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Hosting a repository

We saw in 02-RemoteGit.adoc how to push to remote repositories provided by various organizations on the internet as a way of sharing your Git repositories with others. Sometimes though you may wish to host a remote Git repository on a machine you control, for example to:

  • Temporarily share a Git repository on your machine with another computer on the same network

  • Keep a full backup of an external Git repository on a server you control

  • Provide an internal mirror of an external Git repository to allow faster transfer speeds

  • Host a Git repository on a server entirely under your own control

I only use the commands in this chapter for viewing a local repository or sharing a local repository with computers on the same network (rather than over the internet). Though we’ll see more advanced tools in Advanced Git hosting, this chapter is focused on understanding the features provided by Git itself and how it works, rather than more advanced Git hosting solutions. In essence, this chapter is a guide for software engineers to understand how Git repositories can be shared and not a guide for system administrators on how set up Git servers. Unless you’re an experienced system administrator, I’d advise using on an external Git hosting provider (such as GitHub) rather than running your own Git servers. We’ll cover Git’s repository hosting commands by learning about the following topics:

  • How to create a repository in a format for hosting a server

  • How to mirror an existing repository for hosting a server

  • How to share a repository with a local network

  • How to view a repository in a web browser

  • How to provide advanced Git hosting with other software

Initialize a local repository in a server hosting format: git init --bare

The Git repositories we’ve seen throughout this book have all had a similar structure: the working directory contains a checkout of the files in the current branch and a .git subdirectory which contains the repository data. For example, if we had a GitInPracticeNonBare.git repo, its contents might resemble the following:

11 RepoNonBare
Figure 1. Typical repository layout

You can see from Typical repository layout that it has only the file and the .git repository data subdirectory in the root.

Git stores data in a highly space-efficient format. The checked-out files in a repository’s working directory may sometimes take up more space than the compressed version of all files stored in the .git directory!

On a server, the working directory should never be used directly, so it’s better to not create one at all. As you’ll just be sending/receiving Git objects to/from various Git clients with git push, git fetch, or git pull, you don’t need to have the actual files checked out on disk. A Git repository without a working directory is known as a bare repository. The major difference compared to the first repository we created in 01-LocalGit.adoc is that this repository isn’t in a .git directory.

Let’s create a bare repository and look at its contents.


You wish to create a bare Git repository.


  1. Change to the directory you wish to contain your new repository directory; for example, cd /Users/mike/.

  2. Run git init --bare GitInPracticeBare.git. The output should resemble the following:

bare repository initialization output
# git init --bare GitInPracticeBare.git

Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/mike/GitInPracticeBare.git/ (1)
  1. Bare repository

From the bare repository initialization output:

  • "Bare repository (1)" shows the new directory that was created for the bare Git repository. The major difference compared to the first repository we created in 01-LocalGit.adoc is that this repository isn’t in a .git directory.

You have successfully created a new bare Git repository.


Bare repositories don’t allow new commits to be created locally; they must be pushed from another repository.

How should you name bare repositories?
When creating bare repositories, it’s good practice to name them with the extension '.git' to make it clear that they’re bare.

Let’s look at the layout of a bare repository:

11 RepoBare
Figure 2. Bare repository layout

You can see from Bare repository layout that the repository data which was stored in .git in Typical repository layout is instead in the root in Bare repository layout. This means the root of the repository is effectively the .git directory (which is why it’s named GitInPracticeBare.git). The bare repository is missing an index file and logs directory, and instead has a packed-refs file. These differences are just internal Git files that are used for repositories; don’t worry about their contents (although we’ll see the packed-refs file in Mirror a repository: git clone --mirror).

To clone this Git repository into a non-bare repository on the same machine, run git clone with the path on disk to the repository and the new, non-bare repository name as arguments; for example, git clone /Users/mike/GitInPracticeBare.git GitInPracticeNonBare. In this case the output will resemble the following:

Cloning into 'GitInPracticeNonBare.git'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.

The new repository has been created but it’s empty—​it contains no commits. If you add a file, commit, and push it, then it’ll be pushed to the bare repository and both repositories will now be non-empty. Note that you’d never usually be cloning a bare repository on the same machine, but would instead create a bare repository on one machine and clone it on another.

I’ve only personally used bare repositories in the past to create mirrors of existing repositories on a server I control. I didn’t care about having the files checked-out into the working directory, but just wanted a copy of all the repository data. Let’s learn how to use Git to create an exact mirror of another repository.

Mirror a repository: git clone --mirror

There are times when you wish to host a new Git repository that’s a mirror of another—​a functionally identical copy. This could be for backup, providing a local cache for increased speed, or moving a repository to another location. Recall from 02-RemoteGit.adoc that git clone will create a clone of the repository locally with all commits, branches, and tags that are in the repository you’ve cloned from.

If you git clone a repository with a branch named testing then your new, local clone will contain a remote branch named origin/testing. But what if you wanted this to not only create the origin/testing remote branch but also a local branch named testing? In this case you’d use the --mirror flag for git clone, which creates local branches for all remote branches it finds (or, in Git terminology, it matches all refs locally). This is useful in cases where you want to create an exact copy of another repository (a mirror) so others could clone from it and get the same results as cloning from the original repository, or to keep as a backup. Recall forks on GitHub from 10-GitHubPullRequests.adoc; git clone --mirror is effectively what GitHub does when you fork a repository: it makes a complete copy that can be modified without changing the original repository and creates all the same branches.

Let’s use git clone --mirror to set up a local mirror of the GitInPracticeRedux repository.


You wish mirror an existing remote repository.


  1. Change to the directory you wish to contain your new repository directory; on my system, cd /Users/mike/.

  2. Run git clone --mirror The output should resemble the following:

clone mirror output
# git clone --mirror

Cloning into bare repository 'GitInPracticeRedux.git'...(1)
remote: Reusing existing pack: 79, done.
remote: Counting objects: 1, done.
remote: Total 80 (delta 0), reused 1 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (80/80), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
  1. Bare repository

From the clone mirror output:

  • "Bare repository (1)" shows that git clone --mirror will create a bare repository when it creates a mirror. This is because --mirror will only be used when hosting a repository for other repositories to pull from.

You have mirrored the existing GitInPracticeRedux repository.


Recall from 02-RemoteGit.adoc the following flags for git clone:

  • No flags--This will create a normal (non-bare) repository with remote branches.

  • --bare flag—​This will create a bare repository with remote branches.

  • --mirror flag—​This will create a bare repository with remote branches and local branches for every remote branch.

Let’s examine the contents of GitInPracticeRedux.git/packed-refs file:

# pack-refs with: peeled fully-peeled
ca74d2b7c4dd15a260e68c6ff3552c64041aacdc refs/heads/inspiration (1)
a9e150fb17301eed6c31aa984411effdab8f3fec refs/heads/master (1)
a8200e1407d49e37baad47da04c0981f43d7c7ff refs/heads/v0.1-release (1)
071d468df295c3866054763250a1344e44f8c3be refs/pull/1/head (2)
75f9dd1ddc24e1fd9e58b8443f7f0176cf7bd2e7 refs/pull/1/merge (2)
e9d27c7df49c07cb2325356ab9a76f90d9f179ae refs/pull/2/head (2)
e6e9208372f3784686499430fec547c20dad6139 refs/pull/2/merge (2)
725c33ace6cd7b281c2d3b342ca05562d3dc7335 refs/tags/v0.1 (3)
  1. Branch

  2. Pull request

  3. Tag

The packed-refs file contains all the packed refs (refs in Git’s format for data internal and external transfer) that were fetched from the GitInPracticeRedux repository. It contains all the created branches (1), pull requests (2), and tags that were created in this repository. These will now be shared with any other repositories that clone this one.

Share repository with other users on the same network: git daemon

Now that we’ve seen how to create bare repositories suitable for a server to share with other Git repositories, let’s learn how to actually serve these to other Git clients.

We saw in Initialize a local repository in a server hosting format: git init --bare a repository being cloned from another path on the disk. Though this would be one way of sharing a repository over the network with Git (give someone access to your disk with, say, a network share) it’s not very efficient, as it will use multiple protocols: the SMB protocol used to share the files over the network and Git’s interaction with the packed repository. Instead a Git server will allow Git to interact natively in its own format and git:// protocol, which transfers repository data in a very similar format to how it’s stored locally and defaults to using port 9418.

Git provides a simple server for basic repository hosting named git daemon. It provides no user authentication or encryption, and only supports the git:// protocol (rather than the https:// we’ve used throughout this book, or ssh://, which uses SSH access). These protocols are fairly interchangeable; which one you pick will depend mostly on whether you need to make use of HTTP proxies or web servers (for the https:// protocol), user authentication using SSH (for the ssh:// protocol), or no authentication (for the git:// protocol).

As a result, it may be too limited for some cases, but is great for the example in the section title: sharing a repository with other users on the same network.


You wish to share a repository with other users on the same network.


  1. Change directory to the Git repository; on my machine, cd /Users/mike/GitInPracticeRedux.git/.

  2. Run git daemon --verbose --base-path=. --export-all. The output should resemble the following:

daemon output
# git daemon --verbose --base-path=. --export-all (1)

[72938] Ready to rumble (2)
  1. Daemon arguments

  2. Process ready

From the daemon output:

  • "Daemon arguments (1)" shows the daemon command and the list of arguments required to export the Git repository. These will be elaborated on in the discussion section.

  • "Process ready (2)" shows the process ID (72938), that the process has started successfully, and that it’s ready to receive clients.

Now that we have git daemon running, open another terminal window and clone this repository from a client with git clone git://localhost/:

# git clone git://localhost/ GitInPracticeReduxDaemon (1)

Cloning into 'GitInPracticeReduxDaemon'...
remote: Counting objects: 78, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (71/71), done.
remote: Total 78 (delta 26), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (78/78), 7.80 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (26/26), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
  1. Local server

The "local server (1)" displays that we’re using localhost to access the Git daemon on the same machine that we’re hosting it on. It has cloned the repository as expected into a new directory on the same machine. If you wanted to clone this from another machine, you’d replace localhost in the command with the IP address of the machine hosting the daemon on the network; for example, git clone git://

If we view the daemon output again you’ll see that some lines have been added:

[72984] Connection from [::1]:52891 (1)
[72984] Extended attributes (16 bytes) exist <host=localhost> (2)
[72984] Request upload-pack for '/' (3)
[72938] [72984] Disconnected (4)
  1. Client connection

  2. Attribute exposure

  3. Repository upload

  4. Client disconnect

These lines show that our Git client connected to the server (1), the repository exposed some attributes to the client (2), the client requested the server upload its contents to the client (3), and that the client then disconnected from the server.

You have successfully shared a repository over the network.


git daemon can take some parameters to customize its behavior: * The --verbose flag will output more verbose log details to the terminal about incoming Git client connections and access successes and failures. It’s useful when hosting a server to enable this for debugging. * The --base-path=. indicates what path should be used as the server root. In this case we only hosted a single repository, so we set the root to the base directory of the repository. If you wanted to host a directory that contained multiple repositories (such as fish.git and cat.git), you could specify the directory and then they could be accessed by name (git clone git://localhost/fish.git or git clone git://localhost/cat.git). As I tend to only use git daemon to share a single repository, I always tend to just use --base-path=.. * The --export-all flag is used to tell Git to allow access to all Git repositories under the base path. Without this argument, by default git daemon will only allow access to repositories that have a git-daemon-export-ok file in the repository root (the root for bare repositories and .git for non-bare repositories). I always tend to use this, as I use git daemon so infrequently and only on repositories I explicitly, currently want to share. * The --enable=receive-pack flag is needed to allow write access to the repository. By default git daemon will only allow read access (provided by upload-pack) to repositories unless this flag is provided. It’s not recommended to provide write access to non-bare repositories, as it would be undesirable to have remote users be able to change the contents of your local branches. * The directory argument is needed if you wish to host a non-bare repository. In this case you’d cd into the directory as normal but add a ./.git argument specifying to share the .git directory. For example you might run cd /Users/mike/GitInPracticeRedux && git daemon --verbose --base-path=. --export-all ./.git. I use this when temporarily hosting non-bare repositories that I’m working with on my local machine with others.

Display repository in a browser: git instaweb

Now that we’ve shared our repository on disk with other users, it would be useful if we could provide a basic web interface to go along with our git daemon. Git provides a basic web interface named gitweb that can be hosted by a local web server.

How can I install gitweb?
gitweb is usually installed as part of the default Git installation (and is in all of the official Git installers). If it hasn’t been, you’ll need to install gitweb separately. This can be done by installing gitweb (or similar) with your package manager; for example, on Debian/Ubuntu run apt-get install gitweb.

Git provides the git instaweb command to host your local repository using the gitweb interface. To run this you’ll have to have a web server installed on your machine. If you’re using macOS, you can use webrick, which is a simple web server provided with Ruby (which is provided with macOS). If you’re on Linux, you can install Ruby with your package manager; for example, on Debian/Ubuntu run apt-get install ruby (we’ll use webrick on Linux just to be consistent with macOS). Windows Git installation sadly doesn’t provide the git instaweb command but you can read how to set up gitweb using a separate web server such as Apache or IIS here:

Now that we have git instaweb setup, let’s use it to display the repository in a browser.


You wish to display the contents of a repository in a browser.


  1. Change to the directory containing your repository; for example, cd /Users/mike/GitInPracticeRedux/.

  2. Write a description for the repository’s web server by running echo "Git In Practice: Redux" > .git/description.

  3. Run git instaweb --httpd=webrick. There will be no output.

Git should have opened the gitweb interface in your browser. It should resemble the following:

11 GitWebProjects
Figure 3. gitweb projects

You can see from gitweb projects that it displays a single Git project along with description we just set, the owner, and the last change (commit) date. Click on the Summary button to view more information about the GitInPracticeRedux project.

11 GitWebRedux
Figure 4. gitweb summary

The summary page in gitweb summary displays the same information as the projects page, but also shows the list of recent commits, branches, and tags in a format resembling GitX/gitk.

Detailing all the features of the gitweb interface is beyond the scope of this book; it’s pretty self-explanatory. After you’ve finished exploring the gitweb interface, you can stop the server by running git instaweb --stop.

You have successfully displayed the contents of the repository in a browser..


git instaweb can take some parameters to customize its behavior:

  • The --local flag will ensure that the web server can only be accessed from the local machine and not from other machines on the same network.

  • The --port flag can be followed with a port number to specify which port should be used to access gitweb. For example --port 8080 would mean that gitweb is hosted on port 8080.

Advanced Git hosting

In addition to the tools provided with Git you’ve seen in this chapter, there is a wide third-party ecosystem of Git tools that can help you share your repositories and provide a web interface to view them. There are too many and their setup is too involved for me to detail them all here. Some of the most popular options are:


GitHub ( is the most widely used Git hosting, and provides many features beyond sharing and viewing Git repositories. It provides free open-source public hosting and paid private hosting. Alternatively you can pay for GitHub Enterprise (, which provides a hosted GitHub appliance that can be run inside your network.


cgit ( provides a fast Git web interface written in C. It uses forking and a cache to speed up operations and is widely used by open-source projects.


gitolite ( provides access control for hosting Git repositories such as users, groups, per-branch/per-repository permissions, and hook support.


In this chapter you hopefully learned:

  • How to create a new bare repository with git init --bare

  • How to mirror an existing repository with git clone --mirror

  • How to share a repository across the network with git daemon

  • How to display a web interface for a repository with git instaweb

  • How to provide more advanced Git hosting with GitHub, cgit, and/or gitolite