This is a sample payload for the Webhook sent by the Locative Apps.
"latitude": "-33.80045492553711",
"longitude": "151.071396484375",
"id": "Home on Android",
"device": "42b537e8c1816c06",
"device_type": "Android",
"device_model": "Nexus 6P",
"trigger": "enter",
"timestamp": "2017-01-14 20:53:12.66"
Those attributes are your Geofences location in decimal degree format.
The id
attribute represents the user-defined custom id, if not set in the app, it will be a randomly assigned.
Your device's unique identifier. On Android this is retrieved by Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID
on iOS the UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor
is being used, this identifier might however change if the app is uninstalled. There have been a few reportings this also happened after performing a system upgrade.
The type of device the app is being used on. E.g. Android
or iOS
The mode of device your using, on Android this comes from Build.MODEL
on iOS this is returned by UIDevice
The trigger
attribute either contains enter
or exit
depending on whether the Geofence has been enteres or left.
The events timestamp.