##Intro Purpose: add ratings to songs
What API: Spotify
##Live Demo Features:
- rate songs
- view saved songs
- view rated songs (ordered)
- view top rated songs (ordered)
- search
- create playlists (option and show in Spotify app)
- live updating (demo with multiple users/private channel)
##Features in depth #####Rate songs:
- Songs fetched via API call w/ JSON
- Done via channels (public vs private)
let channel = this.socket.channel(`song:${song.id}`);
- Tested and works well with hundreds of songs. Not sure how it will scale/potential problems in future.
#####Viewing Songs
- Database stores user_id, song_id
- Spotify API prevents storing song meta-data
- Must call API with each song id to get the information
- Have to load in 50's (so my API mirrors Spotify's offset)
- Some more complicated queries, (fetching globally top rated 50 songs)
query = from sr in SongRating,
group_by: :song_id,
select: %{song_id: sr.song_id, stars: avg(sr.stars)},
order_by: [desc: 2], #second col (b/c group_by)
limit: ^limit,
offset: ^offset
- BENEFIT: results come back sorted
- Handling loading all songs (send response code with result)
#####Creating playlists
- 1 API to make the playlist (get back id)
- Add songs to playlist
- COMPLICATION: only 100 songs added max by Spotify, but I support many.
- SOLUTION: chunk song id's by 100, and make multiple API calls
#####Creating reusable React component
- API call to load songs at construction (via props)
- Optional props to handle search
- PROBLEM: API calls/channel messages come to unmounted component
- SOLUTION: Leverage React life-cycle
- componentDidMount: make API call and join channels
- componentWillUnmount: cancel API calls and leave channels
constructor() { ... this.CancelToken = axios.CancelToken; //for canceling axios request this.source = this.CancelToken.source(); //for canceling axios request ... } componentWillUnmount() { this.source.cancel(); this.channels.forEach((channel) => { channel.leave(); //leave any previously joined channels }); }
#####Handling authentication https://developer.spotify.com/assets/AuthG_AuthoriztionCode.png
defmodule SpotifyratingWeb.AuthorizationController do
use SpotifyratingWeb, :controller
def authorize(conn, _params) do
redirect conn, external: Spotify.Authorization.url
defmodule SpotifyratingWeb.AuthenticationController do
use SpotifyratingWeb, :controller
def authenticate(conn, params) do
case Spotify.Authentication.authenticate(conn, params) do
{:ok, conn } ->
redirect conn, to: "/top_rated"
{:error, _reason, conn} -> redirect conn, to: "/error"
#####Libraries used Javascript
- "axios": "^0.18.0",
- "bootstrap": "^4.1.3",
- "prop-types": "^15.6.2",
- "react-router-dom": "^4.3.1",
- "react-alert": "^4.0.4",
- {:spotify_ex, "~> 2.0.9"}