This project mainly stores the weather data collected by my private meteorological station. Publicly available data can be used for research and machine learning. The meteorological station is located in China (113.87362, 23.121406). The device operation records started from February 3, 2019, including wind direction, wind speed, temperature, humidity, PM1.0, PM2.5 and PM10
All log data is named after a time text file.
Data before May 1, 2019 May be inaccurate due to device debugging
Record Format:
2020-05-18T22:21:14 A1151B180C0000D0000E0000F0013G0000H0000I0000J0000K0000L0298M716N10044,028,041,048,024,036,047,*07
The data before 2020-05-18 22:21:14 has no data of standard particulate matter, so the format is like this:
2019-02-03T19:02:39 A1866B045C0000D0000E0000F0003G0000H0000I0000J0000K0000L0258M608N10167*2C
AD value (0-4095) was measured in real time by wind direction: A1151
The wind:B180
Real-time wind speed frequency (1Hz): C0000
Real-time wind speed (0.1m /S): D0000
Average wind speed in the 1 minute (0.1m/s): E0000
Maximum wind speed in the Before 5 minutes (0.1m/s): F0013
Real-time number of bucket rain gauges: G0000
Number of bucket rain gauges in the before 1 minute: H0000
Rainfall in the before 1 minute (0.1mm): I0000
Rainfall in the before 1 hours (0.1mm): J0000
Rainfall in the before 24 hours (0.1mm): K0000
Temperature (Celsius): L0298
Humidity (0.1) (0%-99%): M716
Air pressure (0.1HPa): N10044
Concentration of PM1.0 (CF=1, standard particulate matter, μg/m³):,028
Concentration of PM2.5 (CF=1, standard particulate matter, μg/m³):,041
Concentration of PM10 (CF=1, standard particulate matter, μg/m³):,048
Concentration of PM1.0 (Atmospheric environment, μg/m³):,024
Concentration of PM2.5 (Atmospheric environment, μg/m³):,036
Concentration of PM10 (Atmospheric environment, μg/m³):,047
Checksum, between A and * (excluding *) all characters xor results: *07