Releases: MAIF/otoroshi
Otoroshi version 1.5.0-alpha.10
- Provide plugins to perform service discovery (#797)
- Enhance de LDAP auth. module (#799)
- remove log on server (service/global) options (#806)
- Support mTLS for PG connection (#810)
- Missing kid when signing with RSAKPAlgoSettings and ESKPAlgoSettings (#832)
- Add support for S3 persistence for the in-memory datastore (#834)
- Add support for SAML V2 auth. module (#815)
- Add support for OAuth1 auth. module (#865)
Otoroshi version 1.5.0-alpha.9
- Scoping otoroshi sources (#130)
- Biscuit basic support (#783)
- Add hash and line count in response header when exporting cluster state (#785)
- Limit classpath scanning to the bare minimum (#786)
- Introduce generic plugins (#787)
- Use exposed ports instead of regular ports (#790)
- Try to parse datetime as string in json readers (#791)
- Add alerts when kubernetes jobs fails crd parsing (#792)
- fix documentation about kubernetes webhooks (#793)
- openapi descriptor generation (#795)
Otoroshi version 1.5.0-alpha.8
- Add an OCSP responder API to the pki (#754)
- On status page, when ES instance isn't setup, an undefined sort error occured (#765)
- add something to the target UI components to avoid passing a "path" (#766)
- When adding a target, we can't do show more without saving first (#767)
- strip path seems to be broken (#768)
- handle keypair renew in jwt verifier (#769)
- Plugin to support canary stuff from izanami AB testing campaign (#770)
- Add informations about OCSP and Authority informations access in cert extensions (#782)
Otoroshi version 1.5.0-alpha.7
- Add JWT EC token sign/valid from keypair (#759)
Otoroshi version 1.5.0-alpha.6
- improve PostgreSQL support (#758)
Otoroshi version 1.5.0-alpha.5
- kubernetes job improvments (#677)
- Add an api to get the availability of a service over time (#713)
- Support private key passwords on certificates (#717)
- watch does not handle new namespaces until restart (#719)
- watch does not use namespace label filtering (#720)
- Add support for kubedns and openshift dns operator (#721)
- Add documentation about coredns stubdomain for openshift and kubedns (#722)
- Exporter to fill internal metrics (#725)
- Support EC certificates in the pki (#727)
- Title not displayed after cancel a TCP service (#728)
- change apiversion in crds (#730)
- fix the findCertMatching in DynamicKeyManager to chose the most client specific cert (#733)
- enhance pki (#735)
- default jwks.json route (#736)
- create default team and orga at first startup (#742)
- Team selector is broken in UI (#743)
- Unleash the snow monkey seems broken (#744)
- Add specific JVM flags in kubernetes manifests (#745)
- Session management does not work in cluster mode (#752)
- Login tokens does not work in cluster mode (#753)
- Chaining jwt verifier in non strict mode generate more events than needed (#755)
- Experiment postgresql support (#757)
Otoroshi version 1.5.0-alpha.4
- [UI] : add button to export form data to YAML descriptor (#679)
- Experiment with a MutatingAdmissionWebhook to add a helper as a sidecar (#681)
- Experiment with a ValidatingAdmissionWebhook to return useful errors when deploying otoroshi entities (#682)
- Rename 'mtlsSettings' to 'tlsSettings' in the UI (#684)
- Use standard kubernetes service names in target transformation (#688)
- deprecate HasAllowedApiKeyValidator plugin (#696)
- Remove whitelist/blacklist from UI (#697)
- Custom template button does not work anymore (#698)
- Cleanup possible hostnames for the kubernetes internal cluster calls (#700)
- try to reduce memory impact of initial classpath scanning (#701)
- only organization admins can create others admins (#704)
- when an organization admin creates other admins, enforce new admin organizations and teams (#705)
- flag in kubernetes config to accepts apikeys only with daikoku tokens (#706)
- jwt-verifiers not imported with kubernetes job (#707)
- workflow job (#708)
- weird npe on job list since 1.5.0-alpha.3 (#709)
- fix bad jsonpath functions (#710)
- include jsonpath operator in transformation utils (#711)
- include simple el in transformation utils (#712)
- json editor adds '{}' at the end when pasting a json document (#714)
- strip path removes too much stuff (#715)
- io.otoroshi/id is not in annotations in documentation (#716)
- Add a flag in service to avoid adding default hosts (#718)
- Make global client_credential flow available by default (#723)
- issue when generating subcas (#726)
- Fix issuer DN in certificate to avoid certificate check in go (#729)
- Some "add" doesn't work for HTTP headers in Service descriptor (#734)
Otoroshi version 1.5.0-alpha.3
- Add a clever cloud generator in doc page (#673)
- service registration fails when no endpoints (#674)
- Increase default chunk size for akka http (#676)
- disabling global script should stop current jobs (#678)
- fix kubernetes job watch (#680)
- Job for apikeys rotation (#683)
- Add entries in the ApiKey secret to have Base64(client_id:client_secret) ready (#686)
- Provide job context to various duration function in Job api (#687)
- Add tenants and teams to crds (#689)
- Get kubernetes job interval from config. (#691)
- fix watch for ingress and certs (#692)
- add env in coredns customization (#693)
- handle coredns customization removal (#694)
- add various watch timeout in KubernetesConfig (#695)
Otoroshi version 1.5.0-alpha.2
- Include jwt token fields in the elContext (#672)
Otoroshi version 1.5.0-alpha01
- Add pluggable authentication modules for services instead of Auth0 only (#3)
- Include Kubernetes ingress controller as a Job (#91)
- Add support for Redis cluster (#252)
- More JWT support from Otoroshi to Backends (#4)
- [plugin] - Mirror traffic (#118)
- HealthCheck disable service strategy (#221)
- add bulk apis for main entities (#285)
- Cleanup documentation (#295)
- Support full OIDC / OAuth2 lifecycle with forwarded access token (#298)
- Streaming input issue (#331)
- Identity aware TCP forwarding over HTTPS (#332)
- Add a geoloc target matcher (#338)
- Use ndjson raw export for the import/export feature instead of partial json (#343)
- Compatibility issues with Elastic 7.x (#344)
- Document tcp tunneling (#356)
- Update U2F documentation (#357)
- add a button to test LDAP connection (#426)
- cleanup datastore code (#464)
- Remove U2F support (#468)
- Customize UI title from config. (#469)
- Update all JS deps (#470)
- Webauthn support multiple devices for the same user (#471)
- Support for client_credentials flow backed by apikeys (#472)
- Rewrite SSL/TLS part with new Dynamic SSLContext (#473)
- accesslog plugins - the referred is not in the response (#477)
- If script description is empty, then take the programmatic one (#478)
- multi-tenant / multi-teams (#479)
- plugins to populate user from jwt token and use it in otoroshi token (#481)
- Move third-party apikeys OIDC to a plugin and deprecate the original feature (#482)
- Add email address in let's encrypt settings (#484)
- add kubernetes deployment descriptors examples (#485)
- add Helm chart to deploy otoroshi (#486)
- Add routing constraint based on meta keys (#536)
- Have a unique name for groups (#539)
- Handle initial data import with a merge option (#544)
- Read initial secrets from files path (#545)
- Do not support enabled in kubernetes entities (#546)
- override httpOnly and secure in private apps session cookie from module config (#547)
- Typo in security header key X-Frame-Options (#548)
- Delete non existant (in otoroshi) secrets (#551)
- Try to find entities by id then merge it (#552)
- Avoid phishing during private-apps authentication (#553)
- Revamping secrets and testing them at startup (#555)
- Duplicate auth. module configs. (#557)
- back <- after consulting a service don't refresh the menu (#558)
- Error after suppressing a Service target (#559)
- Multiple authorized entities on apikeys (#560)
- Multiple groups on service descriptors (#561)
- Generic data exporters (#588)
- Assign worker to handle only selected tenant data (#590)
- Support Kubernetes 1.18 IngressClass (#591)
- Generic notifier support in exporters (#592)
- Add liveness probe check in service descriptors health check (crd, ingress) (#593)
- Add usage of custom configuration file in configfile (#633)
- Handle samesite in cookies (#660)
- Support sendgrid for alert emails (#665)
- enhance coredns patching to handle config changes (#667)