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ATMOSPHERE mobile testing framework

Setup instructions

The setup instructions can be found here.

Quick start project

Find it here.


Atmosphere is a black-box testing framework for native Android applications. One of the advantages of our solution is that we do not need the code of the application being tested, it is sufficient to provide the installation file that is available on the markets of the certain mobile platform. Atmosphere is easy to integrate with other third party testing tools like TestNG and Selenium. The users (testers) can configure which tests are going to be executed on what kind of devices. They can also specify that some tests need to be run on multiple different in parameters devices simultaneously. Here is a short list of mobile specific things that can be tested with our framework:

  • Resource exhaustion - mobile devices are still with more limited hardware parameters and thus they are a lot more easily subject to resource exhaustion, for example the device can run out of battery.
  • Complex interactions - in scrollable views, time and date pickers, notification bar. The fact that smart phones go with touch screen displays allow for a lot more complex interaction with them. Using such interaction technique is far more intuitive to human beings, but is very hard to simulate using software, thus making testing a lot harder.
  • Gestures - swiping, tapping, clear and input text.
  • Complex selectors - elements on screen can be selected both with XPath and CSS expressions.
  • Manipulation of hardware sensors such as position sensors (magnetic field) and motion sensors (device acceleration).
  • Setting device orientation.
  • Setting GPS coordinates.
  • Checking WiFi connection, camera availability and GPS coordinates.
  • Sending, receiving and answering calls.

We really believe we provide a product focused primarily on the specifics of mobile testing, allowing for automating all these weird scenarios that you can not test with any contemporary testing tool. We have already succeeded automating a lot greater percentage of the test scenarios for our own mobile applications than what we were able beforehand.

You can find more information about the supported features here.


The ATMOSPHERE mobile testing framework consists of 4 main topological parts:


The agent is responsible for establishing and maintaining the connection with specific devices. It acts as a middleman between the server and the mobile devices. The project of the agent is implemented as Java Project and consists of the following projects:


This is the interface the clients speak to. It establishes connections to agents and uses their set of devices to serve client requests. It is the part of the project that defines the methods exposed to the end clients. The project of the server is implemented as Java Project and consists of the following projects:

The code is developed in such a way that the server does not necessarily live on the same machine the agent does.


The client is the library that exposes the Atmosphere framework to the application testers. The tests that declare the atmosphere-client library as a dependency do not need to run on the same machine as the server.

Target devices

The target device is the place where the actual execution of the code happens. The target devices can be either real mobile devices or software Android emulators. Keep in mind that some tests are executable only on emulators as some manipulations are not possible on actual devices.

The code that needs to be deployed on the device is separated in multiple applications:

  • atmosphere-service - this is the basic Android application that runs an Android service establishing socket connection between the agent and the target device.
  • atmosphere-ime - this is a small Android application that is a simple implementation of input keyboard for Android. It is needed in order to make sure we can execute the tests requiring text input.
  • atmosphere-uiautomator-bridge - this is a special project that is not deployed as a proper Android project. It is a Java library and it provides some missing Android classes on older Android API levels and an additional socket for communication between the agent and the target device. When it is deployed on the target device, the agent can recognize the service and connect to its socket.


The Atmosphere tests are extended JUnit tests. Because of this, Atmosphere can also be integrated with TestNG in a way JUnit is. The classes with test methods are annotated with Atmosphere annotation (@Server), which defines the properties of the server connection. The Atmosphere test methods use the JUnit @Test annotation. Executing Atmosphere tests is done the same way JUnit tests are run.

The Atmosphere framework can also be used with other unit testing frameworks (and other programming languages) which don't support annotations. The server connection properties can be provided using a ServerConnectionProperties instance. You can find quick start examples for Java and JRuby below.

Creating a project


The easiest way to start a test project is to use the Atmosphere test Maven archetype by adding a remote catalog:

  • Right-click on the white space under the Package Explorer tab in Eclipse IDE and clicking New -> Maven Project. If the Maven Project option is not visible, select Other... and then find Maven Project under the Maven folder.
  • Click Next and choose a Workspace location. Uncheck the Create a simple project option if is checked. Click Next.
  • Click Configure then Add Remote Catalog. Add this archetype catalog url: Optionaly you can write a description. Save the preferences.
  • Select the desired archetype(atmosphere-test-template) and click Next.
  • Specify the properties of the Maven Project and click Finish. A project with an example JUnit test class will be created.

Another option is to create a plain Maven project and put the dependencies manually:

  1. Create a new Maven project.
    • This can be done by right-clicking on the white space under the Package Explorer tab in Eclipse IDE and clicking New -> Maven Project. If the Maven Project option is not visible, select Other... and then find Maven Project under the Maven folder.
    • Click Next and choose a Workspace location. You may also select the Create a simple project option if you don't have a specific archetype in mind and just want to try out the Atmosphere framework. Click Next.
    • If you haven't selected the simple project option in the previous step, you can select the desired archetype here. Click Next.
    • Specify the properties of the Maven Project and click Finish.
  2. Add the Atmosphere Client library to the pom.xml file.
    • Open the pom.xml file and add the following dependency inside the dependencies tag:
    • Also add the jCenter repository inside the project tag:
  3. Update the version of the JUnit library.
    • Open the pom.xml file and update the version property of the JUnit library to version 4 (or whichever is the latest), for example 4.12.


You can use a gem like jBundler to resolve Maven dependencies:

  1. Install the jBundler gem:
jruby -S gem install jbundler
  1. Create a Jarfile in a directory you will use as a project directory and add the jCenter repository and the Atmosphere Client library dependency to it:
repository ""

jar 'com.musala.atmosphere:atmosphere-client', '0.0.1'
  1. Make jBundler download the dependencies:
jruby -S jbundle install

Creating an ATMOSPHERE test class


  1. Create a new class and add a @Server annotation to it. The annotation provides the properties needed for the connection to the Atmosphere Server. The annotation is located in the atmosphere-client library. For example:
@Server(ip = "", port = 1980, connectionRetryLimit = 10)
public class AtmosphereHelloWorldTest {...}
  1. Populate all 3 fields of the @Server with appropriate values as follows:
  • ip - the IP address of the server, represented as a String
  • port - integer, representing the port in the server's address
  • connectionRetryLimit - integer, representing the numbers of retries which should be made in case the connection with the server breaks.


  1. Create a Ruby file and add the following lines:
require 'java'
require 'jbundler'
require 'minitest/autorun'
  • require 'java' will give you access to any bundled Java libraries (classes within your java class path).
  • require 'jbundler' will add all jar dependencies from the jBundler's Jarfile (configured in the previous section) to your class path.
  • require 'minitest/autorun' will give you access to the Minitest unit testing framework which we will be using in this example.
  1. Create a new class and make it inherit from Minitest::Test.
  2. Provide the server connection properties. You will need a ServerConnectionProperties instance, so java_import it first. The file should look similar to this:
require 'java'
require 'jbundler'
require 'minitest/autorun'

java_import "com.musala.atmosphere.client.util.ServerConnectionProperties"

class TestAtmosphereHelloWorld < Minitest::Test
    @@connection_properties ="localhost", 1980, 0)

Creating an ATMOSPHERE test case

The Atmosphere test cases are unit testing methods which use the Atmosphere Client API.

Lifecycle of an ATMOSPHERE test

The following sequence of events represents the life cycle of an Atmosphere test:

  1. Connect to an Atmosphere server - the server divides all usable devices among all clients.
  2. Allocate appropriate device(s) - the client reserves themself one or more of the usable devices on the server, which they will run their tests on.
  3. Run test(s) - the tests are executed on the allocated from the previous step devices.
  4. Release the devices - by releasing, the client tells the server that their reserved devices are no longer needed and can be provided to other clients.
  • Important note: Make sure that you release any allocated devices at the end of your tests! Otherwise when you run your test next time, it may fail due to NoSuchAvailableDeviceFound exception, because the server thinks the device is still being used and will wait several minutes before marking it as available for allocation. Everybody who uses the same server would also be unable to get the device until the server timeout is passed.

ATMOSPHERE test example

Consider the following scenario:

  • Get a device (or an emulator) from the server. Additional parameters can be provided to the DeviceSelectorBuilder to select a device with specific characteristics (RAM, screen size, etc...);
  • Open the Google Play Store app on the device;
  • Test out all available orientations of the screen with the app opened;
  • Restore the Portrait screen orientation, close the application and release the device;

This scenario can be accomplished with the following Atmosphere test:

import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.musala.atmosphere.client.Builder;
import com.musala.atmosphere.client.Device;
import com.musala.atmosphere.client.util.Server;
import com.musala.atmosphere.commons.ScreenOrientation;
import com.musala.atmosphere.commons.cs.deviceselection.DeviceSelectorBuilder;

@Server(ip = "localhost", port = 1980, connectionRetryLimit = 0)
public class ChangeOrientationTest {
    private static final long TIMEOUT_BETWEEN_CHANGES = 2000;

    private static final long TIMEOUT_BEFORE_CLOSE_APPLICATION = 3000;

    private static final long TIMEOUT_AFTER_START_APPLICATION = 5000;

    private static Builder testBuilder = Builder.getInstance();

    private static Device testDevice;

    private static final String PLAYSTORE_PACKAGE_NAME = "";

    public static void setUp() throws Exception {
        DeviceSelectorBuilder selectorBuilder = new DeviceSelectorBuilder();
        testDevice = testBuilder.getDevice(;



    public static void cleanUp() throws Exception {


    public void testAcceleration() throws Exception {
        for (ScreenOrientation orientation : ScreenOrientation.values()) {

require 'java'
require 'jbundler'
require 'minitest/autorun'

java_import "com.musala.atmosphere.client.util.ServerConnectionProperties"
java_import "com.musala.atmosphere.client.Builder"
java_import "com.musala.atmosphere.commons.ScreenOrientation"
java_import "com.musala.atmosphere.commons.cs.deviceselection.DeviceSelectorBuilder"

class TestChangeOrientation < Minitest::Test
   @@connection_properties ="localhost", 1980, 0)

   @@timeout_between_changes = 2

   @@timeout_after_start_application = 5

   @@timeout_before_close_application = 3

   @@playstore_package_name = ""

   def setup
       selector_builder =
       @test_builder = Builder.getInstance(@@connection_properties)
       @test_device = @test_builder.getDevice(



   def teardown

   def test_acceleration
       for orientation in ScreenOrientation.values


More examples

More usage scenarios are available here.

Running an ATMOSPHERE test case

Running Atmosphere Test cases is done in the same way as running any other JUnit test case. You should right click on the test class. Click on Run As -> JUnit Test Case or Run As -> Run Configurations and select the proper configurations for a JUnit test.