NA
O14920 S 177 K 163 NA NA
Go to
directory, and run the following command to predict the probability score of samples being PTM cross-talk pairs.source environment_variable.sh # add environment variable
perl PCTpred.pl -f prediction_file -seq /the/directory/of/sequence/ -str /the/directory/of/PDB/ -out /the/directory/of/output/
-f the path of prediction file, such as ../examples/prefile.txt
-seq the path of sequence file (.fasta)
-str the path of structure file (.pdb)
-out the path of prediction result
For example
perl PCTpred.pl -f ../examples/prefile.txt -seq ../sequences/ -str ../PDB/ -out ../examples/
- You will obtain three output files in the directory
, such aspredicted_results.txt
, andstrfeature.txt
. The first file provides the prediction results and the second and third files provide the sequence features and structural features for each PTM pair generated by our method, respectively. predicted_results.txt
contains the expected output as follows
P84243 T 12 K 10 2l43 A prediction_score 0.977
P62805 K 21 K 17 5ja4 B prediction_score 0.923
P37840 K 12 S 129 2n0a B prediction_score 0.841
P46937 S 397 S 400 NA NA prediction_score 0.992
P04637 S 215 S 392 NA NA prediction_score 0.827
O14920 S 177 K 163 NA NA prediction_score 0.867
- If you have any questions or suggestions about PCTpred, please contact us by email: [email protected] or [email protected]
- This software is free for academic use. For commercial use, please contact with the authors.
- Hui-Fang Liu and Rong Liu. Structure-based prediction of post-translational modification cross-talk within proteins using complementary residue- and residue pair-based features. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2018, in press.