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Execution Environment


For running production pipelines one shoudl use Docker container environment.

For debugging and experimental work, using Docker containers is inconvenient, hence, one can use conda environment.

Running in Docker container

General notes on running pipelines in a docker container

For production mode and for running CWL pipelines using either Airflow user interface or command line, the best way is to run everything in docker container.

See Testing documentation for more information on running your code inside CWL-Airflow container.

Mapping between directories on NSAPH host and in the docker container

Mapping between host directories and paths within containers are defined in docker-compose.yaml

The specific line that maps the path to output files to the docker is rundir mapping

- /scratch/cwl/rundir:/opt/airflow/cwl_rundir

In other words, the container path /opt/airflow/cwl_rundir is mapped to the host path /scratch/cwl/rundir.

To simplify running pipelines in a container I use a script like the following (for running Medicare processing):

dd=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M`
echo /scratch/cwl/rundir/$reldir
docker exec  webserver bash -c "source /root/anaconda/etc/profile.d/ && conda activate nsaph && mkdir -p ${rundir} && cd ${rundir} && cwl-runner --leave-tmpdir  /opt/airflow/project/cms/src/cwl/medicare.cwl --database /opt/airflow/project/database.ini --connection_name nsaph2 --input /data/incoming/rce/ci3_d_medicare/original_data/cms_medicare/data/11836"
cp -R /scratch/cwl/rundir/$reldir .

I usually run this script with the following command:

nohup ./ 2>&1 >  1medicare.log &

This script:

  1. Prints the host path to output directory before starting the pipeline
  2. Copies all outputs to the current directory after the pipeline has completed.

Note: you might want to add --leave-tmpdir option to cwl-runner command as in the script example above. This command preserves all intermediate outputs even in a case when the pipeline has failed to complete and the outputs have not been copied. Look for the paths to specific output files in the log file, like 1medicare.log in the example above

Using Airflow

It is possible to run pipelines using Airflow. If you have used Airflow to run a pipeline, the outputs will be in CWL_OUTPUTS_FOLDER and intermediate results in CWL_TMP_FOLDER. These folders are mapped to the host in the docker-compose.yaml

Mapping: specific lines

- ${LOGS_DIR:-./airflow-logs}:/opt/airflow/logs
- ${CWL_TMP_FOLDER:-./cwl_tmp_folder}:/opt/airflow/cwl_tmp_folder
- ${CWL_INPUTS_FOLDER:-./cwl_inputs_folder}:/opt/airflow/cwl_inputs_folder
- ${CWL_OUTPUTS_FOLDER:-./cwl_outputs_folder}:/opt/airflow/cwl_outputs_folder
- ${CWL_PICKLE_FOLDER:-./cwl_pickle_folder}:/opt/airflow/cwl_pickle_folder

Conda environment


conda activate /opt/anaconda3/envs/nsaph

to activate NSAPH conda environment on NSAPH host.

The environment YAML file is located in: