Create simple alert dialogs with simple code
Supported platforms: Android.
You may also need the Material version and the coroutines extensions.
If you want to use this dependency without using one of the fun packs,
you can use Splitties.alertdialogAppcompat
, provided you have refreshVersions added to the project.
For reference, the maven coordinates of this module are com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-alertdialog-appcompat
import splitties.alertdialog.appcompat.alertDialog
import splitties.alertdialog.appcompat.cancelButton
import splitties.alertdialog.appcompat.messageResource
import splitties.alertdialog.appcompat.okButton
import splitties.alertdialog.appcompat.onShow
import splitties.alertdialog.appcompat.positiveButton
class YourActivity : AppCompatActivity {
private fun doIrreversibleStuffOrCancel() {
alertDialog {
messageResource = R.string.dialog_msg_confirm_irreversible_stuff
okButton { irreversibleStuff() }
}.onShow {
positiveButton.textColorResource = R.color.red_500