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When developing an Odoo module the best way to get started is by adopting the [[OCA]] and [[Odoo S.A.]] best practices.
In this guide we give an overview of the practices.
Odoo S.A. provides a coding guideline https://www.odoo.com/documentation/16.0/de/contributing/development/coding_guidelines.html. The guide provides answers on how to almost every aspect of dveloping an Odoo module.
However, this guide is superseded by the OCA guidelines https://github.com/OCA/odoo-community.org/blob/master/website/Contribution/CONTRIBUTING.rst.
The OCA organizes their modules into multiple collections / repositories. Visit https://github.com/OCA/ to get an overview.
A good example is the https://github.com/OCA/sale-workflow repo. It contains all sale related modules of the OCA.
For each Odoo version there is a git branch (..., 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, ...). Modules are migrated between these branches for each major release.
The OCA modules are bootstraped from https://github.com/OCA/oca-addons-repo-template. It uses [[Copier]] to scaffold a new module structure.
The Copier template ships a [[pre-commit]] configuration, that uses [[pylint]] for linting. Pylint is extended with https://github.com/OCA/pylint-odoo.
The template ships with a lot more quality tools. The config files for these tools are stored in the root of each repo and branch. Here is an example https://github.com/OCA/sale-workflow/blob/16.0.
The most important quality tools are:
- [[flake8]]
- [[isort]]
- [[black]]
- [[autoflake]]
- [[prettier]]