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Previewing TeX in Macaulay2 Emacs buffers

Doug Torrance edited this page Dec 22, 2023 · 4 revisions

Using the texfrag Emacs package, it is possible to preview TeX code in Macaulay2 interaction buffers in a way similar to the preview-latex mode that comes with AUCTeX.

After installing texfrag (which is available through MELPA), add the following to your .emacs or .init.el:

(require 'texfrag)

(defun texfrag-M2-comint ()
  "Texfrag setup for `M2-comint-mode'."
  (when texfrag-mode
	(setq texfrag-comments-only nil
	      texfrag-frag-alist '(("\\$" "\\$" "$" "$")))))

(push (list #'texfrag-M2-comint #'M2-comint-mode) texfrag-setup-alist)

Then, when in an M2 interaction window buffer, start texfrag using M-x texfrag-mode. Alternatively, you can set texfrag to start automatically in Macaulay2 interaction buffers by adding the following to your configuration:

(add-hook 'M2-comint-mode-hook #'texfrag-mode)

As an example, consider the following session:


Now suppose we run M-x preview-at-point (or its keyboard binding, C-c C-p C-p). Then we get the following:


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