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- (100%) Lucifron's Curse, changed the regular timer from 20 to 15s
- (100%) Impending Doom
- (100%) Dominate Mind, I don't think it's necessary to implement a timer for the next mc and the normal one works fine
- (QA) Addcounter, new Counting algorithm (only compatible with users of LYQs BigWigs). Users with older versions may receive the sync but can not send.
- (REMOVED) Shadow Shock, wasn't accurate - is maybe not possible to do - and isn't worth it
- (100%) Panic, changed timer from 7 to 20s for the first one and from 30 to 35 to the regular ones (do I want to add an WarnIcon for that? few seconds prior and until it's gone)
- (100%) Frenzy, added timer for first one with 29s (the others are kinda RNG between 16-21s, so no timer)
- (DG) Lava Bomb, added timer for first one with 12s and regular ones with 11s (REVERTED: If I want to have such I need to find a proper trigger first)
- (100%) WarnIcon, Tranq Icon will appear for Hunters when Frenzy is up
- (99%) Gehennas' Curse, doubt it will get better. The cast ranges between 23s and 38s from my analysis
- (QA) Addcounter, new Counting algorithm (only compatible with users of LYQs BigWigs). Users with older versions may receive the sync but can not send.
- (REMOVED) Shadow Bolt
- (100%) Rain of Fire, added timer for the first rain. every other rain of fire comes about ~9s. THERE IS NO ACCURATE TRIGGER FOR THE FOLLOWING ONES - REVERTED
- (100%) WarnIcon, Rain of Fire appears when you're standing in Rain of Fire
- (100%) Addcount, this counting algorithm seems to already be perfect
- Magma Shackles and Antimagnetic Pulse are RNG and can not be accurately predicted from my research
- removed a lot of code in the Inferno section to begin with.
- (100%) Inferno, increased duration from 8 to 9s. Changed first Inferno from 30 to 15s. Changed timer to appear after the current inferno has faded - the next will follow 16s after
- (100%) Mana Ignite, changed the timer to every 30s
- (100%) Living Bomb, from my research the bomb does not come regularly but it has a cooldown of 7s - removed the 'Next' timer
- (QA) WarnIcon, Living Bomb Icon appears when you're the bomb
- TODO cleanup code
- (100%) Shazzrah's Curse, increased the timer for the ones after the first from 20 to 23s
- (100%) Counterspell, lowered the first one from 15 to 14s. others from 17.5 to 16.5s (NO TRIGGER YET)
- (100%) Blink, changed first from 30.3 to 29s. Changed the name to 'Possible Blink' (NO TRIGGER YET)
- (100%) Deaden Magic, added timer for the first one after 24s
- (100%) WarnIcon, Deaden Magic icon appears for players who can purge it
- (QA) Addcounter, new Counting algorithm (only compatible with users of LYQs BigWigs). Users with older versions may receive the sync but can not send.
- (100%) Knockback, increased the timer from 9.5 to 13.5s
- (QA) Flame Spear, added timer every 13s
- (TODO) add big healicons
- (QA) KTM MasterTarget on Golemagg at pull
- Magma Splash, should I create an alert if the player is reaching x stacks?
- Pyroblast, seems to be every 4s - should I create a timer for that?
- (QA) Addcounter, new Counting algorithm (only compatible with users of LYQs BigWigs). Users with older versions may receive the sync but can not send.
- (100%) Spell/Damage-reflect Shields, changed timer to every 30s. Timers for the next may only appear after the timer of the current shield is gone.
- (100%) Combat start, added timer 64.5s prior to start and added an enUS locale triggering that
- (100%) Knockback, increased the timer from 25s to 28s
- (100%) Hammer of Ragnaros (Caster Knockback), added timer with 25s
- (100%) Submerge/Emerge timer
- (QA) Addcounter, new Counting algorithm (only compatible with users of LYQs BigWigs). Users with older versions may receive the sync but can not send.
- (100%) WarnIcon, Sprint Icon appears 5 seconds prior to Knockback
<br ><br >
- (100%) = it's working flawless
- (99%) = it's working as good as it can be (from my research)
- (QA) = Quality Assurance (need to test its modified state)
- (DG) = Data Gathering (need to gather more data regarding this matter)