is aim to convert an AGP file to UCSC chain file.
- python
Extract the following information from the AGP files to build a Chain file.
- Header
- score = 1000
- tName = component_id
- tSize = The size of target sequence in target fasta file
- tStrand = +
- tStart = component_beg - 1 (AGP file is 1-based; chain file is 0-based)
- tEnd = component_end
- qName = object
- qSize = The size of query sequence in query fasta file
- qStrand = orientation
- qStart = object_beg - 1 (if qStrand = +) or qSize - object_end + 1 (if qStrand = -)
- qEnd = object_end (if qStrand = +) or qSize - object_beg (if qStrand = -)
- id = auto increment number
- alignment data line
- size = tEnd - tStart
- This script will only handle nine-column, tab-delimited lines in agp file.
- gap line (component_type = N or U) will be ignored
- components with unknown orientation (?, 0 or na) are treated as if they had + orientation
usage: [-h] -a AGP_FILE -t_fa TARGET_FASTA -q_fa QUERY_FASTA
-o OUTPUT [-v]
Quick start: -t_fa example_file/target.fa -q_fa example_file/query.fa -a example_file/example.agp -o chain.txt
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a AGP_FILE, --agp_file AGP_FILE
Input agp file
-t_fa TARGET_FASTA, --target_fasta TARGET_FASTA
Target genome assembly
-q_fa QUERY_FASTA, --query_fasta QUERY_FASTA
Query genome assembly
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output chain format file
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
NW_017236740.1 54415 55534 1 W KN240439.1 1811 2929 -
NW_017236740.1 1 457 1 W KN239297.1 1 457 +
NW_017237251.1 4819 5961 1 W KN239297.1 16137 17279 +
chain 1000 KN240439.1 5289 + 1811 2929 NW_017236740.1 124178 - 68645 69763 4
chain 1000 KN239297.1 17279 + 0 457 NW_017240107.1 457 + 0 457 5
chain 1000 KN239297.1 17279 + 16137 17279 NW_017237251.1 120242 + 4819 5961 6