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This repo maintains the source code for NDSS paper entitiled "Facilitating Non-Intrusive In-Vivo Firmware Testing with Stateless Instrumentation".

Jiameng Shi, Wenqiang Li, Wenwen Wang, Le Guan, "Facilitating Non-Intrusive In-Vivo Firmware Testing with Stateless Instrumentation", in 31st Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'24).

Table of Contents


Although numerous dynamic testing techniques have been developed, they can hardly be directly applied to firmware of deeply embedded (e.g., microcontroller-based) devices due to the tremendously different runtime environment and restricted resources on these devices. This work tackles these challenges by leveraging the unique position of microcontroller devices during firmware development. That is, firmware developers have to rely on a powerful engineering workstation that connects to the target device to program and debug code. Therefore, we develop a decoupled firmware testing framework named IPEA, which shifts the overhead of resource-intensive analysis tasks from the microcontroller to the workstation. Only lightweight “needle probes” are left in the firmware to collect internal execution information without processing it. We also instantiated this framework with a sanitizer based on pointer capability (IPEA-San) and a greybox fuzzer (IPEA-Fuzz). By comparing IPEA-San with a port of AddressSanitizer for microcontrollers, we show that IPEA-San reduces memory overhead by 62.75% in real-world firmware with better detection accuracy. Combining IPEA-Fuzz with IPEA-San, we found 7 zero-day bugs in popular IoT libraries (3) and peripheral driver code (4).

Directory Structure

  • AFL: Source code of IPEA-Fuzz (based on AFL-2.5b)
  • core: Source code of IPEA-Core and IPEA-San
  • compiler-plugins: Compiler plugins
    • IPEA-San: LLVM pass of IPEA-San instrumentation
  • compiler-rt: IPEA runtime library (for target MCU)
  • docs: Documentations
  • fw_samples: Source code of sample projects used in the evaluation
  • include: Header files
  • projects: Ported projects
    • MCU_ASAN: Ported ASan for microcontrollers
    • MCU_Juliet_Testsuite: Ported Juliet Test Suite for microcontrollers
    • BEEBS: BEEBS benchmark
  • scripts: Scripts that facilitate environment setup, unit test, fuzzing, experiments, etc.
  • unitttest: Unit test program for IPEA framework
  • Script of building IPEA framework
  • Script of cleaning IPEA framework


Content of this repository is licensed under GPL-3.0. See LICENSE.



Host OS

  • Ubuntu 22.04 x86/64 LTS (recommended)

Software and libraries

  • J-Link Software and Documentation pack
  • J-Link Runtime Library
  • Arm GNU Toolchain
  • LLVM 13
  • Python 3.x

Getting Started

Install dependencies

  1. Install J-Link Software and Documentation pack.

  2. Install J-Link Runtime Library

    • Download from
    • Extract the shared object file from the downloaded package and copy it to /usr/lib directory:
      $ sudo cp /path/to/JLink_Linux_V758e_x86_64/ /usr/lib
      $ sudo ldconfig
      $ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
  3. Install Arm GNU toolchain

    • Download the latest version of Arm GNU toolchain package from the official website and unpack it.

    • Add the unpacked toolchain path to the following enviroment variables:

      export ARMGCC_DIR=/path/to/arm-toolchain
      export PATH=${ARMGCC_DIR}/bin:$PATH
  4. Install spdlog

    $ git clone
    $ mkdir -p spdlog/build
    $ cd spdlog/build && cmake ..
    $ make && sudo make install
  5. Install LLVM-13 and other dependencies

    $ sudo apt install cmake python3-pip clang-13 llvm-13-dev libjsoncpp-dev libconfig-dev libelf-dev
    $ pip install pyelftools cmsis-svd 

Build IPEA framework

  1. Clone source code of IPEA framework to your work directory and add the path to IPEA_HOME environment variable:

    export IPEA_HOME=/path/to/IPEA  # IPEA work directory
  2. Build IPEA framework simply by:

    $ cd ${IPEA_HOME}
    $ ./
  3. Lastly, add the following paths to PATH environment variable:

    export PATH=${IPEA_HOME}/build/AFL:${IPEA_HOME}/build/unittest:${IPEA_HOME}/scripts:$PATH

By the above steps, the following components will be built:

  • IPEA-San compiler plugin.

  • libipea-rt.a: the runtime library of IPEA-San.

  • ipea-unittest: a unit testing program of IPEA-San. It is responsible for verifying the capability of capturing memory-related errors in the target firmware. This program will download the instrumented firmware to the target MCU and run it. An error will be returned if any memory error detected.

  • ipea-fuzz: the main program of IPEA-Fuzz, an AFL-based, coverage-guided fuzzer. Like fuzzing x86_64 applications on a PC, it generates test cases and feeds to the target MCU and receives code coverage feedbacks via the debug dongle (i.e., a J-Link Probe).


Taming the firmware source code

This step needs the full knowledge of the firmware behavior. Here, we illustrate the generic procedure of taming the target source code.

  1. Define the following global variables in the source code

    /* used for receiving testcase */
    unsigned char DeviceTestCaseBuffer[2000] __attribute__((section(".noinit"))); 
    unsigned int TestCaseLen __attribute__((section(".noinit")));
  2. Insert the following code in the fuzz start point

    #include "fuzz.h"
  3. Insert the following code in the fuzz stop point

    #include "fuzz.h"
  4. Insert the following code in HardFault_Handler

    #include "fuzz.h"
  5. Find the place in which receiving the input and add the following code. IPEA-Fuzz will inject test cases to DeviceTestCaseBuffer.

    extern unsigned char DeviceTestCaseBuffer[];
    extern unsigned int TestCaseLen;
    // replace input_buf with the name of which used in the source code
    memcpy(input_buf, DeviceTestCaseBuffer, TestCaseLen);
  6. Annotate functions that no need to be sanitized, such as system initialization (e.g., SystemInit()) that invoked by the reset handler with __attribute__((annotate("no_instrument"))).

  7. Annotate interrupt handlers with __attribute__((annotate("interruptHandler"))).

Compile the firmware with IPEA-San

  • Add following flags to Makefile and compile the firmware:
    CC = clang
    LD = arm-none-eabi-gcc
    CFLAGS += --target=arm-none-eabi
    CFLAGS += --sysroot=$(ARMGCC_DIR)/arm-none-eabi
    CFLAGS += -flegacy-pass-manager -Xclang -load -Xclang $(IPEA_HOME)/build/compiler-plugins/IPEA-San/
    CFLAGS += -I$(IPEA_HOME)/include/target
    LDFLAGS += -L$(IPEA_HOME)/compiler-rt/build -lipea-rt

Hardware wiring

  • For NXP FRDM-K64F, connect J-Link or J-Trace to Pin J9 with 10-pin cable.
  • For STM32 Nucleo-F446RE, only onboard J-Link is avaliable since no debug port is present. To make ST-LINK compatible with J-Link onboard, please refer to this link.
  • For STM32H7B3I-EVAL, connect J-Link or J-Trace to Pin CN15 with 20-pin cable.

Start fuzzing

IPEA-Fuzz needs to collect target information from the ELF-format file and pass them to the fuzzer. Please use to run ipea-fuzz.

$ -b /path/to/firmware.elf -c /path/to/jlink.conf -i /path/to/input -t <timeout>


  • -b: specify the ELF-format firmware
  • -c: specify the path of J-Link and target MCU configuration file (see docs/template.conf)
  • -i: specify the path of inputs
  • -t: specify the timeout in milliseconds

The fuzzing result will be saved in output directory.

Test an input

Please use ipea-unittest to run the firmware with a specific input. Command line usage:

$ cat output/crashes/<use_case_name> | -b /path/to/firmware.elf -c /path/to/jlink.conf -t <timeout>


  • -b: specify the path of firmware (ELF formant)
  • -c: specify the path of J-Link and target MCU configuration file
  • -t: specify the timeout in milliseconds (default is 1000 ms)

The runtime log would be saved as tracelog_0.txt. If a crash dected, the call stack information would be saved as callstack.txt.

Artifact Evaluation

IPEA-San Evaluation

Toy program accepts arbitrary strings. The input starting with the specific character will trigger different memory bugs:

  • 'a': Stack buffer overflow
  • 'e': Heap buffer overflow
  • 'i': Global buffer overflow
  • 'o': Use after free
  • 'u': Double free
  • 'x': Null pointer dereference
  • 'y': Peripheral-based buffer overflow
  • 'z': Sub-object buffer overflow

First off, build Toy program:

cd ${IPEA_HOME}/fw_samples/Toy
make ipea

Then, run Toy with a string input (e.g., 'axxxx' which will trigger stack buffer overflow):

$ echo 'axxxx' | -b toy -t 1000

NOTE: When running ipea-unittest, a pop-up window would appear to indicate the progress of firmware downloading. If using a J-Link Edu/Edu mini/OB, you will be asked to accept the agreement of usage.


  • -b: the path of firmware
  • -t: timeout in milliseconds

The output would look like:

global variable - name: of_global, addr: 0x1fff02b8, size: 16
global variable - name: DeviceTestCaseBuffer, addr: 0x1fff0098, size: 512
global variable - name: TestCaseLen, addr: 0x1fff0298, size: 4
global variable - name: s_uartHandle, addr: 0x1fff02c8, size: 24
global variable - name: s_uartIsr, addr: 0x1fff02e0, size: 4
taskset 0x1 ipea-unittest toy -c jlink.conf -t 1000
test case buffer length: 512
Target crashed

The detailed execution log can be found from tracelog_0.txt:

$ cat tracelog_0.txt

[2023-07-15 02:41:04.555] [init] [info] Assigned tag for global variable 'of_global': 0xabcd,  address: 0x1fff02b8, length: 16
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.555] [init] [info] Assigned tag for global variable 'DeviceTestCaseBuffer': 0xabce,  address: 0x1fff0098, length: 512
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.555] [init] [info] Assigned tag for global variable 'TestCaseLen': 0xabcf,  address: 0x1fff0298, length: 4
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.555] [init] [info] Assigned tag for global variable 's_uartHandle': 0xabd0,  address: 0x1fff02c8, length: 24
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.555] [init] [info] Assigned tag for global variable 's_uartIsr': 0xabd1,  address: 0x1fff02e0, length: 4
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.555] [init] [info] Assigned tag for global variable 'heap_end': 0xabd2,  address: 0x1fff02e4, length: 4
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.555] [IPEA_RunTarget] [info] RTT initialized
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.557] [IPEA_RunTarget] [info] Reach fuzz start point
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.558] [IPEA_RunTarget] [info] Written testcase: 5 bytes
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.559] [IPEA_RunTarget] [info] Target is running
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.560] [IPEA_RunTarget] [info] Terminated. Execution time: 2 ms
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [RTT_Decode] [debug] Total trace size: 69 bytes
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [Subroutine] [debug] Assigned tag 0x55e99 for local variable 'of_stack' @ 0x2002ffe8
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [Subroutine] [debug] Assigned tag 0x55ea1 for local variable 'of_heap' @ 0x2002ffe4
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [Subroutine] [debug] Assigned tag 0x55ea9 for local variable 'flag' @ 0x2002ffe3
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [handleFuncEntryStack] [debug] Enter function main, id = 0x6e9, stack_base = 0x2002fff8, stack_top = 0x2002ff88
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [handleProp] [debug] Pointer propagation: from 0x0 to 0x2002ffe4 (tag = 0x0)
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [handleRandom] [debug] Basic block random number: -16234 ( 0xc096 )
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [handleMalloc] [debug] Allocated a heap object (size = 16) @ 0x20000008
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [handleProp] [debug] Pointer propagation: from 0xffffffff to 0x2002ffe4 (tag = 0x55eb2)
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [handleRandom] [debug] Basic block random number: 6249 ( 0x1869 )
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [handleRandom] [debug] Basic block random number: 26920 ( 0x6928 )
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [handleCheck] [info] Checking pointer dereference: pointer_id = 0x6002ffe8, address = 0x2002ffe8, length = 17
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [handleCheck] [info] Stack buffer overflow detected @ 0x2002fff8, expected tag: 0x55e99, real tag: 0x0
[2023-07-15 02:41:04.562] [IPEA_RunTarget] [info] Trace analysis result: 1

IPEA-Fuzz Evaluation

By fuzz-testing Toy firmware, all the memory errors listed aboved should be captured (i.e., eight unique crashes). To start the fuzzing, run ipea-fuzz by:

$ -b toy -i ./fuzz_input -t 1000

NOTE: When running ipea-fuzz, a pop-up window would appear to indicate the progress of firmware downloading. If using a J-Link Edu/Edu mini/OB, you will be asked to accept the agreement of usage.


  • -b: the path of firmware
  • -i: the path of initial seeds
  • -t: timeout in milliseconds

Then, an AFL UI will appear on the terminal, press Ctrl+C to exit. The fuzzing results will be saved to output directory, please test a usecase with ipea-unittest by:

$ cat output/crashes/<use_case_name> | -b toy -t 1000

The execution log can be found from tracelog_0.txt. If a crash detected, the call stack information will be saved to callstack.txt.

Correctness Evaluation

Juliet C/C++ Testsuite is used for evaluating the correctness of sanitizers.

  • Enter the directory of Juliet project

    $ cd ${IPEA_HOME}/projects/MCU_Juliet_Testsuite
  • Evaluate the correctness of IPEA-San

    NOTE: This experiment may take a long time. --max-run=10 makes the script run only 10 programs.

    $ -p . -c mk64f.conf --max-run=10   # Test the correctness of IPEA-San
  • Evaluate the correctness of ASan

    NOTE: This experiment may take a long time. --max-run=10 makes the script run only 10 programs.

    $ -p . -c mk64f.conf --max-run=10 --uss-asan    # Test the correctness of ASan

The result (i.e., number of FPs and FNs in each CWE) will be saved as report_ipea.json and report_asan.json for IPEA-San and ASan respectively.

Performance Evaluation

BEEBS is a set of benchmarks for measuring the performance of embedded systems.

  • Enter the directory of BEEBS project

    $ cd ${IPEA_HOME}/projects/BEEBS
  • Run BEEBS without sanitizers (baseline):

    $ -p . -c mk64f.conf
  • Run BEEBS with IPEA-San:

    $ -p . -c mk64f.conf -s ipea
  • Run BEEBS with ASan:

    $ -p . -c mk64f.conf -s asan  

The result (the time-consumption of each program) will be saved as report_none.json, report_ipea.json and report_asan.json for baseline, IPEA-San and ASan respectively. Performance overhead of each sanitizer can be obtained by comparing the corresponding time-consumption with baseline.

Fuzz-testing FRDM-K64F USB-Host Driver

This experiment needs to take over 24 hours.

$ cd ${IPEA_HOME}/fw_samples/USB-Host
$ make ipea
$ -b usb_host -i ./fuzz_input -t 3000

A use-after-free bug would be found. The fuzzing result can be found from output directory, please test a crash usecase with ipea-unittest tool as described in IPEA-Fuzz Evaluation.


This section summerizes the common issues while using ipea-unittest and ipea-fuzz and corresponding solutions. If you encounter any other problems, please open an issue.

  • JLinkGUIServerExe: cannot connect to X server: This is because J-Link runtime library requires GUI support. Typically, a pop-up window would appear to indicate the progress of firmware downloading. Please use IPEA framework in the desktop environment.

  • ERROR: InitTarget(): PCode returned with error code 1: This error is typically caused by incorrect hardware wiring or the debugger itself. Please check the hardware wiring and reset your development board and the debugger.

  • ERROR: Serial Number not exist: Please check the J-Link serial number in the J-Link and target configuration file.

  • ERROR: Failed to set device: Please check the device name in the J-Link and target configuration file. To inquire the device name of your development board, please refer to this page.