Our SOC has recently discovered thousands of unusual packets being sent into our network from an unknown source. We have since traced the origin to a known APT group, however are still unable to determine the meaning behind the packets. You have been contracted to help investigate significance of the packets.
8/10 (Hard)
Tanner Leventry (Txnn3r)
tshark -r 'poke.pcapng' -T fields -e tcp.checksum | tr "\n" " " | sed 's/ 0x/,/g' > imagehex.txt
tshark -r 'poke.pcapng' -T fields -e tcp.dstport | tr "\n" "," > portnumbers.txt
run solve.py (located in 'solution' folder)
copy hex data from after end of jpg file (after FF D9 hex bytes)
cyberchef: from hex > to binary > bit flip (0's become 1's, 1's become 0's) > from binary
Alternative solution: Instead of cyberchef, paste the hex in the Boxentriq Hex Analysis Tool