Neovim can be at the beginnig a bit overwhelming. I hope
with this configuration you can dive in faster.
Sure, you have to learn commands but I have reduce them to get you in fast.
Why Neovim? Well, I've tried already JetBrains IDEs,
Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio,
Code::Blocks, Brackets
and Atom.
But none of them are like Neovim. Some of them cost a lot
of money, especially for commercial use and for me, all of these have this
'hmm.., I would like to do..' thing.
All of these take their time to learn too - so why don't thake the time to learn
Neovim and build it up for your needs.
With Neovim this 'hmm.., I would like to do..' thing nearly doesn't exist. You can make it your own with an awesome mouseless use for incredibly higher speed on editing.
This guide starts of the very beginnig to start over with Neovim.
I'm on Apple macOS, so if you would like to use this configuration on an other OS, feel free to tweak it for your needs.
Let's get our hands dirty 🧱🔨
Install Homebrew package manager:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install Neovim:
brew install neovim
Create Neovim directory on your machine if it doesn't exist yet:
mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim
Copy (or clone with Git) the lua directory and the init.lua file from here into the nvim directory.
Install Node.js:
brew install node
Install Graphviz:
brew install graphviz
Install Java (do not use Homebrew!):
Install ripgrep:
brew install ripgrep
Install Meslo Nerd Fonts:
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts &&
brew install --cask font-meslo-nerd-font
Select the MesloLGMDZ Nerd Font Propo
as your terminal/Neovim font.
Check out, if you have Clang C/C++ compiler installed:
clang --version
...if not, install it:
xcode-select --install
Install Cmake:
brew install make
Install Deno JavaScript runtime:
brew install deno
Open Neovim (at this point, maybe it seems like there will go on lots of weird things - don't worry!):
Update Packer package manager. Press :
then run:
Quit the popup with q
Sync Packer packages. Press :
then run:
Quit the popup with q
Close Neovim by pressing ZZ
till you arrive into your terminal.
Start Neovim again:
Now it should look a little better. Maybe you see some installation progress in the Neovim command line. Just let it do it's thing.
To get arround in your Neovim, I've written a documentation about the commands.