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Raygun 4 Ruby Build Status Gem Version

This is the Ruby adapter for the Raygun error reporter,


Add to your application's Gemfile:

$ bundle add raygun4ruby

And then execute:

$ bundle install


Rails 6+

Step 1


rails g raygun:install YOUR_API_KEY_HERE

You can find your API key in the Raygun app under "Application Settings".

Step 2

You can then test your Raygun integration by running:

rails raygun:test

You should see an "ItWorksException" appear in your Raygun Crash Reporting dashboard. You're ready to zap those errors! ⚡

Step 3 (optional)

The generator will create a file in config/initializers called "raygun.rb". If you need to do any further configuration or customization of Raygun, that's the place to do it!

By default the Rails integration is set to only report Exceptions in the production environment. To change this behaviour, set config.enable_reporting to something else in config/initializers/raygun.rb.

Version Support

Raygun4Ruby currently supports Rails 6 or later running on Ruby >= 3.0. If you're using an older version of Ruby or Rails please use an older version of Raygun4Ruby


To enable exception tracking in Sinatra, just add configure Raygun and use the Rack middleware in your app:

require 'raygun4ruby'
Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"
use Raygun::Middleware::RackExceptionInterceptor

Standalone / Manual Exception Tracking

require 'rubygems'
require 'raygun4ruby'

Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = "YOUR_RAYGUN_API_KEY"
  config.filter_parameters = [ :password, :card_number, :cvv ] # don't forget to filter out sensitive parameters
  config.enable_reporting = Rails.env.production? # true to send errors, false to not log

  # your lovely code here
rescue => e

# You may also pass a user object as the third argument to allow affected customers, like so
  # your lovely code here
rescue => e
  # The second argument is the request environment variables
  Raygun.track_exception(e, {}, user)

You can also pass a Hash as the second parameter to track_exception. It should look like a Rack Env Hash

Customizing Parameter Filtering

If you'd like to customize how parameters are filtered, you can pass a Proc to filter_parameters. Raygun4Ruby will yield the params hash to the block, and the return value will be sent along with your error.

Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = "YOUR_RAYGUN_API_KEY"
  config.filter_parameters do |params|
    params.slice("only", "a", "few", "keys") # note that Hash#slice is in ActiveSupport

Recording Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs let you provide logging points in your code that will be collected and sent along with any exception sent to Raygun. This lets you have a better understanding of the events that happened in the system that lead up to the exception.

  1. Include it as a module in your class
class SomeClass
  include Raygun::Breadcrumbs

  def some_method
      message: "<log message goes here>",
      category: "some category to group them by, maybe authentication or external-apis for example",
      level: :info, # or debug or warning etc, you can configure what level will get sent
      metadata: {custom_data: 'can go here'},

This has the added benefit of recording the class the breadcrumb was recorded from automatically

  1. Call the record_breadcrumb method manually
def some_method
    message: "<log message goes here>",
    category: "some category to group them by, maybe authentication or external-apis for example",
    level: :info, # or debug or warning etc, you can configure what level will get sent
    metadata: {custom_data: 'can go here'},

    # You can also set the class the breadcrumb was logged from
    # It will only be set automatically using the included module approach
    # Method and line number will get added automatically

If you are using Sinatra or another rack framework you will need to include the Breadcrumbs middleware, this is used for storing the breadcrumbs during a request use Raygun::Middleware::BreadcrumbsStoreInitializer (this must be before you use the Raygun::Middleware::RackExceptionInterceptor)

If you are using a non web based Ruby application you will have to call Raygun::Breadcrumbs::Store.initialize during your applications boot process. The store is per thread, but I have not tested it in a multi threaded application.

Filtering the enire payload using a whitelist

As an alternative to the above, you can also opt-in to the keys/values to be sent to Raygun by providing a specific whitelist of the keys you want to transmit.

This disables the blacklist filtering above (filter_parameters), and is applied to the entire payload (error, request, environment and custom data included), not just the request parameters.

In order to opt-in to this feature, set filter_payload_with_whitelist to true, and specify a shape of what keys you want (the default is below which is to allow everything through, this also means that the query parameters filtered out by default like password, creditcard etc will not be unless changed):

Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = "YOUR_RAYGUN_API_KEY"
  config.filter_payload_with_whitelist = true

  config.whitelist_payload_shape = {
      machineName: true,
      version: true,
      error: true,
      userCustomData: true,
      tags: true,
      request: {
        hostName: true,
        url: true,
        httpMethod: true,
        iPAddress: true,
        queryString: true,
        headers: true,
        form: {}, # Set to empty hash so that it doesn't just filter out the whole thing, but instead filters out each individual param
        rawData: true

Alternatively, provide a Proc to filter the payload using your own logic:

Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = "YOUR_RAYGUN_API_KEY"
  config.filter_payload_with_whitelist = true

  config.whitelist_payload_shape do |payload|
    # Return the payload mutated into your desired form

Custom User Data

Custom data can be added to track_exception by passing a custom_data key in the second parameter hash.

  # more lovely code
rescue Exception => e
  Raygun.track_exception(e, custom_data: {my: 'custom data', goes: 'here'})

Custom data can also be specified globally either by setting config.custom_data to a hash

Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = "YOUR_RAYGUN_API_KEY"
  config.custom_data = {custom_data: 'goes here'}

or to a proc, which gets passed the exception and environment hash

Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = "YOUR_RAYGUN_API_KEY"
  config.custom_data do |e, env|
    {message: e.message, server: env["SERVER_NAME"]}

Ignoring Some Errors

You can ignore certain types of Exception using the ignore option in the setup block, like so:

Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = "MY_SWEET_API_KEY"
  config.ignore  << ['MyApp::AnExceptionIDontCareAbout']

The following exceptions are ignored by default:


You can see this here and unignore them if needed by doing the following:

Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = "MY_SWEET_API_KEY"

Using a Proxy

You can pass proxy settings using the proxy_settings config option.

Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = "MY_SWEET_API_KEY"
  config.proxy_settings = { address: "localhost", port: 8888 }

Affected Customers

Raygun can track how many customers have been affected by an error.

By default, Raygun looks for a method called current_user on your controller, and it will populate the customer's information based on a default method name mapping.

(e.g Raygun will call email to populate the customer's email, and first_name for the customer's first name)

You can inspect and customize this mapping using config.affected_user_mapping, like so:

Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = "MY_SWEET_API_KEY"
  config.affected_user_method = :my_current_user # `current_user` by default
  # To augment the defaults with your unique methods you can do the following
  config.affected_user_mapping = Raygun::AffectedUser::DEFAULT_MAPPING.merge({
    identifier: :some_custom_unique_identifier,
    # If you set the key to a proc it will be passed the user object and you can construct the value your self
    full_name: ->(user) { "#{user.first_name} #{user.last_name}" }

To see the defaults check out affected_user.rb

If you're using Rails, most authentication systems will have this method set and you should be good to go.

The count of unique affected customers will appear on the error group in Raygun Crash Reporting. If your customer has an email attribute, and that email has a Gravatar associated with that address, you will also see your customer's avatar.

If you wish to keep it anonymous, you could set this identifier to something like SecureRandom.uuid and store that in a cookie, like so:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  def raygun_user
    cookies.permanent[:raygun_user_identifier] ||= SecureRandom.uuid


(Remember to set affected_user_method to :raygun_user in your config block...)

Version Tracking

Raygun can attach the version of your application to its error reports. In your Raygun.setup block, set version to the current version of your app.

Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.version = "" # you could also pull this from ENV or however you want to set it.


Tags can be added to track_exception by passing a tags key in the second parameter hash.

  # more lovely code
rescue Exception => e
  Raygun.track_exception(e, tags: ['my', 'tags', 'go here'])

Tags can also be specified globally either by setting config.tags to an array

Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.tags = ['heroku']

or to a Proc, which gets passed the exception and environment hash. This proc must return an array of strings

Raygun.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = "YOUR_RAYGUN_API_KEY"
  config.tags do |e, env|

Background Jobs


Raygun4Ruby also includes a Resque failure backend. You should include it inside your Resque initializer (usually something like config/initializers/load_resque.rb)

require 'resque/failure/multiple'
require 'resque/failure/raygun'
require 'resque/failure/redis'

Resque::Failure::Multiple.classes = [Resque::Failure::Redis, Resque::Failure::Raygun]
Resque::Failure.backend = Resque::Failure::Multiple


Raygun4Ruby can track errors from Sidekiq (we test on 6+ but there's no reason it shouldn't work on older versions). All you need to do is add the line:

  require 'raygun/sidekiq'

Either in your Raygun initializer or wherever else takes your fancy :simple_smile:

Affected Customers in Sidekiq

To track affected customers, define a class method on your worker class that returns a user object. Make sure the name of this method is the same as whatever you have defined as the affected_user_method in your Raygun configuration and that it returns an object that fits the mappings defined in affected_user_mapping If you have not changed these, refer to Affected customers for the defaults

class FailingWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform(arg1, arg2)

  # Your method must accept an array of arguments
  # These will be the same as those passed to `perform`
  def self.current_user(args)
    arg1 = args[0]
    arg2 = args[1]

    user = User.find_by(name: arg1)

    # Your method must return a user object
Sidekiq Retries

By default, Raygun4Ruby will unwrap Sidekiq::JobRetry::Handled exceptions and report the original error via Exception#cause. If you would prefer not to hear about retries, you can set config.track_retried_sidekiq_jobs to false in your Raygun configuration.

Other Configuration options

For a complete list of configuration options see the configuration.rb file

Found a bug?

Oops! Just let us know by opening an Issue on Github.


  1. Fork the repo, and install dependencies (bundle install)
  2. Create your feature branch and write your code (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Write some tests, and make them pass (bundle exec rake)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request. Thank you! ✨


  1. Build the gem (gem build raygun4ruby.gemspec) - don't bother trying to build it on Windows, the resulting Gem won't work.
  2. Install the gem (gem install raygun4ruby-VERSION.gem)