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Dev Tools

File metadata and controls

65 lines (49 loc) · 1.57 KB



  • setup VPN and ShadowSocks
  • install brew
  • brew install zsh
  • search and install oh-my-zsh
  • edit and configure your ~/.zsh from now on
  • make sure /usr/local/bin appears as the first item in $PATH

Tools and utilities

  • brew cask install slack
  • brew install thefuck
  • brew cask install virtualbox
  • brew cask install flux
  • brew cask install caffeine
  • brew install xz
  • brew install vim --override-system-vi
  • brew install awscli
  • brew cask install spectacle
  • brew cask install docker
  • brew cask install atom
  • brew cask install iterm2
  • use solarized color scheme for your iterm
  • keep your own version of dotfiles


  • brew cask install postman
  • brew install httpie
  • install nvm following its GitHub repo
  • install the latest node (at least version 6)


  • install pyenv following its GitHub repo
  • pyenv install 2.7.12
  • pyenv install 3.5.2
  • update your ~/.zshrc to include


  • brew cask install java
  • brew install maven
  • install intellij community version (from Googling)

Data layer

  • brew cask install postico
  • brew install mongodb
  • brew install redis
  • brew install sqlite
  • brew install postgresql

Network & stuff

  • brew install ngrok
  • brew install curl
  • brew install wget --with-iri

Time to do some research

  • figure out and/or ask someone WTF was everything that you just installed?