Best practices, wrappers, schemas, report, config files, and more
Per Unneberg
-# Contents
A best practice repo
Wrappers and scripts
Configuration and schemas
Coding practices and hints
-- Very simple examples with snakefiles and code to run
-- All snakefiles and code is available in code repository
-- code has been run with Snakemake version 6.8.1
-# [Snakemake best practices summary](
-: Snakemake (>=5.11) comes with a code quality checker (a so called
- linter). It is highly recommended to run the linter before
- publishing any workflow, asking questions on Stack Overflow or
- filing issues on Github.
-: There is an automatic formatter for Snakemake workflows, called
- Snakefmt, which should be applied to any Snakemake workflow before
- publishing it.
-: It is a good idea to add some minimal test data and configure Github
- Actions for continuously testing the workflow on each new commit.
-: Stick to a standardized structure.
-: Configuration of a workflow should be handled via config files and,
- if needed, tabular configuration like sample sheets (either via
- Pandas or PEPs). Use such configuration for metadata and experiement
- information, **not for runtime specific configuration like threads,
- resources and output folders**. For those, just rely on Snakemake’s
- CLI arguments like --set-threads, --set-resources,
- --set-default-resources, and --directory.
-: Try to keep filenames short, but informative.
-Rules and functions
-: Try to keep Python code like helper functions separate from rules.
-: Make use of Snakemake wrappers whenever possible
-# A best practice repo
-Clone the repo (`git clone`) and list
-```{bash snakemake-byoc-2021-bp-overview, cache=TRUE }
-tree -a -d -L 2 -I '.snakemake|.git' snakemake_best_practice
-## What does it do?
-Excerpts from
-```{r snakemake-byoc-2021-bp-readme, code=readLines("snakemake_best_practice/")[c(1:25)], eval=FALSE, highlight=FALSE }
-```{r snakemake-byoc-2021-bp-readme-tail, code=readLines("snakemake_best_practice/")[c(106:112)], eval=FALSE, highlight=FALSE, attr.source='startFrom="106"' }
-Use a test data set for test driven development of the workflow. It
-also gives a new user a quick idea of how to organize input files and
-## Dry-run the test suite
-```{bash snakemake-byoc-2021-dry-run }
-cd snakemake_best_practice/.test
-snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile -n -q -F
-Question: is there a way to validate configuration files, require
-inputs and make sure they conform to some predefined format?
-## Configuration schemas
-Schema benefits according to []():
-- describes your existing data formats
-- provides human- and machine-readable **documentation**
-- validates data input
-# Reports
-From snakemake 5.1 and on, generate detailed self-contained HTML
-reports that encompass runtime statistics, provenance information,
-workflow topology and results
-## The report directive
-```{python snakemake-report, code=readLines("snakemake_best_practice/workflow/Snakefile")[13:13], eval=FALSE, attr.source='startFrom="13"'}
-Workflow report template defined by `workflow/report/workflow.rst`.
-Use `report` flag to target results for inclusion in report, which
-could optionally point to an rst file for captioning.
-```{python r-plot-report, code=readLines("snakemake_best_practice/workflow/rules/qc.smk")[63:81], eval=FALSE, attr.source='startFrom="63"'}
-A linter is a code quality checker that analyzes your code and
-highlights issues that need to be resolved to follow best practices.
-```{r cd_to_snakemake_best_practice_2, echo=FALSE }
-```{bash snakemake-lint }
-snakemake --lint
-[snakefmt]( is an automated code
-formatter that should be applied to the workflow prior to publication.
-```{bash snakemake-fmt }
-snakefmt --compact-diff workflow/Snakefile
-```{r cd_back_2, echo=FALSE }
-## Pre-commit - for the git power user
-[Git hooks]( can
-be used to identify simple issues before submission to code review.
-[Pre-commit]( is
-a "framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit
-Install git hooks
-```{bash pre-commit, eval=FALSE}
-pre-commit install
-and see how many warnings you get when you try to commit!
-## Github actions for continuous integration
-[Snakemake github
-action]( allows
-running the test suite on github to make sure commits and pull
-requests don't break the workflow.
-## On project file structure vs workflow file structure
-Example from my config which is loosely modelled on the
-setup and similar to the NBIS reproducibility file structure:
-```{bash project-file-structure, cache=TRUE, echo=FALSE }
-tree -a -d -L 2 -I '.snakemake|.git' project
-Different snakemake workflows live in `opt` (see [File System Hierachy
-standard]( for choice of
-name). Launching from project root could then look like
-```{bash project-structure-launch, eval=FALSE}
-snakemake -s opt/datasources-smk/workflow/Snakefile -j 1
-# Questions?
diff --git a/lectures/bestpractices-detail/bestpractices-detail.qmd b/lectures/bestpractices-detail/bestpractices-detail.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a00920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/bestpractices-detail/bestpractices-detail.qmd
@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
+title: Best practices in detail
+subtitle: An overview of best practices, wrappers, schemas, report, config files, and more
+author: Per Unneberg
+date: "2 September, 2022"
+institute: NBIS
+from: markdown+emoji
+ revealjs:
+ theme:
+ - white
+ - ../custom.scss
+ self-contained: false
+ toc: false
+ toc-depth: 1
+ slide-level: 2
+ slide-number: true
+ preview-links: true
+ chalkboard: true
+ # Multiple logos not possible; would need to make custom logo combining both logos
+ footer: Snakemake BYOC 2022 - Best practices
+ logo:
+ smaller: true
+ highlight-style: gruvbox
+ fig-height: 3
+ fig-width: 3
+ echo: true
+ warning: false
+ cache: false
+ include: true
+ autodep: true
+ eval: true
+ error: true
+ opts_chunk:
+ code-fold: false
+ tidy: false
+ fig-format: svg
+## Setup {.unnumbered .unlisted}
+```{r }
+#| label: setup
+#| echo: false
+#| eval: true
+#| cache: false
+bw <- theme_bw(base_size=24) %+replace% theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))
+snakemake_version <- system("snakemake --version", intern=TRUE)
+knitr::knit_hooks$set(inline = function(x) {
+ prettyNum(x, big.mark=",")
+ })
+- Examples based on more advanced snakefiles and code to run
+- All snakefiles and code are available in code repository
+ [](
+- Code has been run with Snakemake version `r snakemake_version`
+The best practice example workflow is a mapping and basic qc workflow
+where snakemake best practices have been applied.
+::: {.fragment}
+#### Objective
+The objective of the lecture is to provide an overview of some
+advanced features and how to structure your code. Hopefully it can
+give you some ideas for developing your workflow. The material can be
+a bit overwhelming so see it as a smörgåsbord where you can pick
+things to your liking.
+# Snakemake best practices
+## [Snakemake best practices summary](
+::: {.incremental}
+: Snakemake (>=5.11) comes with a code quality checker (a so called
+ linter). It is highly recommended to run the linter before
+ publishing any workflow, asking questions on Stack Overflow or
+ filing issues on Github.
+: There is an automatic formatter for Snakemake workflows, called
+ Snakefmt, which should be applied to any Snakemake workflow before
+ publishing it.
+: It is a good idea to add some minimal test data and configure Github
+ Actions for continuously testing the workflow on each new commit.
+: Stick to a standardized structure.
+: Configuration of a workflow should be handled via config files and,
+ if needed, tabular configuration like sample sheets (either via
+ Pandas or PEPs). Use such configuration for metadata and experiment
+ information, **not for runtime specific configuration like threads,
+ resources and output folders**. For those, just rely on Snakemake’s
+ CLI arguments like --set-threads, --set-resources,
+ --set-default-resources, and --directory.
+: Try to keep filenames short, but informative.
+Rules and functions
+: Try to keep Python code like helper functions separate from rules.
+: Make use of Snakemake wrappers whenever possible
+::: {.notes}
+- not necessary to follow these guidelines - suggestions
+- there is however a need to comply with format to publish workflow in
+ snakemake workflow collection
+- order of importance: structure, filenames > test > configuration > lint/format > wrappers
+- if only snakemake were python
+## A best practice repo - standardized structure
+Clone the repo (`git clone`) and list
+:::: {.columns}
+::: {.column width="40%"}
+::: {.column width="60%"}
+::: {.incremental}
+: Designated test directory containing a small data set which ideally
+ should suffice to run all or parts of the workflow. Useful for
+ test-drived development.
+: Describe what the workflow does and how to use it
+: Contains top-level `Snakefile` that includes rules files stored in
+ the `rules` sub-directory. NB: this is the main entry point to the
+ workflow.
+: conda environment files loaded by rules
+: notebooks that can be called by the workflow
+: workflow report templates
+: workflow rules
+: schema files that describe and define configuration file and data formats
+: scripts called by workflow
+::: {.notes}
+Emphasize that **structure** is one of the important aspects
+## What does it do?
+The repo should contain a describing briefly what the
+workflow does. Here are some excerpts:
+```{r code=readLines("../")[c(1:25)]}
+#| label: snakemake-byoc-2021-bp-readme
+#| eval: false
+#| highlight: false
+::: {.fragment}
+```{r code=readLines("../")[c(106:112)]}
+#| label: snakemake-byoc-2021-bp-readme-tail
+#| eval: false
+#| highlight: false
+#| attr-source: startFrom="106"
+::: {.fragment}
+Use a test data set for test driven development of the workflow. It
+also gives a new user a quick idea of how to organize input files and
+## Dry-run the test suite
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-byoc-2021-dry-run-echo
+#| eval: false
+cd snakemake_best_practice/.test
+snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile -n -q -F
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-byoc-2021-dry-run
+#| echo: false
+snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile -n -q -F
+## Draw the workflow
+```{bash }
+#| label: dry-run-fig-command
+#| echo: true
+#| eval: false
+snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile --rulegraph | dot | display
+```{bash }
+#| label: dry-run-fig
+#| fig-format: svg
+#| output: asis
+#| echo: false
+snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile --rulegraph | dot -T svg | grep -v ""
+tree -a -N -F -L 2 -I '.snakemake|LICENSE|.git|resources*references.fasta|resources*|Dockerfile|environment.yaml|.gitignore|.gitattributes|.editorconfig|.pre-commit-config.yaml|config*config.yaml|config*samples.tsv|config*reads.tsv|.ipynb_checkpoints|.myprofile|logs|reports|results|interim|*.~undo-tree~|*.png|*.zip|*.html|.github' ../../snakemake_best_practice | sed -z "s/\n/ \n/g;s/Snakefile/Snakefile<\/span>/;s/\.\.\/\.\.\///" | head -n -2
+echo ""
+::: {.notes}
+- explain pseudo-targets
+- point out the two common idioms for collecting targets:
+1. expand
+2. input functions
+## Stuff common to all snakefiles
+::: {.absolute top=50 left=-200 }
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-byoc-2022-common-margin-tree
+#| cache: false
+#| eval: true
+#| echo: false
+#| results: asis
+echo "
+tree -a -N -F -L 3 -I '.snakemake|LICENSE|.git|resources*references.fasta|resources*|Dockerfile|environment.yaml|.gitignore|.gitattributes|.editorconfig|.pre-commit-config.yaml|config*config.yaml|config*samples.tsv|config*reads.tsv|.ipynb_checkpoints|.myprofile|logs|reports|results|interim|*.~undo-tree~|*.png|*.zip|*.html|.github' -P "*.smk" ../../snakemake_best_practice | sed -z "s/\n/ \n/g;s/common.smk/common.smk<\/span>/;s/\.\.\/\.\.\///" | head -n -2
+echo "
+##### Usage #####
+Install git hooks
+```{bash }
+#| label: pre-commit
+#| eval: false
+pre-commit install
+and see how many warnings you get when you try to commit!
+## Github actions for continuous integration
+[Snakemake github
+action]( allows
+running the test suite on github to make sure commits and pull
+requests don't break the workflow.
diff --git a/lectures/custom.scss b/lectures/custom.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b90442e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/custom.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* SCSS custom modifications for NBIS presentations using quarto, revealjs and rmarkdown */
+/*-- scss:defaults --*/
+/*-- scss:rules --*/
+.scroll-1000 {
+ max-height: 1000px;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ background-color: inherit;
+.scroll-400 {
+ max-height: 400px;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ background-color: inherit;
+.scroll-300 {
+ max-height: 300px;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ background-color: inherit;
+.scroll-200 {
+ max-height: 200px;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ background-color: inherit;
+pre.out {
+ background-color: lightgreen;
+pre.sourceCode.src {
+ background-color: lightblue;
+ { color: #85be42; font-weight: bold }
+code.tree {
+ line-height: 8px;
+ font-size: 18px;
+code.stree {
+ line-height: 6.6px;
+ font-size: 12px;
+code.sstree {
+ line-height: 5.6px;
+ font-size: 10px;
+code.large {
+ font-size: 20px;
diff --git a/lectures/reproducibility-tools/Makefile b/lectures/reproducibility-tools/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55cee41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/reproducibility-tools/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+all: reproducibility-tools.html
+%.html: %.Rmd
+ Rscript -e 'rmarkdown::render("$<")'
+# OPENSSL_CONF due to
+%.pdf: %.html
+ OPENSSL_CONF=/dev/null Rscript -e 'library(webshot); webshot("$<", "$@")'
diff --git a/lectures/reproducibility-tools/reproducibility-tools.Rmd b/lectures/reproducibility-tools/reproducibility-tools.Rmd
index ef2a506..ba0669b 100644
--- a/lectures/reproducibility-tools/reproducibility-tools.Rmd
+++ b/lectures/reproducibility-tools/reproducibility-tools.Rmd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-title: "Combining Tools for Reproducible Research with Snakemake"
+title: "Reproducible Research and Snakemake"
subtitle: "Snakemake BYOC NBIS course"
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`"
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ layout: true
class: center, middle
-.HUGE[Combining Tools for Reproducible Research with Snakemake]
+.HUGE[Reproducible Research and Snakemake]
```{r Setup, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE}
# Knitr setup
@@ -33,436 +33,392 @@ library("kableExtra")
-# Reproducibility is rarer than you think
+# Reproducibility
-The results of only 26% out of 204 randomly selected papers in the journal
-*Science* could be reproduced.1
-.tiny[1 Stodden et. al (2018). "An empirical analysis of journal policy effectiveness for computational reproducibility". PNAS. 115 (11): 2584-2589]
+- Reproducible research is about being able to replicate the results of a study
+- It is an important aspect of the scientific method
+- **Computational reproducibility** is one part of it
+- Ideally, given the **same data** and the **same code**, there are identical outcomes
-> Many journals are revising author guidelines to include data and code
-> availability.
+*Code* encompasses
+- The workflow itself (→ `Snakefile`)
+- The helper scripts you are calling (→ `scripts/`)
+- The 3rd-party tools you are running/the execution environment (→ this lecture)
+# Computational reproducibility
+Why the effort?
+.tiny[M. Schwab et al. *Making scientific computations reproducible*.]
+> Because many researchers typically forget details
+> of their own work, they are not unlike strangers
+> when returning to projects after time away.
+> Thus, efforts to communicate your work to
+> strangers can actually help you communicate
+> with yourself over time.
-> (...) an improvement over no policy, but currently insufficient for
-> reproducibility.
+→ **You** are part of the target audience
-# Combining Tools for Reproducible Research with Snakemake
+# Don’t be *that* person[]
+*Science* implemented a replication policy in 2011.
+A study in 2018 requested raw data and code in accordance with the policy.
+Some answers:
+> When you approach a PI for the source codes and raw data, you better explain who you are,
+> whom you work for, why you need the data and what you are going to do with it.
-* Track your Snakemake code with .green[Git] and share it in a remote .green[repository] on GitHub or BitBucket (not covered in this lecture)
-* Combine Snakemake with .green[Conda] and/or .green[containers] to make the compute environment reproducible
+> I have to say that this is a very unusual request without any explanation!
+> Please ask your supervisor to send me an email with a detailed, and I mean detailed, explanation.
-* Integrate foreign workflow management systems such as .green[Nextflow] pipelines into your Snakemake workflow
+(26% out of 204 randomly selected papers in the journal could be reproduced.)
+.tiny[Stodden et. al (2018). *An empirical analysis of journal policy effectiveness for computational reproducibility*]
-# Conda
+# Combine tools to make research reproducible
-* Is a .green[package, dependency, and environment] manager[]
- > packages: any type of program (_e.g._ bowtie2, snakemake etc.)
+* Track code changes over time with .green[Git] and share it on [GitHub]( (not this talk)
- > dependency: other software required by a package
- > environment: a distinct collection of packages
+* Make your workflow reproducible with a workflow manager (.green[Snakemake], .green[Nextflow], .green[WDL])
-* Keeps track of the dependencies between packages in each environment
+* Make the execution environment reproducible with .green[Conda] environments and/or .green[containers]
-# Conda
+# Conda: a .green[package], .green[dependency], and .green[environment] manager
-## 1. Running a Snakemake rule with a Conda environment
+* Conda installs packages
+* Packages come from a central repository at
+* Users can contribute their own packages via *channels*
+* Highly recommended: The [Bioconda]( channel
-* Make sure you have Conda .green[installed] (Miniconda or Anaconda)
+# Using Conda
+* Install Conda, for example with [Miniconda](
-* Find your Conda .green[package] on
+* Set up the [Bioconda]( channel
-* Create a Conda .green[environment file] (e.g. `bwa.yaml`)
-```{python conda env one, eval = FALSE}
- - conda-forge
- - bioconda
- - defaults
- - bwa=0.7.17
+* Install Samtools and BWA into a new **Conda environment** named `mapping`:
+```{bash, eval=FALSE}
+$ conda create -n mapping samtools bwa
-.tiny[source: [best practice example](]
+* Conda also installs all .green[dependencies] – other software required by Samtools and/or BWA.
-* Store your `yaml` files in a directory for environments
+To use the tools in the environment, .green[activate] it:
+```{bash, eval=FALSE}
+$ conda activate mapping
+$ samtools --version
+samtools 1.15.1
-* For reproducibility, it is important to keep include package .green[versions] in your environment file
+* Install a tool into an existing environment:
+```{bash, eval=FALSE}
+conda install -n mapping bowtie2
+(Leaving out `-n mapping` installs into the currently active environment.)
-# Conda
+# Conda environments
-## 1. Running a Snakemake rule with a Conda environment
-* Add the .green[path] to the Conda environment `yaml` file to your rule using `conda`
+* You can have as many environments as you wish
-```{python conda rule, eval = FALSE}
-rule map_bwa_index:
- output: expand("{{ref}}{ext}", ext=[".amb", ".ann", ".bwt", ".pac", ".sa"])
- input: config["ref"]
- log: "logs/bwa/index/{ref}.log"
- conda: "../envs/bwa.yaml"
- shell:
- "bwa index {input}"
-.tiny[modified from: [best practice example](]
+* Environments are independent
-* Start your workflow on the command line with `--use-conda`
+* If something is broken, simply delete the environment and start over
-```{bash snakemake use conda, eval=FALSE}
-$ snakemake --use-conda
+```{bash, eval=FALSE}
+$ conda env remove -n mapping
-* This doesn't work if you use `run` (instead of `shell` or `script`)
+* To test a new tool, install it into a fresh Conda environment. Delete the environment to uninstall.
+* Find packages by searching []( or with `conda search`
-# Conda
+# Conda environment files
-## 2. Using one Conda environment for the entire workflow
+* Conda environments can be created from .green[environment files] in YAML format.
-* Write a Conda .green[environment file] that includes all tools used by the workflow (save it as e.g. `environment.yaml`)
+* Example `bwa.yaml`:
-```{python conda env big, eval=FALSE}
-name: best-practice-smk
+```{yaml conda env one, eval = FALSE}
- conda-forge
- bioconda
- - default
+ - defaults
- - snakemake=6.8.0
- - python=3.8
- - pandas=1.3.3
- - jupyter=1.0
- - jupyter_contrib_nbextensions=0.5.1
- - jupyterlab_code_formatter=1.4
- bwa=0.7.17
- - multiqc=1.11
- - r-ggplot2=3.3.5
- - samtools=1.13
-.tiny[source: [best practice example](]
+* Create the environment:
+```{bash, eval = FALSE}
+$ conda env create -n bwa -f bwa.yaml
-# Conda
+# Snakemake + Conda
-## 2. Using one Conda environment for the entire workflow
+## Option one: A single environment for the entire workflow
-* .green[Create] the environment
-```{bash conda create, eval=FALSE}
-$ conda env create -f environment.yml
+* Write an environment file (`environment.yaml`) that includes .green[all tools used by the workflow]:
+```{python conda env big, eval=FALSE}
+name: best-practice-smk
+ - conda-forge
+ - bioconda
+ - default
+ - snakemake=6.8.0 # ← Snakemake is part of the environment
+ - multiqc=1.11 # ← Version numbers for reproducibility
+ - samtools=1.13
-* .green[Activate] your Conda environment
-```{bash conda activate, eval=FALSE}
+* Create the environment, activate it and run the workflow within it:
+```{bash snakemake conda env, eval=FALSE}
+$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate best-practice-smk
+$ snakemake
+* Possibly helpful: `conda export -n envname > environment.yaml`
-* Start your Snakemake workflow
-```{bash snakemake conda env, eval=FALSE}
-(best-practice-smk) [...] $ snakemake
+.tiny[source: [best practice example](]
+# Snakemake + Conda
-# Containers
+## Option two: Rule-specific environments
-## What can I use containers for?
+You can let Snakemake create and activate Conda environments for you.
-* Run applications securely .green[isolated] in a container, packaged with .green[all dependencies and libraries]
+1. Create the environment file, such as `envs/bwa.yaml` (`envs/` is best practice)
-* As advanced .green[environment manager]
-* To package your .green[code] with the environment it needs
-* To package a whole .green[workflow] (*e.g.* to accompany a manuscript)
+1. Add the `conda:` directive to the rule:
+```{python conda rule, eval = FALSE}
+rule create_bwa_index:
+ output: ...
+ input: ...
+ conda: "envs/bwa.yaml" # ← Path to environment YAML file
+ shell:
+ "bwa index {input}"
-* And much more
+1. Run `snakemake --use-conda`
-## Docker vs. Singularity
+* Snakemake creates the environment for you and re-uses it next time
+* If the YAML file changes, the environment is re-created
+* `conda:` does not work if you use `run:` (instead of `shell:` or `script:`)
-* Docker was developed for .green[any operating system] except high-performance computing (HPC) clusters
+.tiny[modified from: [best practice example](]
-* Singularity is an open source container platform suitable for .green[HPC clusters]
-# Containers
-## Docker nomenclature
+# Using a "module" system
+* Conda environments can be large and slow to create
-* A Docker .green[file] is a recipe used to build a Docker .green[image]
+* Some cluster operators frown upon using it
-* A Docker .green[image] is a standalone executable package of software
-* A Docker .green[container] is a standard unit of software run on the Docker Engine
+* UPPMAX and other clusters have a .green[module] command for getting access to software:
+$ module load bioinfo-tools bwa
-* .green[DockerHub] is an online service for sharing Docker images
+* Snakemake supports this with the `envmodules:` directive:
+```{bash, eval = FALSE}
+rule create_bwa_index:
+ output: ...
+ input: ...
+ envmodules:
+ "bioinfo-tools",
+ "bwa",
+ conda: "envs/bwa.yaml" # ← Fallback
+ shell:
+ "bwa index {input}"
+* Run with `snakemake --use-envmodules`
-* Docker images can be converted into Singularity images
+* For reproducibility, [the Snakemake documentation recommends]( to also include a `conda:` section
# Containers
-## 1. Running Snakemake rules with Singularity
+* Containers represent another way of packaging applications
-* Snakemake can run a rule .green[isolated] in a container, using Singularity
+* Each container contains the application itself and .green[all system-level dependencies and libraries] (that is, a functional Linux installation)
-* All Conda packages are available as Docker and Singularity images, _e.g._ on (bioconda channel)
+* It is fully .green[isolated] from the other software on the machine:
+ By default, the tools in the container can only access what is in the container.
-* Many other Docker images are available on [DockerHub](
-* Or build your own Docker or Singularity images
+* The most common software for managing containers is .green[Docker]
# Containers
-## 1. Running Snakemake rules with Singularity
+## Docker nomenclature
-* Make sure your system has Singularity .green[installed]
+* A Docker .green[image] is a standalone executable package of software (on disk)
-* Find the Docker or Singularity .green[image] in which you want to run the rule
+* A .green[Dockerfile] is a recipe used to build a Docker .green[image]
-* Add the .green[link] to the container image (or the path to a Singularity `*.sif` file) to your rule using the `container` directive
-```{python singularity rule, eval = FALSE}
-rule NAME:
- input:
- "table.txt"
- output:
- "plots/myplot.pdf"
- container:
- "docker://joseespinosa/docker-r-ggplot2"
- script:
- "scripts/plot-stuff.R"
-.tiny[source: [Snakemake documentation](]
+* A Docker .green[container] is a standard unit of software run on the Docker Engine
+ (running an image gives a container)
-* Start your workflow on the command line with `--use-singularity`
-```{bash snakemake use singularity, eval=FALSE}
-$ snakemake --use-singularity
-# Containers
-## 2. Packaging your Snakemake workflow in a Docker container
+* .green[DockerHub] is an online service for sharing Docker images
-* Make sure your system has Docker .green[installed]
+## Docker vs Singularity
-* Write a .green[Docker file], _e.g._ [see this example](
+* On high-performance clusters (HPC), Docker is often not installed due to security concerns.
+ .green[Singularity] is often available as an alternative.
+* Docker images can be converted into Singularity images
- * Start with the official `Ubuntu` image
- * Install Miniconda and other required tools (_e.g._ Snakemake)
- * Add the project files (e.g. `Snakefile`, `config.yaml`, `environment.yaml`)
- * Install the Conda environment containing all packages run by the workflow
+* → Singularity can be used to run Docker containers
-# Containers
+# Running Snakemake jobs in containers
-## 2. Packaging your Snakemake workflow in a Docker container
+Snakemake can run a jobs in a container using Singularity
-* Create a Docker .green[image] from your Docker file (_e.g._ called `my_workflow`)
-```{bash docker image, eval=FALSE}
-$ docker build -t my_workflow .
+* Ensure your system has Singularity installed
-* .green[Run] your container, _e.g._
-```{bash docker run, eval=FALSE}
-$ docker run my_workflow
+* Find a Docker or Singularity image with the tool to run ( or [DockerHub](
-* .green[Share] your Docker file on GitHub or BitBucket, or your Docker image on DockerHub
-# Combinations of Conda and Containers
+* Add the `container:` directive to your rule:
-## Combine Conda-based package management with running jobs in containers
+```{python singularity rule, eval = FALSE}
+rule minimap2_version:
+ container: "docker://" # ← "docker://" is needed
+ shell:
+ "minimap2 --version"
-* A container can be specified globally (for the entire workflow) for a workflow
- with rule-specific Conda environments
-* Snakemake then runs each job in this container with its corresponding Conda
- environment when run with `--use-conda --use-singularity`
+* Start your workflow on the command line with `--use-singularity`
-.tiny[More info: [Snakemake documentation]( & [best practice example](]
+```{bash snakemake use singularity, eval=FALSE}
+$ snakemake --use-singularity -j 1
+Pulling singularity image docker://
+Activating singularity image .../.snakemake/singularity/342e6ddbac7e5929a11e6ae9350454c0.simg
+INFO: Converting SIF file to temporary sandbox...
+INFO: Cleaning up image...
-# Combinations of Conda and Containers
+# Containers – advanced topics
-## Containerization of Conda-based workflows
+* A [Docker image to use for *all* rules can be specified](
-* Snakemake can automatically generate a Docker file that contains all
- Conda environments used by the rules of the workflow using the flag `--containerize`
-.tiny[More info: [Snakemake documentation](]
-# Integrating foreign workflow management systems
-* From version 6.2 on, Snakemake can run workflows written in other workflow
- management systems such as .green[Nextflow]
+* You can package your entire workflow into a Docker image by writing a .green[Dockerfile].
+ [See this example](
+ - Snakemake runs *inside* the container.
+ - To run the workflow, only Docker or Singularity is needed
-* The workflow runs in .green[Snakemake] until a rule to run the foreign workflow is reached
-* In this rule, Snakemake .green[hands over] to the other workflow manager
-* Afterwards, .green[Snakemake] continues to run rules processing the output files of the foreign workflow
+* [Conda and containers can be combined]([Snakemake documentation]( Specify a global container, run with `--use-conda --use-singularity`, and Snakemake creates the Conda environment within the container.
-```{python nextflow, eval = FALSE}
-rule chipseq_pipeline:
- input:
- input="design.csv",
- fasta="data/genome.fasta",
- gtf="data/genome.gtf",
- output:
- "multiqc/broadPeaks/multiqc_report.html",
- params:
- pipeline="nf-core/chipseq",
- revision="1.2.1",
- profile=["conda"],
- handover: True
- wrapper:
- "0.74.0/utils/nextflow"
-.tiny[More info & source: [Snakemake documentation](]
+* [Snakemake can automatically generate a Dockerfile](
+ that contains all Conda environments used by the rules of the workflow using the flag
+ `--containerize`.
@@ -472,7 +428,7 @@ There are many ways to use other .green[tools for reproducible research] togethe
-* Use .green[Git] to version control, backup and share your code
+* Use .green[Git] for version control, backup and share your code
@@ -480,20 +436,20 @@ There are many ways to use other .green[tools for reproducible research] togethe
-* Run your rules in isolated Singularity .green[containers]
+* Run your rules in isolated Docker/Singularity .green[containers]
* Package your entire workflow in a .green[Docker container]
-* Run pipelines written in .green[other workflow management systems] in your Snakemake workflow
diff --git a/lectures/reproducibility-tools/reproducibility-tools.pdf b/lectures/reproducibility-tools/reproducibility-tools.pdf
index fe8990c..c2fa933 100644
Binary files a/lectures/reproducibility-tools/reproducibility-tools.pdf and b/lectures/reproducibility-tools/reproducibility-tools.pdf differ
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/Snakefile1 b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/Snakefile1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2c65c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/Snakefile1
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+rule bwa_mem_CHS_HG00512:
+ output:
+ "bam/CHS.HG00512.bam"
+ input:
+ "resources/ref.fa",
+ "data/CHS.HG00512_1.fastq.gz",
+ "data/CHS.HG00512_2.fastq.gz",
+ shell:
+ "bwa mem -t 1 {input}"
+rule all:
+ input: expand("bam/{sample}.bam", sample=["CHS.HG00512", "PUR.HG00731"])
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/envs/bwa.yaml b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/envs/bwa.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95b7375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/envs/bwa.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ - conda-forge
+ - bioconda
+ - defaults
+ - bwa=0.7.17
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex1.smk b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex1.smk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9402008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex1.smk
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+rule bwa_mem_CHS_HG00512:
+ output:
+ "bam/CHS.HG00512.bam"
+ input:
+ "resources/ref.fa",
+ "data/CHS.HG00512_1.fastq.gz",
+ "data/CHS.HG00512_2.fastq.gz",
+ shell:
+ "bwa mem -t 1 {input} | samtools view -b -o {output}"
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex2.smk b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex2.smk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2f52d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex2.smk
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+rule bwa_mem_wildcard:
+ output:
+ "bam/{sample}.bam"
+ input:
+ "resources/ref.fa",
+ "data/{sample}_1.fastq.gz",
+ "data/{sample}_2.fastq.gz",
+ shell:
+ "bwa mem -t 1 {input} | samtools view -b -o {output}"
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex3.smk b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex3.smk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b07602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex3.smk
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+rule all:
+ input: expand("bam/{sample}.bam", sample=["CHS.HG00512", "PUR.HG00731"])
+rule bwa_mem_wildcard:
+ output:
+ "bam/{sample}.bam"
+ input:
+ "resources/ref.fa",
+ "data/{sample}_1.fastq.gz",
+ "data/{sample}_2.fastq.gz",
+ shell:
+ "bwa mem -t 1 {input} | samtools view -b -o {output}"
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex4.smk b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex4.smk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c0da5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex4.smk
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+rule all:
+ input: expand("bam/{sample}.bam", sample=["CHS.HG00512", "PUR.HG00731"])
+rule bwa_mem_wildcard:
+ output:
+ "bam/{sample}.bam"
+ input:
+ "resources/ref.fa",
+ "data/{sample}_1.fastq.gz",
+ "data/{sample}_2.fastq.gz",
+ conda:
+ "envs/bwa.yaml"
+ shell:
+ "bwa mem -t 1 {input} | samtools view -b -o {output}"
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex5.smk b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex5.smk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f51476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex5.smk
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+rule all:
+ input: expand("bam/{sample}.bam", sample=["CHS.HG00512", "PUR.HG00731"])
+rule bwa_mem_wildcard:
+ output:
+ "bam/{sample}.bam"
+ input:
+ "resources/ref.fa",
+ "data/{sample}_1.fastq.gz",
+ "data/{sample}_2.fastq.gz",
+ conda:
+ "envs/bwa.yaml"
+ singularity:
+ "docker://lh3lh3/bwa"
+ shell:
+ "bwa mem -t 1 {input} | samtools view -b -o {output}"
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex6.smk b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex6.smk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c66eba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex6.smk
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+rule all:
+ input: expand("bam/{sample}.bam", sample=["CHS.HG00512", "PUR.HG00731"])
+rule bwa_mem_wildcard:
+ output:
+ "bam/{sample}.bam"
+ input:
+ "resources/ref.fa",
+ "data/{sample}_1.fastq.gz",
+ "data/{sample}_2.fastq.gz",
+ conda:
+ "envs/bwa.yaml"
+ singularity:
+ "docker://lh3lh3/bwa"
+ envmodules:
+ "uppmax",
+ "bioinfo-tools",
+ "bwa"
+ shell:
+ "bwa mem -t 1 {input} | samtools view -b -o {output}"
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex7.smk b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex7.smk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d8cc41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/ex7.smk
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+rule all:
+ input: "bam/merged.bam"
+rule bwa_mem_wildcard:
+ output:
+ "bam/{sample}.bam",
+ "bam/{sample}.bam.bai"
+ input:
+ "resources/ref.fa",
+ "data/{sample}_1.fastq.gz",
+ "data/{sample}_2.fastq.gz",
+ threads: 2
+ log: "logs/bam/{sample}.bam.log"
+ shell:
+ "bwa mem -t {threads} {input} 2> {log} | samtools sort --write-index -@{threads} - -o {output[0]}##idx##{output[1]} 2>> {log}"
+rule samtools_merge_bam:
+ output:
+ "bam/merged.bam",
+ input:
+ bam = expand("bam/{sample}.bam", sample=["CHS.HG00512", "PUR.HG00731"]),
+ bai = expand("bam/{sample}.bam.bai", sample=["CHS.HG00512", "PUR.HG00731"]),
+ threads: 2
+ log: "logs/bam/merged.bam.log"
+ resources:
+ mem_mb=4000
+ shell:
+ "samtools merge -@{threads} {output} {input.bam} 2> {log}"
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/local/config.yaml b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/local/config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b44c593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/local/config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+rerun-incomplete: true
+keep-going: true
+use-conda: true
+use-singularity: true
+use-envmodules: true
+ - runtime=100
+ - mem_mb=6000
+ - disk_mb=1000000
+ - bwa_mem_wildcard=4
+ - bwa_mem_wildcard:runtime=1000
+ - bwa_mem_wildcard:mem_mb=6000
+ - samtools_merge_bam:runtime=100
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba4fb70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Based on lsf
+import os
+import json
+d = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+with open(os.path.join(d, "settings.json")) as fh:
+ settings = json.load(fh)
+def from_entry_or_env(values, key):
+ """Return value from ``values`` and override with environment variables."""
+ if key in os.environ:
+ return os.environ[key]
+ else:
+ return values[key]
+class CookieCutter:
+ SBATCH_DEFAULTS = from_entry_or_env(settings, "SBATCH_DEFAULTS")
+ CLUSTER_NAME = from_entry_or_env(settings, "CLUSTER_NAME")
+ CLUSTER_CONFIG = from_entry_or_env(settings, "CLUSTER_CONFIG")
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_cluster_option() -> str:
+ cluster = CookieCutter.CLUSTER_NAME
+ if cluster != "":
+ return f"--cluster={cluster}"
+ return ""
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_cluster_logpath() -> str:
+ return "logs/slurm/%r/%j-%w"
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_cluster_jobname() -> str:
+ return "%r_%w"
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/config.yaml b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9aebae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+cluster-sidecar: ""
+cluster-cancel: "scancel"
+restart-times: "0"
+jobscript: ""
+cluster: ""
+cluster-status: ""
+max-jobs-per-second: "10"
+max-status-checks-per-second: "10"
+local-cores: 1
+latency-wait: "5"
+use-conda: "False"
+use-singularity: "False"
+jobs: "500"
+printshellcmds: "False"
+# Example resource configuration
+# default-resources:
+# - runtime=100
+# - mem_mb=6000
+# - disk_mb=1000000
+# # set-threads: map rule names to threads
+# set-threads:
+# - single_core_rule=1
+# - multi_core_rule=10
+# # set-resources: map rule names to resources in general
+# set-resources:
+# - high_memory_rule:mem_mb=12000
+# - long_running_rule:runtime=1200
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/settings.json b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c63298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ "SBATCH_DEFAULTS": "--account=account",
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..391741e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# properties = {properties}
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9600d4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""Run a Snakemake v7+ sidecar process for Slurm
+This sidecar process will poll ``squeue --me --format='%i,%T'`` every 60
+seconds by default (use environment variable ``SNAKEMAKE_SLURM_SQUEUE_WAIT``
+for adjusting this).
+Note that you have to adjust the value to fit to your ``MinJobAge`` Slurm
+configuration. Jobs remain at least ``MinJobAge`` seconds known to the
+Slurm controller (default of 300 seconds). If you query ``squeue`` every
+60 seconds then this is plenty and you will observe all relevant job status
+states as they are relevant for Snakemake.
+If the environment variable ``SNAKEMAKE_CLUSTER_SIDECAR_VARS`` is set then
+the ```` of the slurm profile will attempt to query this
+sidecar process via HTTP. As the sidecar process does not update its
+cache in real-time, setting ``SNAKEMAKE_SLURM_SQUEUE_WAIT`` too large might
+lead to Snakemake missing the "done" job state. The defaults of
+``SNAKEMAKE_SLURM_SQUEUE_WAIT=60`` and Slurm's ``MinJobAge=600`` work well
+together and you will see all relevant job statuses.
+If the sidecar is queried for a job ID that it has not seen yet then it will
+perform a query to ``sacct`` such that it works well if Snakemake "resume
+external job" feature. The ```` script of the Snakemake profile
+will register all jobs via POST with this sidecar.
+import http.server
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import signal
+import time
+import threading
+import uuid
+from CookieCutter import CookieCutter
+#: Enables debug messages for slurm sidecar.
+DEBUG = bool(int(os.environ.get("SNAKEMAKE_SLURM_DEBUG", "0")))
+#: Enables HTTP request logging in sidecar.
+LOG_REQUESTS = bool(int(os.environ.get("SNAKEMAKE_SLURM_LOG_REQUESTS", "0")))
+#: Command to call when calling squeue
+SQUEUE_CMD = os.environ.get("SNAKEMAKE_SLURM_SQUEUE_CMD", "squeue")
+#: Number of seconds to wait between ``squeue`` calls.
+SQUEUE_WAIT = int(os.environ.get("SNAKEMAKE_SLURM_SQUEUE_WAIT", "60"))
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+if DEBUG:
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+class PollSqueueThread(threading.Thread):
+ """Thread that polls ``squeue`` until stopped by ``stop()``"""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ squeue_wait,
+ squeue_cmd,
+ squeue_timeout=2,
+ sleep_time=0.01,
+ max_tries=3,
+ *args,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ super().__init__(target=self._work, *args, **kwargs)
+ #: Time to wait between squeue calls.
+ self.squeue_wait = squeue_wait
+ #: Command to call squeue with.
+ self.squeue_cmd = squeue_cmd
+ #: Whether or not the thread should stop.
+ self.stopped = threading.Event()
+ #: Previous call to ``squeue``
+ self.prev_call = 0.0
+ #: Time to sleep between iterations in seconds. Thread can only be
+ #: terminated after this interval when waiting.
+ self.sleep_time = sleep_time
+ #: Maximal running time to accept for call to ``squeue``.
+ self.squeue_timeout = squeue_timeout
+ #: Maximal number of tries if call to ``squeue`` fails.
+ self.max_tries = max_tries
+ #: Dict mapping the job id to the job state string.
+ self.states = {}
+ #: Make at least one call to squeue, must not fail.
+ logger.debug("initializing trhead")
+ self._call_squeue(allow_failure=False)
+ self.prev_call = time.time()
+ def _work(self):
+ """Execute the thread's action"""
+ while not self.stopped.is_set():
+ now = time.time()
+ if now - self.prev_call > self.squeue_wait:
+ self._call_squeue()
+ self.prev_call = now
+ time.sleep(self.sleep_time)
+ def get_state(self, jobid):
+ """Return the job state for the given jobid."""
+ jobid = str(jobid)
+ if jobid not in self.states:
+ self.states[jobid] = self._get_state_sacct(jobid)
+ return self.states.get(jobid, "__not_seen_yet__")
+ def register_job(self, jobid):
+ """Register job with the given ID."""
+ self.states.setdefault(jobid, None)
+ def _get_state_sacct(self, jobid):
+ """Implement retrieving state via sacct for resuming jobs."""
+ cluster = CookieCutter.get_cluster_option()
+ cmd = ["sacct", "-P", "-b", "-j", jobid, "-n"]
+ if cluster:
+ cmd.append(cluster)
+ try_num = 0
+ while try_num < self.max_tries:
+ try_num += 1
+ try:
+ logger.debug("Calling %s (try %d)", cmd, try_num)
+ output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, timeout=self.squeue_timeout, text=True)
+ break
+ except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
+ logger.debug("Call to %s timed out (try %d of %d)", cmd, try_num, self.max_tries)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ logger.debug("Call to %s failed (try %d of %d)", cmd, try_num, self.max_tries)
+ if try_num >= self.max_tries:
+ raise Exception("Problem with call to %s" % cmd)
+ else:
+ parsed = {x.split("|")[0]: x.split("|")[1] for x in output.strip().split("\n")}
+ logger.debug("Returning state of %s as %s", jobid, parsed[jobid])
+ return parsed[jobid]
+ def stop(self):
+ """Flag thread to stop execution"""
+ logger.debug("stopping thread")
+ self.stopped.set()
+ def _call_squeue(self, allow_failure=True):
+ """Run the call to ``squeue``"""
+ cluster = CookieCutter.get_cluster_option()
+ try_num = 0
+ cmd = [SQUEUE_CMD, "--me", "--format=%i,%T", "--state=all"]
+ if cluster:
+ cmd.append(cluster)
+ while try_num < self.max_tries:
+ try_num += 1
+ try:
+ logger.debug("Calling %s (try %d)", cmd, try_num)
+ output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, timeout=self.squeue_timeout, text=True)
+ logger.debug("Output is:\n---\n%s\n---", output)
+ break
+ except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e:
+ if not allow_failure:
+ raise
+ logger.debug("Call to %s timed out (try %d of %d)", cmd, try_num, self.max_tries)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ if not allow_failure:
+ raise
+ logger.debug("Call to %s failed (try %d of %d)", cmd, try_num, self.max_tries)
+ if try_num >= self.max_tries:
+ logger.debug("Giving up for this round")
+ else:
+ logger.debug("parsing output")
+ self._parse_output(output)
+ def _parse_output(self, output):
+ """Parse output of ``squeue`` call."""
+ header = None
+ for line in output.splitlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ arr = line.split(",")
+ if not header:
+ if not line.startswith("JOBID"):
+ continue # skip leader
+ header = arr
+ else:
+ logger.debug("Updating state of %s to %s", arr[0], arr[1])
+ self.states[arr[0]] = arr[1]
+class JobStateHttpHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ """HTTP handler class that responds to ```/job/status/${jobid}/`` GET requests"""
+ def do_GET(self):
+ """Only to ``/job/status/${job_id}/?``"""
+ logger.debug("--- BEGIN GET")
+ # Remove trailing slashes from path.
+ path = self.path
+ while path.endswith("/"):
+ path = path[:-1]
+ # Ensure that /job/status was requested
+ if not self.path.startswith("/job/status/"):
+ self.send_response(400)
+ self.end_headers()
+ return
+ # Ensure authentication bearer is correct
+ auth_required = "Bearer %s" % self.server.http_secret
+ auth_header = self.headers.get("Authorization")
+ logger.debug(
+ "Authorization header is %s, required: %s" % (repr(auth_header), repr(auth_required))
+ )
+ if auth_header != auth_required:
+ self.send_response(403)
+ self.end_headers()
+ return
+ # Otherwise, query job ID status
+ job_id = self.path[len("/job/status/") :]
+ logger.debug("Querying for job ID %s" % repr(job_id))
+ status = self.server.poll_thread.get_state(job_id)
+ logger.debug("Status: %s" % status)
+ if not status:
+ self.send_response(404)
+ self.end_headers()
+ else:
+ self.send_response(200)
+ self.send_header("Content-type", "application/json")
+ self.end_headers()
+ output = json.dumps({"status": status})
+ logger.debug("Sending %s" % repr(output))
+ self.wfile.write(output.encode("utf-8"))
+ logger.debug("--- END GET")
+ def do_POST(self):
+ """Handle POSTs (only to ``/job/register/${job_id}/?``)"""
+ logger.debug("--- BEGIN POST")
+ # Remove trailing slashes from path.
+ path = self.path
+ while path.endswith("/"):
+ path = path[:-1]
+ # Ensure that /job/register was requested
+ if not self.path.startswith("/job/register/"):
+ self.send_response(400)
+ self.end_headers()
+ return
+ # Ensure authentication bearer is correct
+ auth_required = "Bearer %s" % self.server.http_secret
+ auth_header = self.headers.get("Authorization")
+ logger.debug(
+ "Authorization header is %s, required: %s", repr(auth_header), repr(auth_required)
+ )
+ # Otherwise, register job ID
+ job_id = self.path[len("/job/status/") :]
+ self.server.poll_thread.register_job(job_id)
+ self.send_response(200)
+ self.end_headers()
+ logger.debug("--- END POST")
+ def log_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().log_request(*args, **kwargs)
+class JobStateHttpServer(http.server.HTTPServer):
+ """The HTTP server class"""
+ allow_reuse_address = False
+ def __init__(self, poll_thread):
+ """Initialize thread and print the ``SNAKEMAKE_CLUSTER_SIDECAR_VARS`` to stdout, then flush."""
+ super().__init__(("", 0), JobStateHttpHandler)
+ #: The ``PollSqueueThread`` with the state dictionary.
+ self.poll_thread = poll_thread
+ #: The secret to use.
+ self.http_secret = str(uuid.uuid4())
+ sidecar_vars = {
+ "server_port": self.server_port,
+ "server_secret": self.http_secret,
+ "pid": os.getpid(),
+ }
+ logger.debug(json.dumps(sidecar_vars))
+ sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(sidecar_vars) + "\n")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def log_message(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Log messages are printed if ``DEBUG`` is ``True``."""
+ if DEBUG:
+ super().log_message(*args, **kwargs)
+def main():
+ # Start thread to poll ``squeue`` in a controlled fashion.
+ poll_thread = PollSqueueThread(SQUEUE_WAIT, SQUEUE_CMD, name="poll-squeue")
+ poll_thread.start()
+ # Initialize HTTP server that makes available the output of ``squeue --me`` in a
+ # controlled fashion.
+ http_server = JobStateHttpServer(poll_thread)
+ http_thread = threading.Thread(name="http-server", target=http_server.serve_forever)
+ http_thread.start()
+ # Allow for graceful shutdown of poll thread and HTTP server.
+ def signal_handler(signum, frame):
+ """Handler for Unix signals. Shuts down http_server and poll_thread."""
+"Shutting down squeue poll thread and HTTP server...")
+ # from remote_pdb import set_trace
+ # set_trace()
+ poll_thread.stop()
+ http_server.shutdown()
+"... HTTP server and poll thread shutdown complete.")
+ for thread in threading.enumerate():
+"ACTIVE %s",
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
+ # Actually run the server.
+ poll_thread.join()
+ logger.debug("poll_thread done")
+ http_thread.join()
+ logger.debug("http_thread done")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(int(main() or 0))
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7cc28d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import requests
+import subprocess as sp
+import shlex
+import sys
+import time
+import logging
+from CookieCutter import CookieCutter
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+DEBUG = bool(int(os.environ.get("SNAKEMAKE_SLURM_DEBUG", "0")))
+if DEBUG:
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+def get_status_direct(jobid):
+ """Get status directly from sacct/scontrol"""
+ cluster = CookieCutter.get_cluster_option()
+ for i in range(STATUS_ATTEMPTS):
+ try:
+ sacct_res = sp.check_output(shlex.split(f"sacct {cluster} -P -b -j {jobid} -n"))
+ res = {x.split("|")[0]: x.split("|")[1] for x in sacct_res.decode().strip().split("\n")}
+ break
+ except sp.CalledProcessError as e:
+ logger.error("sacct process error")
+ logger.error(e)
+ except IndexError as e:
+ logger.error(e)
+ pass
+ # Try getting job with scontrol instead in case sacct is misconfigured
+ try:
+ sctrl_res = sp.check_output(shlex.split(f"scontrol {cluster} -o show job {jobid}"))
+ m ="JobState=(\w+)", sctrl_res.decode())
+ res = {jobid:}
+ break
+ except sp.CalledProcessError as e:
+ logger.error("scontrol process error")
+ logger.error(e)
+ if i >= STATUS_ATTEMPTS - 1:
+ print("failed")
+ exit(0)
+ else:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ return res[jobid] or ""
+def get_status_sidecar(jobid):
+ """Get status from cluster sidecar"""
+ sidecar_vars = json.loads(SIDECAR_VARS)
+ url = "http://localhost:%d/job/status/%s" % (sidecar_vars["server_port"], jobid)
+ headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % sidecar_vars["server_secret"]}
+ try:
+ resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
+ if resp.status_code == 404:
+ return "" # not found yet
+ logger.debug("sidecar returned: %s" % resp.json())
+ resp.raise_for_status()
+ return resp.json().get("status") or ""
+ except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
+ logger.warning(" could not query side car: %s", e)
+" falling back to direct query")
+ return get_status_direct(jobid)
+jobid = sys.argv[1]
+ logger.debug(" querying sidecar")
+ status = get_status_sidecar(jobid)
+ logger.debug(" direct query")
+ status = get_status_direct(jobid)
+logger.debug("job status: %s", repr(status))
+if status == "BOOT_FAIL":
+ print("failed")
+elif status == "OUT_OF_MEMORY":
+ print("failed")
+elif status.startswith("CANCELLED"):
+ print("failed")
+elif status == "COMPLETED":
+ print("success")
+elif status == "DEADLINE":
+ print("failed")
+elif status == "FAILED":
+ print("failed")
+elif status == "NODE_FAIL":
+ print("failed")
+elif status == "PREEMPTED":
+ print("failed")
+elif status == "TIMEOUT":
+ print("failed")
+elif status == "SUSPENDED":
+ print("running")
+ print("running")
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c5544b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Snakemake SLURM submit script.
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import requests
+from snakemake.utils import read_job_properties
+import slurm_utils
+from CookieCutter import CookieCutter
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+DEBUG = bool(int(os.environ.get("SNAKEMAKE_SLURM_DEBUG", "0")))
+if DEBUG:
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+def register_with_sidecar(jobid):
+ if SIDECAR_VARS is None:
+ return
+ sidecar_vars = json.loads(SIDECAR_VARS)
+ url = "http://localhost:%d/job/register/%s" % (sidecar_vars["server_port"], jobid)
+ logger.debug("POST to %s", url)
+ headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % sidecar_vars["server_secret"]}
+, headers=headers)
+# cookiecutter arguments
+CLUSTER = CookieCutter.get_cluster_option()
+ "time": ("time", "runtime", "walltime"),
+ "mem": ("mem", "mem_mb", "ram", "memory"),
+ "mem-per-cpu": ("mem-per-cpu", "mem_per_cpu", "mem_per_thread"),
+ "nodes": ("nodes", "nnodes"),
+ "partition": ("partition", "queue"),
+# parse job
+jobscript = slurm_utils.parse_jobscript()
+job_properties = read_job_properties(jobscript)
+sbatch_options = {}
+cluster_config = slurm_utils.load_cluster_config(CLUSTER_CONFIG)
+# 1) sbatch default arguments and cluster
+# 2) cluster_config defaults
+# 3) Convert resources (no unit conversion!) and threads
+sbatch_options.update(slurm_utils.convert_job_properties(job_properties, RESOURCE_MAPPING))
+# 4) cluster_config for particular rule
+sbatch_options.update(cluster_config.get(job_properties.get("rule"), {}))
+# 5) cluster_config options
+sbatch_options.update(job_properties.get("cluster", {}))
+# convert human-friendly time - leaves slurm format time as is
+if "time" in sbatch_options:
+ duration = str(sbatch_options["time"])
+ sbatch_options["time"] = str(slurm_utils.Time(duration))
+# 6) Format pattern in snakemake style
+sbatch_options = slurm_utils.format_values(sbatch_options, job_properties)
+# 7) create output and error filenames and paths
+joblog = slurm_utils.JobLog(job_properties)
+log = ""
+if "output" not in sbatch_options and CookieCutter.get_cluster_logpath():
+ outlog = joblog.outlog
+ log = outlog
+ sbatch_options["output"] = outlog
+if "error" not in sbatch_options and CookieCutter.get_cluster_logpath():
+ errlog = joblog.errlog
+ log = errlog
+ sbatch_options["error"] = errlog
+# ensure sbatch output dirs exist
+for o in ("output", "error"):
+ slurm_utils.ensure_dirs_exist(sbatch_options[o]) if o in sbatch_options else None
+# 9) Set slurm job name
+if "job-name" not in sbatch_options and "job_name" not in sbatch_options:
+ sbatch_options["job-name"] = joblog.jobname
+# submit job and echo id back to Snakemake (must be the only stdout)
+jobid = slurm_utils.submit_job(jobscript, **sbatch_options)
+logger.debug("Registering %s with sidecar...", jobid)
+logger.debug("... done registering with sidecar")
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c420154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/myprofile/
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import math
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess as sp
+import sys
+from datetime import timedelta
+from os.path import dirname
+from time import time as unix_time
+from typing import Union
+from uuid import uuid4
+import shlex
+from io import StringIO
+from CookieCutter import CookieCutter
+from snakemake import io
+from snakemake.exceptions import WorkflowError
+from import Wildcards
+from snakemake.logging import logger
+from snakemake.utils import AlwaysQuotedFormatter
+from snakemake.utils import QuotedFormatter
+from snakemake.utils import SequenceFormatter
+def _convert_units_to_mb(memory):
+ """If memory is specified with SI unit, convert to MB"""
+ if isinstance(memory, int) or isinstance(memory, float):
+ return int(memory)
+ siunits = {"K": 1e-3, "M": 1, "G": 1e3, "T": 1e6}
+ regex = re.compile(r"(\d+)({})$".format("|".join(siunits.keys())))
+ m = regex.match(memory)
+ if m is None:
+ logger.error(
+ (f"unsupported memory specification '{memory}';" " allowed suffixes: [K|M|G|T]")
+ )
+ sys.exit(1)
+ factor = siunits[]
+ return int(int( * factor)
+def parse_jobscript():
+ """Minimal CLI to require/only accept single positional argument."""
+ p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="SLURM snakemake submit script")
+ p.add_argument("jobscript", help="Snakemake jobscript with job properties.")
+ return p.parse_args().jobscript
+def parse_sbatch_defaults(parsed):
+ """Unpack SBATCH_DEFAULTS."""
+ d = shlex.split(parsed) if type(parsed) == str else parsed
+ args = {}
+ for keyval in [a.split("=") for a in d]:
+ k = keyval[0].strip().strip("-")
+ v = keyval[1].strip() if len(keyval) == 2 else None
+ args[k] = v
+ return args
+def load_cluster_config(path):
+ """Load config to dict
+ Load configuration to dict either from absolute path or relative
+ to profile dir.
+ """
+ if path:
+ path = os.path.join(dirname(__file__), os.path.expandvars(path))
+ dcc = io.load_configfile(path)
+ else:
+ dcc = {}
+ if "__default__" not in dcc:
+ dcc["__default__"] = {}
+ return dcc
+# adapted from format function in snakemake.utils
+def format(_pattern, _quote_all=False, **kwargs): # noqa: A001
+ """Format a pattern in Snakemake style.
+ This means that keywords embedded in braces are replaced by any variable
+ values that are available in the current namespace.
+ """
+ fmt = SequenceFormatter(separator=" ")
+ if _quote_all:
+ fmt.element_formatter = AlwaysQuotedFormatter()
+ else:
+ fmt.element_formatter = QuotedFormatter()
+ try:
+ return fmt.format(_pattern, **kwargs)
+ except KeyError as ex:
+ raise NameError(
+ f"The name {ex} is unknown in this context. Please "
+ "make sure that you defined that variable. "
+ "Also note that braces not used for variable access "
+ "have to be escaped by repeating them "
+ )
+# adapted from Job.format_wildcards in
+def format_wildcards(string, job_properties):
+ """Format a string with variables from the job."""
+ class Job(object):
+ def __init__(self, job_properties):
+ for key in job_properties:
+ setattr(self, key, job_properties[key])
+ job = Job(job_properties)
+ if "params" in job_properties:
+ job._format_params = Wildcards(fromdict=job_properties["params"])
+ else:
+ job._format_params = None
+ if "wildcards" in job_properties:
+ job._format_wildcards = Wildcards(fromdict=job_properties["wildcards"])
+ else:
+ job._format_wildcards = None
+ _variables = dict()
+ _variables.update(dict(params=job._format_params, wildcards=job._format_wildcards))
+ if hasattr(job, "rule"):
+ _variables.update(dict(rule=job.rule))
+ try:
+ return format(string, **_variables)
+ except NameError as ex:
+ raise WorkflowError("NameError with group job {}: {}".format(job.jobid, str(ex)))
+ except IndexError as ex:
+ raise WorkflowError("IndexError with group job {}: {}".format(job.jobid, str(ex)))
+# adapted from ClusterExecutor.cluster_params function in snakemake.executor
+def format_values(dictionary, job_properties):
+ formatted = dictionary.copy()
+ for key, value in list(formatted.items()):
+ if key == "mem":
+ value = str(_convert_units_to_mb(value))
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ try:
+ formatted[key] = format_wildcards(value, job_properties)
+ except NameError as e:
+ msg = "Failed to format cluster config " "entry for job {}.".format(
+ job_properties["rule"]
+ )
+ raise WorkflowError(msg, e)
+ return formatted
+def convert_job_properties(job_properties, resource_mapping=None):
+ options = {}
+ if resource_mapping is None:
+ resource_mapping = {}
+ resources = job_properties.get("resources", {})
+ for k, v in resource_mapping.items():
+ options.update({k: resources[i] for i in v if i in resources})
+ if "threads" in job_properties:
+ options["cpus-per-task"] = job_properties["threads"]
+ slurm_opts = resources.get("slurm", "")
+ if not isinstance(slurm_opts, str):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The `slurm` argument to resources must be a space-separated string"
+ )
+ for opt in slurm_opts.split():
+ kv = opt.split("=", maxsplit=1)
+ k = kv[0]
+ v = None if len(kv) == 1 else kv[1]
+ options[k.lstrip("-").replace("_", "-")] = v
+ return options
+def ensure_dirs_exist(path):
+ """Ensure output folder for Slurm log files exist."""
+ di = dirname(path)
+ if di == "":
+ return
+ if not os.path.exists(di):
+ os.makedirs(di, exist_ok=True)
+ return
+def format_sbatch_options(**sbatch_options):
+ """Format sbatch options"""
+ options = []
+ for k, v in sbatch_options.items():
+ val = ""
+ if v is not None:
+ val = f"={v}"
+ options.append(f"--{k}{val}")
+ return options
+def submit_job(jobscript, **sbatch_options):
+ """Submit jobscript and return jobid."""
+ options = format_sbatch_options(**sbatch_options)
+ try:
+ cmd = ["sbatch"] + ["--parsable"] + options + [jobscript]
+ res = sp.check_output(cmd)
+ except sp.CalledProcessError as e:
+ raise e
+ # Get jobid
+ res = res.decode()
+ try:
+ jobid ="(\d+)", res).group(1)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise e
+ return jobid
+timeformats = [
+ re.compile(r"^(?P\d+)-(?P\d+):(?P\d+):(?P\d+)$"),
+ re.compile(r"^(?P\d+)-(?P\d+):(?P\d+)$"),
+ re.compile(r"^(?P\d+)-(?P\d+)$"),
+ re.compile(r"^(?P\d+):(?P\d+):(?P\d+)$"),
+ re.compile(r"^(?P\d+):(?P\d+)$"),
+ re.compile(r"^(?P\d+)$"),
+def time_to_minutes(time):
+ """Convert time string to minutes.
+ According to slurm:
+ Acceptable time formats include "minutes", "minutes:seconds",
+ "hours:minutes:seconds", "days-hours", "days-hours:minutes"
+ and "days-hours:minutes:seconds".
+ """
+ if not isinstance(time, str):
+ time = str(time)
+ d = {"days": 0, "hours": 0, "minutes": 0, "seconds": 0}
+ regex = list(filter(lambda regex: regex.match(time) is not None, timeformats))
+ if len(regex) == 0:
+ return
+ assert len(regex) == 1, "multiple time formats match"
+ m = regex[0].match(time)
+ d.update(m.groupdict())
+ minutes = (
+ int(d["days"]) * 24 * 60
+ + int(d["hours"]) * 60
+ + int(d["minutes"])
+ + math.ceil(int(d["seconds"]) / 60)
+ )
+ assert minutes > 0, "minutes has to be greater than 0"
+ return minutes
+class InvalidTimeUnitError(Exception):
+ pass
+class Time:
+ _nanosecond_size = 1
+ _microsecond_size = 1000 * _nanosecond_size
+ _millisecond_size = 1000 * _microsecond_size
+ _second_size = 1000 * _millisecond_size
+ _minute_size = 60 * _second_size
+ _hour_size = 60 * _minute_size
+ _day_size = 24 * _hour_size
+ _week_size = 7 * _day_size
+ units = {
+ "s": _second_size,
+ "m": _minute_size,
+ "h": _hour_size,
+ "d": _day_size,
+ "w": _week_size,
+ }
+ pattern = re.compile(rf"(?P\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?P[a-zA-Z])")
+ def __init__(self, duration: str):
+ self.duration = Time._from_str(duration)
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return Time._timedelta_to_slurm(self.duration)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(self)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _timedelta_to_slurm(delta: Union[timedelta, str]) -> str:
+ if isinstance(delta, timedelta):
+ d = dict()
+ d["hours"], rem = divmod(delta.seconds, 3600)
+ d["minutes"], d["seconds"] = divmod(rem, 60)
+ d["hours"] += delta.days * 24
+ return "{hours}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}".format(**d)
+ elif isinstance(delta, str):
+ return delta
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Time is in an unknown format '{}'".format(delta))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _from_str(duration: str) -> Union[timedelta, str]:
+ """Parse a duration string to a datetime.timedelta"""
+ matches = Time.pattern.finditer(duration)
+ total = 0
+ n_matches = 0
+ for m in matches:
+ n_matches += 1
+ value ="val")
+ unit ="unit").lower()
+ if unit not in Time.units:
+ raise InvalidTimeUnitError(
+ "Unknown unit '{}' in time {}".format(unit, duration)
+ )
+ total += float(value) * Time.units[unit]
+ if n_matches == 0:
+ return duration
+ microseconds = total / Time._microsecond_size
+ return timedelta(microseconds=microseconds)
+class JobLog:
+ def __init__(self, job_props: dict):
+ self.job_properties = job_props
+ self.uid = str(uuid4())
+ @property
+ def wildcards(self) -> dict:
+ return self.job_properties.get("wildcards", dict())
+ @property
+ def wildcards_str(self) -> str:
+ return (
+ ".".join("{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in self.wildcards.items())
+ or "unique"
+ )
+ @property
+ def rule_name(self) -> str:
+ if not self.is_group_jobtype:
+ return self.job_properties.get("rule", "nameless_rule")
+ return self.groupid
+ @property
+ def groupid(self) -> str:
+ return self.job_properties.get("groupid", "group")
+ @property
+ def is_group_jobtype(self) -> bool:
+ return self.job_properties.get("type", "") == "group"
+ @property
+ def short_uid(self) -> str:
+ return self.uid.split("-")[0]
+ def pattern_replace(self, s: str) -> str:
+ """
+ %r - rule name. If group job, will use the group ID instead
+ %i - snakemake job ID
+ %w - wildcards. e.g., wildcards A and B will be concatenated as 'A=.B='
+ %U - a random universally unique identifier
+ %S - shortened version od %U
+ %T - Unix time, aka seconds since epoch (rounded to an integer)
+ """
+ replacement = {
+ "%r": self.rule_name,
+ "%i": self.jobid,
+ "%w": self.wildcards_str,
+ "%U": self.uid,
+ "%T": str(int(unix_time())),
+ "%S": self.short_uid,
+ }
+ for old, new in replacement.items():
+ s = s.replace(old, new)
+ return s
+ @property
+ def jobname(self) -> str:
+ jobname_pattern = CookieCutter.get_cluster_jobname()
+ if not jobname_pattern:
+ return ""
+ return self.pattern_replace(jobname_pattern)
+ @property
+ def jobid(self) -> str:
+ """The snakemake jobid"""
+ if self.is_group_jobtype:
+ return self.job_properties.get("jobid", "").split("-")[0]
+ return str(self.job_properties.get("jobid"))
+ @property
+ def logpath(self) -> str:
+ logpath_pattern = CookieCutter.get_cluster_logpath()
+ if not logpath_pattern:
+ return ""
+ return self.pattern_replace(logpath_pattern)
+ @property
+ def outlog(self) -> str:
+ return self.logpath + ".out"
+ @property
+ def errlog(self) -> str:
+ return self.logpath + ".err"
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/resources/ref.fa.fai b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/resources/ref.fa.fai
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e6f6f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/examples/resources/ref.fa.fai
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+scaffold1 1050000 11 60 61
+scaffold2 340000 1067522 340000 340001
+scaffold3 230000 1407534 230000 230001
+scaffold4 130000 1637546 130000 130001
+scaffold5 20000 1767558 20000 20001
+scaffold6 100000 1787570 100000 100001
+scaffold7 40000 1887582 40000 40001
+scaffold8 30000 1927594 30000 30001
+scaffold9 20000 1957606 20000 20001
+scaffold10 10000 1977619 10000 10001
+scaffold11 10000 1987632 10000 10001
+scaffold12 10000 1997645 10000 10001
+scaffold13 10000 2007658 10000 10001
+scaffold14 30001 2017671 60 61
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/running.Rmd b/lectures/running_snakemake/running.Rmd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2de5c8a..0000000
--- a/lectures/running_snakemake/running.Rmd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-author: Per Unneberg
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Snakemake BYOC 2021
Running snakemake, finetuning performance and setting resource usage
Per Unneberg
-# Contents
Basic execution
Cluster execution
-- Very simple examples with snakefiles and code to run
-- All snakefiles and code is available in code repository
-- code has been run with Snakemake version 6.8.1
-- all commands have been executed in the snakemake_best_practice .test
- directory
-# Basic execution
-## Running locally - some commonly used options
-We first perform a dry run (option `--dry-run`, short option `-n`) to
-print (`--printshellcmds (-p)`) the commands that would happen if we
-were to force re-execution of all (`--forceall (-F)`) rules:
-```{bash snakemake-local, class.output="scroll-400" }
-snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile --forceall --dry-run --printshellcmds
-This is equivalent to
-```{bash snakemake-local-short, eval=FALSE }
-snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile -F -n -p
-To actually rerun the workflow, we simple drop the `-p` and `-n` flags
-and add the number of cores (`--cores (-j)`) we want to utilize:
-```{bash snakemake-rerun-workflow, eval=FALSE }
-snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile -F -j 2
-## More commonly used options
-One can also force regeneration of a single target with the `--force
-(-f)` option:
-```{bash snakemake-rerun-target }
-snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile -f -j 1 -n -p results/qc/fastqc/data/raw/CHS.HG00512_010101_AAABBB11XX_1.fastq.gz.html
-When resuming a workflow it can be handy to add the
-`--rerun-incomplete (--ri)` and `--keep-going (-k)` options:
-```{bash snakemake-rerun-incomplete-workflow, eval=FALSE }
-snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile -j 2 --ri -k
-## Distribution and reproducibility
Isolated software environments
-Use the `conda` directive to define an isolated software environment
-and use option `--use-conda` to automate generation of the rule's
-software environment:
-```{bash conda, eval=FALSE }
-snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile -j 2 --use-conda
Running in containers
-Use the `container` directive to define a docker container to use,
-which is activated with the `--use-singularity` option:
-```{bash singularity, eval=FALSE }
-snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile -j 2 --use-singularity
Environment modules
-Use the `envmodules` directive to define environment modules available
-at your local HPC (uppmax) and activate with `--use-envmodules`:
-```{bash envmodules, eval=FALSE }
-snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile -j 2 --use-envmodules
-More on this later as we discuss uppmax and SLURM.
-NB: this is most likely **not** portable to other systems.
-## snakemake has many more options...
-# Resources
-Resources are arbitrarily named keywords that can be defined with the
-`resources` directive. The snakemake job scheduler can make use of the
-resources information (e.g. disk usage or memory requirements) to make
-decisions on what jobs to run at what point and so on.
-## Default resources
-Snakemake can define `default resources` that can be explicitely
-listed (and set with arguments) with the `--default-resources` option:
-```{bash snakemake-default-resources }
-snakemake -f -n -p -s ../workflow/Snakefile resources/scaffolds.fa.amb --default-resources
-## Default resources - setting
-```{bash snakemake-set-default-resources }
-snakemake -f -n -p -s ../workflow/Snakefile resources/scaffolds.fa.amb --default-resources runtime=200 mem_mb=2000
-NB: `bwa_index` runtime resource not modified because it has been
-defined in the rule:
-```{python snakemake-bwa-index-runtime, code=readLines("snakemake_best_practice/workflow/rules/mapping.smk")[20:21], eval=FALSE, attr.source='startFrom="20"'}
-## Customizing resources and threads
-Default resources are one-size-fits-all settings that would apply to
-all rules. However, in many workflows, there are certain rules that
-require more specific resource tuning.
-Resource tuning can be achieved with the `--set-resources` option.
-Similarly `--set-threads` allows setting rule-specific thread values:
-```{bash snakemake-set-resources }
-snakemake -f -n -p -s ../workflow/Snakefile resources/scaffolds.fa.amb --default-resources --set-resources map_bwa_index:runtime=1000 map_bwa_index:mem_mb=6000 --set-threads map_bwa_index=4 -j 8
-## Putting it all together - on the limits of the command line
-Putting everything together, we could now have a command line that
-looks something like this:
-```{bash snakemake-long-command-line, eval=FALSE }
-snakemake -s ../workflow/Snakefile -F --ri -k \
- --use-conda --use-singularity --use-envmodules \
- --default-resources \
- --set-resources map_bwa_index:runtime=1000 map_bwa_index:mem_mb=6000 \
- --set-threads map_bwa_index=4 -j 8
-This is getting illegible and it is tedious to write. What to do?
-Profiles to the rescue!
-# Profiles
-Profiles are configuration files that apply to specific compute
-environments and analyses. They allow setting default options.
-At its simplest, a profile is simply a directory with a `config.yaml`
-file that sets program options. Let's put our previous example in a
-directory called `~/.config/snakemake/myprofile`. The minimum content of
-that directory is then a file `config.yaml` with (in this case) the
-following contents:
-```{r snakemake-local-profile, eval=FALSE, code=readLines("~/.config/snakemake/myprofile/config.yaml") }
-## Running the profile
-Run with `--profile` (NB: profile argument can also be absolute or
-relative path):
-# Cluster execution
-Sofar we have looked at local jobs. What if we want to submit jobs at
-a HPC? Here we focus on SLURM.
-The following commands will be executed in the
-snakemake_best_practices .test folder at uppmax.
-Downside: can only make use of one node at a time.
-## The snakemake job scheduler
-When running jobs locally using limited number of threads, snakemake
-needs to decide what job to run when. These decisions are made by an
-internal *job scheduler*. As we will see, the internal scheduler still
-has this role when submitting jobs to a cluster scheduler.
Background sessions
-A workflow can take a long time to run. A workflow submitted in a
-login shell will terminate once we logout. Therefore, it is advised to
-submit a workflow in a *background session*, either
-[screen]( or
-A named `tmux` session can be initiated as
-```{bash tmux, eval=FALSE }
-tmux -s mysession
-Inside the session, use a prefix (default `Ctrl-b`; many change to
-`Ctrl-a` which is default in `screen`) with key to launch command. For
-instance, `Ctrl-b d` will detach (exit) from the session. See the docs
-for further info.
-## Generic execution
-The `--cluster` option can be used to submit jobs to the cluster
-```{bash snakemake-cluster-generic, eval=FALSE }
-snakemake --cluster "sbatch -A account -p core -n 20 -t {resources.runtime}" \
- --use-conda --use-envmodules --ri -k --default-resources runtime=100 -j 100
-Note the use of the format string "{resources.runtime}" to set running
-times individually.
-One drawback with this approach is that failed jobs or timeouts go
-undetected, which means you have to monitor the outputs regularly. You
-don't want to do that.
Custom cluster commands
-The argument to `--cluster` is a command (sbatch in example above), so
-could be any wrapper script that submits jobs to a cluster scheduler.
-Furthermore, option `--cluster-status` takes as argument a command
-(i.e. custom script) that checks jobs for their status.
-Also, option `--jobscript` takes as argument a script that submits
-jobs to the cluster.
-We could write custom scripts for each of these options to fine-tune
-job submission. If only there were such scripts already available!
-## snakemake-profiles
-[Snakemake Profiles]( are
-collections of reusable configuration profiles for various computing
-environments. The [slurm snakemake
-profile]( provides the
-scripts we requested on the previous slide.
-The profiles are [cookiecutter
-templates]( and can be
-installed as follows:
-```{bash cookicutter-profile-install, eval=FALSE}
-$ cookiecutter
-profile_name [slurm]: .myprofile
-sbatch_defaults []: --account=account --error=logs/slurm/%x-%j.err --output=logs/slurm/%x-%j.out"
-cluster_config []:
-Select advanced_argument_conversion:
-1 - no
-2 - yes
-Choose from 1, 2 [1]: 2
-cluster_name []: rackham
-Submit jobs with
-```{bash slurm-profile-submit, eval=FALSE }
-snakemake --profile .myprofile -j 10 --ri -k -F
-# Questions?
diff --git a/lectures/running_snakemake/running.qmd b/lectures/running_snakemake/running.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..221bccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/running_snakemake/running.qmd
@@ -0,0 +1,1067 @@
+title: Running snakemake
+subtitle: Running snakemake locally and on the cluster, finetuning performance and setting resource usage
+author: Per Unneberg
+date: "1 September, 2022"
+institute: NBIS
+from: markdown+emoji
+ revealjs:
+ theme:
+ - white
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+ # Multiple logos not possible; would need to make custom logo combining both logos
+ footer: Snakemake BYOC 2022 - Running snakemake
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+## Setup {.unnumbered .unlisted}
+```{r libs }
+#| echo: false
+#| eval: true
+#| cache: false
+# For some reason this is not applied to print statements
+## knitr::knit_hooks$set(inline = function(x) {
+## prettyNum(x, big.mark=",")
+## })
+bw <- theme_bw(base_size=24) %+replace% theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))
+## knitr::knit_engines$set(snakemake = function(options) {
+## reticulate::eng_python(options)
+## })
+snakemake_version <- system("snakemake --version", intern=TRUE)
+- Examples with snakefiles and code to run in `examples` subdirectory
+- Snakefiles are named `ex#.smk`
+- Code has been run with Snakemake version `r snakemake_version`
+- Rules run `bwa mem` to map two samples to a reference
+:::: {.columns}
+::: {.column width="50%"}
+::: {.fragment}
+Input data:
+```{bash }
+#| echo: false
+#| label: list-data-0
+tree -L 3 data resources
+::: {.column width="50%"}
+::: {.fragment}
+```{bash }
+#| label: list-snakefiles
+#| echo: false
+ls -1 *.smk
+# Basic execution
+## Example 1 - ex1.smk
+Let's start by writing a snakefile that runs an alignment with `bwa`. The command we want to run is
+```{bash }
+#| label: bwa-command
+#| echo: true
+#| eval: false
+bwa mem -t 1 resources/ref.fa data/CHS.HG00512_1.fastq.gz data/CHS.HG00512_2.fastq.gz | samtools view -b -o bam/CHS.HG00512.bam
+where we have
+::: {.incremental}
+: `bam/CHS.HG00512.bam`
+: `resources/ref.fa`, `data/CHS.HG00512_1.fastq.gz`, and `data/CHS.HG00512_2.fastq.gz`
+: `bwa mem -t 1 {inputs} | samtools view -b -o {output}`
+::: {.fragment}
+Putting these in a snakefile yields:
+``` {python code=readLines("ex1.smk") }
+#| eval: false
+#| label: bwa_mem_CHS_HG00512-1
+## Example 1 - ex1.smk
+We first perform a dry run (option `--dry-run`, short option `-n`) to
+print (`--printshellcmds/-p`) the default rule in the snakefile
+`ex1.smk` which we point to using option `--snakefile/-s`:
+::: {.fragment}
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-bwa_mem_CHS_HG00512_f1-1
+#| eval: false
+snakemake --snakefile ex1.smk --dry-run --printshellcmds
+## Example 1 - ex1.smk
+We first perform a dry run (option `--dry-run`, short option `-n`) to
+print (`--printshellcmds/-p`) the default rule in the snakefile
+`ex1.smk` which we point to using option `--snakefile/-s`:
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-bwa_mem_CHS_HG00512_f1-2
+#| eval: false
+snakemake -s ex1.smk -n -p
+::: {.fragment}
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-bwa_mem_CHS_HG00512_f2
+#| echo: false
+rm -f bam/CHS.HG00512.bam
+snakemake -s ex1.smk -n -p
+## Example 1 - ex1.smk
+We first perform a dry run (option `--dry-run`, short option `-n`) to
+print (`--printshellcmds/-p`) the default rule in the snakefile
+`ex1.smk` which we point to using option `--snakefile/-s`:
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-bwa_mem_CHS_HG00512_f1-3
+#| eval: false
+snakemake -s ex1.smk -n -p
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-bwa_mem_CHS_HG00512_f3
+#| echo: false
+rm -f bam/CHS.HG00512.bam
+snakemake -s ex1.smk -n -p
+Note the reason the rule was run[^reason]
+[^reason]: for snakemake <7.12 use the `--reason/-r` option
+::: {.notes}
+Mention the reason the rule was rerun
+## Example 1 - ex1.smk
+To actually run the workflow, we simply drop the `-p` and `-n` flags
+and add the number of cores (`--cores/-c`)[^cores] we want to utilize:
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-rerun-workflow
+#| cache: true
+#| eval: false
+snakemake -s ex1.smk -c 1
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-rerun-workflow-rm
+#| cache: true
+#| echo: false
+rm -f bam/*.bam
+snakemake -s ex1.smk -c 1
+[^cores]: Required for snakemake >= 5.11.0
+## Example 2 - ex2.smk
+The current snakefile consists only of one rule that also is specific
+to the `CHS.HG00512` sample. First, let's generalize the bwa rule
+using wildcards:
+``` {python code=readLines("ex2.smk") }
+#| label: bwa_mem_wildcard
+#| eval: false
+::: {.fragment}
+Now, running snakemake as before results in an error:
+::: {.fragment}
+``` {bash }
+#| eval: true
+#| echo: true
+snakemake -s ex2.smk -n -p
+::: {.fragment}
+As the error indicates, we could specify a target (e.g.
+`bam/PUR.HG00731.bam`; note the use of the `--quiet/-q` option to
+suppress information):
+``` {bash }
+snakemake -s ex2.smk -q -n bam/PUR.HG00731.bam
+::: {.fragment}
+Alternatively - and better - add a *pseudo-rule* (typically called
+`all`) at the *top* of the snakefile, since if no target is provided
+at the command line, snakemake will use the first rule it encounters.
+## Example 3 - ex3.smk
+With the previous in mind, the new snakefile becomes
+``` {python code=readLines("ex3.smk") }
+#| label: bwa_mem_wildcard_all
+#| eval: false
+#| code-line-numbers: "|1-2"
+::: {.fragment}
+Running the default target (implicitly `all`) gives:
+``` {bash }
+#| class-output: "scroll-300"
+snakemake -s ex3.smk -n -p
+::: {.fragment}
+Note that since sample `CHS.HG00512` had been processed previously,
+only one job is run.
+## Example 3 - ex3.smk: forcing reruns
+::: {.fragment}
+One can force regeneration of a single target with the `--force
+(-f)` option:
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-force-rerun-target
+#| output-location: fragment
+#| class-output: "scroll-200"
+snakemake -s ex3.smk -f -c 1 -p -n bam/CHS.HG00512.bam
+::: {.fragment}
+To rerun the entire workflow use `--forceall/-F`:
+``` {bash }
+#| label: snakemake-force-rerun-all
+#| output-location: fragment
+#| class-output: "scroll-200"
+snakemake -s ex3.smk -F -c 1 -q -n
+::: {.fragment}
+::: {.callout-tip}
+Always first use the `--dry-run` together with `--forceall` so as not
+to inadvertently rerun everything from scratch.
+## Example 3 - ex3.smk: other handy options
+##### Rerun-incomplete and keep-going
+When resuming a workflow it can be handy to add the
+`--rerun-incomplete (--ri)` and `--keep-going (-k)` options:
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-rerun-incomplete-workflow
+#| eval: false
+snakemake -s ex3.smk -c 2 --ri -k
+`--rerun-incomplete` takes care of unfinished jobs, e.g. slurm
+timeouts. If a job fails, `--keep-going` will try to finish as many
+jobs as possible before terminating the workflow.
+::: {.fragment}
+##### Printing the workflow dag and rulegraph
+:::: {.columns}
+::: {.column width="30%"}
+::: {.fragment}
+`--rulegraph` is a convenient way of getting an overview of the workflow
+``` {bash }
+#| eval: false
+snakemake -s ex3.smk --rulegraph | dot | display
+``` {bash }
+#| fig-format: svg
+#| output: asis
+#| echo: false
+ snakemake -s ex3.smk --rulegraph | dot -T svg | grep -v "
+::: {.notes}
+Point out that this can cause jobs to fail if they exceed the specified resources
+## Adding threads and resources to workflow - ex7.smk ##
+Now that we will be fine-tuning resources and threads per rule we add
+another rule `samtools_merge_bam` that will merge our bam files, the
+keyword `threads` and set resources for one of the rules:
+``` {python code=readLines("ex7.smk") }
+#| label: workflow-adding-threads
+#| echo: true
+#| eval: false
+#| code-line-numbers: "|12,24|13,25|1,2|21-23|26,27"
+::: {.fragment}
+```{bash }
+#| label: ex7-run
+#| echo: true
+#| eval: true
+snakemake -s ex7.smk -n -q -F -c 10
+::: {.fragment}
+Note that we changed the final pseudo-target name since the final
+workflow output now is a merged bam file!
+## Setting rule-specific resources ##
+Default resources are one-size-fits-all settings that would apply to
+all rules. However, in many workflows, there are certain rules that
+require more specific resource tuning.
+Resource tuning can be achieved with the `--set-resources` option.
+Similarly `--set-threads` allows setting rule-specific thread values:
+::: {.fragment}
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-set-resources
+snakemake -F -n -s ex7.smk --default-resources mem_mb=2000 --set-resources bwa_mem_wildcard:runtime=1000 \
+ bwa_mem_wildcard:mem_mb=6000 --set-threads bwa_mem_wildcard=4 -c 8
+## Putting it all together - on the limits of the command line
+Putting everything together, we could now have a command line that
+looks something like this:
+::: {.fragment}
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-long-command-line
+#| eval: false
+snakemake -s ex7.smk -F --ri -k \
+ --use-conda --use-singularity --use-envmodules \
+ --default-resources mem_mb=2000 --set-resources bwa_mem_wildcard:runtime=1000 \
+ bwa_mem_wildcard:mem_mb=6000 samtools_merge_bam:runtime=100 \
+ --set-threads bwa_mem_wildcard=4 -c 8
+::: {.fragment}
+This is getting illegible and it is tedious to write. What to do?
+::: {.fragment}
+Snakemake profiles to the rescue!
+# Snakemake profiles #
+## About ##
+Profiles are configuration files that apply to specific compute
+environments and analyses. They allow setting default options.
+::: {.fragment}
+At its simplest, a profile is simply a directory with a `config.yaml`
+file that sets program options. Let's put our previous example in a
+directory called `local` to represent a local profile. The minimum
+content of that directory is then a file `config.yaml` with (in this
+case) the following contents:
+```{r code=readLines("local/config.yaml") }
+#| label: snakemake-local-profile
+#| eval: false
+## Running the profile ##
+Run with `--profile` (NB: profile argument can also be absolute or
+relative path):
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-local-profile-run
+snakemake -s ex7.smk --profile local -n -p -F -c 8
+# Cluster execution
+## Working on uppmax ##
+Sofar we have looked at local jobs. What if we want to submit jobs at
+a HPC? Here we focus on SLURM.
+::: {.fragment}
+##### sbatch solution #####
+Wrap workflow in sbatch script (e.g.
+```{bash }
+#| label: sbatch-script
+#| eval: false
+#!/bin/bash -l
+#SBATCH -A account
+#SBATCH -p core
+#SBATCH -c 20
+#... other SBATCH arguments ...
+module load snakemake
+snakemake -j 20 --use-conda --use-envmodules all
+and submit with
+```{bash }
+#| label: sbatch-submit
+#| eval: false
+::: {.fragment}
+Downside: can only make use of one node at a time.
+## The snakemake job scheduler
+When running jobs locally using limited number of threads, snakemake
+needs to decide what job to run when. These decisions are made by an
+internal *job scheduler*. As we will see, the internal scheduler still
+has this role when submitting jobs to a cluster scheduler.
+::: {.fragment}
+##### Background sessions #####
+A workflow can take a long time to run. A workflow submitted in a
+login shell will terminate once we logout. Therefore, it is advised to
+submit a workflow in a *background session*, using a so-called *terminal
+multiplexer* such as either
+[screen]( or
+A named `tmux` session can be initiated as
+```{bash }
+#| label: tmux
+#| eval: false
+tmux new -s mysession
+Inside the session, use a prefix (default `Ctrl-b`; many change to
+`Ctrl-a` which is default in `screen`) with key to launch `tmux`
+commands. For instance, `Ctrl-b d` will detach (exit) from the
+session. See the [tmux
+for further info.
+## Generic execution
+The `--cluster` option can be used to submit jobs to the cluster
+```{bash }
+#| label: snakemake-cluster-generic
+#| eval: false
+snakemake --cluster "sbatch -A account -p core -n 20 -t {resources.runtime}" \
+ --use-conda --use-envmodules --ri -k --default-resources runtime=100 -j 100
+Note the use of the format string "{resources.runtime}" to set running
+times individually.
+One drawback with this approach is that failed jobs or timeouts go
+undetected, which means you have to monitor the outputs regularly. You
+don't want to do that.
+::: {.fragment}
+##### Custom cluster commands #####
+The argument to `--cluster` is a command (sbatch in example above), so
+could be any wrapper script that submits jobs to a cluster scheduler.
+::: {.fragment}
+ Furthermore, option `--cluster-status` takes as argument a command
+(i.e. custom script) that checks jobs for their status.
+::: {.fragment}
+Also, option `--jobscript` takes as argument a script that submits
+jobs to the cluster.
+::: {.fragment}
+We could write custom scripts for each of these options to fine-tune
+job submission. If only there were such scripts already available!
+## snakemake-profiles
+[Snakemake Profiles]( are
+collections of reusable configuration profiles for various computing
+environments. The [slurm snakemake
+profile]( provides the
+scripts we requested on the previous slide.
+::: {.fragment}
+##### Installation #####
+The profiles are [cookiecutter
+templates]( and can be
+installed as follows:
+:::: {.columns}
+::: {.column width="50%"}
+::: {.fragment}
+```{bash }
+#| label: cookiecutter-profile-install
+#| eval: false
+$ cookiecutter
+profile_name [slurm]: myprofile
+Select use_singularity:
+1 - False
+2 - True
+Choose from 1, 2 [1]:
+Select use_conda:
+1 - False
+2 - True
+Choose from 1, 2 [1]:
+jobs [500]:
+restart_times [0]:
+max_status_checks_per_second [10]:
+max_jobs_per_second [10]:
+latency_wait [5]:
+Select print_shell_commands:
+1 - False
+2 - True
+Choose from 1, 2 [1]:
+sbatch_defaults []: --account=account
+cluster_sidecar_help [Use cluster sidecar. NB! Requires snakemake >= 7.0! Enter
+to continue...]:
+Select cluster_sidecar:
+1 - yes
+2 - no
+Choose from 1, 2 [1]:
+cluster_name []:
+cluster_jobname [%r_%w]:
+cluster_logpath [logs/slurm/%r/%j-%w]:
+cluster_config_help [The use of cluster-config is discouraged. Rather, set snakemake CLI options in the profile configuration file (see snakemake documentation
+on best practices). Enter to continue...]:
+cluster_config []:
+::: {.column width="50%"}
+::: {.fragment}
+`Profile directory contents`:
+```{bash }
+#| label: slurm-profile-tree
+#| echo: false
+tree myprofile | head -n -2
+## snakemake slurm profile
+:::: {.columns}
+::: {.column width="50%"}
+```{r code=readLines("myprofile/settings.json") }
+#| filename: "myprofile/settings.json"
+#| label: slurm-settings
+#| eval: false
+#| cache: false
+```{r code=readLines("myprofile/config.yaml") }
+#| filename: "myprofile/config.yaml"
+#| label: slurm-config
+#| eval: false
+::: {.column width="50%"}
+```{python code=readLines("myprofile/")[4:39]}
+#| filename: "myprofile/"
+#| label: slurm-cookiecutter-class
+#| eval: false
+::: {.fragment}
+##### Job submission #####
+Submit jobs with
+```{bash }
+#| label: slurm-profile-submit
+#| eval: false
+snakemake -s ex7.smk --profile myprofile -j 10 --ri -k -F
+## New features - time formatting and sbatch parameters
+Previously could set e.g. `partition` in rule:
+```{python }
+#| label: set-partition-in-rule
+#| echo: true
+#| eval: false
+rule bwa_mem:
+ resources:
+ time = "00:10:00",
+ mem = 12000,
+ partition = "devel"
+::: {.fragment}
+However, in many cases you would like to *constrain* on features
+defined on the HPC with the SLURM `--constraint` option. For example,
+UPPMAX defines the following features:
+```{bash }
+#| label: uppmax-sinfo-features
+#| echo: true
+#| eval: false
+sinfo -e -o "%P %m %c %.5a %f" | grep "ibsw2,\|ibsw16\|PARTITION" | grep "PARTITION\|node"
+```{bash }
+#| label: uppmax-sinfo-features-results
+#| echo: true
+#| eval: false
+node 256000 20 up fat,mem256GB,ibsw2,usage_mail
+node 128000 20 up thin,mem128GB,ibsw2,usage_mail
+node 1000000 20 up fat,mem1TB,mem256GB,mem512GB,ibsw16,usage_mail
+node 128000 20 up thin,mem128GB,ibsw16,usage_mail
+::: {.fragment}
+With the latest version of the slurm profile, you can do the following:
+```{python }
+#| label: set-constraint-in-rule
+#| echo: true
+#| eval: false
+rule gpu_stuff:
+ resources:
+ time="12h30m",
+ partition="node",
+ slurm="constraint=fat qos=gpuqos gres=gpu:2 gpus=4"
+# Questions? {.unnumbered .unlisted}