The REgistration PErformance Assessment Tools (REPEAT) provide a common framework for evaluating and comparing implementations of non-rigid image registration algorithms with main focus on inter-subject registration of brain MR images.
The REPEAT scripts depend on the Medical Image Registration ToolKit (MIRTK).
This folder contains scripts used to evaluate the quality of the spatial mappings computed with different registration algorithms (and implementations thereof) using an available brain image dataset, best with available manual annotations.
- Main script to perform evaluation.
- Configuration shell files sourced by executable scripts.
- Executable scripts to generate CSV files with registration parameters.
- Shell modules defining auxiliary functions sourced by executable scripts.
- Executable scripts to generate files for batch job submission.
- Batch queuing system specific
- Directory containing or linking to installations of registration tools.
- On Linux, save (or link) downloaded MIRTK AppImage in this directory, e.g.,
appimage=MIRTK-latest-x86_64-glibc2.14.AppImage mkdir -p opt && wget -O opt/mirtk$appimage
- Output directory for (temporary) data files.
- A subdirectory is created for each evaluation dataset, registration method,
and parameter set, i.e.,
. In case of theaffine
alignment, no$cfgid
folder is used. - Batch job submission files are written to
. To submit jobs to the HTCondor system, usecondor_submit
, e.g.,condor_submit $regdir/bin/register.condor
- Output directory for final average quality measures defined below.
- The CSV files can be read using Pandas, and plots for figures can be created using Seaborn and Matplotlib.
The brain images are per-aligned to a selected reference image prior to the
deformable registrations. The used reference image is configured in the
file (refid
). Images are then resampled on the lattice
of this reference image using the computed affine transformations.
For each registration method, register all images (srcimgs
) to the selected target
images (tgtimgs
). By default, all images are used as target. To reduce the number of
image pairs, only a subset may be used as target images, however. This is especially
useful in an initial parameter exploration to determine suitable ranges of parameters
which are then expected to perform similarly well for other target images.
In summary, for each dataset and registration method, the following steps are performed:
- Generate CSV files with different sets of parameter values.
- Perform pairwise registrations with each set of parameters, using each one of the specified images as target.
- Resample affinely aligned images, including manual annotations, on the lattice of each target image.
The qualitative measures that are evaluated for each input image (e.g., T2w intensity,
tissue segmentation, structural segmentation, and different probability maps) are
defined by the get_measures()
function in etc/
. The set of measures
may be different for each dataset by (re-)defining this function in the dataset
specific configuration script (e.g., etc/dataset/
The CPU time and real execution time (though depending on factors such as execution machine, number of cores,...) is recorded for each registration method. The runtime for which different methods achieve a similar qualitative result (according to below measures) can be compared to see which registration tool obtains a result of such quality the fastest. Note that a decrease in quality associated with, for example, a stronger regularisation can drastically reduce the runtime. Because the dependence of the runtime on the regularity of the solution, runtime between methods must be compared for qualitative similar results. Further, the runtimes to obtain the best possible result for each method may be compared, but it has to be taken into account that it may be reasonable to take longer if the result is considerably better. On the other hand, if a method takes longer to obtain a less optimal result, it is clearly inferior to a method with shorter runtime and qualitative better result.
For each registration method, and each target image:
- Compute DSC between target image segmentation with all other segmentations.
- These tables can be read into a single Pandas DataFrame and plotted using Seaborn.
- Calculate average overlap for a given target image, i.e., one value per target.
- Calculate mean of average target overlaps, yielding mean DSC value for a method.
- Alternative segmentation overlap measures are also implemented by the used
tool of MIRTK.
Given the registered images, the following quantities are evaluated for each voxel of each target image. An average of each measure within different ROIs is then calculated using an either binary or probabilistic ROI image as weights. These average measures are written to a CSV file, where columns correspond to the different quantitative measures, and rows correspond to the different ROIs. The mean, median, and maximum values can be used to summarise the results of different registration methods.
- Inverse consistency error of obtained spatial mappings.
- Transitivity error of obtained spatial mappings.
: Variance of intensities at each target voxel.stdev
: Standard deviation of intensities at each target voxel.entropy
: Entropy of intensities or class labels at each target voxel.gini
: Gini coefficient of intensities at each target voxel.label-consistency
: Mean DSC of all pairs of labels at a target voxel.
Note that for each image separately, intensities are first z-score normalized, and the resulting zero mean and unit variance intensities rescaled to the common range [0, 100] such that absolute values of the computed quantities are comparable.