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RENAT installation instructions for Centos7 + Python3

date: 20180826

base install

Install a typical Centos7 with following parameters:

- memory: 16G (or more)
- HDD: 64G (or more)
- NIC: 2
- package: minimum (+developer package)
- ip address: (sample)
- gw: (sample)
- dns: (sample)
- hostname: renat.localhost (sample)

post install configuration

  • disable SE linux:

    • disable the feature

      $ set enforce 0
    • configure SELINUX=disabled in the /etc/selinux/config file:

  • update install package and reboot the system

    yum update -y

library installation

  • install python3 and related library

    $ yum install -y
    $ yum install -y python36u python36u-libs python36u-devel python36u-pip
    $ pip3.6 install --upgrade pip 
  • install extra libraries

    $ yum install -y numpy net-snmp net-snmp-devel net-snmp-utils czmq czmq-devel python35u-tkinter xorg-x11-server-Xvfb  vim httpd xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi  nfs samba4 samba-client samba-winbind cifs-utils tcpdump hping3 telnet nmap wireshark java-1.8.0-openjdk firefox-52.8.0-1.el7.centos.x86_64 telnet ghostscript ImageMagick vlgothic-fonts vlgothic-p-fonts ntp
    $ pip3.6 install pytest-runner
    $ pip3.6 install numpy pyte PyYAML openpyxl Jinja2 pandas lxml requests netsnmp-py pdfkit robotframework robotframework-selenium2library robotframework-sshlibrary docutils pyvmomi PyVirtualDisplay pyscreenshot pillow decorator imgurscrot
  • add just selenium version

    $ pip3.6 uninstall selenium
    $ pip3.6 install selenium==2.53.6
  • install libraries (besides yum)

    $ cd /root
    $ mkdir -p work/download
    $ cd work/download        
    $ sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo
    $ sudo rpm --import
    $ yum install -y jenkins
    $ cd /root/work/download
    $ wget
    $ tar xzvf /root/work/download/geckodriver-v0.21.0-linux64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin
    $ cd /root/work/download
    $ wget
    $ rpm -Uvh wkhtmltox-0.12.5-1.centos7.x86_64.rpm


  • modify NTP server

    • modify /etc/ntp.conf for favourite NTP server
    • activate and make the service auto start
      $ service ntpd start
      $ chkconfig ntpd on
    • check the current NTP
      $ ntpq -p
  • sudo privilege

    • add a file named renat (persion 0440) to folder /etc/sudoers.d

      Cmnd_Alias CMD_ROBOT_ALLOW  = /bin/kill,/usr/local/bin/nmap,/usr/sbin/hping3,/usr/sbin/tcpdump
      %jenkins ALL=NOPASSWD: CMD_ROBOT_ALLOW        
    • comment out the line including secure_path in the file /etc/sudoers

      # Defaults    secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
  • change some system default behaviours

    • create a folder name work under /etc/skel with permission 0775

    • change UMASK to 022 in the file /etc/login.defs

      # UMASK           077
      UMASK           022
  • add a default group and user and set its password

    $ groupadd techno -o -g 1000
    $ useradd robot -g techno
    $ passwd robot

    Note: the password of this robot account is set in the RENAT config file ${RENAT_PATH}/config/config.yaml

  • configure jenkins:

    • Change jenkins listen port JENNKINS_PORT to 8002 in file /etc/sysconfig/jenkins

      # JENKINS_PORT="8080"
    • enable the service

      $ systemctl enable jenkins
      $ systemctl start jenkins
  • configure iptables: By default, Centos7 does not support saving iptables from service command.

    $ systemctl stop firewalld
    $ systemctl disable firewalld
    $ yum install -y iptables-services
    $ systemctl enable iptables.service
    $ systemctl start iptables.service

    Then configure iptables to allow necessary ports like 80,8082,22 and traffic from IxiaAppServer. Or allow access for your whole local network:

    -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT
  • configure httpd service

    • add apache to techno group

    • modify userdir.conf under folder /etc/httpd/conf.d to show list the work folder of each user

      # UserDir disabled
      UserDir enabled
      # UserDir public_html
      UserDir work
      # <Directory "/home/*/public_html">
       <Directory "/home/*/work">
         IndexOptions +NameWidth=*

      Note: Do not for get the <Directory> section

    • add robot to mime type in file /etc/mime.types

      # text/plain            txt asc text pm el c h cc hh cxx hxx f90 conf log
      text/plain              txt asc text pm el c h cc hh cxx hxx f90 conf log robot
    • prepare the document folder

      $ mkdir -p /var/www/html/renat-doc
      $ chown apache:techno /var/www/html/renat-doc/
      $ chmod 0775 /var/www/html/renat-doc/
    • enable and restart the service

      $ systemctl restart httpd
      $ systemctl enable httpd
  • make skeleton for users

    • create a folder call work under /etc/skel with mode 0750

add a renat user

  • add a user to the group techno

    $ useradd user -g techno
    $ passwd user
  • login as the new user

  • create a key for the account robot that would be used for using with SSH proxy. Enter when asked for password (2 times)

    $ mkdir ~/.ssh
    $ cd ~/.ssh
    $ ssh-keygen -C for_robot_`whoami` -f robot_id_rsa
  • push to key to proxy server using robot password

    $ ssh-copy-id -i robot@<proxy server IP>

install Ixia related (optional)

  • download necessary files (below are samples. Use the correct install files in your environment)

  • install IxOS. Choose Tcl8.5 and default destination folder /opt/ixia/ixos/6.80-EA-SP1

    $ tar xzvf IxOS6.80.1100.9Linux64.bin.tar.gz
    $ ./IxOS6.80.1100.9Linux64.bin -i console
  • install IxNetwork. Choose /opt/ixia/ixnet/7.41-EA for default destination folder and 1-Yes for HTLAPI when asked (let other option as default)

    $ tar xzvf IxNetworkTclClient7.41.945.9Linux.bin.tgz
    $ ./IxNetworkTclClient7.41.945.9Linux.bin -i console
  • install IOxLoad. Choose /opt/ixia/ixload/ for default destination folder.

    $ tar xzvf IxLoadTclApi8.01.99.14Linux_x64.bin.tgz
    $ ./IxLoadTclApi8.01.99.14Linux_x64.bin -i console

Note: if it is necessary remove the folder if you chose wrong destination folder and reinstall

install Avalanche related (optional)

  • install avalanch api

    $ pip3.6 install avalancheapi