A free, open-source alternative to BYOND running on top of Allegro.
Not yet.
- CMake 2.8+
- Allegro 5.0.11
- Windows: Extract into lib/allegro-5.0 (should have lib, include, etc. in that directory)
- flex
- bison
- gcc
Windows users should install flex and bison through Cygwin or MSYS. Visual C++ Express or Visual Studio will be required to compile on Windows.
- Open CMake GUI, you lucky bastard, you.
- Set the following:
- Source: C:/Wherever/You/Put/OpenBYOND
- Build Folder: C:/Wherever/You/Put/OpenBYOND/build
- Mash Configure and select your desired Visual Studio/Visual C++ Express version
- Push Generate.
- Open OpenBYOND.sln in the build directory.
- F6 to build.
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -build build .
Here's the organization we're currently using:
- cmake/ - CMake macros and packages.
- lib/ - External libraries (allegro, etc)
- doc/ - Documentation
- openbyond-core - Core library, DM parser syntax, networking. Common things everything else uses.
- openbyond-client - Client.
- openbyond-server - Server.
- openbyond-ide - Replacement for DreamMaker.
Every openbyond-* directory should have an include/ folder for C++ headers, a src/ for C++ sourcecode, and a CMakeLists.txt file specifying which files are built and any additional actions to take.
We welcome any and all contributors. To get started, feel free to make a fork and modify it to your heart's desire. If you like, you can then submit a pull request. Regular committers may eventually get push access.