There are 8 classes for now:
- Atributes:
A class that stores common tokamak paremeters.
- a
- R0
- Ipl
- Bt
- Methods: None
A class with interpolated at
- Atributes:
- ne
- ni
- te
- ti
- Methods: None
A class that takes array shaped [3, ...] and creates 3 attributes with 1-d interpolants from each row.
- e0
- e02
- e03
Methods: None
A class that stores information about viewport location and lens parameters.
- Atributes:
- coordinates
- f_lens
- d_lens
- f_in
- d_out
- slit
- slit_l
- slit_h
- scale
- dispersion
- lambda_slit
- Methods: None
A big class that stores all data concearning DNB parametes
- Atributes:
- r_e0
- divergence
- i_0
- energy
- velocity
- composition
- _density
- _bsrate
- _exrate
- _intensity
- _d_array
- Methods:
- h_from_rho(self, tokamakdata, rho, viewport, chord_angle)
- real_rho(self,tokamakdata, rho, viewport, chord_angle)
- density_2d(self, component, tokamakdata, viewport, chord, rho)
- density(self,component=0, rho=0.)
- bsrate(self,component=0, rho=0.)
- exrate(self,component=0, rho=0.)
- halpha(self,component=0, rho=0.)
- den_pfofile(self, tokamakdata, rho)
A class that stores information about the chords
- Atributes:
- rho
- r
- _r_ported
- angles
- _center_angle
- lens_d
- length
- scale
- omega
- fiber_omega
- aperture
- fiber_aperture
- fiber_distance
- Methods: None
A subclass neded to store MSE-spectrum and return in in a more usable format
- _sigma
- _pi
- _full
- _lambdas
- summizer(self, pi_or_sigma, energy, component)
- sigma(self, energy='sum', component='sum')
- pi(self, energy='sum', component='sum')
- full(self, energy, component)
A big class that lets calculate MSE-spectra.
- sigma_intensity
- pi_intensity
- line
- sigma_rel_int
- sigma_rel_shift
- pi_rel_int
- pi_rel_shift
- stark_width(self, component, viewport, dnb, chords)
- stark_intensity(self, dnb, component, chords)
- stark_doppler(self, component, chords)
- stark_shift(self, component, chords)
- stark_lambda(self, component, chords)
- stark_spectra(self, component, viewport, chords, lambda_array)