Aka "How do the containers connect/relate/interact with each other?"
- external entry point for users accessing Kopano
- reverse proxy for containers exposing a web interface
- can retrieve ssl certificate from Let's Encrypt
- redirects all requests to /webapp by default
- recommended to use as it makes web configuration easy and secure (manual configuration will be tedious and potentially less secure)
- (optional) bundles OpenLDAP service
- kopano_server is using LDAP to manage users
- optional containers to manage users in ldap and let users change their password
- MTA stack with anti-spam and anti-virus
- connects against the ldap to verify users
- (optional) bundles MariaDB for the Kopano database
- helper container to generate ssl certificates for internal usage
- will create required files and then stop
- main process of the Kopano deployment
- connects towards LDAP to get a list of users and verify user logins via bind
- provides Kopano WebApp, so users can interact with their mailboxes via their browser
- provides Z-Push, so users can sync their mailboxes to phones and tablets
- groupware backend of the Kopano RestAPI
- http endpoint of the Kopano RestAPI
- stores recent calls for the user in a key value stores (queried over Rest)
- provides KDav, so users can sync their calendars and contacts via CalDAV and CardDAV
- mail delivery part for kopano_server
- mta delivers mail to it, dagent delivers the mail into the desired inbox
- mail sending part for kopano_server
- monitors outboxes of users, submits mails to the mta
- provides Pop3 and IMAP access for users
- provides iCAL and CalDAV access for users (will be replaced with KDav in the future)
- monitors mailbox usage and sends quota mails (by directly delivering a mail into the users inbox)
- provides full text indexing for mailboxes
- authentication component (OpenID Connect)
- required for apps interacting with the Kopano RestAPI (e.g. Kopano Meet)
- WebRTC signalling server
- provides the Meet web application/frontend
- helper container to execute scheduled tasks within Kopano