Releases: MahApps/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks
IconPacks v3.2.0
As part of this release we had 7 commits which resulted in 4 issues being closed.
- #166 The cool MarkupExtension doesn't work anymore in WPF
Icon Updates
- #96 Icon for IconPacks library
Where to get it
You can download this release from MahApps.Metro.IconPacks
IconPacks v3.1.0
As part of this release we had 9 commits which resulted in 2 issues being closed.
Icon Updates
Where to get it
You can download this release from MahApps.Metro.IconPacks
MahApps.Metro.IconPacks v3.0.1
As part of this release we had 4 commits which resulted in 1 issue being closed.
- #161 PackIconImageExtension are not available (in WPF)
Where to get it
You can download this release from MahApps.Metro.IconPacks
MahApps.Metro.IconPacks v3.0.0
As part of this release we had 286 commits which resulted in 54 issues being closed.
Breaking Changes
- #146 Change MahApps.Metro to MahApps
- #140 Fix UWP packages
- #131 (GH-130) Rename rotation property
- #129 Move Converters Resource Dictionary to IconPacks assemblies
- #97 Remove ControlzEx dependency
- #93 Re-introduce MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core
- #89 Drop targeting to framework .Net 4.0
- #88 Strong-Naming again...
- #85 Use new csproj file format and multi framework targeting
- #158 Fix VerticalContentAlignment and HorizontalContentAlignment not working on PackIcon control
- #157 VerticalContentAlignment and HorizontalContentAlignment not working on PackIcon control
- #156 XamlParseException trying to bind PackIconControl.Kind
- #155 Changing classes to no longer derive from a generic class
- #154 Icons display errors in XAML designer constantly though build works fine
- #142 Fix Icons spin when changing visibility (UWP)
- #141 Icons spin when changing visibility (UWP)
- #139 (GH-137) Fix missing Converters for all separate projects
- #138 UWP app with MahApps.Metro.IconPacks crash at startup
- #137 Can't compile UWP project referencing preview version of MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Octicons
- #130 Rename Rotation property to RotationAngle
- #95 Fix spinning storyboard usage
- #92 Fix solution (missing MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.WeatherIcons)
- #90 Fix UAP/UWP NuGet package content
- #87 Cannot resolve ControlzEx when Mahapps Metro used
- #160 Add TargetFramework .NET Core 3.1
- #159 Add PackIconKind image converter (WPF)
- #151 Add PICOL icons
- #147 .NET Core 3.0
- #143 Common PackIconControl (WPF only)
- #133 (GH-132) MarkupExtension for UWP 16299
- #132 MarkupExtension for UWP 10.0.16299
- #118 Add .NETCore 3.0 support
- #116 WIP NETCore 3.0 support
- #113 Add two handy converters for WPF
- #99 New PathIcon IconElement for UWP
- #98 using icons in NavigationView of UWP
Icon Updates
- #135 Octicons v9.1.1
- #134 Material Design Icons v3.7.95
- #121 Icon updates
- #120 Icon updates
- #114 Icon updates
- #110 Icon updates
- #106 Add Material design icons (Google) v3.0.1
- #105 Update ModernUI icons (last update)
- #104 Simple Icons v1.9.8
- #103 Material Design Icons v3.0.39
- #94 Typicons v2.0.9
- #91 WeatherIcons v2.0.10
- #83 Add Weather Icons
- #67 Possible new [IconSet] - Feather
- #42 Modern Icon "ControlStop" missing
- #149 IcanPacks projects as ProjectReference in IconPacks package
Where to get it
You can download this release from MahApps.Metro.IconPacks
MahApps.Metro.IconPacks 2.3.0
As part of this release we had 4 commits which resulted in 1 issue being closed.
Icon Update
- #82 Update Icon packages
Where to get it
You can download this release from MahApps.Metro.IconPacks
MahApps.Metro.IconPacks v2.2.0
As part of this release we had 4 issues closed.
Updated Icons
- Material design: 2.2.43 2243 icons
- Octicons: 7.2.0 176 icons
- Simple-Icons: 1.3.8 412 icons
- Font Awesome: 5.0.9 989 icons
- #77 ControlzEx as dependency (reference)
- #76 Update Icon packages
- #75 Missing Material Icons
- #74 PackIconBase conflict with ControlzEx from MahApps.Metro
Where to get it
You can download this release from MahApps.Metro.IconPacks
MahApps.Metro.IconPacks v2.1.0
MahApps.Metro.IconPacks v2.0.0
(Breaking) Changes
- rename
- extract
from extension class - rename extensions (remove PackIcon prefix)
- The MarkupExtension class names had to be renamed, cause the old ones doesn't worked well with the Visual Studio Designer (#29, #30).
<Button Content="{iconPacks:PackIconFontAwesome Kind=StarOutline}" />
<Button Content="{iconPacks:FontAwesome Kind=StarOutline}" />
- Browser: fix VirtualizingTilePanel: Invalidate scroll info and measure also on size changed and if the collection gets filtered
- Simple Icons v1.2.16 (355 icons)
- FontAwesome v5.0.2 (904 icons)
- Material Design Icons v2.1.19 (2119 icons)
- Octicons v7.0.1 (175 icons)
Fixed issues
MahApps.Metro.IconPacks v1.9.1
Fixed Issue(s)
- #45 Spin property still doesn't work during runtime