Teaching schedule with links to material (Note that material will be added during July and August 2024)
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday: Introduction to many-body physics, notations and definitions
- Video of lecture https://youtu.be/AIbnm_sBtqA
- Friday: Discussion of notations and important properties in many-body physics
- Video of lecture https://youtu.be/so-Cn5nb1Uk
- Whiteboard notes for week 34 at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/HandwrittenNotes/2024/NotesWeek34.pdf
- Thursday: Introduction to many-body physics, notations and definitions
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week34, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- First exercise set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/ExercisesWeek34.pdf
Video of lecture TBA at URL:" o "
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday: Fermion and boson state functions and computation of expectation values in first quantization
- Video of lecture TBA https://www.youtube.com/
- Friday: Introduction of second quantization
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Thursday: Fermion and boson state functions and computation of expectation values in first quantization
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week35, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- Second exercise set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/ExercisesWeek35.pdf
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday: Second quantization, operators in second quantization and diagrammatic representation
- Video of lecture https://youtu.be/
- Whiteboard notes https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/HandwrittenNotes/2024/LectureSeptember7.pdf
- Friday: Second quantization and Wick's theorem
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week36, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- Third exercise set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/ExercisesWeek36.pdf
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday: Wick's theorem
- Video of lectue at https://youtu.be/
- Friday: Wrappping up Wick's theorem, Wick's generalized theorem and diagrammatic representation, Particle-hole formalism and definition of new reference state, normalordering of operators
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/S8CFkbbVqVc
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week37, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- Fourth exercise set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/ExercisesWeek37.pdf
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday: Discussion of particle-hole formalism with examples
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Friday: Particle-hole formalism and definition of new reference state, normalordering of operators
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week38, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- Fifth exercise set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/ExercisesWeek38.pdf
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday:
- Repetition of particle-hole formalism
- Diagrammatic representation
- Introduction of full configuration interaction theory
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Friday:
- Full configuration interaction (FCI) theory
- Lipkin model as an example of applications of FCI theory
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Thursday:
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week39, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- Sixth exercise set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/ExercisesWeek39.pdf
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday:
- Repetition of Full Configuration Interaction theory
- Start Hartree-Fock theory
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Friday:
- Hartree-Fock theory and stability of equations
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be
- Thursday:
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week40, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- Seventh exercise set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/ExercisesWeek40.pdf
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday:
- Koopman's theorem and repetition of derivation of Hartree-Fock theory
- Stability of Hartree-Fock theory and Thouless theorem
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Friday:
- Stability of Hartree-Fock theory and Thouless theorem, continues
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be
- Work on first midterm
- Thursday:
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week41, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file First midterm set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/FirstMidterm2024.pdf
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday:
- The homogeneous electron gas in three dimensions
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/ o Friday:
- The homogeneous electron gas in three and two and two dimensions
- Thursday:
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week42, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- First midterm set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/FirstMidterm2024.pdf
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday:
- Linking Hartree-Fock theory with density functional theory
- Video of lecture TBA https://https://youtu.be/
- Friday:
- Electron gas in three dimensions and links with density functional theory
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Thursday:
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week43, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- Eight exercise set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/ExercisesWeek43.pdf
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday:
- Time-independent perturbation theory and diagrammatic representation
- Examples of contributions to perturbation theory
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Thursday:
- Friday:
- Many-body perturbation theory, basic equations
- Video of lecture https://youtu.be/
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week44, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- Ninth exercise set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/ExercisesWeek44.pdf
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday:
- Adiabatic hypothesis and linked diagram theorem
- Examples of diagrams and discussion of Pauli violating diagrams
- Friday:
- Thursday:
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week45, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- Tenth exercise set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/ExercisesWeek45.pdf
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday:
- Diagram rules
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Friday:
- Time-dependent perturbation theory, definitions of Schroedinger, Heisenberg and interaction picture
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be
- Thursday:
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week46, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- Work on second midterm set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/SecondMidterm2024.pdf
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday:
- Time-dependence, Adiabatic hypothesis and linked diagrams
- Green's functions, basic equations
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Friday:
- Green's functions, basic equations
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Thursday:
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week47, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- Work on second midterm set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/SecondMidterm2024.pdf
- Topics to be covered
- Thursday:s
- Friday:
- Dyson's equation and perturbative expansions
- Summary of course and discussion of final oral exam
- Video of lecture TBA https://youtu.be/
- Thursday:s
- Lecture Material: https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/tree/master/doc/pub/week48, see either jupyter-notebook or pdf file
- Work on second midterm set at https://github.com/ManyBodyPhysics/FYS4480/blob/master/doc/Exercises/2024/SecondMidterm2024.pdf
- Final oral exam, time to be decided and schedule will be availbale via studentweb