This repository contains a parser designed specifically for parsing Turkish Makam Music (TMM) from MusicXML files. The parser is tailored to handle the SymbTr dataset.
To accommodate Holdrian commas, the parser first updates alter values present in MusicXML, according to the accidental name. In TMM, a tone is divided into 9 intervals, hence alter values range from -9 to +9.
To avoid error when parsing with music21, key signatures are removed from the MusicXML files. The current implementation of music21 does not support non-western accidental types.
Finally, the parser adjusts microtone values for pitches, based on the alter value. The adjustment is made in cents.
pip install music21
Clone the dataset in the parent directory as well.
git clone
If the datset location is different, set the correct path in demo.ipynb
from TMMFix.parse_makam_xml import fix_m21_parsing_makam
FILE_NAME = "hicaz--sarki--aksaksemai--sezdim_dargin--rifat_ayaydin.xml"
m21_stream_score = fix_m21_parsing_makam(FILE_NAME)