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An example of model conversion and inference using NART

Step 1. Model conversion (PyTorch -> ONNX, PyTorch -> Caffe)

To run the model conversion script of this example, you need PyTorch LTS 1.8 and TorchVision.


or view the jupyter notebook model_conversion.ipynb.

The script model_conversion converts the pretrained ResNet50 PyTorch model into either a Caffe model or an ONNX model.

You can edit the script to choose the destination model type. Please check the script or the jupyter notebook model_conversion.ipynb for details.

After run the python script or the jupyter notebook, you can find the result model in tmp directory.

Step 2. Convert the model to NART parade (ONNX -> NART, Caffe -> NART)

This step requires installed NART python modules.

To convert the ONNX model into NART parade that runs on CPU, run

python -m nart.switch -t default --onnx tmp/model.onnx --output tmp/engine.bin

NART switch can transform Caffe models and ONNX models into NART parade, which contains weights and other essential information.

NART switch also takes information like the target NART case modules that will run the parade.

If the NART case module cuda is built, you can also convert the model into NART parade for GPU, by replacing -t default to -t cuda.

If the result model in the previous step is a Caffe model, replace --onnx tmp/model.onnx to --prototxt tmp/model.prototxt --model tmp/model.caffemodel.

The result file tmp/engine.bin is the converted NART parade itself. And the result file tmp/engine.bin.json is a configuration of workspaces to run the NART parade.

Step 3. Inference

Now you can run the inference of ResNet50 only with the NART parade and the NART case runtime:


or view the jupyter notebook run_inference.ipynb.

run_inference is an example to run the parade with Python binding. Please check the script or the jupyter notebook run_inference.ipynb for details.


If NART tools are installed, you can profile NART parade with nart_promark:

nart_promark -m tmp/engine.bin -c tmp/engine.bin.json

PS: if nart_promark cannot find or other shared library, please try set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.