Releases: McStasMcXtrace/McCode
Releases · McStasMcXtrace/McCode
Draft prerelease 3.4.63 with Theodor's final mcdisplay version
Merge pull request #1673 from theogutt/main McStas3D
Draft prerelease 3.4.62 with updated mc/xgui etc.
Merge pull request #1670 from willend/main Allow configuration of font size in mcgui (and to some degree in Scintilla)
Draft prerelease 3.4.61 with updated mctest/mcviewtest
v3.4.61 Make case-insensitive instrfilter - and allow match on "example categ…
Sunday Draft prerelease 3.4.60
Ought to be a good one ;-)
Draft prerelease 3.4.59
@farhi Windows needed some use of Pathlib... I will now spawn conda-builds based on this last tag...
Draft prerelease 3.4.58
@farhi buildscripts/ issue in last attempt, here we go again...
Draft prerelease 3.4.57
@farhi includes mcdoc that writes to DEST_DATADIR_DOC (see Locations.cmake)
I "hardcode" to share/doc/${FLAVOR} instead of using CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR which will append project info from individual CMakeList files.
Tested using buildscripts/ approach on Linux, will follow up with tests on conda, macOS, Windows "monolithic" later
Draft prerelease 3.4.56
@farhi tagging for another prerelease
Draft prerelease 3.4.55
To bump build of our "intermediate" condo-forge prereleases
Draft prerelease 3.4.54
Will have to bump due to 3.4.54 already existing on conda-forge...