Library and examples to connect the FLIR Lepton3 thermal camera to Nvidia Jetson embedded boards
More info on Myzhar website blog post
- Flir Lepton 3 module (can work also with Lepton 3.5)
- Breakout Board v1.4 by Getlab
- An Nvidia Jetson board (tested on Jetson Nano with Jetpack 3.3)
- OpenCV library to compile the examples
- CMake > 2.8.9
Note: as pointed out by @ma-ludw in this issue, it is highly recommended to run the
script in order to obtain the maximum performances from the Jetson Nano and hence reduce the amount of missed frames.
Install build requirements
$ sudo apt install build-essential g++ libopencv-dev
At least CMake 3.15 is required. Check your current version:
cmake --version
Download CMake 3.18 sources:
mkdir ~/temp
cd ~/temp
tar -xzvf cmake-$version.$build.tar.gz
cd cmake-$version.$build/
Build and install:
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
Note: in case you get an error about OpenSSL
not found, you can install it using the command:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
cmake --version
Clone this repository
$ git clone
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ cd ..
Detailed instruction about how to connect the Lepton3 module to a Nvidia Jetson Nano are available on Myzhar's website.
The default buffer size use for SPI communication is set to 4096 bytes by the spidev module. Lepton3 requires 20KB of buffer to retrieve a full segment of data that composes the thermal image.
You can get the procedure to change the size of the SPI buffer for the Jetson Nano on the Myzhar's blog.
Two examples are provided to illustrate how to use the lepton3_grabber
static library available in the folder build/grabber_lib
With this sample you can see how to use OpenCV to display the thermal stream and control the camera behaviors
$ cd build/opencv_demo
$ ./opencv_demo
Keyboard commands:
-> RGB mode (24bit RGB color images)r
-> Radiometry mode (16 bit gray image containing 14 bit linear thermal values )h
-> High gain mode (-10°C to 140°C with 5°C of accuracy)l
-> Low gain mode ( -10°C to 400°C with 10°C of accuracy)a
-> Auto gain modef
-> Perform FFC normalizationF
-> Perform FFC radiometry normalization
With this demo you can see how to estimate temperatures from 16 bit gray images to evaluate the temperature of a person and get alarms in case of fever. I created this demo as a security sample application to be used in the COVID19 period.
$ cd build/check_fever_app
$ ./check_fever_app
Using keyboard u
you can increase/decrease the estimated temperature su simulate person fever.
See the demo on YouTube