Getting started with ari4java (and ARI in general) is not that easy. This is because there are many moving parts involved:
- An Asterisk server
- A specific configuration for Asterisk
- ari4java itself
In order to reduce the cost of getting up and running, we thought of providing a pre-configured Docker image that runs Asterisk, and an example that you can run yourself though an IDE.
This is quite easy - first you will have to install Docker; when it's up, you can then do a:
docker run -p 18088:8088 -P -d lenz/asterisk-load-test-13
to run a Docker image with Asterisk 13 and bind its ARI port to local port 18088.
We have a very simple stub that:
- Creates a a bridge
- Originates a call
- Monitor events for 20 seconds
- Destroys the bridge
and that shows what it is doing on stdout. In order to run it, you just have to edit the credentials in